1. The Debate Over the Future of Obamacare
2. The State Lines Plan
Amid the transition from Barack Obama's administration to Donald Trump's, the fate of the Affordable Care Act (at least for the next four to eight years) may be sealed any day now. In his first address to Congress, the president called on the legislative body to “repeal and replace Obamacare with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs, and at the same time provide better health care.”18 The day before the address, President Trump told a group of Republican governors that health care is “unbelievably complex”,19 saying “nobody knew healthcare was so complex.”20 And it is.
3. No Plan to Replace?
6. Rand Paul and Health Savings Accounts
Paul also favors passing tax credits for insurance premiums,48
as well as an optional credit of up to $5,000 for contributions to
However, not all congressional Republicans support tax
credits. On March 3rd, Representative Raul Labrador (R-ID)
told CNN that he considers tax credits for H.S.A. contributions the
same thing as the Obamacare subsidies which 7.5 million Americans
currently receive.36 However, Congressman Labrador was
talking about refundable tax credits,
while Senator Paul was
referring to ending
the refundability of those tax credits.
7. The Cassidy-Collins Plan
Since Barack Obama took office in 2009, now Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has worked on health policy with the likes of California Representative Devin Nunes, Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, and North Carolina Senator Richard Burr.95, 96 Ryan also worked with Michigan Representative Fred Upton and former Minnesota Representative John Kline;97-100 on a plan that aimed to “protect people with existing conditions”. The plan would have allowed states to opt-out of the Obamacare mandates, implement the State Lines Plan, allow children to stay on their parents' plans until they're 26, and enact tort reform, among other measures.101
On Monday, March 6th, C.N.N. reported that “two key committees are expected to markup the proposal” to repeal Obamacare “starting as early as Wednesday” March 8th. C.N.N. Described the bill as an “Obamacare repeal bill that includes some replacement components”.107
11. Sources
1. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/map-heres-where-obamacare-premiums-are-rising/article/2605520
completed this article at 5:15 P.M. CST on March 6th,
2017. Unbeknownst to me, at 5:00 P.M. EST – 75 minutes earlier –
the Washington Post published the below article, reporting that the
House Republicans had gone public with what, until then, had been
their secret plan. Although I did not publish it immediately, I
concluded my essay at 5:15, and discovered the Washington Post
article at 7:00 P.M. CST.
the time of publishing – 9:00 P.M. CST on March 3rd –
the Washington Post article displayed a publishing time of 7:17 P.M.;
however, I first read the article around 7:15, when the article gave
a publishing time of 5:00 P.M.
end this article by attempting to predict the contents of the once
secret, now public House GOP health bill. See how you think I
- Joseph W. Kopsick
9:00 P.M. CST, March 6th, 2017
- Joseph W. Kopsick
9:00 P.M. CST, March 6th, 2017
of Contents
The Debate Over the Future of Obamacare
The State Lines Plan
No Plan to Replace?
The Cruz Health Care Choice Act
Rand Paul's Obamacare Replacement Act
Rand Paul and Health Savings Accounts
The Cassidy-Collins Plan
Other Republican Proposals
Who Might Be Behind the Secret G.O.P. Plan
10. What Might Be in the Secret G.O.P. Plan
10. What Might Be in the Secret G.O.P. Plan
1. The Debate Over the Future of Obamacare
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.P.A.C.A., or simply
A.C.A.) has failed to achieve its goal of getting the costs of health
insurance under control.1
Barack Obama's signature health legislation, also known as Obamacare,
has increased regulations and bureaucracy that stifle job growth,2,3
compounding the problem of affordability. Although more people are
insured now than when Barack Obama took office,4
more than 7 million Americans lost their health care between 2009 and
when the law rolled out in late 2013.4,5
Some Americans believe that the election of the current president was
largely the consequence of that law's failure.6
February 28th,
the night of Donald Trump's first address to a joint session of
Congress, Senator Ted Cruz told PBS that Rand Paul's Senate
“Obamacare Replacement Act” (and Mark Sanford's House plan, which
mirrors it) were the only Obamacare repeal plans that Republicans
were considering.7
But the next day,
New York Magazine published an article about secret health talks.8
The article suggested that only Republicans were allowed to see the
bill, and quipped that Ryan managed to stay true to his word about
not meeting in a “back
by meeting in a basement
room instead.8
next day (March 2nd),
Democratic Senate Minority
Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland live-streamed video of himself
searching for the bill, and for information about congressmen may
obtain it and read it.9
Hoyer searched in the office of Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers
(R-WA), which was a rumored location of the reading of the bill, but
he was unable to find it.10
Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
for the bill in G.O.P. Senate Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's
Paul Tonko (D-NY) reported being told he had the wrong room, and that
nobody would give him the correct room.10
day, the Huffington Post reported that “Energy and Commerce
Committee Republicans were allowed to review the health care bill –
or at least a portion of the text – but Democrats were shut out, as
were other Republicans.”10
Senate Democratic Leader Hoyer and Senate Republican Leader McCarthy
debated on the floor of the Senate about the alleged secrecy of the
Rand Paul of Kentucky tweeted that another alternative had been
proposed in the House, and that congressmen and members of the public
are not allowed to read it.12,
13 Senator
Paul, who wants to repeal and replace Obamacare on the same day,14
believes that House leadership wants to sneak-in a plan that would
look like “Obamacare lite”.12,
13 According to
Paul, this means less than full repeal, with “new entitlements and
extending [M]edicaid expansion”12.
the plan is, it is hard not to be reminded of the way Obamacare was
first pushed through: through back-room deals and procedural
tricks.15, 16
For people of all political persuasions, whether they advocate full
repeal or keeping the outgoing president's signature piece of
legislation intact, the time to act on health policy is now,
especially considering recent signals that the individual mandate is
being weakened.17
2. The State Lines Plan
Amid the transition from Barack Obama's administration to Donald Trump's, the fate of the Affordable Care Act (at least for the next four to eight years) may be sealed any day now. In his first address to Congress, the president called on the legislative body to “repeal and replace Obamacare with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs, and at the same time provide better health care.”18 The day before the address, President Trump told a group of Republican governors that health care is “unbelievably complex”,19 saying “nobody knew healthcare was so complex.”20 And it is.
to presidential reorganization authority in health affairs having
been ruled constitutional, and due to the federal government's
authority to regulate interstate commerce, health insurance policy is
popularly viewed as a federal issue. However, it is really an issue
of balancing state and
authority, and one
of interstate commerce. It is additionally a debate about what the
very words “federal” and “regulate” mean in the first place.
This is why the ongoing debate over the future of national health
policy will always involve the question of whether Washington, D.C.
should play a role in keeping competition open in the states, or
whether it should instead dictate the states' health policy to them.
states may only regulate small-group and individual policies.21
insurance customers in Lake County, Illinois can choose between
multiple insurance carriers in the Obamacare market, but other places
are not so lucky. There are five entire states where residents have
only one resort, eight states where two choices exist everywhere you
go, and 21 states that have areas
where only two choices exist.22
This is arguably the result of requiring insurers to comply with
Obamacare, setting up state-run “marketplaces”, and the fact that
45 states prohibit the purchase of individual and small-group health
insurance policies from across state lines.23
Under Obamacare, purchasing health insurance from other states is
only legal if it complies with “consumer protections” which were
implemented in 2014 to provide basic regulation of non-group and
small-group insurance.21
purchasing non-group and small-group insurance is only legal in five
states, nine other states failed to pass similar legislation after
Barack Obama took office.23
If it were legal for Illinois residents to buy individual and
small-group policies from other states, then residents who are out of
work would have the freedom to buy health insurance from nearby
Indiana, or from Wisconsin, with which our county shares a border. In
fact, people in any
state would be able to do that, and moreover buy insurance from any
since Obamacare's online exchanges and private insurers allow people
to buy policies online.
new president's support of what we will call for the sake of
simplicity the “State Lines Plan” could achieve his goal of
increasing affordability and choice in health insurance, by
introducing competition in non-group and small-group insurance, and
increasing the degree of state sovereignty over health, while also
(perhaps perplexingly) decreasing state regulations.
3. No Plan to Replace?
the A.C.A. became law in 2010, the law's supporters have insisted
that “nobody has a plan to replace Obamacare”,24 but
in reality, they have every reason to let people believe that keeping
the law (or segments of it) is the only option. They have routinely
declined to admit that, since before Obamacare was even signed into
law, Republicans and others have been suggesting alternatives and
proposing replacements, such as the State Lines Plan.
repeated lies by the Democratic Party evidently proved frustrating to
Americans who want a full, honest, and careful discussion about the
road ahead on health insurance. So much so, evidently, that in 2010,
Democratic political consultant Doug Schoen explained the
Republicans' alternative to the American people. Schoen explained
that Republicans want to make it legal to buy
and sell health insurance plans across state lines, as long
as the policies comply with state legislation
concerning individual and small-group policies.25-29
This aspect of the plan could help states regain some authority to
regulate health insurance, a policy
that would be more in keeping with what is said on the matter in the
Enumerated Powers of the U.S. Constitution.30
The plan has the potential of uniting the majority of conservatives,
because it satisfies their desire for a platform that balances
states' rights with free trade.
idea of the proposal is to solve many states' problem of local
insurance company monopolies on small-group and individual policies.
The goal is to increase competition in the health insurance market,
by fostering free flow of interstate commerce in insurance
policies.31 Proponents hope that increasing consumer
choice will increase affordability of premiums, and thus coverage.32
If successful, the proposal could also result in a wider variety of
the types of health insurance policies which are available for
State Lines Plan is what now-President Donald Trump and Florida
Senator Marco Rubio were arguing about when, at a G.O.P. presidential
candidates' debate in Texas on February 25th, 2016, they
repeatedly referred to “getting rid of the lines around the
states”.33 At that debate, Trump said the plan would
“increase competition”, and claimed that the plan was almost put
into place. He has stated elsewhere that he believes competition will
fix the current system of state-operated insurance markets, which he
says “gives the insurance companies essentially monopolies”.34
When Rubio asked Trump, “What is your plan?”, suggesting that
Trump didn't have a plan on
health policy, Trump's response was that getting rid of the state
lines would allow us to “have many different plans”.33
The Cruz Health Care Choice Act
Trump and Rubio favor legalizing the interstate insurance trade, and
so does Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.35 On March 3rd,
2015, Cruz unveiled his “Health Care Choice Act”, which would
allow interstate purchase of health insurance policies, and repeal
Title 1 of Obamacare, abolishing the individual mandate, subsidies,
and state insurance marketplaces.36 The bill has not been
re-introduced in the 115th Congress.
a January 2016 presidential debate in Iowa - the debate from which
Donald Trump was notably absent - Senator Cruz voiced his support for
“repealing every word of Obamacare”.37 He endorsed the
State Lines Plan, saying that it would help make insurance
“portable”, and that it would “create a true, fifty-state
national marketplace, which will drive down the cost of low-cost
catastrophic … insurance”.38 Cruz additionally
suggested “de-linking” “insurance
from employment, so if
you lose your job, your … insurance goes with you”.38
Cruz also said he hoped to empower patients, keep government from
getting between patients and doctors, and expand Health Savings
Cruz wants to address the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored health
insurance,38 observing that it unduly inconveniences
people who have to pay taxes on their insurance. They pay these taxes
because they buy their insurance through non-employer avenues, such
as individual and small-group plans.35, 39 This issue went
unsolved for the eight years of Barack Obama's presidency, and
Obamacare was supposed to address
the issue of unemployed people struggling to get coverage, not allow
it to get worse. It seems appropriate to deduce that this tax credit
was likely the result of a flawed perception that you can cause
more people to have jobs just by giving tax credits to businesses for
sponsoring employees' health insurance; there is no evidence that
that is the case.
believes that integrating this “de-coupling”40 or
“de-linking” insurance and employers idea into the State Lines
Plan will help make insurance just as accessible and affordable,
regardless of location and employment status.35
That way, if a person loses their job, or has to relocate to another
state, or both, or gets a job in a new state, they can have many
choices that are equally affordable, without the influence of
government manipulation of prices through the employer-provided
health insurance tax credit.
insurance from employment” could be accomplished either by
approaching it as a tax loophole issue, or an issue of whether to tax
health insurance to begin with. The secret Republican plan to replace
Obamacare could involve beginning to tax “more generous
employer-sponsored health insurance plans, which are now
This would close the loophole; however, the loophole could also
be closed through repealing taxes
on non-employer-provided
health insurance.
Cruz has not explicitly proposed repealing non-employer insurance
taxes, he has stated
that he wants to keep
contributions to Health Savings Accounts
“pre-tax”, meaning exempt from federal taxation. Continuing to
exempt the unemployed and people who are moving from health insurance
taxes (in addition to exempting them from the individual purchase
mandate) will help make it easier and more affordable for them to
make contributions to Health
Savings Accounts.39
the State Lines Plan, or Senator Cruz's augmentation of it, would
help establish a genuine interstate market in the trade of
insurance. This would increase competition and choices, thus lowering
premiums, increasing affordability and coverage, and at the same time
providing tax relief and shrinking government. Still, taken as a
whole, Cruz's health policy would be a viable alternative to
Obamacare, and it would be one that uses market solutions and limited
state sovereignty in the policy sphere of health, rather than
government mandates and a tax code that discriminates against people
whose employers do not provide them with health insurance.
has not yet formally introduced a health bill in the 115th
Congress. However, on January 5th of this year,
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), who sponsored Cruz's 2015
bill,42 introduced the identically-named Health Care
Choice Act of 2017 (House Resolution 314). That bill would repeal the
individual and employer insurance purchase mandates, and legalize
interstate insurance purchase.43 Although this is
identical Cruz's position (save for de-linking insurance from
employment), it is unclear whether Cruz is currently involved in the
drafting of Senate legislation which would mirror Blackburn's.
possible that Cruz has declined to propose a Senate bill out of a
desire to unite support behind a plan that Kentucky Senator Rand Paul
wrote with South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford.7 On
January 27th, Blackburn introduced another health bill in
the House; the Health Care Choices for Seniors Act.44 It's
possible that, having worked with Cruz, Blackburn supports Paul's
plan as well; after all, Blackburn's House bill isn't competing with
Paul's Senate bill. It could be beneficial for Paul, Sanford, Cruz,
and Blackburn to strengthen their solidarity with one another, in
order to begin building a coalition that opposes both Obamacare and
the secret Republican agenda.
Rand Paul's Obamacare Replacement Act
President Trump,18
Senator Rand Paul favors repealing the entirety of Obamacare.45
Of course, they and most other Republicans (Senator Susan Collins of
Maine included46)
do not favor “replacing it with nothing”, despite what some have
On January 2nd
of this year, Senator
Paul suggested replacing Obamacare with “freedom”47,
and replacing it immediately. Paul favors repealing not only the
individual and employer mandate, but also the guaranteed issue
regulation and the community rating regulation.48
an op-ed from the day before the 115th Congress was sworn
in, Paul called for the basic freedom “to choose inexpensive
insurance free from government dictates”, and the freedom “to buy
insurance across state lines”.47 Agreeing with Ted
Cruz37, he called for freedom “to save unlimited amounts
in a health savings account”47. Most importantly, he
said individuals should have the freedom “to join together in
voluntary associations to gain the leverage of being part of a large
insurance pool”. 47
Paul would accept it being legal to deny coverage on the basis of
pre-existing conditions.49 After all, sick people
primarily need care, not insurance,
and you can't insure against something that has already happened.
However, Paul does not want to see people thrown off their
insurance when and if Obamacare is repealed; instead, he wants to
ensure a two-year period of uninterrupted coverage for policy holders
with pre-existing conditions;50 “a two-year window for
people with preexisting conditions to sign up for care.”51
Senator Paul is concerned that requiring insurance companies to issue
policies to people with pre-existing conditions could cause "adverse
selection" of insurance policies, which he fears could bankrupt
the health insurance industry.52 That's why on January
24th, 2017, he introduced the Obamacare Replacement Act
(Senate Bill 222).50, 53
Obamacare Replacement Act would allow people who work in similar
professions, and groups of businesses that share common interests, to
pool their money and resources together, through Association Health
Plans (AHPs), in order to inexpensively purchase group health
insurance policies.54, 55 This aspect of Paul's proposal
could potentially help professional associations demand insurance
policies that are customized so as to cover the unique and distinct
health risks associated with particular industries and types of
explicit purpose of allowing people to “join together in voluntary
associations” is, as Paul’s press release stated, “to gain the
leverage of being part of a large insurance pool”.50 The
idea is to help policy holders gain collective buying power;56
in order to match, equalize, and balance-out insurance companies’
great selling power. When customers’ buying power increases,
insurance companies’ power to set high prices declines in
comparison.57 As a result, premiums decrease, helping
working people afford coverage, leading to more people being insured.
Obamacare Replacement Act, which Rand Paul authored with South
Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford in the House (introducing the bill
as H.R. 1072 on February 15th58),
intends to put to good use the natural
market incentive
which people have to join into large insurance pools in as numerous
quantities as possible. The fact that this incentive exists, renders
the idea of an individual purchase mandate completely unnecessary.
because the group insurance provision of Paul's proposal directly
addresses the concerns of opponents of the “state lines” plan.
These critics say Paul's plan would fail because it would reduce the
size of risk pools, thus reducing individuals' and small groups'
leverage, and failing to give insurance companies any reason to
expand their networks and begin to offer coverage in other states.59,
60 It's entirely
possible that some insurance companies don't want to expand into
other states because: 1) so few states would allow them to, 2)
companies don't want to issue Obamacare-compatible policies, and / or
3) it could take a long time to build networks in new states, and an
interstate network. But with a new and more rational health policy,
and a little bit of determination to get more states on-board with
the plan, building such networks would have effects on affordability
and accessibility that would be well worth the effort.
a fully repealed individual insurance purchase mandate, state-run
“public options” would be truly
optional. Public
options could potentially even compete in a truly free, open market
in health insurance, alongside cooperative and public plans61
(although Senator Paul has not specifically proposed this).
Paul's plan and Cruz's plan each offer tax relief and tax fairness.
That's why either
the Paul-Sanford Obamacare Replacement Act or
a new Cruz Health Care Choice Act for the 115th
Congress, would represent meaningful steps towards providing tax
relief for people struggling with medical expenses, and establishing
free trade of health insurance with perfect competition,62
while affording consumers as many choices as possible.
6. Rand Paul and Health Savings Accounts
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul
wants to eliminate contribution limits for Health Savings Accounts
(H.S.A.s). Senators Cruz and Paul want all Americans to be free to
save unlimited amounts of money in H.S.A.s, without paying taxes on
those contributions.61
Health Savings Accounts allow people to save money, tax-free, in
order to pay for expenses that health insurance doesn't cover;
namely, co-pays and deductibles.61
Libertarian might argue that subsidies and tax credits are only the
same thing if it is fair assume that government may tax us out
of as much of our property and money as it pleases. After all, once
you've already stolen someone's money, it's hard to know whether what
you're doing with it is right.
$5,000 H.S.A. tax credit only applies to the extent that a person is
liable for
five thousand dollars in taxes.48
Critics of Paul's plan argue
that limited tax credits would only benefit the wealthy.41
On March 3rd,
The Hill reported that a secret Republican plan may involve
“means-tested tax credits”;63 measures to exclude the
rich from receiving tax credits for H.S.A. contributions.41
solution to all this could be to take some inspiration from the
Negative Income Tax72
and the Earned Income Tax Credit,73
and continue to apply those H.S.A. tax credits – in a way that's
refundable - to people with tax liabilities below $5,000. However,
that solution is precisely what Senator Paul views as the problem.
That's because of debate over what is a tax credit versus
what is a subsidy, and because some believe that people who have no
income tax or payroll tax obligations should not be given “refunds”
because they didn't earn anything to begin with.48
2015, author John C. Goodman described Marco Rubio's tax credit plans
as a “financial mandate”.74
February 9th,
Christopher Jacobs, writing for TheFederalist.com, criticized
Senator's plan in an article entitled “3 Key Problems with Rand
Paul's Obamacare Replacement Act.”48
Jacobs asserted that, rather than deal with the uncapped tax
exclusion for employer-provided health insurance that already exists,
Paul chose to instead create two
new uncapped tax incentives,
by providing tax credits for health insurance premiums and H.S.A.
argues that Paul's H.S.A. plan creates a new federal subsidy;48
essentially, that Paul has created the same kind of “new
entitlement” he feared would result from the secret Republican
health plan (Paul was referring to extending the expansion of
Medicaid). Jacobs also worries that these proposed tax credits could
be a slippery slope to a “major spending package in the form of tax
Additionally, Jacobs wrote that Paul's bill would keep Obamacare's
“new entitlement” in the form of subsidies resulting from “the
massive Medicaid expansion to the able-bodied”, which he says
Paul's plan would keep Obamacare taxes in place in order to fund.48
7. The Cassidy-Collins Plan
Paul and Ted Cruz are not the only lawmakers who want to expand
Health Savings Accounts. Utah
Senator and President Pro-Tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch proposed
the Health Savings Act,64
whose identically-named mirrors in the House are sponsored by Michael
and Erik Paulsen.66
Senator Jeff Flake67
and Congressman Dave Brat68
are sponsoring the Health Savings Account Expansion Act.
Patient Freedom Act of 2017, which would also
expand H.S.A.s,46
is sponsored by Senators Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of
Louisiana, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, and Johnny Isakson
of Georgia. The bill, referred to as the Cassidy-Collins plan or the
P.F.A. for short, was introduced on January 23rd.69,
70 That
day, Senator Collins expressed her desire to repeal and replace
Obamacare as soon as possible, and said that the intent of her bill
is to prevent “needless and avoidable gaps in coverage”.71
to Susan Collins's Senate website, the bill (Senate Bill 19169)
would repeal the individual and employer mandate as well as benefit
mandates, while addressing the causes of high health costs for young
people and the way insurance plans are categorized. The P.F.A. also
intends to empower states by allowing them to design their own plans,
or to keep the Obamacare mandates by reinstating Title 1.
bill would also keep some of the A.C.A.'s consumer protections in
place, such as the provision that prohibits exclusion on the basis of
pre-existing conditions.71
addition to the basic State Lines Plan (perhaps best represented by
the Blackburn bill), the Paul-Sanford Obamacare Replacement
Act, and the Cassidy-Collins Patient Freedom Act, there are literally
Republican alternatives to keeping Obamacare in place that are
currently being considered. There are plenty
of proposed alternatives to Obamacare, replacements for Obamacare,
and plans to repeal and replace on the same day.
Republican Proposals
March 1st,
U.S. Representative from Texas Pete Sessions (not to be confused with
newly confirmed Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the former senator
from Alabama) introduced House Resolution 1275.75
The bill's stated goal is to expand, beyond Obamacare, the “choices
in obtaining and financing affordable health insurance coverage”.75
1275 intends to achieve this goal through eliminating the individual
and employer insurance purchase mandates.75
Blackburn plan and the Cassidy-Collins plan address the concern
articulated in the Sessions bill,46,
so it could be argued that those two plans go further. However, the
simplicity of the Sessions plan is straight-forward, and not being
weighed-down by too many riders, amendments, and frills could give it
an advantage when it comes to attracting support.
health bills proposed during this Congress include a bill by Kristi
Noem to repeal Obamacare's annual fee on health insurance
and another bill that aims to achieve tax-free health insurance.74
Other proposals include a Middle Class Health Benefits Repeal Act,80
at least two bills concerning state health coverage flexibility,81,
and bills advocating reform83,
and increased competition,84
and opportunity.87
Yet other bills propose enhancing the health care safety net,88
guaranteeing coverage for pre-existing conditions,89
sustaining employee health benefits,90
many bills concerning women's health,91
and other proposals.
repeat, there are more health bills (on both sides of the aisle) that
are up for consideration this Congress; so many that it would take
days to name and summarize them all. With all of these bills, and and
considering that there are dozens of issues
health policy to contend with - there is no limit to the number of
combinations of health policies that could be created. Especially if
we look at legislation proposed in past congresses, such as the
“freedom option” for which former Texas Senator Phil Gramm
advocated in 2015.92,
But unfortunately, looking at past health bills just might result in
a perfect storm of bad health legislation. That brings us to the
secret Republican plan leaked March 2nd.94
Might Be Behind the Secret G.O.P. Plan
Since Barack Obama took office in 2009, now Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has worked on health policy with the likes of California Representative Devin Nunes, Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, and North Carolina Senator Richard Burr.95, 96 Ryan also worked with Michigan Representative Fred Upton and former Minnesota Representative John Kline;97-100 on a plan that aimed to “protect people with existing conditions”. The plan would have allowed states to opt-out of the Obamacare mandates, implement the State Lines Plan, allow children to stay on their parents' plans until they're 26, and enact tort reform, among other measures.101
Kline, and Upton were all involved in a 2015 working group that was
organized by the Republican Policy Committee and Senator John
Barrasso of Wyoming.102
That working group also included Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah
Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee.103
Hatch, Alexander, and Barrasso on potential outcomes of the 2015
Supreme Court health case King
v. Burwell,
which dealt with subsidies under federal and state exchanges.63
three congressmen also proposed repealing the individual mandate,104
and proposed providing financial assistance to “help Americans keep
the coverage they picked for a transitional period”, and giving
states “freedom and flexibility” to create insurance markets with
more competition and choices.63
Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska has been working with Senators Hatch
and Barrasso on health, and according to Hatch, Sasse has been
providing good ideas. Sasse says he opposes “fixing” Obamacare,
and instead wants immediate repeal, although he also says it's not
necessary to have a replacement ready for the day of repeal. Sasse
has proposed a 1-½-year period of coverage for people with
pre-existing conditions,105
which is similar to Rand Paul's proposed two-year period.50
Lamar Alexander says that he and his colleagues won't release their
plan until President Trump comes out with his.105
February 9th,
New York Magazine published an article characterizing Utah Senator
Mike Lee's desire to focus on repealing Obamacare as a tacit
admission that what will replace it could be unpopular.106
March 3rd,
Senator Kevin Brady (R-TX) said that there was not yet a final health
bill, and that they would keep working with the Congressional Budget
Office before presenting anything.10
seems fair to conclude that the main people behind the secret
Republican health plan are (most likely): Paul Ryan,16
Kevin McCarthy,10
Orrin Hatch, Lamar Alexander, John Barrasso, Ben Sasse, and Greg
Walden of Oregon.10
Other possible contributors could include Kevin Brady,10
Mike Lee,106
Tom Coburn, and Richard Burr in the Senate; and Fred Upton, Devin
Michael Burgess65,
Erik Paulsen66,
and Chris Collins10
in the House of Representatives.
might be able to take some educated guesses at who's involved in
putting the bill together. But is it possble that we may infer, from
that information, what might be in
Might Be in the Secret G.O.P. Bill
On Monday, March 6th, C.N.N. reported that “two key committees are expected to markup the proposal” to repeal Obamacare “starting as early as Wednesday” March 8th. C.N.N. Described the bill as an “Obamacare repeal bill that includes some replacement components”.107
the presence of all the alternatives enumerated above, it seems that
the secret Republican plan is the one that is most likely to be
passed. Although we don't yet know for sure what's in it – as sad
as those two facts are to admit – there is hope. That's because we
can infer that if a proposal has been rumored
be included in the new Republican health plan since the new Congress
was sworn in, and it does not appear in other proposed bills, then
it's probably safe to conclude that it will be in the secret G.O.P.
March 2nd,
Rand Paul tweeted his concern that the plan would rename and keep
parts of Obamacare.12
It seems likely that some of Obamacare will be left in place, given
that Paul Ryan101
and Ben Sasse105
both want to protect people with pre-existing conditions. The
Cassidy-Collins plan would leave the same parts of the law in
unclear whether the Cassidy-Collins plan or the secret G.O.P. plan
would keep Obamacare in name, but it's probably fair to conclude that
the pre-existing conditions provision will be part of the secret
Ben Sasse105
and Mike Lee106
support focusing on repealing Obamacare, and would appear to accept
not having a replacement for the A.C.A. ready on the same day. This
position sticks out because the Cassidy-Collins plan47
and Rand Paul's plan69
both advocate repealing immediately and replacing either “now”,
“as soon as possible” or on the same day. Ambivalence on this
point is unique to Sasse and Lee, which means the secret plan might
repeal Obamacare without being ready to replace it.
Paul Ryan,101
and Fred Upton101
– as well as Lindsey Graham92
– have all supported allowing states to opt-out of Obamacare's
individual and employer insurance purchase mandates. The
Cassidy-Collins plan does this too,75
but it also allows states to design their own plans, and even lets
them reinstate the mandates on the state level. So it's possible that
the Cassidy-Collins plan is different enough from the secret G.O.P.
plan that the secret plan's sponsors might prefer to end the
mandates, but allowing states to self-direct.
and Fred Upton101
have favored the State Lines Plan in the past, and there may be a
plan in the works to start taxing employer-provided health
This, again, closes the loophole which is an obstacle to “de-linking”
or “de-coupling” health insurance from employment, and but it
closes the loophole by enacting
a tax on employer insurance, not by repealing
nor cutting taxes
on small-group and non-group insurance. Of course, no
in Congress has proposed exactly that, and they'd be crazy to think
such a bill would pass.
why if any Republican lawmakers decide to push the State Lines Plan,
it will probably happen only as long as employer insurance is taxed.
Even if the State Lines Plan isn't included, employer insurance will
probably be taxed. As in the example of states reinstating the
Obamacare mandates and self-directing on health policy, the national
Republican establishment has little reason to let the states
experiment. The only alternative to avoiding the taxation of employer
insurance is to satisfactorily address the issues of subsidies and
tax credits.
Fred Upton,63
and others in the G.O.P.41
favor cutting off the wealthy from tax credits to people seeking
health insurance by implementing means-testing.63
Hatch, along with Congressmen Michael Burgess and Erik Paulsen,64-66
also supports reform to Health Savings Accounts,64-66
as do Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.41
tax credits could be a way to reduce the cost of the plan, but it's
also possible that the bill's designers don't care about transparency
Republicans probably wouldn't consider means-testing
tax credits but keeping them refundable,
but then again, considering Paul Ryan's interest in the Earned Income
Tax Credit and the Negative Income Tax108,
and given how unpredictable politics have been lately, there's an
outside chance that Ryan could suggest this
“progressive-conservative” proposal. But realistically,
Republicans will probably make tax credits non-refundable, while also
means-testing them, or if not both, then one or the other.
it comes to Medicaid, Christopher Jacobs of TheFederalist.com
characterizes the G.O.P. as being confused about whether to pursue
reform or expansion.48
In 2011, John Barrasso and Lindsey Graham – both still sitting
senators – supported expanding Medicaid.92
Today, some Republicans support phasing-out the expansion of
Rand Paul, for example, opposes extending Medicaid expansion.48
With entitlements hawk Paul Ryan at the helm – if he is,
indeed, at the helm of the secret plan – reform is the more likely
possible that block-granting Medicaid to the states could prove a
popular and pragmatic option. After all, both the President and the
Speaker of the House supported block-grants in years past.109
The case can be made that block-grants would satisfy conservatives by
helping to re-establish constitutional health policy, and that the
plan avoids a contentious battle over Medicaid at the federal level.
However, it can also be argued that block-grants “kick the problem
to the states”, getting Congress off the hook for solving the
problem. But on the other hand, this issue was supposed to be solved
by the states in the first place. Thus, it seems safe to say that
block-grants will probably appear in the secret bill.
measures which could possibly make their way into the bill include:
1) allowing young adults to stay on their parents' health insurance
plans until they reach the age of 26, 2) enact medical malpractice
reform (that is, limit the amount of money juries can award for
non-physical damages), 3) prohibit insurers from imposing lifetime
limits on benefits, and 4) guarantee renewability for people already
enrolled in a plan. Both Speaker Ryan and Congressman Upton supported
each of these measures two years ago.101
March 2nd,
Speaker Ryan said that the bill he was working on was inspired by a
2015 health plan proposed by then Georgia Senator Tom Price.9
Ryan added that Trump, the House, and the Senate were “in sync”
about repealing and replacing Obamacare.9
Price, who now serves as the Secretary of Health and Human Services
under President Trump, introduced the Empowering Patients First Act
of 2015. The bill which would have repealed Obamacare, increased
H.S.A. contribution limits, expanded tax-deductible contributions,
allowed H.S.A.s to “pay some primary care fees”, and provided
grants to states for high-risk pools.110
Ryan's admission that Price influenced him, it seems fair to say that
what is likely to end up in the secret bill is whatever President
Trump and Secretary Price would accept. That's why it would be
worthwhile to run through what the president wants on health. During
a debate, Senator Marco Rubio accused Trump of supporting the
individual mandate, a claim which Trump denied, advocating repealing
Obamacare and replacing it with “something much better”.111
Trump also said health insurance companies and drug companies are
making a fortune off of the American people, and that premiums and
drug prices should go down.112
It's additionally worth noting that the health plan which Trump
promoted in early 2016 had seven provisions: 1) completely repeal
Obamacare, 2) legalize interstate insurance purchase, 3) allow people
to deduct premium payments from their taxes, 4) make H.S.A.s
tax-free, 5) demand price transparency from hospitals and insurers,
6) let the states handle Medicaid, and 7) make it easier to import
drugs from overseas.113
summary, Republicans working in secret probably want to focus on
repealing Obamacare, without any sense of full repeal or repealing
and replacing immediately being the goals. They'll probably repeal
the majority of Obamacare, while leaving in place a few “consumer
protections”; probably the pre-existing conditions provision, but
maybe the 26-year-olds provision instead. If they keep the
26-year-olds provision, then they will probably repeal the
requirement to issue health insurance to people with pre-existing
conditions, and instead support a plan to provide a one- or two-year
transition period for such people to get insured. Whatever the case,
these Republicans seem willing to accept letting Obamacare stay in
place; at least in part, in name, and in the form of the pre-existing
and / or 26-year-olds provisions.
the issue of the states, lawmakers behind the secret G.O.P. health
plan will most likely allow states to choose whether to opt-out of
Obamacare Title 1 and its individual and employer insurance purchase
mandates. Although this provision may sound good, its inclusion in
the final bill will almost certainly mean that allowing states
developing their own health plans – and maybe even enacting the
State Lines Plan as well – could be off the table. Establishment
Republicans might be concerned that these two ideas could empower
states and undermine federal authority; they won't tolerate either
proposal without getting something back. That's why only one
the following measures – 1) tax employer insurance, 2) enact State
Lines Plan, and 3) let states self-direct – will be on the final
the State Lines Plan passes and the states can self-direct, then it
probably means serious financial reform has taken place elsewhere.
The secret plan will probably include either means-testing tax
credits, ending their refundability, or both. The more likely that
these lawmakers are to choose both,
the more likely they will be to support measures that promote state
direction, and the more likely they'll be to decline to start taxing
employer-sponsored insurance. On one final state issue, Republican
lawmakers working in secret will probably choose to block-grant
Medicaid to the states, in order to avoid yet another expensive,
protracted partisan battle.
the bill will probably expand Health Savings Accounts in at least two
significant ways, and there's a possibility it could include tort
reform. There's an outside chance that the individual mandate could
be kept in place, while staying “optional” (really, only
stay optional) due to the presence of tax incentives.
there will almost certainly be no serious drug pricing or drug patent
reform. Although the president thinks prices should be lower, these
issues don't attract as much attention as issues like Medicaid, the
State Lines Plan, Health Savings Account reform, or what to do about
the two most popular provisions of Obamacare. Most likely, measures
to address drug prices and patents won't make it into the final bill,
unless they're provisions to either make it easier to import drugs or
provide price transparency.
11. Sources
1. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/map-heres-where-obamacare-premiums-are-rising/article/2605520
3. https://economics21.org/html/three-ways-obamacare-impairing-economic-growth-1023.html
3. https://economics21.org/html/three-ways-obamacare-impairing-economic-growth-1023.html
7. http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/extended-interview-ted-cruz-february-28/
7. http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/extended-interview-ted-cruz-february-28/
9. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/02/gop-obamacare-replacement-bill-hidden-in-congress-basement.html
9. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/02/gop-obamacare-replacement-bill-hidden-in-congress-basement.html
12. http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/03/02/rand-paul-goes-on-tweet-storm-after-gop-refuses-to-let-the-public-view-the-obamcare-bill/
13. https://twitter.com/DrRandPaul/status/832609402289000448
12. http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/03/02/rand-paul-goes-on-tweet-storm-after-gop-refuses-to-let-the-public-view-the-obamcare-bill/
13. https://twitter.com/DrRandPaul/status/832609402289000448
17. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2017/02/15/IRS-Has-Just-Made-Obamacare-s-Individual-Mandate-Optional
17. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2017/02/15/IRS-Has-Just-Made-Obamacare-s-Individual-Mandate-Optional
19. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/02/27/politics/trump-health-care-complicated/index.html
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23. http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/out-of-state-health-insurance-purchases.aspx
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23. http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/out-of-state-health-insurance-purchases.aspx
24. http://m.dailykos.com/story/2013/08/14/1231268/-GOP-still-plans-to-repeal-and-replace-Obamacare-with-nothing
25. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/02/16/doug-schoen-obama-health-care-reform-republicans.html
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39. http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/how-does-tax-exclusion-employer-sponsored-health-insurance-work
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37. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fool.com/amp/investing/general/2016/02/06/ted-cruzs-3-point-plan-to-repeal-and-replace-obama.aspx
38. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pHJv4VRCCQ8
39. http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/how-does-tax-exclusion-employer-sponsored-health-insurance-work
40. https://resources.ehealthinsurance.com/affordable-care-act/questions-republican-candidates-obamacare
42. http://www.maggiesnotebook.com/2015/03/ted-cruz-alternative-health-care-bill-health-care-choices-act-2015/
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42. http://www.maggiesnotebook.com/2015/03/ted-cruz-alternative-health-care-bill-health-care-choices-act-2015/
43. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/314/all-info?r=244. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/707/all-info?r=5845. https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-01-04/rand-paul-sticks-to-old-health-care-gimmick
50. http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/316084-rand-paul-unveils-obamacare-replacement
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57. https://www.ncba.coop/us-development-comp/1182-leveraging-co-op-buying-power-in-employee-benefit-plans
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58. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1072/all-info?r=1
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62. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/perfectcompetition.asp
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60. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucejapsen/2017/02/28/why-trumps-freedom-to-sell-insurance-across-state-lines-wont-work/#27a828ac1a62
61. http://echealthinsurance.com/blog/obscure-marketplace-insurers-healthcare-co-ops/
62. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/perfectcompetition.asp
63. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2015/03/02/senate-republicans-reveal-their-supreme-court-obamacare-contingency-plan/#16da03d33836
65. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/35/all-info?r=86
65. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/35/all-info?r=86
67. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/28/all-info?r=91
67. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/28/all-info?r=91
70. https://www.collins.senate.gov/newsroom/cassidy-collins-introduce-comprehensive-obamacare-replacement-plan
71. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/23/politics/collins-cassidy-obamacare-repeal/
70. https://www.collins.senate.gov/newsroom/cassidy-collins-introduce-comprehensive-obamacare-replacement-plan
71. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/23/politics/collins-cassidy-obamacare-repeal/
73. http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/what-earned-income-tax-credit-eitc
73. http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/what-earned-income-tax-credit-eitc
75. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1275/all-info?r=3
75. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1275/all-info?r=3
80. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/58/all-info?r=88
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84. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/277/all-info?r=46
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91. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/656?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22health%22%5D%7D&r=75
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97. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2015/03/02/ryan-kline-and-upton-unveil-more-specifics-about-obamacare-supreme-court-contingency-plans/#66b534626947
98. http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/234401-house-gop-unveils-plan-if-court-strikes-down-obamacare
99. https://www.barrasso.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/news-releases?ID=852210C7-E947-4199-9B5A-C88C18E109BD
100. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2015/03/02/ryan-kline-and-upton-unveil-more-specifics-about-obamacare-supreme-court-contingency-plans/#438072a16947
97. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2015/03/02/ryan-kline-and-upton-unveil-more-specifics-about-obamacare-supreme-court-contingency-plans/#66b534626947
98. http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/234401-house-gop-unveils-plan-if-court-strikes-down-obamacare
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100. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2015/03/02/ryan-kline-and-upton-unveil-more-specifics-about-obamacare-supreme-court-contingency-plans/#438072a16947
102. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/we-have-a-plan-for-fixing-health-care/2015/03/01/e0925502-becc-11e4-8668-4e7ba8439ca6_story.html?utm_term=.dccce919ae9a
103. https://www.barrasso.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/news-releases?ID=852210C7-E947-4199-9B5A-C88C18E109BD
104. http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2015/1/hatch-alexander-introduce-bill-to-repeal-individual-mandate
102. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/we-have-a-plan-for-fixing-health-care/2015/03/01/e0925502-becc-11e4-8668-4e7ba8439ca6_story.html?utm_term=.dccce919ae9a
103. https://www.barrasso.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/news-releases?ID=852210C7-E947-4199-9B5A-C88C18E109BD
104. http://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2015/1/hatch-alexander-introduce-bill-to-repeal-individual-mandate
106. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/02/republican-admits-why-gop-health-plan-must-remain-secret.html
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108. http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/2014/07/25/the-new-and-improved-paul-ryan/
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110. https://www.google.com/amp/abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/trump-health-human-services-picks-plan-replace-obamacare/story%3Fid%3D43844269
106. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/02/republican-admits-why-gop-health-plan-must-remain-secret.html
107. http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/06/politics/congress-russia-defense-health-care/
108. http://dish.andrewsullivan.com/2014/07/25/the-new-and-improved-paul-ryan/
109. http://www.cbpp.org/research/health/medicaid-block-grant-would-slash-federal-funding-shift-costs-to-states-and-leave
110. https://www.google.com/amp/abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/trump-health-human-services-picks-plan-replace-obamacare/story%3Fid%3D43844269
112. http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/02/25/rubio-trump-battle-on-obamacare-what-is-your-plan-you-dont-know-what-that-means/
112. http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/02/25/rubio-trump-battle-on-obamacare-what-is-your-plan-you-dont-know-what-that-means/
of Section 1 and 5 Written and Edited
February 10th, 16th, and 18th
through 21st, 2017
Text Written on February 23rd and 27th,
and March 2nd through 6th, 2017
Edited March 14th, 2017
and March 2nd through 6th, 2017
Edited March 14th, 2017