Originally Written on November 27th, 2004
Edited on December 6th, 2015
Edits Shown in [Brackets]
There are several
things that have come to my attention concerning the presidential election that
have to be addressed.
Some people seem to believe that people
should not criticize the president and his policies, sometimes saying, “he’s
our president and we have to support him.” That statement represents the fear
of questioning authority and disagrees with the very first freedom guaranteed
by the Bill of Rights. If that statement were true, then everyone in the
country would have no choice but to agree with every move the current president
makes, and always reelect him, effectively doing away with the democratic
voting process.
This year’s candidates spend too much time
talking about their war records. Showing the country how the fact that they
served[,] and how long and how hard they worked[,] may have some influence on
how they plan to deal with the armed forces and our foreign policy, but using
attack ads is not the best way to do it. These candidates should get to
debating right away about as many important issues as they can[,] and not waste
the American people’s time with one issue that has so little to do with the
The polls are not reflecting the country’s
change in politics because the youngest citizens eligible to vote are not
voicing their opinions. The majority of the United States is more liberal than
the polls show because younger citizens, who are more liberal than the previous
generation, tend to be less interested and active in politics than their
parents. If the voting rate were any lower than it is now at about 50% (of
eligible voters), we could never be assured that the laws are representing the
will of the majority, like they are designed to do.
Candidates’ spending time with children is
a distraction from the legitimate questions and concerns that educated
registered voters need to have answered to make their decisions. Reading books
to schoolchildren and kissing babies are nothing but photo opportunities that
waste time[, and are done in order to gain] votes from weak-minded people who
vote for the candidate with the more attractive personality. Nobody should cast
his or her vote based on which party a group of grade-school students favor.
It should have no bearing on an election
whatsoever whether Teresa Heinz Kerry would make a better first lady than Laura
Bush based on how they act in public or what they think about education. Polls
printed in magazines and even shown on CNN ask people which First Lady they
would prefer, as though either of them is up for election to a government
position. The first lady does not have any official duties and it is
preposterous that George W. Bush would say the best reason for his reelection
is that his wife would be the first lady for four more years. Their wives’
political thoughts should matter in an election only if they run for public
office themselves.