Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Open Letter to Liz Wolfe Regarding Chase Oliver's Views on Puberty Blockers for Minors

     1. Introduction

      [Author's Note:
     This article previously contained inaccurate information. Please scroll down, to the other author's note, if you wish to read it before reading the remainder of this article.
      The Aquarian Agrarian regrets the error.]

      On Monday, May 27th, 2024, the Libertarian Party nominated Chase Oliver to be its presidential candidate, at its national convention in Washington, D.C..

     Within the following several days, numerous Libertarian Party members - especially those who didn't vote for Oliver to be the party's nominee - expressed concern and disapproval regarding Chase Oliver's stance regarding puberty blockers for minors.

     Oliver has stated that, while he does oppose giving bottom surgery (i.e., genital surgery) to people under the age of 18, he does not think that the state should be in the business of preventing parents from, or punishing parents for, making the decision that puberty blockers are appropriate for their children.

      On May 31st - four days after receiving the L.P.'s nomination - Chase Oliver appeared on the "Just Asking Questions" podcast, hosted by Zach Weissmuller and Liz Wolfe, to discuss the issue. The "Just Asking Questions" podcast is affiliated with libertarian news outlet Reason Magazine, whose website is

     That interview was published to YouTube, under the title "What does Chase Oliver believe about trans kids?". That video can be viewed at the following address:

     I would urge my readers to watch that video before proceeding, as the remarks which follow below, are a direct response to the comments made by Oliver and Liz Wolfe in that interview.

     2. The Letter


     On June 12th, 2024, I sent an e-mail to Liz Wolfe, to explain why I agree with her concerns and criticisms regarding Mr. Oliver.


     [Notes about the formatting of this article:

     1. The portions of the letter below which appear in brackets, and/or italics, were added to the text after it was sent.

     2. For the reader's convenience, lengthy author's notes have been placed between brackets and appear in italics, in order to contrast against the original portions of the e-mail, which appear without either brackets or italics.]

     3. Single words which appear within brackets were either added, or edited (but without significantly modifying the meaning of the text).

     4. Paragraph breaks and spaces between lines have also been added for the reader's convenience.]


     That e-mail read as follows:



     Hi Liz. Thanks for pushing back against Chase Oliver in your recent interview. I appreciate your trying to get him to be consistent.

     I'm a former Libertarian and this is one of the reasons why I left.


     Oliver isn't even correct that bottom surgery is irreversible. Walt Heyer underwent bottom surgery, and then had it reversed.

     Not that that makes it OK, of course! The damage which bottom surgery and puberty blockers do to the body should not be underestimated, and Oliver was clearly trying to avoid discussing it.

     Some women have described testosterone as "poison to women", and one of the puberty blockers commonly used is Lupron, which is used to chemically castrate sex offenders. So we are treating "gender-questioning kids" like sex offenders, while ignoring the possibility that they feel that way because they were sexually abused as children.


     Oliver also avoided discussing how these forms of transitioning re-affirm harmful gender stereotypes (like the stereotypes that tall people cannot be feminine, and that short people cannot be masculine; and that if you are a boy who is attracted to other boys then you must really be a girl inside).


     The conversation also got nowhere near entertaining the possibility that diagnosing a kid with gender dysphoria tends to distract from any and all prior ailments from which they may be suffering, which may have overlapping symptoms with gender dysphoria, or which may have caused that dysphoria. Particularly, Dissociative Identity Disorder, general body dysmorphia, gender-based bullying and harmful gender stereotypes, and prior sexual abuse [as well as homosexuality, bisexuality, autism, fear of being sexually assaulted or abused or objectified, and/or desire to please adults to want to send the child chest binders]. In my book, ignoring previous sexual abuse is basically the same thing as pedophile enabling.


     Walt Heyer was forced to wear a dress by his grandmother, and raped by an uncle, and developed gender dysphoria. I suspect that Heyer internalized that harm, and reasoned that he might have an easier time getting penetrated by his uncle, if he were to attempt to transition to female.
     [Note: Heyer has stated that he desired to become a female in order to get away from the abuse, but in my opinion, it's possible that making the abuse easier on himself could have been a subconscious additional motivation. And even if he didn't feel that way, it's possible that other people who suffered similar fates, have felt that way.]


     Also, there is a man who is developing a line of swimsuits, for his gender-dysphoric "daughter", which tucks the genitals back.


     I would be shocked to discover that that father did not sexually abuse his child.
     Even if he didn't, the sheer amount of attention being paid to the child's genitals is creepy, and amounts to indirect sexual abuse.

     But according to these "pro-trans" people (such as Briahna Joy Gray), wanting children to remain unmutilated is the only real form of "obsession with children's genitals".


     Oliver was clearly trying to suggest, indirectly, that your [i.e., Liz Wolfe's] concerns are motivated by the desire to paint all pro-trans people and gays as pedophiles and groomers.


     He claims to be against tattooing and giving plastic surgery to minors, but nowhere in his interview did he discuss what to do about it. I would say that he has a knee-jerk reaction to any attempt, by the state, to "make decisions on parents' behalf", but he is clearly biased when it comes to his own community.

     [Note: By "his own community", I am referring to "G.S.M.", an initialization which stands for "gender and sexual minorities". Oliver is a same-sex-attracted cisgender male; i.e., a homosexual.]



     And his admission that he'd support a "religious exemption" to a ban on circumcision for minors, is idiotic. There is a pedophilic cult called the Children of God. They have a [“]holy book[“] that depicts adults raping minors. I shudder to think what society would be like, if their book The Story of Davidito could not be legally banned from children's libraries, or if the Children of God were to receive a "religious exemption" to a ban on minors having sex.

     [Note: The possibility that bans on people under 18 years of age getting married or having sex, could be defeated - based on the need to account for the supposed need to provide religious exemptions - is not as far-fetched as some of my readers might imagine. In 2017, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie declined to sign a law that would have prohibited marriage for people under the age of 18, saying that it would "violate the cultures and traditions of some communities" if an "exclusion without exceptions" for parental and/or judicial consent were to become law.

     New Jersey is far from being the only state where judicial and parental permission can override the minor's lack of ability to consent; other states have this law too. The website of the Tahirih Justice Center has more information about various state laws regarding this topic. Governor Phil Murphy signed a law banning marriage for people under 18, without exceptions, in June 2018.



     Also, his statement that parents should make decisions about transitioning, because "parents have unconditional love for their children", is patently absurd. My father raped me when I was [eight] and [nine] years old. He did not have unconditional love for me (unless you count lust as love).


     If I had been any stupider, or more gullible, or had become financially independent from my parents any later in life, then there is a good chance that I would have fallen for the lies told to me by my peers and family, which is that I seemed gay or effeminate, or that "If you decided to come out as transgender, we would support you." If I had not begun to recover memories of the childhood sexual abuse at the age of [twenty-seven], then for all we know, I might have begun identifying as gay or transgender out of confusion.


     There is a study that says 20% of minors with gender dysphoria suffered previous sexual abuse.
     [Note: The study to which I referred, which says that 19% (not 20%) of transgender minors experienced sexual abuse, can be found at the following address:]

     The same study says that minors with gender dysphoria are twice as likely as the general population to have suffered sexual abuse.

     These studies are out there, and Oliver either doesn't know about them, or doesn't want to talk about them.


     I don't know if Oliver is afraid to look like a "self-hating homosexual", or maybe he sees that there is a lot of money in being pro-transition (for example, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker's "sister" Jennifer is the world's only transgender billionaire, and "she" has been supporting pro-transition causes).


     [Author's Note, added on July 15th, 2024:
     The following five paragraphs - including the first, which was sent to Liz Wolfe, and the following four, which were not - were based on incorrect information. This article previously claimed that "O
liver tweeted the message [']The age of consent is too damn high[']". That claim was based on a tweet that was actually sent by Democratic operative Harry J. Sisson, who was (and still is) posing either as Chase Oliver himself, or as a Chase Oliver supporter, using the username @ChaseOliver2024.
     The Aquarian Agrarian regrets the error, and plans to take Sisson to task for his deception soon.]

     It's also possible that Oliver is an actual pedophile. He said that "the age of consent is too damn high". (see attached image). Which he wouldn't say, if he knew about the "federal generic age of consent" of 16 years old. He wouldn't say that if he knew about the case of Esquivel-Quintana v[.] Sessions (which essentially held that state laws establishing an age of consent of 17 or 18 are now invalid, giving an incentive for 16-to-20-year-olds to traffic their victims across state lines, if they're less than four years younger; because then, it would be a federal case instead of a state case). He wouldn't say that if he knew that there are reduced penalties for someone between 16 and 20 if they rape someone less than four years younger than they are. This is why some people claim that the age of consent is actually twelve years old.


     Libertarians began this discussion, about [five] or [ten] years ago, by (appropriately) criticizing making teenagers into registered sex offenders for life, if they sext-message other teenagers and acquire nudes of other minors that way. But after that, they stopped paying attention to the erosion of the rights of the child, which ha[s] played out in the courts since then. He is probably not even aware that there are several states that have failed to establish an absolute minimum age for tattooing and marriage, because their laws allow judges and parents to make decisions on children's behalf. You read that correctly; there are states where an infant could theoretically get married (and have sex) or get a tattoo, if the parents and/or a judge are stupid or insane enough to allow it.

     [Note: In my opinion, many Libertarians fail to understand that some activities are so dangerous for children to engage in, that parental, judicial, and/or physicians' permission, could not possibly turn that dangerous activity into something that is safe, or wise, or harmless, as if by magic. I blame Libertarians' adoption of the idea that adults' permission can safely guide children through something harmful, on a line of thinking which I heard an approximately 70-year-old man say to a ten- or twelve-year-old girl at the 2018 Illinois Libertarian Party Convention: "There's a safe way to do everything".

     I suspect that this line of thinking is motivated by the idea that the approach which the government of the Netherlands takes towards activities such as drug use and prostitution. This holds true for adults, but unlimited freedom - and the freedom to take dangerous risks which carry lifetime consequences - is not for children; it's for adults.

     This regulatory approach is arguably indistinguishable from the approach which the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration undertook during the New Deal, when it closed banks and then opened them back up again just several days later, and then created the F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), in order to create the illusion that the regulations being passed, were really for everybody's benefit, and were really working, and were really being written and enforced by moral and well-meaning people. They weren't. And Libertarians, as some of the staunchest critics of the New Deal in America, ought to notice this. But sadly, most of them they haven't.

     Early libertarian C. Frederic Bastiat once said that people should not accuse liberals of wanting nobody to raise grain, simply because they don't want the state to do it. And that is a valid statement. But while some Libertarians wisely reason that the state shouldn't be trusted to solve a problem, they sometimes then fail to explain whom, aside from the state, should solve that problem, and so, the problem continues, and festers.]


     Please reach out to me if you have any questions or [need] clarifications. I am so tired of seeing people drastically oversimplify how age of consent and statutory rape laws work, and treat people concerned about kids as if they're full of hate.

     Thanks for reading and keep pushing back.

     - Joseph W. Kopsick




E-mail written and sent on June 12th, 2024.

This article originally published, in shorter form, on June 12th, 2024.

Edited, expanded, and completed - and most notes added - on June 17th, 2024.

Author's notes regarding Harry J. Sisson's fake tweet about Chase Oliver
added to this article on July 15th, 2024.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Speech to Public Officials in Lake Forest, Illinois, Regarding Child-Molesting Teachers and Other Corrupt Professionals in Lake County

            Thank you, Mr. Mayor,… esteemed members of the City Council.

            My name is Joseph Kopsick. I currently live in Waukegan, but for most of the first eighteen years of my life, I lived in Lake Bluff. I attended Lake Forest High School, graduating in 2005.

            My father is an attorney, a former member of the District 65 school board (in the 1990s), and served as president of the Lake County Bar Association for one year in the 2000s. In 1993, he defended a child molester in court for attempted rape of a 19-year-old. And in 1995 and 1996 – when I was eight and nine – my father molested and raped me multiple times.
            My father has a friend – an attorney based in Lake Forest – who grabbed my behind, and the behinds of other children, at his pool parties in the 1990s. He did this openly, while talking loudly about what he was doing – in full view of the other adults present – who did nothing about it, besides laugh, and continue drinking.

            But that’s not what I’m here to talk about.

            I rise, this evening, to bring your attention to a problem in this community which has gone unresolved for some time now. That problem is Dave Miller.
            You might have heard - within the last three years - that former L.F.H.S. theater director David Miller, was accused of sending inappropriate text messages to several teenage boys.
            Now, some of you might be thinking, “A child-molesting teacher? In my town? That can’t be; or else I would have heard something about it.” And why is that? Because you’ve heard of everything that has ever happened? Or because people enjoy talking about bad news?
            This is the “culture of silence” that allows child abuse to happen undetected and without consequences. If a problem is not pleasant to talk about, then we ignore it. And it festers.

            That’s why it should be no surprise to you, to discover that David Miller has been abusing teenage boys on and off since 1976. He has been allowed to sexually humiliate this community’s children for forty-seven years – more than two generations – without a single trial, and (evidently) without a single criminal charge, an arrest, or even one moment in jail.
            Not only did Miller admit that the texts he sent were inappropriate, but several boys were intimidated into saying that they were not; by an L.F.H.S. official whom I’d be glad to name (Jay Hoffmann).
            In 2019, Judge Joseph Salvi prevented those boys’ lawsuit from going forward, correctly applying Illinois’s Statute of Limitations on reporting child abuse after a certain amount of time (a statute which, of course, does not apply to litigants whom already got trials and lost them).

            But the story doesn’t end there.
            That’s because, in 2020 – thanks to a new law signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker – those statutory limitations were curtailed. The effects of that new law – House Bill 2135 – included a provision that the Statute of Limitations on reporting criminal sexual assault does not begin running during a period when the victim is subject to intimidation.
            Now, Governor Pritzker can pat himself on the back all he wants; for testing a few of those rape kits that had built-up in police evidence lockers, and for partially repealing that Statute of Limitations. But the odds that he would ever sign a complete repeal of those statutes, are probably very low. That’s because his cousin, Tom Pritzker… was friends with Jeffrey Epstein. (Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Business).

            To the public officials in the audience: How many of you knew that there is no longer any limitation on bringing abuse lawsuits, for victims who were intimidated? Raise your hands.
            To the educators in the audience: How many of you knew that?
            Well, how are children supposed to learn that, if you didn’t know that?
            Now, you might say, “That’s too difficult or controversial a subject for our children to learn.” To which I say, “No, it’s not. Not for the juniors and seniors who are studying pre-law at L.F.H.S.. Not if you want your kids to be able to defend themselves against child molesters legally as well as physically.”

            And besides, Dave Miller is not the only teacher in this community who has been accused of attempting to molest children.
            There’s Cynthia Martin, an L.F.H.S. coach and driving instructor who abused girls in the 1980s. She employed the same methods that Miller did; seeking-out students who were vulnerable because they had lost friends or family members, and then plying them with alcohol and marijuana, and gradually introducing physical touch. Martin’s case was decided in February 2022, but information on it is difficult to find. It’s not clear that she was ever punished.
            Next, there’s Lake Bluff Junior High math teacher and soccer coach Charles Ritz III. He abused kids in the 1970s and 1980s, claiming at least five male victims, who alleged that school officials helped cover-up for Ritz, in the same way that school officials did for Dave Miller. In 2017, Ritz pled guilty. He received no jail time, and just two years’ probation. That junior high later changed its name to Lake Bluff Middle School.
            There’s also Diane M. Ross, a mother from Lake Bluff who taught English literature at Lake Forest College. She submitted to arrest in 2000 after police determined that she had shared images of child abuse on an online web forum. She pled guilty to solicitation of child pornography, but the charges of disseminating child pornography were dropped. She received no jail time… two years of probation… - are you noticing a pattern? - … and community service.
            So that’s four teachers – in just two adjacent towns – who were discovered to be pedophiles, within a span of thirty years.
            But that’s not all.

            Jonathan Dick, the owner of Sweet’s ice cream shop in downtown Lake Forest, was accused of molestation and rape by his own nephew, back in the early 2000s. Now, if that’s not true, then why is there an entire book about it?
            The victim’s mother – Jonathan Dick’s sister-in-law – became a psychologist, published a book written by herself and her son, and then fled the state, due to fear and frustration over never getting a trial. She’s worried that Jonathan Dick has a lawyer on retainer, for in case he ever gets accused of molesting a child again.

            Mr. Mayor, these crimes – and this culture of silence – cannot stand. Child rapists don’t deserve fines and community service and probation; they deserve to be in prison; for a long, long time.
            You all might be saying to yourselves, “Well, I had nothing to do with this.” … That’s the problem.
            If you haven’t heard about these crimes by now, then you are incompetent, because you at least heard about Dave Miller, and you decided not to look into whether any other teachers were hurting kids.
            And if you did know about these crimes, then you are complicit in those crimes, because you said and did nothing, when you should have, at least, spoken up.

            Ladies and gentlemen, I have a list, in my possession, of over one hundred professionals, in this county, who have either molested children, made awkward advances against children, covered-up for child-molesting teachers, stood in the way of children attempting to bring charges against their abusers, or may be using their profession as a way to get near vulnerable children.

            And I’m sure that all of you would like to do something about this. But there’s only one way to be sure.
            That is why - as a precautionary measure – I have placed each and every one of your nine names, onto that list… temporarily… as pedophile enablers…. because you knew about some of these crimes, and yet you did and said nothing.

            The only way to get your names off of that list will be for each of you to… personally, and individually… do something that will lead to arrests, or charges being filed, against the people I have named.
            Don’t worry about what’s legally possible right now; don’t worry about Double Jeopardy, or ex post facto laws. The laws can be changed. We don’t need the law on our side to fight back against child abuse; all we have to do is provide an open forum through which abuse claimants can network with each other, free from censorship. That way, we can compare notes, and figure out which victims of these five people are still eligible to file charges.

            I made a promise, to a mother in this town, that I would attend these city council meetings every month until something is done about this problem. So that's what I'll do.
            If you continue to allow me to speak, at these forums, then I’ll tell you which of this county’s military bases was the scene of a gang-rape of a 12- or 13-year-old girl, back in 2005. I’ll tell you which former L.F.H.S. teacher covertly hit on a student while committing academic dishonesty. I’ll tell you which professional football player had a sexual relationship with an L.F.H.S. student while she was possibly underage.
            And just to prove to you that I’m not bluffing… those names are Great Lakes Naval Station, Laura Flangel, and Dan Roethlisberger.
            But if you don’t allow me to speak, then anyone and everyone who attempts to prevent me from speaking, at these forums, will be added to that list, as an enabler of child sexual abuse. And then, there won’t be one pair of hands, one square inch of sidewalk, or one gutter, in this town, that won’t be clogged with copies of that list, complete with photographs and addresses.
            If you nine elected officials continue to refuse to do anything which will lead to the imprisonment of David Miller, Cynthia Martin, Charles Ritz, Diane Ross, and Jonathan Dick, then every sin of this community – no matter how minor  will be exposed, until there isn’t a single adult in this county who doesn’t know either a racist police officer, or someone who’s been accused of attempting to molest or traffic a child.

            Since the majority of you have been derelict in your duty to educate your children about the specifics of these dangers, I will not rest until every child in this town can name these five people by heart.
            I do not make empty promises. You are looking at someone who has nothing to lose.

            You have twenty-eight days to do something about this. If no arrests are made by September 4th – the day before the next city council meeting - then the nine of you will no longer be welcome in this town.
            The clock is ticking. Good day, gentlemen.

            [First Author's Note:

            This speech was originally intended to be delivered at the August 7th, 2023 meeting of the Lake Forest City Council.
            I decided not to deliver this speech at that meeting, because: 1) this speech would take about ten minutes to deliver, while the Council stipulates a three-minute speaking limit (as does the District 115 Board of Education for its meetings); and 2) when I called the office of the Lake Forest City Council, the operator informed me that the city council "doesn't have control over the schools", and instructed me to call the District 115 Board of Education.
            I consider that statement to have been an attempt to deflect responsibility away from the people who run Lake Forest (i.e., the mayor and the eight city council members). In my opinion, this is unacceptable, because there are accused child molesters in Lake Forest whom have nothing to do with the schools (most notably, Jonathan Dick), and are therefore not under the so-called "control" of the District 115 Board of Education.
            Therefore, Lake Forest Mayor Stanford R. "Randy" Tack, the eight current members of the Lake Forest City Council, the woman who answers the phones at the office of the Lake Forest City Council, and the seven current members of the District 115 Board of Education, will all be added to my list of corrupt officials and people who turned blind eyes toward child abuse, until further notice.]

     [Second Author's Note:

     If you would like to watch the speech I delivered to the District 115 Board of Education on August 8th, 2023, please click the link below:

Main body of text written on August 1st, 2023.
Edited and expanded on August 7th through 9th, 2023.

First Author's Note written and added on August 7th, 2023.
Second Author's Note written and added on August 9th, 2023.

Originally published on August 1st, 2023 under the title
"Speech to the Lake Forest City Council on Child-Molesting Teachers (August 7th, 2023)"

Handed-out to Lake Forest residents in print form, but not delivered verbally,
at the August 7th, 2023 meeting of the City Council of Lake Forest, Illinois.

Also handed-out in print form,
and delivered, in part, verbally (in a form modified to suit the circumstances),
at the August 8th, 2023 meeting of the District 115 School Board.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Protecting Children from Censorship: Why it's Unethical to Provide Puberty Blockers and Genital Mutilation to Minors

      Putting minors on puberty blockers is unethical.

     Aside from the issue of children not being able to give informed consent, parents cannot give informed consent on their children's behalf, unless and until they have become aware of all the potential negative consequences and risks (as well as the alternatives).

     Puberty blockers prevent skeletal growth.
     One reason why puberty blockers are administered to boys wishing to become women, is that it prevents the boy from getting too tall.
     Although this is done under the guise of helping the "patient" transcend gender and traditional gender roles, it is actually reinforcement of the gender stereotype that women are supposed to be short (and that tall people cannot be feminine, nor "pass" as a woman).
     It is also done in the name of helping the patient avoid the awkward, uncomfortable, humiliating, suicidal-thought-inducing process of going through the puberty associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Patients are almost led to think that puberty is irreversible, when it is gender transition that is much more difficult to reverse.

     Despite the characterization of these medications, by some medical professionals, as “life-saving medications”, there is no evidence that indicates that suicidal ideation or gender dysphoria decrease when a child is encouraged to attempt to change gender or sex. Children who are questioning their gender identity, and are being led to falsely assume that changing one’s biological / genetic sex is yet scientifically possible, are being subtly programmed to adopt this line of thinking.
     They are also being led to assume that any refusal to support gender transition - even among children – constitute “trans genocide” (a genocide of transgender people). The rationale is that a generation of transgender children will be lost to suicide if their demands to be allowed to transition are not honored.
     These children are, thus, being led to believe that making suicidal threats is a perfectly acceptable method to get your way. This way of thinking is destructive to society, and to young developing minds. Such people will need to be taught the value of trying to convince others of their opinions without subjecting others to pressure, threats, or other forms of coercion in order to try to force them to agree. This is what is necessary to build a civil society which will respect the rule of law because it will have been founded upon needing to obtain the consent of the governed.
     Minors who have begun gender transition should be screened for Dissociative Identity Disorder, asked if they have been sexually abused, and told that nobody will be angry at them if they want to stop transitioning or need to come out as homosexual.

     One puberty blocker which is being administered to boys who want to become females, is Lupron. Lupron is used to chemically castrate child rapists.
     Apparently, the rationale of those promoting medical and surgical transition of minors, is that a "genocide" will be caused, if we don't confuse homosexual teenage boys into thinking that they're women, so that they allow doctors to administer medications that will make them sterile before they're old enough to decide whether they want to have families. Men don't have to be heterosexual in order to want to father children the traditional way; they can donate sperm to female friends or surrogate mothers.
     In some states, underage girls who want to transition are given less warning, about the potential negative consequences of getting sterilized (and having their breasts removed), than are women between the ages of 18 and 25. If young women aren't old enough to decide that they want irreversible surgery that will stop them from having babies forever, then people under 18 certainly aren't old enough.

     The right to freely debate health policy, or U.S. involvement in a foreign war, has been curtailed for adults. Adults are being exposed to censorship; while our children are being exposed to genital mutilation and suicidal ideation.
     Books containing drawings of teenagers having sex are being placed in our public school libraries, and the people defending it say they are doing it in the name of preventing censorship and protecting the freedom of speech.
     Instead of protecting children from being exposed to sex, we are protecting them from censorship.

     It's time that states craft policies allowing adults to modify their bodies, and dance in drag with other adults; but which also punish adults for exposing children to their naked bodies or to obscene material, or who promote genital mutilation and body modification to minors.
     Restrictions upon activities participated in by transsexual, transgender, and transvestite individuals must not interfere with the rights of those trans people who are minding their own business and are not actually attempting to groom children.
     If such restrictions do enable the authorities to interfere with the rights of those trans people who are not criminals or threats to children, then those Republican-supported statutes which were intended to protect children but also curtail the rights of adults, will continue to be (appropriately) criticized by Democrats who oppose the theological repression of sexuality.

     Bills are being debated, in the legislatures of California and Washington State, which would enable those states to take custody of children whose parents whose parents refuse to put them on puberty blockers (which potentially puts them on the track towards irreversible surgeries before they reach the age at which they are able to give informed consent regarding sexual matters).
     These children have been confused by their educators, and by the naive culture of reckless promotion of all things trans, which is all around them.
     From piercing and tattooing, to circumcision and female genital mutilation, to excessive vaccinations, to puberty blockers, to orchiectomies and child sex change surgeries, to double mastectomies (which are medically unnecessary when administered to teenage girls who don’t have either breast cancer or back problems due to excessively large breasts), child body modification has got to stop.
     Children and adults have different sets of freedoms, rights, and responsibilities. Sexual liberation is for adults, not children. Censorship is for children, not adults.
     You do not have to base your ethics on a religion in order to notice that this is wrong. Wake up.

Written and published on June 11th, 2023.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Chicago and North Suburbs Plagued with Sex Trafficking, Parental Alienation, Child Rape, and Psychiatric Drugging of Molestation Victims

[Note: The full title of this article is

Chicago and North Suburbs Plagued with
Sex Trafficking, Parental Alienation, Child Rape, and Psychiatric Drugging of Molestation Victims:
Fifty-Nine People and Places Which Are Threats to Children's Safety

1. Brad W. Andersen, Lake Bluff realtor. His sons’ female friend - who was also the daughter of one of his own friends - performed as a camgirl for him when she was in her early twenties.

2. Ronald Bell, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. 

3. Raymond Allen Boldt, Mundelein attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. Defended a statutory rapist; a priest named Jeffrey B. Hannah. Hired by Kash Jackson's ex-wife to extort him for child support money and pay egregious amounts to G.A.L. Sally Lichter in order to speak to them over the phone.

4. Janelle Christensen, Waukegan judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

5. Sam Cunningham, former Mayor of Waukegan. Defended Joe Biden's groping and molesting of children as "part of the job" of being president, in public, while speaking to a protester in downtown Waukegan in 2021.

6. Sheriff Mark Curran, former Sheriff of Lake County, Illinois. Assists in parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

7. Sean Curran, Lincolnshire police officer. In 2009, interrogated then 22-year-old Melissa Calusinski and coerced her into falsely confessing to murdering 1-year-old Benjamin Kingan.

8. David del Re, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. One of his victims included a Lake County father named Sam Gorg.

9. Jonathan Dick, Lake Forest confectioner (owner of Sweet’s). Molested, raped, and provided alcohol (and possibly also access to pornography) so the son of his sister; his ten-year-old nephew. The mother of the victim is formerly of Lake Forest, who wrote the book Straying Towards Truth. Jonathan Dick is the husband of Susan Dick, who helped Mr. Dick cover-up his crimes, and blame and gaslight the victim. May or may not be using the alias “Jonathan D. Jonathan”; this might have been a typographical error. Jonathan Dick is almost definitely Jonathan Dick, Jr., the son of Jonathan H. Dick, a man who is probably around age 70, who won squash tournaments at his golf club Onwentsia, and has been a member there since the 1970s, and is currently a member of that club's Board of Senators in good standing. Jonathan Dick, Jr. might be using his father's power and influence - and his own personal wealth, from his ice cream shop as well as his real estate sale and/or development - to purchase attorneys who are willing to defend him for child rape charges. Unclear whether he has any other victims in addition to his nephew; the mother of that victim is worried that Mr. Dick has a lawyer on retainer to defend him for those purposes.

10. Susan Dick, Lake Forest confectioner (owner of Sweet’s). Molested and/or raped the daughters of the mother, formerly of Lake Forest, who wrote the book Straying Towards Truth. Wife of Jonathan Dick, and possibly served as accessory to his crimes after the fact.

11. Michael Feld, Northbrook psychiatrist. Had an affair with a client. Prescribed neurotranquilizing / sedative atypical antipsychotic medications to Joseph W. Kopsick when he attempted to come forward with child molestation allegations against his attorney father Richard S. Kopsick in 2015. Came recommended (to Richard Kopsick) by psychiatrist and youth counselor Sol Rappaport, who works with children in his practice.

12. George Filenko, Lincolnshire police officer. In 2009, interrogated then 22-year-old Melissa Calusinski and coerced her into falsely confessing to murdering 1-year-old Benjamin Kingan.

13. Marc Fisher, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

14. Scott Boen Gibson, Waukegan / Lake Forest attorney. Former partner of child molester Richard S. Kopsick. Gibson pinched Joe Kopsick’s behind, and other children’s behinds, at his pool parties when Kopsick was a child, while yelling “There’s a butt-biter in the pool!”. Former heroin user. Recovering alcoholic.

15. Melodie Gliniewicz, Fox Lake. Widow of Fox Lake police officer Joseph Gliniewicz. Defrauded a children’s charity with her now deceased husband.

16. Kenneth Hasty, Waukegan basketball recruiter. Molested teenage boys, was put on probation, and tried to seduce a 19-year-old boy. His attorney Richard S. Kopsick recommended more probation in 1993 - saying that Hasty had "reformed" his behavior - but Hasty was jailed. Two years later, Richard S. Kopsick molested and raped his first born son, Joseph W. Kopsick.

17. Eric Hill, Zion police officer. Shot 17-year-old Justus Howell to death, in the back, while Howell was fleeing.

18. Laura Horner, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. 

19. Adam Hyde, Lincolnshire police officer. In 2009, interrogated then 22-year-old Melissa Calusinski and coerced her into falsely confessing to murdering 1-year-old Benjamin Kingan.

20. Sheriff John Idleburg, current Sheriff of Lake County, Illinois. Assists in parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

21. Howard Kallem, attorney. Wrote a sham 47-page investigation about the sorry, half-hearted attempt, by Lake Forest High School and its attorneys, to investigate why L.F.H.S. and its employees dropped the ball in regard to David Miller's 47-year-long, off-and-on molestation (and possibly statutory rape) of teenage boys at his school. Kallem created this report (one-eighth of which was redacted) in conjunction with attorney Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger.

22. Richard S. Kopsick, Waukegan / Lake Bluff personal injury attorney. Defended child molester Kenneth Hasty in 1993. Molested and raped his oldest son Joey in 1995 and 1996, multiple times. Former friend of attorney Scott Gibson, who pinched Joe Kopsick’s behind and the behinds of other children at his pool parties. Active in the Lake County Democratic Party and the Lake Bluff District 65 school board during the 1990s. President of the Lake County Bar Association for the year of 2004. Defends people charged with statutory rape. Associate of Joseph McKeown, who used to work in his office, along with McKeown's father Dennis (now retired).

23. Sally A. Lichter, Libertyville-based G.A.L. (Guardian Ad Litem) at Sally Family Law. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. Charges parents tens of thousands of dollars to speak to their children. Victims include the father Kash Jackson (born Benjamin Adam Winderweedle).

24. Steve Lunardi, Waukegan-based attorney. Effectively committed defamation against Joseph W. Kopsick in fall 2023; by claiming, to his face - in public - that Richard Kopsick did not molest or rape the younger Mr. Kopsick.. Lunardi was arrested in the late 1980s for possession of crack cocaine.

25. Lisa Malkov, Lake Bluff police officer. Refused to charge Richard S. Kopsick with molesting his son (despite multiple written statements, precise estimation of dates on which the abuse occurred, explanations as to why physical evidence is not available, and a prosecutor’s admission that it sounds to him like Joe Kopsick’s mother and brother believe him about the abuse).

26. Matt deMartini, Antioch attorney. In 2011, prosecuted Melissa Calusinski alongside his associate attorney Steven J. “Steve” Scheller. Framed Calusinski by failing to produce sufficiently light X-ray evidence showing that the baby who died in Calusinski’s care had previously existing head injuries.

27. Steve McCollum, Waukegan-based attorney. Former (and possibly still current) friend of child-raping attorney Richard Kopsick and child-groping attorney Scott Gibson. McCollum defended Diane M. Ross (a teacher and mother) for sending and/or receiving child pornography in 2000.

28. Joseph "Joe" McKeown, Waukegan-based Guardian Ad Litem (taking custody of children for legal purposes). Once used an image of "Herbert the Pervert" (a pedophile character from Family Guy as his Facebook profile picture. Making light of sex crimes against children in this way, is arguably something that a person whose job it is to hold legal custody of children, should not do, as it is insensitive, and reflects a lack of seriousness regarding such crimes.

29. Justice Robert McLaren, Illinois justice. Prevented lawsuit against David Miller from going forward, on grounds that statute of limitations had expired. That statute was replaced by a new law in 2020, which allows victims to pursue charges against their abusers past the age of 38 if they can prove they were intimidated, and until the age of 38 if they cannot.

30. David “Dave” Miller, Lake Bluff / Lake Forest theater director. Exchanged sexually charged text messages with boys around the age of 17 years old, and kissed students. May have also had sexual relationships with teenage boys. Reportedly, information about this was suppressed between 2009 and 2020 because Miller’s victims wanted to retain their privacy.

31. Judge Christopher Morozin, Waukegan-based judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

32. Michael Nerheim, Waukegan former State's Attorney of Lake County. Republican. Defeated by Democrat Eric Rinehart in November 2020. Nerheim's office refused to charge Richard S. Kopsick with child molestation. Nerheim urged support of police after the shooting death of 17-year-old Justus Howell, who was shot by police in the back while fleeing.

33. Victor o’Block, Waukegan prosecutor at the Specialized Victims Unit of the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office. Refused to charge Richard S. Kopsick with multiple counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse or assault against his son Joe Kopsick, despite the existence of medical evidence of injury (on Mr. Kopsick's lower left ribs), and while admitting that it seemed to o'Block that Joe Kopsick's mother and brother believed his claims about his father attacking him with sexual intent.

34. Kathleen o’Hara, Lake Bluff / Lake Forest former teacher and principal. Mayor of Lake Bluff since 2007. Screamed at students (including Joe Kopsick) while disciplining them, during her tenure at Lake Bluff Middle School (possibly contributing to an environment in which children would be unlikely to report abuse). Possibly failed to sufficiently bring Diane M. Ross’s child pornography arrest to the community’s attention.

35. Sol R. Rappaport, Libertyville psychiatrist and youth counselor. Recommended Dr. Michael Feld (who had an affair with a client) to Richard S. Kopsick, to treat his son Joe Kopsick, after he began recovering memories of abuse in 2015, and attempted to come forward about his father molesting him in 1995 and 1996.

36. David del Re, Waukegan attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. Works with psychiatrist and youth counselor Sol R. Rappaport.

37. Diane M. Ross, Lake Bluff / Lake Forest English professor at Lake Forest College. Mother of students who were in Lake Bluff schools in the year 2000, when Ross was arrested for sending and/or requesting child pornography over the internet via a web forum, using the screen name "SnowyViolet". Employed Steve McCollum (friend of child rapist and attorney Richard Kopsick, and child groping attorney Scott Gibson) as her attorney in that case.

38. Judge Al Salvi, Waukegan judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

39. Joseph V. Salvi, Waukegan judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. Prevented lawsuit against David Miller from going forward, on grounds that statute of limitations had expired. That statute was replaced by a new law in 2020, which allows victims to pursue charges against their abusers past the age of 38 if they can prove they were intimidated, and until the age of 38 if they cannot.

40. Steven. J. “Steve” Scheller, Waukegan attorney at Scheller & Burke, L.L.C.. Prosecutor, and former defense attorney. In 2011, prosecuted Melissa Calusinski alongside his associate attorney Matt deMartini. Framed Calusinski by failing to produce sufficiently light and legible X-ray evidence showing that the baby who died in Calusinski’s care had previously existing head injuries. Friend of attorney Richard S. Kopsick, who defended a child molester and molested his own son.

41. Gary Schlesinger, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

42. Justice Mary Schostok, Illinois justice. Prevented lawsuit against David Miller from going forward, on grounds that statute of limitations had expired. That statute was replaced by a new law in 2020, which allows victims to pursue charges against their abusers past the age of 38 if they can prove they were intimidated, and until the age of 38 if they cannot.

43. Nicole Slobe, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

44. Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger, Waukegan-based attorney. Wrote a sham 47-page investigation about the sorry, half-hearted attempt, by Lake Forest High School and its attorneys, to investigate why L.F.H.S. and its employees dropped the ball in regard to David Miller's 47-year-long, off-and-on molestation (and possibly statutory rape) of teenage boys at his school. Veidlinger created this report (one-eighth of which was redacted) in conjunction with attorney Howard Kallem.

45. Donna-Jo Vorderstrasse, Waukegan judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

46. "Popz", the adult male proprietor of a hookah bar and music venue called Swing State, which used to exist in Waukegan. Solicited topless photos from at least one underage teenage girl. May have also sexually abused and/or pimped-out at least three underage girls; likely some time in the early 2000s.

47. An adult male in either Lake Bluff or Lake Forest, name unknown, who molested a boy in the 1990s and/or 2000s who attended school in Lake Bluff with Joe Kopsick.

48. A Lake Bluff father, name unknown, who molested and/or raped his daughter, who attended school in Lake Forest with Joe Kopsick.

49. One or more sailors at Great Lakes Naval Base who committed statutory rape against a girl or girls as young as 12 or 13 years old, some time between the years 1999 and 2002. One of these girls was also victimized by the proprietor of a Waukegan hookah bar.

50. The adult male who molested, or attempted to molest, young boys in the men’s showers of the Lake Bluff park district’s public pool in the 1990s. Name unknown.

51. The Office of Child Support Enforcement, of Illinois. Assists in legal child kidnapping (a/k/a parental alienation, through the family courts system; demanding ransom from parents, for Guardians Ad Litem, in exchange for seeing their children and/or talking to them over the phone).

52. The proprietors of, and dance instructors at, Model Act Studios, based in Schaumburg and Lemont. Accused of taking parents money for photographs of children, without offering adequate dance instruction to kids; may be a scam to defraud parents for money and/or obtain photos and/or videos of children for illicit purposes. Works with International Modeling and Talent Association (I.M.T.A.) to put on child fashion shows featuring young girls in immodest two-piece swimsuits. May be working with (I.M.T.A.) to find attractive children who can be lured into the entertainment industry.

53. J.B. Pritzker and family (including former Jeffrey Epstein associate Tom Pritzker, J.B.’s cousin). Governor of Illinois, Democrat. The Pritzker family owns the Hyatt Regency “Chicago” (actually in Schaumburg) and the neighboring Hyatt Place in Schaumburg. Sex trafficking has occurred at the Hyatt Regency, and has likely occurred at Hyatt Place as well.

54. The Village of Schaumburg, which owns the Renaissance Convention Center and Hotel in Schaumburg. The Renaissance Convention Center has hosted conventions of Tremaine dance studios, which teaches young girls (and some boys) sexually charged dance routines.

55. The owner(s) of Private Events by Sam and Harry’s in Schaumburg. Located next to the Renaissance Convention Center. Reputed area where sex trafficking has likely occurred (possibly in connection to sex trafficking occurring at the Renaissance).

56. The City of Chicago, which owns o’Hare International Airport in northwestern Chicago (a known human trafficking and sex trafficking site) and Midway Airport in south Chicago (another possible human trafficking site).

     [note: Some names have been removed temporarily, in order to help protect the author. More information will be added to this page at a later date.]

Written and published on May 25th, 2021

Updated, Edited, and Expanded on November 15th and 18th, 2023.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Six Locations in Schaumburg, Illinois Where Human Trafficking Is (or May Be) Occurring

     I wrote the following after discovering that sex trafficking and prostitution busts have occurred at hotels in Schaumburg, Illinois, and after discovering that Schaumburg hotels, and dancing and modeling studios, are hosting "dance" events which sexualize children.
     These "dancing and modeling studios" may not be overt schemes to traffic children, but it's possible that they are defrauding the children's parents for money, or even scamming them for cheap photographs and videos of their children, which the operators of the dance studios can sell. An investigation is needed.

     Most of these locations are very close to one another, as well as to a local high school. They are also close to o'Hare International Airport, another major human and sex trafficking hub.
     Parents in the Schaumburg area, and parents of students at Rolling Meadows High School, should be cautioned about what is happening in their community, in regards to the information below.

1. Model Act Studios – Schaumburg

     - Dance studio for children, affiliated with International Modeling and Talent Agency (I.M.T.A.).

     - Accused of taking money for photos, without offering adequate dance instruction to kids.

     - Might be a scam to defraud parents for money and/or obtain photos and videos of children.

     - Sources:


      - Location: 1750 E. Golf Rd., Schaumburg

     - See this location on Google Maps at the following link:

          Model Act Studios - Google Maps

2. Model Act Studios – Lemont

      - Location: 115 Stephen St., Lemont

     - See this location on Google Maps at the following link:
          Model Act Studios - Google Maps

3. Hyatt Regency – Chicago / Schaumburg

     - Sex trafficking has occurred here.

     - The Hyatt hotel chain is owned by the family of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker.

     - Location: 1800 E. Golf Road, Schaumburg

      - See this location on Google Maps at the following link:

          Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, Chicago - Google Maps

4. Hyatt Place – Chicago / Schaumburg

     - Sex trafficking has likely occurred here.

     - Location: 1851 McConnor Parkway, Schaumburg

     - See this location on Google Maps at the following link:
          1851 McConnor Pkwy - Google Maps

     - Source: Sex trafficking bust at Schaumburg hotels:

     - Source: Jeffrey Epstein court documents mention J.B. Pritzker's cousin Tom

5. Private Events by Sam & Harry’s

     - Sex trafficking has likely occurred here. Reputed trafficking area.

     - Location: 1551 Thoreau Drive North, Schaumburg (part of the Renaissance Convention Center)

      - See this location on Google Maps at the following link:
          Private Events by Sam & Harry's - Google Maps

6. Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center

     - Hosts Tremaine dance studios conventions, including the one in winter 2019.

     - Model Act Studios, and Tremaine dance studios, teach young girls sexually charged dance moves, which they tell the girls are simply "rhythmic gymnastics". The girls are told to be "sassy" while they dance, which is being used as a replacement term for "sexy”. This is done to avoid all chances that the girls will recognize that they are being exploited and objectified by their parents and dancing and modeling instructors.

     - Location: 1551 Thoreau Drive North, Schaumburg

      - See this location on Google Maps at the following link:

          1551 Thoreau Dr N - Google Maps


Five of the six locations listed above,
are all within several miles of each other,
and also to the Rolling Meadows High School.

Information collected between March 2021 and April 3rd, 2021

Written on April 3rd, 2021

Edited on May 15th, 2021

Published on May 15th, 2021


Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...