Showing posts with label industrial unionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label industrial unionism. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Two Competing Class Theories

Man is more enslaved by desires than by his needs,
and by his needs more than by his captors,
but by none of these so much as he is enslaved by ideology.

The proper set of ideas allows him to think his captors into or out of existence.
The proper set of captors allow him to seize or liberate that which satisfies his needs.
The proper set of satisfied needs allows him to yearn for or forsake his desires.

The proper set of nourished desires allows him to

dream himself, control himself, need himself,

and even to transcend desire itself.

As such, the revolution must be intellectual, political, biological, and spiritual,
and - if for some reason all of these things cannot be pursued simultaneously -
and in that order of priority, although not without equal importance.

 Click, expand, and download the above image,
and upload it to your Facebook photos to use as a banner.

The above prose and images were inspired
by Wally Conger's "Agorist Class Theory",
as well as by the work of Karl Marx,
Max Stirner and Hannah Arendt.

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Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

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