Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.

     Topics addressed in these documentaries include the responses to Coronavirus and other viruses; vaccine skepticism and hesitancy; the use of A.Z.T. against H.I.V.; the communicability of diseases; and the debate about whether the origin of most diseases is from germs or viruses, as opposed to being attributable to poor hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, and other causes.

     Note: If you wish to download these documentaries, you can copy and paste the url link into the white bar at the website, which is found at the following link:

     [Television miniseries about Covid fraud, launched in 2021]
     Part 1: The Lockdown

     Part 2: The Mask

     Part 3: The Shot

     IMDB page:
     Guinea Pig Kids
     (2005 B.B.C. Documentary About the Use of A.Z.T. in the Treatment of Children with H.I.V.)

     The Real Anthony Fauci
     [2022 documentary narrated by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.]
     Part I:
     Part II:
     IMDB page:

     [2016-2024 documentary series about vaccines against Covid, Measles/Mumps/Rubella, Gardasil, etc.]
     Part I: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (2016):
     Part I IMDB page:                                   
     Part II: The People's Truth (2019):
     Part II IMDB page:               
     Part III: Authorized to Kill (2024):
     Part III IMDB page:              

     Vaxxed Nation
     [No link available; IMDB page is at]

     The Viral Delusion
     [2022 documentary about germ theory vs. terrain theory]
     [Note: Episodes 4 and 5 may contain material repeated in previous episodes.]

     Episode 1:
     Episode 2:
     Episode 3:
     Episode 4:
     Episode 5:

     Terrain: The End of Germ Theory
     [Documentary about germ theory vs. terrain theory, by Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman]
     Entire Film:
     Part 1:
     Part 2:

     The End of Germ Theory
     [Documentary about germ theory vs. terrain theory, by Spacebusters]

     Smoke, Mirrors, and the Disappearance of Polio
     [2013 / 2015 presentation by Dr. Suzanne Humphries]

     A Shot in the Dark
     [Television series by Candace Owens]
     Link to video not available; IMDB page for TV series is at

Compiled and published on February 12th, 2025.

Expanded, and note added, on February 13th, 2025.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Against Sedation, Unnecessary Injections, and the Therapeutic Use of Ketamine (and Thoughts on Vaccines and Autism)

      When I noticed a pattern of what used to be considered "club drugs", getting into therapy clinics (beginning with ecstasy in the 1970s, prescribed to married couples; and now ketamine), I said something about it. This caused me to be seen as “old-fashioned” and "irrationally worried".
      When I discovered that trans and gay icons Michael Alig and Ernie Glam had likely used rohypnol ("roofies") to drug celebrity "drag kid" “Desmond is Amazing” Napoles, so that they could rape him - around the same time that Napoles was seen mimicking snorting ketamine, while seated on a couch with another transvestite - I said something about it.. This got me called a “transphobe”.
      Well, I don't care what they call me, I’m not going to shut up.

      I'm not going to stay silent about ketamine often being administered via injection.

     Despite the fact that ketamine is taken in powder form when used as a street drug, but comes in the form of pills in a clinical setting, prescription ketamine pills can be crushed, and snorted, and the drug can then be consumed just like how it is consumed on the street.

     Between excessive vaccination shortly after birth, repeated booster shots for Covid, and the push for ketamine usage in clinical settings, people are getting way too accustomed to getting shot-up all the time; and for no good, medically necessary reason.

      When did we decide that we're fine with receiving injections from Walgreen's employees? When did we decide that we're fine with receiving vaccine injections in an open-air parking lot? This is not an exaggeration; I actually witnessed this, in Waukegan, Illinois, in 2020. Walgreen’s was vaccinating people outdoors in order to observe “social” distancing regulations (which would probably be more accurately termed “physical distancing” regulations). Don't we have standards for our own health?

      What the hell could be going wrong with your life, that you need to be shot-up with something which both sedates you and makes you trip at the same time? You can't even choose between sedation and hallucination? For God’s sake, pace yourself. If you're going to do drugs, try not to do more than one or two drugs at the same time.
      I guess the needle holes are supposed have a therapeutic benefit too? The puncture wounds are there to make you feel better? If it hurts and feels good at the same time, and isn’t medically necessary, then it's a maladaptive behavior. It doesn’t need to be promoted.

      You know what I do when I feel stressed (aside from smoke weed, which is both a mild stimulant and a mild depressant)? I massage my hands.
     Try it. Once your hands feel better, it's easier to massage other parts of your body. Start with your elbows and shoulders and joints. Then massage your feet, so that you can walk more comfortably, and avoid allowing the muscles in your feet to become tense during long drives or long periods wearing shoes and tight-fitting socks with elastic bands, which reduce circulation). Then massage your head and neck, until your neck can turn freely and move back and forth easily and quickly.
     Do some push-ups; not to get buff, nor to instill self-discipline; just to correct your posture. If you don't like push-ups, do yoga. Do some shoulder stretches that expand your range-of-motion. I don't have time to go on walks, but if that's your thing, do it. Put on some calming music and burn some incense. Cuddle up with a loved one or a pet.
      Do whatever you need to do. Just don't shoot yourself up with hallucinogens that also sedate you. This is not therapy. It is drug use, disguised as medicine.

     We need to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us, and respond in-kind. Sedatives block pain signals which are essential to our survival. The fact that narcotics help us avoid going into shock when we are experiencing extreme levels of pain, does not mean that we should adopt an understanding of comfort which values pain suppression above feeling and confronting the pain for just long enough as is necessary to diagnose the actual problem and its cause.
      Opioids and narcotics do have a medical benefit; they are sedatives. That's why narcotic pain relievers are used in controlled manners in hospitals. But this class of drugs also includes heroin. Heroin provides the medical benefit of pain relief, but that fact alone does not make it an acceptable drug, or the best drug, to use in a clinical setting.
     The fact that some sedatives are generally regarded as "safe", and have helped certain people who are strong enough to survive using them, certainly merits making them legal for use by adults. But these are not excuses for recommending and prescribing sedatives as freely as they are being recommended and prescribed; and especially not when the patient is a minor.
     Not everything that relieves pain is a medicine. People who cut themselves often report feeling euphoria, and a sense of release, when they self-harm. This is due to the release of endorphins, and also to a decrease in blood pressure. The fact that the behavior reduces pain, doesn’t mean that it’s medically beneficial overall, since it only masks the pain. And, like a syringe, it creates new pain somewhere else (that is, at the site of injection or cutting, which then becomes an easy place for pathogens to enter the bloodstream, and cause infection, resulting in more pain).
     These vicious cycles must be avoided.

      Ketamine therapy is experimental, and it is still in its early stages. Just ten years ago, this was exclusively a recreational drug (known as "Special K", and causing a reaction that users described as feeling stuck in a "K-hole").
     Even if ketamine has helped some people, that does not mean that it should be advertised on Facebook and YouTube (by companies such as Mindbloom and Joyous) anywhere near as much as it has been. And, judging by how rarely the word ketamine comes up in discussion threads underneath these companies' posts, the companies and patients are not too eager to admit exactly which "therapy" these companies are promoting.
     We are not asking ourselves about the long-term side effects; for example, what will happen to the thought processes (and addiction patterns) of people who are told that all of their problems will be solved, if and only if they submit to intravenous administration of a sedative hallucinogen.
     We are teaching depressed people that the solutions are at the bottom of a syringe. This, coupled with the ongoing existing opioid epidemic, threatens to create the perfect conditions for a new generation of heroin addicts (and of people addicted to other I.V. drugs).

      In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley described "baby hatcheries", in which all modern babies would be birthed out of test-tubes, instead of born out of their mothers' wombs (the only people left doing so, being described by the moderns as "savages").
     In these hatcheries, different classes of workers (still embryos in-vitro) are subjected to various levels of alcohol poisoning. This causes the babies to be “born” with different levels of brain damage, and different levels of limits upon their mental capacities. This dooms them to a lifetime of social and economic immobility, lack of freedom, and inability to produce or innovate anything that they have not been directly ordered to produce.
     We can see – judging by the problems experienced by adult children of alcoholics, and the reduction in crime which followed the removal of lead from gasoline – that Huxley’s “warning” about the future, might have actually been intended as a prediction.

      Sedation is not a solution. Medically unnecessary sedation is the problem. Sedation makes us blind to our problems.
     Sedation makes it harder to remember what happened to us. Sedation makes it harder to move our mouths to explain what we remember. “Atypical antipsychotics”, prescribed to treat depression and other illnesses, often contain neuro-tranquilizing sedatives (Abilify is one such example). [Note: I have written about this topic previously, in my March 2021 article "Abilify and Other [']Atypical Antipsychotics['] Are Overprescribed, Dangerous, and Increase Some Psychotic Symptoms". That article can be read at the following link:]
     When a depressed person is suffering from memory loss / amnesia, or is concerned that they might have forgotten a past abusive or traumatic event, should under no circumstances be given any sedatives that might hinder their ability to recall and describe such events. To sedate a person who is in such a situation, should really be considered suppressing evidence of a crime (or even interfering with a criminal investigation), if there’s any chance that the trauma they suffered was caused by an abuser intentionally.
      Sedation is not good for you (unless you are prone to bouts of violence which cannot be explained by a previous intentional assault, in which case there are many milder forms of sedation available, and criminal action would be more therapeutic than sedation).

      There are ways to drink alcohol without becoming dependent upon it, and without using too much. You can find Kombuchas that contain just one proof of naturally-occurring fermented alcohol.
     Do you think you would want to drink as much alcohol as you do, if you were to eat more fruit, drink more smoothies, and/or eat foods that have cooking sherry or brandy in them? I bet you wouldn’t.
      Similarly, would you drink or use drugs as much as you do, if nobody had ever mistreated you or beaten you up or abused you? I doubt it. Would you abuse drugs - or gamble, or whatever your vice is - as much, if the person who hurt you the most, were in prison? Hell no.
     So, then, why are we routinely distracting people from their original problems, and demanding that they get sedated?

      Some people suspect that thimerosal and mercury in vaccines could be a major contributing cause to autism. I don’t know if that’s the case. But I do think we should be asking ourselves whether repeated injection could be a cause of autism.
      American children are given many more injections at young ages, compared to American children fifty years ago, and children abroad. I remember taking an allergy test at age eight; they pricked my back eighty times to test me for eighty different things. My reaction gradually shifted from an honest “Ow!” to an emotionally dead, robotic repetition of “Ow. …Ow. …Ow. …Ow.”, all expected, and laden with inevitability and futility. I could feel my sensitivity to pain, and my positive regard for the people who allowed this to happen to me, leaving my body.
      Forget about the chemicals for a second; we are desensitizing people to pain through repeated needle penetration. Common characteristics associated with autism include aversion to touch and self-stimulating behaviors. What better way to cause fear of being touched by others, than stabbing someone with a needle eighty times? What better way to cause a need to stimulate oneself, than to expose someone to painful and unwanted contact with others? Maybe some autistic symptoms are just natural reactions to exposing someone to repeated painful unwanted unnecessary interactions with others.

     Now let's think about what autism might have to do with sedation.
     There are currently class action lawsuits underway, over whether acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol) could have a causal relationship to autism.
     Those who defend acetaminophen say that it is not toxic, and that it is the night-time pain reliever which is most often prescribed to pregnant women. This, they say, suggests that acetaminophen is not harmful to the developing fetus.
     Well I say "So what if Tylenol is the pain reliever most often prescribed to pregnant women? That fact alone doesn't make it harmless. We might as well be asking which intravenous narcotic street drug is considered the least harmful to pregnant women." Just because something is the least harmful in its class, doesn't mean it's harmless, and doesn't mean it's good for babies.
     We should notice that a lot of the same people working for the federal health programs, who say that acetaminophen is safe - I'm talking about the Department of Health and Human Services under the Biden Administration - are the same people who consider Tylenol (and drugs similar to it) as so dangerous, that they were willing (in the 1980s and 1990s) to implement laws against drug possession in schools, which eventually enabled them to strip-search teenage school girls if they suspected possession of drugs, whether it was hard drugs or ibuprofen. [Source:]
     Now, ordering minors to remove clothing is an invasion of privacy which is impossible to justify, and it is an obvious example of legislative overreach. But that fact does not mean that minors' access to pain relievers should not be regulated or limited by trustworthy adults. If Tylenol and acetaminophen are so safe, then why have teenagers chugged Tylenol in order to commit suicide? [Source:]
     Acetaminophen is dangerous. It suppresses the symptoms of cold and flu, but it does not actually cure those things. Colds and influenza are caused by different viruses, but the fact that they are viral diseases does not mean that they can't result in infections that will need to be treated with antibiotics. Severe colds and flus can result in infections of the ear, nose, throat, and lungs, which would be more effectively treated with the mucus thinner guaifenesin, antibiotics like Azithromycin, and/or injection of saline to relieve extreme dehydration, rather than with acetaminophen.
     Acetaminophen sedates the body, providing it with adequate rest, which is therapeutic. I'm not disputing that rest helps the body, and is essential to recovery from colds and flus, buying the body time to recognize the virus and muster a defense against it. But rest can be achieved without sedation. Taking acetaminophen is unnecessary whenever the patient is able to get to sleep on his own.
     Why sedate when you can medicate?
     Sure, acetaminophen suppresses the inflammatory response. But isn't the inflammatory response part of the immune response? And isn't the immune response necessary for survival? Why are we suppressing the immune response? Are we trying to cause an immune deficiency? Why use acetaminophen to reduce inflammation, if more natural anti-inflammatories (such as ice, ginger, tomatoes, olive oil, leafy greens, fish, nuts, and fruits) might solve the problem by themselves? [Note: I am not talking about acute inflammation here, nor about burns by fire or chemicals; some cases of inflammation are extreme, and should be limited. But inflammation should not be stopped altogether.]
     It would be great if we got to the bottom of this issue; whether acetaminophen causes autism. But we should also be asking whether acetaminophen can act as a sedative, contributing to short-circuiting of the nervous system, producing the same sorts of unpredictable bodily movements which, in the autistic person, are always described as "nervous tics" (or "flapping"). The same nervous tics or flapping, seen in a patient who has A.D.H.D. (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) will be described as symptoms of A.D.H.D..
     That's why, when we observe symptoms commonly thought to be characteristic of autism or A.D.H.D., we should be very careful to consider whether some other illness (aside from autism, and bearing some degree of overlap in symptoms) might be the actual culprit instead.
     [Note: I have previously commented on this topic; in my November 2022 video "Covid-19, Pneumonia, Sedation, and the Possible Link Between Acetaminophen and Autism and A.D.H.D.". That video can be viewed at the following address:]

      There are alternatives to sedation, injection, ketamine, alcohol, heroin, antipsychotic neuro-tranquilizers, and acetaminophen.
     The fact that our doctors want to end our suffering as quickly as possible, shouldn't have to mean that we allow them to kill us slowly, by administering sedatives that compromise our nervous systems' abilities to feel which of our organs are damaged and need repair. We don’t have to stay life-long drug addicts just because the medical-industrial complex, Big Pharma and the violent administrative state have decided that being a drug addict is fine as long as a doctor gives you permission to be one.
      The Western model of medicine is flawed because it focuses on relieving pain and masking the symptoms of a disease, instead of getting to the root and treating the cause of the disease. This is not a new idea, and it is not difficult to observe. Hospitals are using fentanyl to sedate patients. [Source:] This is wrong, and it needs to stop.
      If we are not careful to make sure that this trend does not continue, then someday soon, we will find that sedatives are the only officially endorsed “cures” for what we are told ails us. Then, we will be forced to take “medications” that are actually harming us, and the fact that we are laying down in one particular hospital bed will be used to prevent us from seeking a second opinion somewhere else.
     We will be led to believe that the sedative is the only thing that we need in order to survive. And we will die in our hospital beds, our so-called "need" for sedation prioritized over our actual needs for water, food, exercise, vitamins, sunlight, love, and human interaction.

      Soon, refusing to allow harmful “medications” to be administered to our children, will merit losing custody. You might think it’s unethical to refuse to allow a child who has been diagnosed with cancer, to be treated with radiation therapy. But think about this: What if they don’t have cancer? What if a second opinion needs to be sought? What if they have a non-cancerous disease that is commonly mistaken for cancer? Well, in that case, radiation might not be good for them at all. Radiation might actually increase their likelihood of developing cancer, if they did not already have it.
      We are already seeing this in the transsexual community. For one, people who receive genital surgeries are being given sedatives. Not that sedatives don’t knock people out so that they don’t wake up from surgery. Not that sedatives don’t help reduce the pain of surgery. We should be asking “are sedatives and surgery really necessary, if a person can change their gender just by changing their mind?”. And secondly, the state legislatures of Washington, California, and Maryland have introduced bills which would allow the government to take custody away from parents whom refuse to call their “transgender kids” by their preferred pronouns or refuse to give permission that they receive “gender-affirming care”.

     They sedate us because they don't want us to be able to feel what they are doing to us.
      You cannot solve old problems with new problems. New problems can only distract from the old ones. Solving problems requires solutions; not more problems.
     You have options.

Written and published on July 4th, 2023.

Edited and expanded on July 5th and 25th, 2023.

Originally published under the title "Against Sedation, Unnecessary Injections, and the Therapeutic Use of Ketamine"

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Rep. Brad Schneider's Staff's Racist Treatment of Black Employee Should Remind Us of Lynching, Tuskegee, Ethnic Cleansing

     Three days ago - on July 15th, 2021 - a story about racially disparaging remarks, made by an employee of Democratic Illinois Congressman Brad Schneider named Karyn Davidman, made international headlines, as the DailyMail published an article titled "Black staffer for Democrat Rep. Brad Schneider SUES his office after her white supervisor told her to 'get a rope and put it around her neck' then 'pigeon-holed' her when she complained".
     The article explains that, "According to the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Davidman relayed a story to [former staffer Patrice] Campbell regarding lanyards worn to secure face masks and used to guard against COVID-19 infection."
     It continues, "During the March discussion, Davidman told Campbell, who is the only Black employee in Schneider's office, according to the lawsuit, "You are going to have to get a rope and put it around your neck."

     Presumably, Davidman told Campbell to use that rope as a lanyard, to help secure her face mask onto her face.
     Campbell considered this remark to be racially insensitive, because the comment about a rope reminded her of lynchings of black people.

     I want to whole-heartedly condemn this reprehensible and racially (probably deliberately) insensitive behavior. No employee in the public sector should ever experience discrimination.
     [In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I ran against Brad Schneider, as a write-in candidate, in 2016 and 2020.]
     Throughout mid-2020, when I attended various Black Lives Matter and George Floyd protests, I criticized Congressman Schneider's office for accepting money from what are arguably pro-war and racist sources.

     Once at a B.L.M. event attended by Schneider, I drowned-out Schneider's speech as soon as he begun talking, with a chant of "Brad takes bribes from the Israeli lobby that trains our racist police (clap, clap)".
     I said this because Schneider's campaigns, combined, have accepted half a million dollars from the Israeli lobby, and $23,000 from the top companies servicing the Military-Industrial Complex (Boeing, etc.). This money was accepted at a time when it had recently been revealed that Israeli Defense Forces (I.D.F.) soldiers had been involved in a program to assist in the training of police officers from New York City. Numerous journalists have criticized this training program as racist, claiming that it teaches racial profiling. (Hence my chant)

     The treatment of Patrice Campbell by Karyn Davidman is especially horrifying to me, as a person who has criticized Schneider's office for racism in the past, and as someone who has studied the history of genocide and eugenics in the 20th century.
     I have suspected - since early 2020 - that (while the government underreacted in some areas) when the government overreacted to the Covid-19 outbreak, it sometimes disproportionately impacted racial and ethnic minorities (as well as the poor).

     For example:

     1) In the early days of the pandemic, a rumor spread that African-Americans could not get the disease, or were less likely to get the disease. Soon after, scientific data showed that the opposite was true.

     2) Soon after California shut down, and six-foot physical distancing was ordered, Gavin Newsom was photographed sitting at a table with other members of the political elite, suggesting that being wealthy and powerful exempted them - but not the poor, who are disproportionately people of color - from coronavirus restrictions.

     3. African-Americans may be less likely, in general, to get vaccinated, because many African-Americans remember the Tuskegee Experiments (in which the government allowed men with syphilis to go untreated, after they were being told that they would receive free medical treatment from the government).
     Because Karyn Davidman told Patrice Campbell to use a rope around her neck to secure her face mask into place - supposedly "for her own good" or for the sake of her health - should remind all of us of not only the history of lynching, but also because of the Tuskegee Experiments.

     The Democrats are offering us "free medical care", but only on the condition that the costs of that "free" medicine be passed onto the next generation (instead of reforming taxes and the budget to solve the funding problem). They are also obligating the states and the people to relinquish their rights to regulate medical insurance.
     The Democrats also expect us all to submit to a progressive ideology that supports eugenics to every bit the same extent as the Republican Party ideology. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, the party of conserving the environment so steadfastly (for attention) that they cease caring about humans' rights to live in harmony with nature, and the party of aborting black babies in the womb instead of solving the social and economic problems that lead people to want to get abortions.

     What happened to Patrice Campbell should remind us not only of lynching, the Tuskegee Experiment, and tempting people into tolerating fascism by offering promises of medical care (as the Nazis did when Germany annexed Austria).
     It should also remind us of several other events throughout history:

     1) The spraying of black people with fire hoses under the orders of Birmingham Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor;
     2) The spraying of atheist, socialist, and anarchist women in 1930s Spain, which was done by fascist, Carlist Spanish Catholics, in the name of "cleansing them of sin";
     3) The Bath Riots of 1917 (during the presidency of Democrat Woodrow Wilson), which took place at the Ciudad Juarez / El Paso border crossing. A teenage girl caused a riot after immigrant women - including pregnant women - were exposed to GASOLINE BATHS and ZYKLON-B. American border guards were also raping some of the girls and women. The women were told that they were being exposed to the harsh chemicals in order to "de-louse" them, despite the fact that the Mexican typhus epidemic ended ten years prior to this event. One of the women remarked, "Why do they think we're so dirty?"; and
     4) The Holocaust during World War II, in which the Nazis used the same chemical used by Americans to "de-louse" Mexican immigrants - Zyklon-B - to murder Jews (and people who helped Jews attempt to escape, and other "undesirables") intentionally.

     Nazis ordered Jews to enter shower chambers, and given bars of soap, and told to prepare for showers (which were then filled with poison gas). That shows that those Jews believed that they were being given medical treatment, in the form of a shower. But, of course, it turned out to be poisonous Zyklon-B gas (the vapor of hydrocyanic acid), and it killed them.

     We must not forget that the American use of Zyklon-B predates the Nazi use of it by more than twenty years. We must not forget that people have been lured into fascism - and to their deaths - with the promises of free medical care.
     Such "medical care" could include anything from therapeutic showers to being exposed to dangerous de-lousing chemicals (that either might or will kill you), to getting radiation for cancer therapy, to trying coronavirus drugs that carry high risks of heart disease, to being given Munchhausen's Syndrome, to being drugged with experimental anti-psychotic medications, to being emotionally traumatized through experimental psychotherapy, to being medically neglected, to being euthanized (euthanasia literally meaning "good death").
     The Nazi twin studies, and various grotesque experiments by Dr. Josef Mengele, were done under the guise of "medical research". So were the Tuskegee Experiments, and experiments that humanized mice, and "gain-of-function" research, and so many more.

     It should seem obvious to us, by now, that there is no possible way to read a white superior telling a black employee "get a rope and put it around your neck" to secure a face mask into place - other than a racially disparaging remark.
     This reflects and reveals an underlying racial bias - by the public government - against African-Americans. It is evident in the enforcement of Coronavirus restrictions recently, and in the eugenicist history of progressivism and neo-liberal "democracy" generally and historically.

     Schneider staffer Karyn Davidman did this because she thinks that black people are dirty, or at least more likely to pass coronavirus to her.
     Karyn Davidman said this because she is a racist, and her comment confirms that the Democratic Party is, and has always been and will always be, the party of the Ku Klux Klan (which openly supported the party during the first half of the 20th century).

     If Karyn Davidman wants Patrice Campbell to wear a mask so badly, then I suggest that Karyn Davidman first show herself for who she really is, by getting a hold of a white Klan mask, and securing it firmly over her own head.
     If people like Davidman are going to endorse this kind of treatment of African-Americans, then I suggest they move to Arizona and become Republicans. There, Republicans want to use Zyklon-B - the same chemical used to kill Jews in the Holocaust, and "de-louse" and humiliate Mexicans - as part of execution of death row inmates.

     We must not allow the government to tempt us into submission to fascism and eugenics as the "cost" of "free" medical care.
     We must not allow people to pressure or order us to submit to forcible sterilization; whether that comes in the form of sterilizing Native American woman and Mexican immigrants against their will with poisonous chemicals, or merely pressuring people to use hand sanitizers (some of which contain toxic wood alcohol) and allow others to spray them with Lysol in stores for not wearing masks.
     You are under no obligation to tell anyone whether you have been vaccinated, as the condition of entering private property. For one, you have a right - recognized by the Fifth Amendment - not to incriminate yourself. Second, H.I.P.A.A. laws protect doctor-patient confidentiality.
      [For more information, see the following link:
     "the protections of the Privacy Rule are not set aside during an emergency."]

     We must learn to recognize eugenicist behavior - and ethnic cleansing - when we see it, or we will not learn the full lessons of the Holocaust and the Civil Rights Movement.
     There is no "national body" that can get sick, and we must stop subscribing to the fascist notions (i.e., corpus mysticum, the mystical body of the state; and the "social contagion theory") that there is.

     We can't get each other sick if we stay far away enough from each other. Please stay at least six feet away from me, and if necessary, tell me to stay at least six feet away from you. Aside from that, stop telling me what to do with my body.
     With the government as corrupt and discriminatory as it is, there is no need to further accustom ourselves to obeying whatever orders are given by others (that is, aside from "get away from me").

Written and published on July 18th, 2021
Expanded on July 19th, 2021
Edited and Expanded on July 26th, 2021

Friday, April 30, 2021

Where the Federal Government Gets its Supposed Authority to Over-Regulate Health, Drugs, Travel, and Immigration

      I created this infographic to show how the original powers, delegated to the Congress through the Constitution, have been repeatedly abused, to allow more and more arguably unconstitutional federal intervention on health, drugs, travel, and immigration.
     This has been justified, juridically, by the notions that these interventions are necessary and proper, and by the ever-loosening interpretation of the meaning of the General Welfare Clause and the interstate Commerce Clause.

     This infographic may also serve as a teaching tool, to show how many of Congress's newer powers, were justified. The chart shows, in part, that the need for government to monopolize defense, courts, and buildings essential to defense and courts, was used to excuse increased ownership and management of interior lands by the federal government.
     Then - while patents began to grow longer, and immigration restrictions became more unreasonable and racialist, and interstate travel became more restricted - expansion of government land management was predicated on the idea that the government could engage in more agriculture (and create a U.S.D.A.) in order to justify keeping those lands.
     All of this led to the current mess of plant D.N.A. patenting lawsuits, medical hoarding by government, and ridiculous Covid-related restrictions, which we are seeing today.
     But we should be under no illusion; none of this is constitutional. We must get rid of Phase 2 through 6 laws as soon as possible.

     After reading the title, and the key, start reading this chart from the bottom (i.e., Phase 1). Then read Phase 2, Phase 3, and so on, to get a sense of how previous legitimate powers went on to be inappropriately construed to justify more egregious, unreasonable, and violent policies regarding the topics at hand.

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Created on April 28th and 30th, 2021

Published on April 30th, 2021

Edited on May 3rd, 2021

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...