Written in December 2010
Originally published 12-30-2010
so you believe the Second Amendment had that point about militias
because only well-regulated militias and not ordinary citizens should
be allowed to have guns.
you're wrong. The British Army was a militia, and the American
Revolution was mainly fought by loosely-organized private citizens
brandishing their hunting weapons, and not by militias. The United
States Army was not established until mid-1775.
still probably don't think that matters. So what are you going to do?
Pass laws that take away people's guns?
are you going to make a distinction between a gun that can be used
for hunting, versus a gun that can be used for protecting yourself
and your family against home invasions and carjackings, versus a gun
that can be used to shoot the president?
you going to just take people's guns away after making it illegal to
possess them, or are you going to compensate people for their guns at
fair market value as you're required to by the Fifth Amendment?
you going to take away everybody's guns, or just those belonging to
law-abiding citizens? How are you going to keep illegal weapons out
of the hands of criminals?
are going to find ways to get guns. There's no getting around that.
"When guns are criminalized, only criminals will have guns."
So why not let private, law-abiding citizens possess whatever weapons
are more powerful than the weapons they have reasonable suspicion
that potential home invaders may use?
does it matter how often people get killed for just sitting in a
restaurant or walking down the street? It does happen! What are you
going to do if you walk down the street unarmed dressed in a business
suit with only some small change on you, and someone comes up and
points a gun in your face? I'll tell you what you're going to do:
you're going to get shot, you're going to die. I asked someone the
same question, and they said, “What do you want me to say, die?”
I said, “Well, I hope you have a better answer.”
They didn’t.
want gun control. You know who else wanted gun control? Hitler.
Stalin. Pol Pot. Saying everybody should get rid of their guns is
like saying every country should get rid of its nuclear weapons: it's
a great idea, but I wouldn't want myself or my country to disarm
of the potential victims of the Virginia Tech massacre came out of
the tragedy wanting to strengthen gun control laws. Others came out
of it wanting to loosen gun control laws. Virginia Tech didn't allow
weapons on campus. The shooter knew nobody could fight back. Schools.
Malls. Lynyrd Skynyrd concerts. Airplanes. People find ways to get
into these places without being searched. In some of these places,
it's easier than in others.
can't just arm yourself with knowledge. It takes something with
moving parts these days. Go to a gun shop. Wait out the crazy period.
Get a permit. Join the NRA. Take lessons. Teach your family members
about gun safety. Keep your guns hidden and locked up where nobody,
not your dumb-ass kids, not the police, can find them. Find out what
your state's gun control laws are like (Alaska, Arizona, and, for
some odd reason, Vermont, are the most gun-libertarian). Lobby your
state government and the federal government for change.
more entries on military, national defense, and foreign policy,
more entries on gun control, the Second Amendment, and arrest, please