Showing posts with label Kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kennedy. Show all posts

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Which Members of the Kennedy-Shriver-Radziwill-Cuomo Family Appear in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book?

1. Kennedys in the Epstein Black Book

      The following images were taken from the 95-page version of Jeffrey Epstein's personal book of contacts (dubbed his "Black Book"), a document that was dated 2004-2005.

     Link to the redacted version of the Epstein black book, on

     That document became publicly accessible after Epstein allegedly lost it on the street in New York City in 1997.
     [Author's Note: The source above contains a searchable database of the entries in a 92-page version of the black book, but the full article database search feature are only available with a subscription to There are websites - such as - that allow users to copy and paste links, to read full articles without subscriptions, but that method does not allow access to the searchable database. Please e-mail me at if you would like me to e-mail you the file.]

     Below you will see pages 35, 51, and 54 of the 95-page black book PDF. On those pages, several members of the extended Kennedy family - including members of the Shriver and Radziwill branches of the family - are found:


p. 35

p. 51

p. 54

Click on images, and open in new tab and/or new window,
and download if necessary, to see in full resolution.

     Here is a list of all the members of the Kennedy, Shriver, Radziwill, and Cuomo families whom are listed in Epstein's black book [note: all names transcribed directly from source text, with typographical errors included]:

     - Kennedy, Bobby (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.; son of John F. Kennedy’s brother Robert F. Kennedy; listed under "Bobby & Mary")

     - Kennedy, Mary (presumably Mary Richardson Kennedy)

     - Kennedy, Senator Edward (U.S. Senator Edward Moore Kennedy, known as “Ted / Teddy”)

     - Kennedy Jr, Ted (Edward Moore Kennedy Jr., son of Teddy Kennedy)

     - Kennedy, Ethel (widow of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)

     - Kennedy, Jo (possibly Joseph Patrick Kennedy III, born in 1980)

     - Kennedy Cuomo, Kerry (former wife of Andrew Cuomo, listed under “Kennedy Cuomo, Andrew & Kerry")

     - Kennedy Cuomo, Andrew (former Governor of New York, son of Mario Cuomo; listed under “Kennedy Cuomo, Andrew & Kerry")

     - Radziwill, Carole (widow of Anthony Radziwill; journalist, appeared on “Real Housewives”)

     - Shriver, Maria (daughter of John F. Kennedy’s sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver, former wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger)

     - Shriver, Bobby (son of Maria Shriver)

2. Kennedys in the Epstein Flight Logs

     Below, you will see an image I assembled, based on page 26 of the 118-page Epstein flight logs document, which was released in United States v. Ghislaine Maxwell. This document shows that "Bobby Kennedy" (presumably Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the only adult named "Bobby Kennedy" in politics at that time) - and "Bobby Kennedy III" (presumably R.F.K. Jr.'s son) - flew on Epstein's plane "the Lolita Express" on February 17th and 28th, 1994.

Click on image, and open in new tab and/or new window,
and download if necessary, to see in full resolution.

     Below you will see the original, unaltered Page 26 of that 118-page document.

Click on image, and open in new tab and/or new window,
and download if necessary, to see in full resolution.

     Page 1 of that document labels the document as "Government Exhibit 662 -RR" / "S2 20 Cr. 330 (AJN)".
     That document is publicly visible at the following address:

Written and published on August 19th, 2023.

Originally published under the title
"Which Members of the Kennedy-Shriver-Radziwill Family
Appear in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book?".

Title changed on August 25th, 2023.

Edited and expanded on August 30th, 2023.

Contains an image previously published in my August 3rd, 2023 article
"Eleven Things Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Got Wrong About the Israeli-Arab Conflict
in His Interview with Jimmy Dore".

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Eleven Things That Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Got Wrong About the Israeli-Arab Conflict, in His Interview with Jimmy Dore

     On Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., appeared on The Jimmy Dore Show, hosted by comedian-turned-podcaster Jimmy Dore.
     In that interview, Kennedy defended his so-called "unconditional" support of the State of Israel, while making a few minor concessions regarding the crimes committed by the Israelis.
     Kennedy made several inaccurate and/or incomplete statements during that interview.

     During the interview, Dore confessed that he was "not the smartest person" to "push back against" what Kennedy was saying. But Dore invited Kennedy to debate Max Blumenthal (a journalist of Jewish heritage whose father served in the Clinton Administration) on the topic of the Israeli-Arab and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
     Since the mainstream media are currently smearing Kennedy as an anti-Semite (over his comments about Covid-19 and Anne Frank), it seems unlikely that the debate between Kennedy and Blumenthal will ever happen.
     That's why I would like to take this opportunity to clear-up a few of the things Kennedy said that were inaccurate.

     You can watch the Israel-Palestine segment, from that interview, at the following address:

     1. Although the Jews were obviously aligned against the Nazis, it's unfair of R.F.K. to conclude that the Jews were "on the side of the Allies" completely. That’s because, in 1947-48, during the War of Independence, the Jews kicked the British and Palestinians off Israeli land, at the same time.


     2. While R.F.K. was correct that the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine would have given the Arabs four-fifths of the land, most of that land was desert. That plan was not unfair to the Jews; that deal offered Jews plenty of good land.


     3. R.F.K. said the Arabs kicked Jews out (which is true), but also that the Jews didn’t kick all the Arabs out. The reason Israel didn't kick the Arabs out, in 1947-48, is because there were (and still are) so many Arabs there, that they couldn't possibly kick them all out. The Israelis did, however, make significant efforts to kick them out, including forcing 700,000 Arabs out in 1947-48, including “driving them into the sea” and onto boats, in an event known to Arabs as the nakba (“catastrophe”). The phrase “driving them into the sea” is now used against Arabs, to stoke fears that they will destroy Israeli civilization.


     4. R.F.K. rightfully says "Palestinian children are taught that it's okay to kill Jews". That’s true, but R.F.K. failed to mention that: 1) Palestinians have been under siege for nearly four generations, so they don’t need to be taught racist attitudes in order to find out who is responsible for bombing and imprisoning them; and 2) plenty of Israeli children are taught that it's okay to kill Arabs. Abby Martin can confirm just how many Israelis think it’s not only fine to kill Arabs, and many even seem to think that it is a laughing matter.


     5. R.F.K. rightfully criticized the killing of individual Jewish people by Palestinians. But he neglected to mention that a reason why Palestinians kill individual Jews, instead of bombing Israeli military targets (to comport with the rules of war), is because choosing Israeli military targets would be insane, due to the totally disparate levels of military technology and capability possessed by the two sides. Taking out an Israeli military base would get Arabs carpet-bombed. It would be a self-genocide mission.


     6. R.F.K. said that it is wrong to bomb non-military targets, but he also admitted that Israel has a policy that they will dig under sites being used as Palestinian militant positions. The reason why Palestinians take refuge in schools, mosques, and hospitals, is not because they are trying to make their children and sick people into human shields. It is because they are praying that the Israelis will not be so inhumane as to resort to bombing them even in their schools, mosques, and hospitals. A person only looks like a human shield if you're already willing to shoot at him. It is regrettable that the Arabs keep munitions in these places, but that is what is necessary for their self-defense, because the Israelis are willing to bomb any and all locations which could ever potentially be used for “military purposes” (i.e., self-defense).


     7. R.F.K. claimed that “Gaza isn't occupied; it's under self-rule". That is not true. In 2006, Hamas won elections in Gaza, after being encouraged by the Israelis to run in Palestinian Authority elections. Then the Israelis prevented those Hamas members from taking their oaths of office and their seats, and now considers Hamas a terrorist organization. That is not what self-rule looks like. Also, Gaza is surrounded by a fortified perimeter with razor-wire-topped fences and guard towers. Snipers with the I.D.F. (Israeli Defense Forces) will often shoot at children who come "too close" to those perimeter fences. And Gaza is not allowed sea access, because it’s under blockade. And it’s rarely allowed access to Egypt over land. So it is pretty much an isolated country, like North Korea. No country can be sovereign or self-sufficient which has practically no contact with the outside world. The fact that Israeli troops are not patrolling Gazan streets, does not make the Gaza Strip any less "occupied".


     8. When asked about the Gaza Strip, R.F.K. said "Why doesn't Jordan open itself up to the Palestinians?". Jordan is not connected to Gaza. Jordan opening itself up, would only help the people in the West Bank; it would not help anybody in Gaza.


     9. R.F.K. argued that Arabs can visit the Temple Mount, but Jews are not allowed to, therefore Arabs have more rights. That is not true, because: 1) The Jordanian Islamic Waqf owns that site, and it's allowed to set the rules; 2) Jews obey those rules because there are Arab as well as Judaic rules in place which are designed to protect the holiest sites from being trod on by the wrong people at the wrong times; and 3) a group of radical rabbis (associated with Machon Ha’Mikdash and the Temple Mount Faithful movement) ascended the Temple Mount illegally in the early 90s.


     10. R.F.K. seems to be trying to imply - without saying it directly - that the Arabs do not recognize the right of Jews to exist. But the Arab nations only reject the rights of Jews to exist as a state. Israel as a people (i.e., the Jewish people) has a right to exist. But Israel as a state (i.e., the Zionist imperialist Israeli statist government) does not have an inherent right to exist. Nations only have a right to exist if they do not start too many wars with their neighbors. Israel started all but like two of the wars they've been involved in. States do not have the right to exist. They are based on legitimized violence, and monopoly. If "the Arabs won't negotiate", then it’s because they are being forced to accept Israeli statehood, so no real free negotiation is possible, because one of the terms is non-negotiable. It wouldn’t be a huge challenge to get the Arabs to recognize the rights of Jews as a religion, a people, and a nation, because the Jews are those things, and they will always be those things. But there’s no need to intimidate the Arabs into endorsing a form of imperialist statehood that implicitly claims all the world’s Jews as its potential members, even if they have never visited the land. Jews believe they are protected by G-d, not by a king or a military. There is no need for a “Jewish state”, and various rabbis - such as Yoel and Moshe Teitelbaum, Yaakov Shapiro, Yisroel Dovid Weiss, and Elnahan Beck - have argued that the idea of Jewish sovereignty, without properly ordained rabbinic courts (Sanhedrin), is antithetical to Jewish teachings (specifically, the story of King Saul in the Book of Solomon). According to traditional “ultra-Orthodox” Jews, the Temple Mount is not supposed to be completely open to all Jews, until all people miraculously attain complete knowledge of G-d and His word, and join together in worship of YHWH. Secular liberal Jews who oppose Israeli apartheid do not make this argument, but it is true.


     11. R.F.K. said “Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians everything they wanted." That is not true because the Palestinians wanted Israel to stop being a state, and Barak did not offer the Palestinians this option. By the way, this is the same Ehud Barak who hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. And R.F.K. allegedly flew on the Lolita Express on February 17th and 27th, 1994.

Click on image, and open in new tab and/or window,
and/or download if necessary, to see in full resolution

     [Post-Script / Author's Note:

     To see a video of Max Blumenthal debunking of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s talking points, on The Jimmy Dore Show, click on the link below:

     To read my commentary regarding several potential solutions to the Israel-Palestine conflict, click on the link below, to read my August 2020 article "Why I Support Autonomy, But Not Statehood, for Palestinians":]

Written and published on August 3rd, 2023.

Post-Script / Author's Note written and added on August 7th, 2023.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Which Presidential Candidates I Support and Oppose in the 2024 Election

Candidates Whom I Support

     (#1 = Support Most Strongly; #13 = Support Least Strongly)

1. Pastreich, Emanuel (Green Party)
2. ter Maat, Mike (Libertarian Party)
3. Stein, Dr. Jill (Green Party)
4. Oliver, Chase (Libertarian Party)
5. Hornberger, Jacob (Libertarian Party)
6. Rectenwald, Dr. Michael (Libertarian Party)
7. Mapstead, Lars (Libertarian Party)
8. Williamson, Marianne (Democratic Party)
9. West, Dr. Cornel (independent; formerly People’s Party and Green Party)
10. Elder, Larry (Republican Party)
11. Scott, Tim (Republican Party)
12. Ramaswamy, Vivek (Republican Party)
13. Hutchison, Asa (Republican Party)

Candidates Whom Oppose

     (#14 = Oppose Most Weakly; #24 = Oppose Most Strongly

14. Smith, Joshua (Libertarian Party)
15. Kennedy, Robert F., Jr. (Democratic Party)
16. Uygur, Cenk (Democratic Party)
17. Burgum, Doug (Republican Party)
18. Pence, Michael R. "Mike" (Republican Party)
19. Phillips, Dean (Democratic Party)
20. Christie, Chris (Republican Party)
21. Haley, Nikki (Republican Party)
22. DeSantis, Ron (Republican Party)
23. Trump, Donald (Republican Party)
24. Biden, Joe (Republican Party)

Candidates Whom I Would Support (if They Were to Run)

1. Whitney, Mark (Libertarian Party)
2. Baraka, Ajamu (Green Party)
3. Hawkins, Howie (Green Party)
4. Noem, Kristi (Republican Party) [possible vice presidential contender in 2024]
5. Brown, Sherrod (Democratic Party)

Written and published on June 9th, 2023.

Originally published under the title
"Which Presidential Candidates I Support and Oppose for the 2024 Election"

Edited and expanded on December 10th, 11th, 15th, 23rd, and 26th, 2023.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Three Most Powerful Democratic Party Governors Are Connected to Epstein, Weinstein, or Both

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Cuomos Tied to Ghislaine Maxwell and Pedophile Producer John Griffin
3. Gavin Newsom's Wife Allegedly Intimidated Rose McGowan on Behalf of Harvey Weinstein, Andrew Cuomo May Have Attempted to Protect Weinstein Too
4. J.B. Pritzker's Cousin Tom Tied to Jeffrey Epstein, Sex Trafficking May Be Occurring in Pritzkers' Hyatt Hotels
5. Conclusion


1. Introduction

     When 2021 began, Illinois was governed by Democrat J.B. Pritzker, California was governed by Democrat Gavin Newsom, and New York State was governed by Andrew Cuomo.
     Since then, more than eleven months have passed. Cuomo has since resigned in November (due to a sexual harassment scandal), and Newsom survived a recall effort in September.
     As for J.B. Pritzker (whose family owns the Hyatt chain of hotels), he may be thinking of running for president. He has denied those rumors, however.
     Read more about that story at the following link:

2. Cuomos Tied to Ghislaine Maxwell and Pedophile Producer John Griffin

     Although Cuomo has stepped down, and has been replaced by his Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, he has plenty of friends in the Democratic Party who still run New York.
     His younger brother Chris Cuomo recently lost his television show on C.N.N. (Cuomo Prime Time) due to his role in counseling Andrew regarding how to deal with emerging allegations about his sexually aggressive behavior.

     Cuomo's no longer being governor - and even his brother's losing his show - should not be regarded as major hindrances to the family. We must remind ourselves that part of the Cuomo family is a branch of the Kennedy family. Andrew Cuomo married Kerry Kennedy (a daughter of Robert F. Kennedy) in 1990. They divorced in 2005.
     [Note: The Schwarzeneggers are also a branch of the Kennedy family, due to their ties to the Kennedys through Maria Shriver. Additionally, Jacqueline Kennedy's younger sister Lee Radziwill (born Caroline Lee Bouvier) was married to the Polish-Lithuanian Prince Anthony Stanislaw Albert Radziwill from 1959 to 1974, and had a child with him. Lee Radziwill's child is thus both a member of the Radziwill family of nobles (which can claim ties to the Hungarian countess Elizabeth Bathory) and a cousin of the Kennedys.]

     In November 2021, the Daily Mail and the New York Post reported that Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's girlfriend and alleged accomplice, attended Andrew Cuomo's wedding to Kerry Kennedy in 1990.

     The Daily Mail article even went so far as to report that Ghislaine Maxwell bragged about having had sex with John F. Kennedy Jr., which she reportedly described as her "chief conquest". This information came according to an article published by OK! Magazine in 2020.

     If John F. Kennedy Jr. was murdered, then this information could possibly help explain who had him killed.
     It may also help provide some "Pizzagate"-related context to J.F.K. Jr.'s 1998 appearance on Jay Leno's The Tonight Show, in which he read a poem that he claimed (probably in jest) to have been written by Monica Lewinsky when she was a schoolgirl.

     If Ghislaine Maxwell attending Cuomo's wedding in 1990, and Andrew Cuomo's sexual harassment scandals, aren't enough to convince you that something sinister is going on with the Cuomos, then the recent news about Chris Cuomo's producer should.
     The New York Post recently reported that Chris Cuomo's producer, John Griffin, got women to send him girls as young as seven years old, for what Griffin reportedly described as sexual "training".

     Additionally, Cuomo reportedly sent a letter to New York's attorney general in 2015, asking for the investigation into the allegations against Harvey Weinstein to be delayed by six months.
     But before we can understand that in full detail, we'll have to talk about Gavin Newsom.

3. Gavin Newsom's Wife Allegedly Intimidated Rose McGowan on Behalf of Harvey Weinstein, Andrew Cuomo May Have Attempted to Protect Weinstein Too

     In September 2021, Newsweek, MSN, and the Daily Wire reported that actress Rose McGowan had alleged that Jennifer Siebel Newsom - the wife of California Governor Gavin Newsom - attempted to bribe McGowan before the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal broke. 
     [Notes: McGowan grew up in a chapter of the pedophilic Children of God cult which was based in Italy. Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is known for having founded the highly successful entertainment company Miramax, L.L.C. with his brother Max.]

     McGowan claims that Jennifer Siebel Newsom "cold-called" her, and said "David Boies wants to know what it would take to make you happy". McGowan has evidently interpreted this as an attempt to either bribe her, silence her, or bribe her into silence.
     David Boies is Harvey Weinstein's lawyer.

     David Boies is an attorney at the firm Boies, Schiller, and Flexner. He has represented Weinstein, the medical company Theranos, and Al Gore's campaign (arguing in the famous Supreme Court case of Bush v. Gore).
     Curiously, he also represents Virginia Giuffre, and several other women who have accused Jeffrey Epstein of sex crimes.

     According to Ronan Farrow, Boies directed the Israeli intelligence company Black Cube to spy on Weinstein's victims, as well as reporters investigating the accusations against him.

     In August 2018, the Daily Beast reported that David Boies allegedly sent $10,000 to Cyrus Vance Jr. (who investigated Weinstein in 2015) and $25,000 to Andrew Cuomo.

     The same month, Buzzfeed reported that, in June 2015, Andrew Cuomo had sent a letter to the state's attorney general, Barbara Underwood, asking for the investigation to be suspended for six months.
     Buzzfeed reported that, when news of Boies's payment to Vance broke, Vance decided to reverse his decision, and went ahead with the state's prosecution of Weinstein.

     [Note: Gavin Newsom's wife's "advocacy" on behalf of Weinstein is not the California governor's only tie to the entertainment industry. Newsom is also the second cousin, twice removed, of harpist Joanna Newsom. Joanna Newsom is married to actor-comedian Andy Samberg, a former cast member on N.B.C.'s Saturday Night Live.] 

4. J.B. Pritzker's Cousin Tom Tied to Jeffrey Epstein, Sex Trafficking May Be Occurring in Pritzkers' Hyatt Hotels

     In August 2019, The Chicago Tribune reported that Tom Pritzker is named in what were then "newly unsealed court records" in cases against Jeffrey Epstein.

     Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker said that he wasn't aware that his cousin Tom knew Jeffrey Epstein.

     J.B. Pritzker's sister, Penny Pritzker, served as Secretary of Commerce during the Obama Administration.

     J.B. Pritzker is the son of Jay Pritzker, an entrepreneur who co-founded the Hyatt Corporation. The Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park in Chicago is named after him.
     J.B. Pritzker the second-richest person in his family after his sister Karen, is one of eleven Pritzkers who have more than a billion dollars.

     There are 210 hotels associated with the Hyatt brand. One of them is located at 1851 McConnor Parkway, in Schaumburg, a northwest suburb of Chicago. It is located less than seven miles from o'Hare International Airport, the fourth busiest airport in the country.
     In February 2017, the F.B.I. and the Schaumburg Police Department conducted a prostitution raid on "area hotels". It's possible that this raid included the Hyatt hotel, because Hyatt Place is one of the largest and most prominent hotels in Schaumburg.

     Whether Hyatt Place was directly involved in sex trafficking, and how much the Pritzkers know about prostitution which may be occurring in their hotels, remains to be discovered.
     But one thing is certain: There is plenty more to discuss when it comes to the topic of shady dealings involving the Pritzker family.

     For one, J.B. Pritzker participated in a filmed television interview for Bloomberg TV, in June 2011, side by side next to the man who would eventually be his gubernatorial opponent in 2018, Bruce Rauner.
     Rauner served as governor from 2015 to 2019. Pritzker and Rauner appeared in that interview, presenting themselves as billionaires who wanted to help Illinois. They discussed venture capital, private equity, and investment in technology startups.
     That video emerged during the 2018 election. It is available at the link below.

     Additionally, the Pritzkers may have ties to organized crime.
     In 2006, the Chicago Tribune reported that, according to author Gus Russo, Jay Pritzker's father (and J.B.'s grandfather) Abram - known as Abe - founded the Hyatt chain on money provided by the Jewish Mafia.
     In 2014, the Desert Sun reported that Abram Pritzker was a criminal attorney with ties to mobsters Joe Fusco (who managed what was left of Al Capone's crime syndicate) and Frank Buccieri. Joe Fusco was seen hosting a meeting with Abe Pritzker and several famous mobsters.

     Additional details can be found in Gus Russo's book Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America's Hidden Power Brokers.

5. Conclusion

     So... Are the Pritzkers connected to the "Jewish Mafia"?
     Do Gavin Newsom's wife's actions, and the Cuomo brothers' actions - to help Epstein, Weinstein, and other child sex criminals - suggest that they are blackmailing, delaying investigations of, and siccing Israeli spy firms on the victims of - people who are in league with this "Jewish Mafia"?
     Just what do we mean when we say "Jewish Mafia" anyway?

     By this phrase, I mean to refer to a group of Jewish-Americans, who organize crime and unduly influence politicians, in order to further the interests of the expansionist State of Israel and its affiliated politicians (in numerous countries) who participate in sex trafficking operations and sexual blackmail.

     Maria Farmer's interview with reporter Whitney Webb may be the most enlightening piece of information which we could examine for the purpose of finding out more about this crime syndicate.
     Maria Farmer, who once worked as a set painter in Hollywood, was employed by Ghislaine Maxwell. She has not claimed to have been sexually abused by either Maxwell or Jeffrey Epstein, but she did go to police regarding the high number of underage girls she saw entering Epstein's residence.
     In her interview with Whitney Webb, Maria Farmer describes Leslie Wexner (the C.E.O. of Victoria's Secret, whom apparently financed Epstein) as "the head of the snake", and as "Jewish mafia".
     That interview is available at the following link:

     [Note: None of this should be construed to suggest that all Jewish people - nor all (or even most) Jewish-Americans - are involved with organized crime, nor with sex trafficking, nor with the particular sex crime and blackmail syndicate which is discussed above.
     This blog has published numerous articles which have highlighted the differences between the ideology that rationalizes a "State of Israel", and the ultra-Orthodox interpretation of the Jewish religion which holds that a state is not necessary, or even that a "Jewish state" is prohibited under certain circumstances and/or at this point in history.
     No insult to the Jewish people, nor to the religion of Judaism, is intended. The only people who are attempting to associate the Jewish people with sex crimes, are the defenders of Jeffrey Epstein and his accomplices (i.e., by attempting to use their Jewish identity, and Holocaust sympathy, as shields to deflect criticism from their crimes, painting all such allegations as "blood libel".

     Additionally, none of this should be construed to support the set of conspiracy theories associated with "QAnon". The author of this blog, Joe Kopsick, believes that QAnon intentionally withholds some of its criticism of Republican politicians accused of sex crimes, for reasons of political bias.
     Nothing in the above article should be construed to suggest that there are no Republican sex criminals who target children; there are.
     A short list of Republicans who have been accused of sex crimes can be found at the link below:]

Written and published on December 16th, 2021

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Reaction to the Death of George H.W. Bush

     George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, passed away on November 30th, 2018. I wrote the following as a response to his death, and as a reaction to the media's fond remembrance of him (too fond, if you ask me):

     I was pleased to discover recently that in the 1980 Republican presidential debate, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush both expressed pro-immigration sentiments. But while it's true that George H.W. Bush was more pro-immigration than Donald Trump is - and more pro-immigration than most Republicans today - that fact alone doesn't make him a good person.
     Bush led the C.I.A. before becoming president, for a year in 1976-1977. He was president during the Noriega fiasco in Panama (in which both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. funded Noriega), and during the Gulf War (the 1991 war in the Persian Gulf, to defend Kuwait from Saddam Hussein).
     Bush started sanctions of Iraq that eventually resulted in the starvation deaths of half a million people (with the assistance of Bill Clinton and Madeline Albright, who continued them). Some politicians today, namely Rand Paul, say that Iraq was better off under Saddam Hussein than it was under and after American occupation. I believe that is an accurate assessment.

     Not only did Bush get America involved in foreign conflicts unnecessarily, he may have covertly killed several beloved public figures. Bush may have been in Dallas on the day JFK was killed. A George Bush worked at the CIA at that time, but Bush Sr. claims that it wasn't him. Some believe Bush had a very direct role in planning and executing Kennedy's death.
     In addition to Kennedy's death, Bush was probably involved in the Reagan assassination attempt. Bush arguably had the most to gain from an assassination of Reagan. Not only that, but the Bushes were friends with Reagan's shooter's brother and father. The father was John Hinckley, Sr., head of Vanderbilt Steel.
     Additionally, Bush's C.I.A. might have even hired John Lennon's shooter (Mark David Chapman, a former Marine stationed in Arkansas and Indochina) and paid the doorman at the Dakota building that night (a Cuban dissident named Jose Perdomo).

     Perhaps most worrisome of all, Bush was a member of a Skull and Bones lodge, the Yale secret society that has roots in the 17th century opium and slave trades. He reputedly received a nickname from Skull and Bones for being its most sexually experienced member.

     And who could forget, Bush Sr's father Prescott Bush managed the American accounts of Fritz Thyssen, the steel and rubber magnate whose slave labor camps eventually became death camps.
     Prescott Bush fed, clothed, and sheltered his whole family with the money that the U.S. government let him keep after Brown Brothers Harriman was convicted of violating the Trading with the Enemy Act by trading with Nazi affiliated companies.
     The whole Bush family are Nazi war profiteers, including George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, and the rest of them. The family might not have survived if it weren't for the U.S. government allowing them to keep their Nazi war profits.

     George H.W. Bush spent his last moments telling his son George W. Bush that he loved him. Anyone who loves George W. Bush - who continued his father's war, which led to the deaths of millions more, and the birth of mutated babies due to depleted uranium use in Fallujah - is not worth admiring.
     Not only am I glad that Bush is dead, he is one of a small group of people whose eventual deaths I can honestly say I've been cheerfully anticipating for several years. No amount of charity, friendship with Democrats, or love of his own family or love of people from Mexico, could convince me that he is worthy of admiration or even fond remembrances.
     Good riddance.


     For an explanation of my claims about Bush's possible involvement in the deaths of John F. Kennedy and John Lennon, and the shooting of Ronald Reagan, please read my March 2012 article "Bush Family, World Vision Behind JFK, Lennon, Reagan Shootings" at the following address:

    To read about Prescott Bush's link to Nazi war profiteers, read the following article from the Guardian:

     Click this link to watch Bush and Reagan discuss immigration:

Second Post-Script:

     I would have also wished to mention Bush's involvement in the C.I.A.'s funneling of drugs into inner cities, his role in covering-up and ignoring the H.I.V./A.I.D.S. crisis, the "Highway of Death" during the Persian Gulf War, and Bush's possible involvement in the trafficking of prostitutes and the Franklin cover-up.
     It would have been difficult to name all of Bush's major crimes against humanity on the first try. I regret neglecting to mention them, and I encourage my readers to do their own research about those topics.

Reaction, Introduction, and Post-Script Written on December 1st, 2018
Second Post-Script Written and Published on December 4th, 2018
Edited on December 1st, 2018
Originally Published on December 1st, 2018

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Candidates for Governor of Illinois in 2018

Republican Primary

1. Bruce Rauner (Republican, incumbent)

2018 Campaign Site

Page on Illinois State Government Website

Official Facebook



 2. William J. Kelly (Republican)

2018 Campaign Site


News and Activism Sites

Democratic Primary

4. Daniel Biss (Democrat)

2018 Campaign Sites

Pages on Illinois State Legislature Sites




5. Bob Daiber (Democrat)

2018 Campaign Site



6. Scott Drury (Democrat)

2018 Campaign Page

Pages on Illinois Legislature Websites



7. Tio Hardiman (Democrat)

2018 Campaign Site: Unknown





8. Chris Kennedy (Democrat)

2018 Campaign Site

Facebook Campaign Page



9. Robert Marshall (Democrat)

2018 Campaign Site


10. Alex Paterakis (Democrat)

2018 Campaign Site




More Articles About Alex Paterakis

11. Ameya Pawar (Democrat)

2018 Campaign Site

Pages on Chicago City Government Sites

Facebook Campaign Page



12. J. B. Pritzker (Democrat)

2018 Campaign Site

Pritzker Group Website

Facebook Campaign Page



Libertarian Primary

13. Kash Jackson (Libertarian)

2018 Campaign Site

Campaign Pages on Facebook

Restoring Freedom



More Articles About Kash Jackson

14. Matthew C. Scaro (Libertarian)

2018 Campaign Page

2018 Campaign Page on Facebook

Personal Facebook


Speeches on YouTube

15. Jon Stewart (Libertarian)


Personal Facebook

2018 Campaign Site

More Articles About Jon Stewart

Constitution Party

16. Randy Stufflebeam (Constitution)

2018 Campaign Site


Illinois Constitution Party Site


Wikipedia Link to List of Candidates, Running Mates, and Prospective Candidates

More Links on the Libertarian Candidates

February & March 2017 Coverage of Libertarian Governor Candidates’ Events

Originally Written and Published on September 5th, 2017
Edited and Expanded on September 7th and 14th, and November 12th, 2017

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...