Sunday, April 20, 2014

Social Policies for 2012 U.S. House Candidacy

The Justice System
   Augment the rights of the accused, advocate for the cessation of enforcement of and prosecution for victimless crimes, mandate the information of prospective and active jurors about jury nullification, and oppose tort reform which limits the power of juries.

The War on Drugs
   Repeal all federal anti-drug legislation, abolish the Drug Enforcement Administration, end the funding of the War on Drugs overseas, and urge the president and the governors of the states to pardon all non-violent drug offenders.

Civil Rights
   I believe that any morally decent society should have institutional protections against slavery and involuntary servitude. As such, I would urge people and governments at all levels to create and grow associations that promote the notion that people should be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin.
   In our quest to eradicate discrimination from government,we must be careful to leave some segments of the social economy undisturbed, so that the civil rights movement can become as pluralistic as its original promise. Politicoeconomic pluralism is the only tool we have to determine how, whether, and to what degree societies tolerating non-institutional discrimination which does not threaten immediate or direct harm of person or property are able to improve social justice and equality of economic outcome across racial, ethnic, cultural lines.
   I would vote to oppose all institutional discrimination by agencies of any level of American government.

Immigration and Borders
   Support federal legislation prohibiting the construction of fences along our international borders, support D.R.E.A.M.-Act-type legislation if not promoted at the state level and not through executive orders, allow illegal immigrants to receive private charity, don't force employers to participate in eVerify, oppose REAL ID Act, provide an easy path to citizenship for non-violent illegal immigrants, make citizenship optional upon immigrants' 18th birthday, investigate Fast and Furious, oppose efforts to make English the sole official national language

Gender and Life
   Advocate for local governments to have the primary role in making decisions concerning abortion and contraception, invoke the Commerce Clause to prohibit states' bans on those goods, and oppose sexist hiring practices in the public sector.

Sexual Orientation
   Support prohibition of discrimination against L.G.B.T.Q. Persons in public-sector hiring practices, urge companies not to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or identity, and require federal recognition of all same-sex partnerships valid in the states.

   Abolish the Department of Education; permit its re-establishment only under condition of proper ratification of an amendment allowing its existence; and urge individuals, private actors, and local governments to take up the responsibilities to provide educational goods and services.

The Environment
   Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, permit its re-establishment only under condition of proper ratification of an amendment allowing its existence, and scale back federal intervention in environmental matters to only permit jurisdiction in cases of interstate lawsuits.

Health and Human Services
   Abolish the Department of Health and Human Services, and gradually phase out the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (involving means-testing for beneficiaries and other reforms), saving about $100 billion annually. Repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), saving another $94 billion annually. Eventually eliminate $700 billion from the current annual federal budget, and urge the state and local governments, unions, charity and religious organizations, and private enterprises to increase their provision of health services and insurance benefits during the process of transition away from the current system of centralized federal planning of the provision of health and human services.

Housing and Urban Development
   Abolish the Department of H.U.D., permit its re-establishment only under condition of proper ratification of an amendment allowing its existence, and urge private actors and local governments to take up the responsibilities to provide its services.

Private-Sector Labor
   In order to foster a civil society which defends the freedom of association as a basic principle of legitimate government, it is essential that no governmental agency administer legislation which impairs the obligation of contracts – whether retroactively or prospectively – unless such contracts interfere with the right to be free from coercion, or such legislation is enacted on the level of municipalities or geographically small counties. As such, I would vote to repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, which would effectually invalidate the states’ Right-to-Work laws.
   I would propose legislation prohibiting the federal and state governments from mandating that all unionized workplaces within the pertinent jurisdictions have closed-shop or union-shop security provisions. Additionally – being that informed consent is necessary to ensure that contract-making is voluntary – I would urge governments at all levels to pass legislation ensuring that prospective employees become informed during their job interviews whether they will be obligated to join a union as a condition of employment.

Social Security
   Abolish the Social Security Administration, permit its re-establishment only under condition of proper ratification of an amendment allowing its existence, and urge private actors and local governments to provide old-age and retirement benefits

The Obama Administration
   Support independent investigations of the president's eligibility, and of the deaths of several deceased persons of interest who may have been targeted in response to their possible awareness of facts pertaining to various scandals involving members of the executive branch.

Written in January 2012
Originally published on January 18th, 2012
Text originally appeared at
Edited in April 2014

For more entries on borders, immigration, and territorial integrity, please visit:

For more entries on child welfare and education, please visit:

For more entries on civil rights, slavery, segregation, and discrimination, please visit:

For more entries on environment and climate change, please visit:

For more entries on health care and health insurance, please visit:

For more entries on housing and homelessness, please visit:

For more entries on justice, crime, and punishment, please visit:

For more entries on gender, sexuality, and L.G.B.T.Q. issues, please visit:

For more entries on theory of government, please visit:

For more entries on unions and collective bargaining, please visit:

For more entries on high-profile corruption and conspiracy theories, please visit:

For more entries on high-profile corruption and conspiracy theories, please visit:

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