Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Saturday, January 27, 2024

How to Avoid Another Failed Presidency of Joe Biden and Donald Trump

      According to recent polls, shown on the website, Donald Trump is currently leading in battleground states such as Iowa, Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, and Georgia; while incumbent President Joe Biden is leading in Virginia and Wisconsin.

     If those trends continue until Election Day - such that the actual results of the Electoral College play out in the same fashion - then Biden will defeat Trump by a narrow margin of 270 to 268 electoral votes (as shown below).

Map created by Joe Kopsick,
through the use of the mapping tool found at

Click, and open in new tab and/or window,
and download if necessary, in order to view full-size.

     However, if even one electoral vote can be swung away from Biden, and towards Trump or any other candidate, then no candidate will receive the 270 votes necessary to become president.

     This would trigger a process prescribed by the 12th Amendment, in which the House of Representatives would elect the president, with each state voting as a single delegation, with 26 votes required to clear the simple majority.

     But how could an electoral vote go to anyone other than Trump or Biden, without any other candidate defeating Trump or Biden in any state?

     There are 22 states in the Union which do not require states to submit their electoral vote according to how the majority voted, and which do not have processes providing for punishment of "faithless electors".
     The states that do not punish faithless electors are shown below, in orange. (Source:

Map created by Joe Kopsick,
through the use of the mapping tool found at

Click, and open in new tab and/or window,
and download if necessary, in order to view full-size.

     The House would then be free to choose from among the top three recipients of electoral votes from that first Electoral College election round.
     To quote Amendment XII to the U.S. Constitution: “if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.”

     For example, if neither Trump nor Hillary Clinton had received 270 electoral votes in 2016, and the number of faithless electors would have been the same, then the House would have been free to choose from among Trump; Hillary; and Colin Powell, who received three faithless electoral votes, more than any other candidate who received faithless electoral votes.

Map created by Joe Kopsick,
through the use of the mapping tool found at

Click, and open in new tab and/or window,
and download if necessary, in order to view full-size.

     Americans who are unfamiliar with how the 12th Amendment and Electoral College work, must learn about this! It is the only way to inform mass numbers of American voters that the re-election of Biden and Trump - and the election of anyone other than the two most popular candidates in any presidential election - is not inevitable.

     You can learn more about what happens when no candidate receives a simple majority of the electoral votes, by watching the video found at the following address:

     There is another way! Please share this article with anyone and everyone you know who doesn't want to re-live and re-litigate the U.S. presidential election of 2020.

Originally written, and posted to Facebook, on January 25th, 2024.

Edited and expanded, and posted to this blog, on January 27th, 2024.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Biden Bunch: Joe Biden Can't Even Remember All the Rapes


     (written and added on January 12th, 2024)

            Many Americans – supporters and opponents of President Joe Biden alike – claim that the president has dementia. His opponents say so because they believe he is disqualified, while his supporters say so because they want to attribute his sniffing and groping of women and girls to a deterioration of his cognitive capacities.

Joe Biden is not demented, he's a serial rapist and a child molester. He molested a child live on C-SPAN2 on January 6th, 2015. In my opinion, he only appears demented because he has a stuttering problem.

It is entirely possible that Biden is demented, though. But even if that is true, we must not allow the possibility that he is demented, to distract us from doing whatever it takes to hold him responsible for groping and molesting children, by pretending that he is only molesting kids and sexually assaulting and harassing women, because he is demented. Biden has been looking at children inappropriately since the 1970s.


A Wisconsin court recently ruled that Cardinal Theodore McCarrick is not competent to stand trial for sexual abuse of a child, because he supposedly has dementia (according to a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins).

[Note: You can read more about this by visiting the following link:


We must not allow rapists, child molesters, and Nazi collaborators escape justice simply because they are too old, and out of touch with the reality of what they did, to face a trial without getting the vapors and playing the victim card.

     1) Ron Jeremy escaped justice due to his supposed dementia as well. Read about it here:
     2) Bill Cosby potentially stood to escape trial due to his supposed dementia, but that was not the ultimate cause of the dismissal of his case. Read about that here:


The state impersonates the victim in every criminal case; you can read the very name of the case (e.g., “State of Illinois v. Defendant”), and it will be obvious that this is so.

The state impersonates the victim in order to speak on the victim's behalf, rob the victim of the opportunity to speak and to confront the accused, and drop charges on the victim's behalf without the victim's permission.

The state is a violent mob that has legalized its own crimes, it is intrinsically violent, and its purpose is to protect the accused from the "harassing" claims of the accuser.


Down with the state, and down with all those who seek political power solely in order to escape justice for their crimes.


The State of Israel is currently on trial for genocide at the Hague, 77 years after the Nakba.

The arm of the law is long, but the arc of history is longer, and so are our memories.

The state can only protect the guilty for so long, before people see what is going on and eventually rebel, and see the state for what it is; the protector of the guilty, and the enemy of the innocent.

We are told that "ignorance of the law is no excuse". But ignorance of one's own crimes should not be an excuse either.

Nine Adult Women Who Came Forward Against Biden for Unwanted Touching, Inappropriate Sexual Conduct, and/or Forceful Fondling

1. Caitlyn Caruso

2. Ally Coll, a/k/a Ally Rose Cole, a/k/a Ally Cole Steele

3. Jessica-Leigh Collins

4. Lucy Flores

5. D.J. Hill

6. Sofie Karasek

7. Amy Stokes Lappos

8. Alexandra Tara Reade

9. Vail Kohnert-Yount 

[From top-left, going clockwise:

Top-Left: Caitlyn Caruso
Top-Center: D. J. Hill
Top-Right: Amy Lappos
Center-Right: Ally Rose Coll / Ally Coll Steele
Bottom-Right: Lucy Flores
Bottom-Center: Jessica-Leigh Collins
Bottom-Left: Sofie Karasek
Center-Left: Vail Kohnert-Yount]

[Note: The image above does not include Alexandra Tara Reade.]

[Author's Note:

     The list above previously appeared in my article "Full List of Donald Trump's and Joe Biden's Sexual Assault and Harassment Accusers", which was originally published to this blog on July 30th, 2020, and was subsequently edited and expanded several times to include new accusers.

     That full article can be read at the following link:]

Image created on January 9th, 2024.

Portions of article below the Introduction were posted on January 9th, 2024.

Introduction written and added on January 12th, 2024.

Includes information previously published to this blog on July 30th, 2020.

Credit for coining the phrase
"Biden Can't Even Remember All the Rapes [Anymore]"
goes to the late Ethan Winnett.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Eighteen Links That Prove President Joe Biden Pinched an Eight-Year-Old Girl's Nipple Live on C-SPAN2 on January 6th, 2015

1. Eighteen Links That Prove President Joe Biden Pinched an Eight-Year-Old Girl's Nipple Live on C-SPAN2 on January 6th, 2015



















2. Explanation

[Author's Note:

     The information below was added to this post on January 9th, 2024.

     This text originally appeared in my article "What is the Evidence Supporting the Claims that Donald Trump and Joe Biden Are Child Molesters?", which was first posted to this blog on February 10th, 2021.]

     On January 6th, 2015 - during a Senate swearing-in ceremony - Joe Biden was broadcast live on C-SPAN pinching the right nipple of Maria Piacesi, the niece of Republican Montana Senator Steve Daines.

     Piacesi's mother Christine is Steve Daines's sister. Maria Piacesi appeared to be somewhere between 7 and 10 years old; I estimate her to have been about 8 years old at the time. This means that she was probably born around 2006.
     After placing his hand on the girl's side, and discreetly moving his hand upwards, towards her chest, Biden pinched the girl's nipple. The girl can be seen reacting, stepping to her left in a vain attempt to get farther away from Biden, and looking around to see if anyone noticed the pinching. While pinching the girl, Biden joked to her family that the girl should go on "No serious dates until you're thirty" [years old]. Biden pinched the girl's nipple while saying the word "dates".
     Based on the expression on the face of the girl's mother (the woman in the blue dress), she may have noticed that Biden was touching her, or at least that he was getting a little too close for the girl's comfort.

     The following links lead to videos comprised of unedited footage taken directly from C-SPAN's and C-SPAN-2's websites. No changes have been made to the footage, except for the clipping, omission, and repetition which were necessary to remove unneeded footage and focus on Biden's grabbing and pinching.

[Note: Some of the links listed directly above might no longer be functioning.]

Originally published on October 26th, 2023

Originally published under the title
"Eighteen Links That Prove President Joe Biden Pinched an Eight-Year-Old Girl's Nipple
Live on C-SPAN on January 3rd, 2015"

Title changed on October 30th, 2023
to reflect the fact that the pinching took place on the date of
the ceremonial swearing-in on January 6th, 2015;
rather than the first day of the 114th Congress on January 3rd, 2015;
and the fact that the channel which broadcast the event live was C-SPAN2 rather than C-SPAN

Expanded (to include the Explanation) on January 9th, 2024;
Explanation taken from an article which was originally posted to this blog
on February 10th, 2021.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Ten Reasons Why the Biden Administration Should Call for a Cease-Fire in the Holy Land

     The list below shows the top ten reasons why, I believe, that the United States – under the Joe Biden Administration – should call for a cease-fire in regard to the Israel-Hamas conflict, and keep calling for a cease-fire until it gets one.

     This list should also suffice as a reason for President Biden to instruct the Navy ship, which is currently carrying two thousand U.S. Marines and soldiers to the Israeli battle front, to turn around, before something goes wrong, and before it is too late to avoid a wider catastrophe.


     1. A cease-fire could achieve bipartisan support. First, by achieving peace, and avoiding the flattening and destruction of the Gaza Strip, which Democrats would appreciate. Second, it could serve as a chance for Republicans to embarrass President Biden for approving the deletion of the tweet, by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, which praised the nation of Turkey for its own call for a cease-fire in the Israeli-Hamas conflict.

     2. Both sides – the State of Israel, and the armed resistance fighters attempting to protect the Palestinians, as well as civilians protected by both groups – are guilty of many of the same atrocities and war crimes, of which they are accusing each other. Examples of such atrocities include targeting civilians, killing each other’s babies, and calling for a genocide of their enemies. We are being baited into taking sides, and it has to stop, before we say something we regret and cannot take back.

      3. The State of Israel can defend itself. The United States has been sending more than $3 billion to that country every year for at least the past ten years. America helped Israel build the Iron Dome missile defense system. We have done enough already. Israel can defend itself, it has other allies besides the United States, and further aid to Israel will only increase Israeli dependence upon the U.S.. This is not our fight.

     4. Nobody knows, yet, whether the Israeli military, or a misfire by Hamas, was the cause of the recent destruction of the Baptist Hospital in Gaza. There is so much confusion and misinformation surrounding this incident, that the only way to be sure that no more attacks take place, is to call for both sides to stop launching attacks.

     5. If you live by the sword, then you will die by the sword. Everybody is putting themselves in harm’s way, and blaming the other side for doing the same thing. Hamas is humiliating its own people by accidentally firing bombs at its own people in approximately 30 to 40 percent of the missile attacks it commits. The Israeli Army has something called the Hannibal Directive, which excuses Israel allowing its own people to get killed, as long as the fact that Israelis are dead can be used to justify subsequent attacks that will achieve other more important military objectives. And the United States is putting its own Marines and soldiers in harm’s way, by sending two thousand troops to the battle front. U.S. involvement only increases the chances that New York City or Washington, D.C. could get targeted with a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb. Additionally, a million Jews are gathered in each Haifa and Jerusalem, which could easily become the target of large-scale weapons strikes; while some Jews believe that the Jews were dispersed among the peoples of the Earth, by G-d, on purpose, in order to spread Judaism to all the nations of the world, but also to keep the Jewish people safe by avoiding concentrating them all in one location. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

     6. We don’t know which side was the first to take a human life. Prior to last month, there was no fighting in Israel since May 2023. As I stated in my previous article on this topic, on September 22nd, or earlier, a Hamas militant launched an incendiary device towards an I.D.F. soldier. That incendiary device killed zero people. That casualty-free attack was an opportunity for the Israelis to forgive. The Israelis passed on that opportunity, and instead launched an attack which bore no reported casualties. However, it’s extremely unlikely – with Israel’s advanced military technology – that this attack killed nobody; and more likely that it did kill people, but that the deaths were not reported, due to low sympathy for Palestinians in the Western media. The Jewish people have every right to defend themselves – and even the right to kill, if necessary, in order to do so, which doesn’t even violate the commandment against murder – but it is possible that it was the State of Israel which committed the first murder in this round of fighting; which, I repeat, began in late September, not early October.

     7. The U.S. should not risk escalating this conflict. If the U.S. sends Marines to the Holy Land, then eventually those troops will be fired-upon by Hamas. That will likely lead to a wider conflict, in which Hezbollah and Iran, and other Muslim nations, will join-in, followed by the close European allies of the United States and the State of Israel. This will lead to World War III if the leaders of the nations of the world do not call for an immediate cease-fire, and continue calling for it – no matter who tries to break it, or how many times - until it is achieved.

     8. If this conflict escalates, then it will become more likely that our elected representatives will abandon their dedication to maintaining an all-volunteer army, and will turn instead to reinstating registration for the draft, reinstating the military draft (Selective Service) instead, and perhaps even include women in that draft to fill gaps. The U.S. should not risk committing young people to a war that they barely understand; young people whom were born decades after the wider Israeli-Arab Conflict began. This would be extremely unfair to them, and many of them would get killed, tearing families apart.

     9. I don’t want to spend my holiday season reading about people getting bombed, watching Gaza getting flattened, watching Palestinians get exterminated, watching the Jews of Israel get wiped off the map, watching a genocide of either side happen, or watching World War III break out. There have been too many holiday seasons, in recent years, that Israel and Palestine have spent bombing each other. Nobody wants to spend their Christmas, Hanukkah, or Ramadan watching people die (except the Military-Industrial Complex). We have already seen that happen, multiple times, and it isn't pretty.

     10. America winning this war, or losing it, are not the only two options here. The fact that Americans have already died in Hamas attacks in Israel, shouldn't have to mean that more Americans die as well. We must learn the lesson of the Cold War and the film War Games: The only way to win is to not play the game. We must call for forgiveness, peace, and a cease-fire. Nobody wins in a nuclear war, and nobody achieves a total victory in a world war. We must be content with a draw. If we want humanity to survive – this winter, or at all – then peace is the only option.



     Peace, shalom, salaam.





Written and published on October 18th, 2023.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Message to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Criticizing the State of Israel's Occupation of Palestine

      The following is a short message that I wrote to the Joe Biden / Kamala Harris White House on May 16th, 2021, as part of an effort to dissuade the administration from continuing to staunchly support Zionism and the illegal occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

     I request that the President and Vice President direct the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, and the New York Police Department, to cease cooperation with, training of, and supply of armaments to, the apartheid regime of the State of Israel.


     Article I, Section 8, Clause 12 requires that appropriations for the army must be limited to two years at a time, so why do Israel and its military benefit from a ten-year aid package? This must be unconstitutional. $3.8 billion in taxpayer funds goes to Israel each year, and it needs to stop; private trade to Israel exceeds this amount and could easily replace those funds.


     I request that the Biden Administration direct the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, and the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, to review and respect the pertinent United Nations resolutions regarding the need to respect human rights, including the prohibitions against siege warfare, and against targeting journalists and public infrastructure.


     U.S.-made weapons are falling on the heads of Palestinian children, and it needs to stop.


     Please read this article I wrote about how the rights of Jews and Arabs can be respected in the Holy Land, with either a two-state solution, or a stateless solution based on communal autonomy and individual rights.




Original message written and delivered on May 16th, 2021

Introduction written on July 30th, 2021

Published on July 30th, 2021

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Former Waukegan Mayor Sam Cunningham Excused Joe Biden's Child Molestation, and Then Physically Assaulted My Friend

Former Waukegan Mayor Sam Cunningham

    At around 6:30 P.M. on Saturday, July 17th, 2021 - while standing in front of the Lake County Democratic Party headquarters at 118 North Genesee in Waukegan - an activist friend of mine was assaulted while standing less than three feet away from me.
     The attacker was Sam Cunningham, the former mayor of Waukegan.

     During the half-hour before this happened, I had been holding a sign that read "The president is a pedophile" (referring to Joe Biden pinching a young girl’s nipple live on C-SPAN on January 3rd, 2015), and showing it to cars and pedestrians that passed by the office of the county Democratic Party headquarters, during one of their business meetings.
     I did not make any attempts to shout or to attract excessive or unwanted attention to myself, nor did I even show my sign to attendees of the meeting. Nor did I, nor my friend, leave the public sidewalk (where it was our legal right to be) at any point during this interaction.

     Prior to the incident which I recount below, my friend had been sitting inside the meeting, waiting politely for his turn to speak. He took a break from waiting for his turn to speak, to come outside to talk to me. I was standing on the public sidewalk, holding a sign.
     Next, my friend saw an African-American man and a white man across the street. My friend said "Is that Sam Cunningham? Wait, maybe not." I looked at the African-American man across the street – standing outside of what I later found out was A Cuban Experience cigar shop at 119 North Genesee – and I looked at his face. I said "That is Sam Cunningham”, because it was.

      Next, Cunningham, or maybe his friend, reacted to my sign. I’m not sure who said it because I was looking away for a moment. But I’m fairly confident that the voice I heard was Cunningham’s.
     In response to my chalkboard sign that read, "the president is a child molester" (referring to Joe Biden, whom had been inaugurated six months prior), Cunningham responded "That's part of the job!", apparently referring to molesting children.
     I replied, “Molesting children is part of the job of being president!?"

      Next, my friend said – loudly enough to be heard from across the street – “Is that disgraced former mayor Sam Cunningham!?"
    [Note: My friend said this because Cunningham had recently lost an election against Ann Taylor, after Cunningham had faced several scandals. Cunningham and his mother (Mary Ross Cunningham, Vice-Chair of the Lake County Board) threatened to get a man named Mike Morales kicked out of public housing, and possibly also sue him, in retaliation for posting a picture, to social media, which depicted the Cunninghams with devil horns on their heads.
     Also, Cunningham arguably attempted to take too much personal credit for his involvement in the so-called “mayor’s” music festival in Waukegan. Cunningham’s likeness appeared in ads for the event, and thus could have unfairly influenced voters to re-elect him.]

     After hearing my friend say “Is that disgraced former mayor Sam Cunningham!?”, Cunningham swiftly walked – practically marched – across the street (North Genesee Street) and got in my friend’s face.
     My friend is just over five feet tall, and stands nearly a foot shorter than Cunningham. Cunningham stared my friend in the face, and got so close to him that their noses were less than two inches away from touching.

      While I can’t remember exactly what my friend and Cunningham were shouting at each other at this time, I believe that my friend called Cunningham a “piece of shit” at some point, and I distinctly remember Cunningham calling my friend “boy”. I think he said something like, “What’d you say, boy!?” or “What’d you say about me, boy!?”
     [To clarify, if my friend did call Cunningham a "piece of shit", then it was only after Cunningham or his friend (most likely Cunningham himself) yelled "that's part of the job" in regard to molesting children in order to become the president.]

      Next, Cunningham poked my friend in his forehead with the brim of Cunningham’s hat.
     This caused my friend to step back, and to cede ground to Cunningham, out of fear.
     After shouting and staring at my friend, and poking his forehead with the brim of his hat, I said to Cunningham, “Could you stop assaulting my friend, please?”
     Cunningham did not only force my friend to step back; he also covered my friend’s mouth with one or both of his hands, and shoved my friend in the chest, forcing him to step back again.

     Next, Cunningham strolled into the Lake County Democratic Party meeting, as if nothing had happened; as if he had not just committed assault in front of several party members and nearly a dozen customers at La Casa de Samuel at 120 N. Genesee.
     In response, a woman from the Lake County Democrats called the police on my friend instead of Cunningham. After being chased and assaulted, my friend laid down on the public sidewalk  in order to show that he was not fighting back, that he was not a threat, and that he was being submissive. He did this to make it clear that he was not the attacker, did not initiate the fight, and did not wish the fight to continue.
     [Note, added on November 3rd, 2023:
     An additional reason why - I believe - my friend laid down on the sidewalk, was to show that he had been knocked down onto the sidewalk. To clarify, I do not mean to suggest that he was faking it. While everything happened very quickly, and it is difficult to remember, I have been thinking about this event more lately, and I believe that Cunningham's second shove could have and would have easily knocked my friend to the ground, especially considering that Cunningham was more than a foot taller than my friend. The trajectory of the shove could have easily knocked my friend off his feet. I believe that my friend fell down after Cunningham shoved him the second time, and then stood up again and regained his balance, but then sat down again on the sidewalk in order to show that he had been put there by Cunningham. This is when Mary Ross Cunningham, and/or a white woman inside the Democratic meeting, called the police to report "people laying on the sidewalk" (which is what we heard one of these women saying while calling the police).]

     Although the Democrats allowed Sam Cunningham to enter (after he had not only committed assault, but lost an election after he was revealed as corrupt); they also refused to allow my friend to re-enter. My friend, as I said, was sitting inside peacefully, waiting for his turn to speak, before Cunningham assaulted him. Despite the fact that my friend posed no threat, while Cunningham did, the Democrats kicked my friend out and gave Cunningham refuge after he initiated assault.
     To be clear, Cunningham initiated this assault not at me for holding my sign saying Biden is a pedophile, but at my friend, for saying “Is that disgraced former mayor Sam Cunningham?”.

      All of this happened while Sam Cunningham’s mother, Mary Ross Cunningham (the Vice-Chair of the Lake County Board) was sitting outside – between La Casa de Samuel and the Democratic Party headquarters – calmly talking on her cell phone.

     Sam Cunningham’s friendship with members of the Waukegan Police Department – and his and his mother’s friendships with members of the county’s Democratic Party elite – made it too dangerous, in my and my friend’s opinion, to stick around to answer police questions after this happened.
     We went to my car and drove away because we had a reasonable fear that the police would detain us - or even beat us up - because the Democrat who called the police made it sound like we were the ones who had started the fight, or were being dangerous, or were doing something illegal.
     But - I repeat - my friend and I did not harass anyone, and we did not leave the public sidewalk, nor stray into the street at any time. Cunningham, though, did cross the street in order to assault my friend.


     Evidently, losing his mayorship was not clear enough of a message that the people of Waukegan do not trust him. The disgraced former mayor still believes that he has the right to intimidate fellow Waukegan residents in public.
     The former mayor must not be allowed to intimidate anyone, let alone activists.
     A corrupt politician is one thing, but a corrupt politician who physically intimidates people and excuses child molestation by the politically powerful is another thing entirely. And he intimidates people because they criticize him.
     If Cunningham is allowed to get away with physically intimidating activists in the street, then what is to stop him from taking a “hit” out on his opponents? Current mayor Ann Taylor would have every right to be worried about such a thing.
     By sheltering Cunningham after several of them witnessed this assault, the Lake County Democratic Party has shown that its ideology - statism under the guise of a representative democratic republic - is one that supports the use of violence for political goals. This is nothing more than legalized terrorism.

     I hate to risk appearing to dehumanize an African-American person by comparing him to an animal – and I do condemn the use of dehumanizing language to excuse violence against innocent people – but Sam Cunningham is not an innocent person.
     As soon as a competent police force takes charge of Waukegan, they should make sure that they have a tranquilizer dart gun available.

     The police should not rule out the use of such weapons, the next time former mayor Cunningham decides to physically chase and harass someone who is exercising their right to publicly criticize him while standing on a public sidewalk in his hometown.
     I do not recommend the use of tranquilizer guns for comic effect, nor to humiliate Cunningham. I say this because it would have been the only way to act quickly enough to stop Cunningham, in the course of his attack (without resorting to either tasing him, shooting him, or tackling him in order to immobilize him).

     Cunningham is at least six feet tall, and strong enough to defeat almost anyone whom he might decide he wants to defeat. The protection he receives from police - coupled with his strength - render him almost like a police force unto himself (even with his mayorship stripped).
     Former mayor Sam Cunningham must be stopped. The City of Waukegan must never elect a mayor who will not promise to fire any and all high-level officials in the Waukegan Police Department who may wish to protect the Cunninghams' privilege to intimidate and harass our city's residents.
     If current mayor Ann Taylor (who defeated Cunningham in the spring 2021 election) refuses to fire any such officials, then she is acting against the interests of not only the residents of Waukegan, but against the interests of her own neck (i.e., to remain whole and undivided).

     Post-Script / Four Updates:

     I later discovered - after writing and publishing the article above - that the white woman inside the Democratic Party headquarters, whom I initially believed to have been the person who called the police, might not have been the only person who called the police.
     It was either her, or Sam Cunningham's mother (Mary Ross Cunningham); or else they both called the police.
     I say this because - as I stated above - Mary Ross Cunningham was "calmly talking on her cell phone" while all this was going on. She witnessed the whole thing.


     Several people, whom were dining at the Casa San Juan Mexican restaurant (which then lay directly north of what was then the Democratic Party headquarters, on Genesee Street), took videos of the aftermath of the attack, on their cell phones, when this happened.
     However, these restaurant patrons probably did not get any footage of the attack while it happened, because of how quickly it happened, and because of how little time they had to get their phones out of their pockets.
     At the site of where Casa San Juan once stood, there is now a restaurant called La Jaiba Seafood Restaurant and Bar. That restaurant is located at 120 North Genesee Street. The Democratic Party headquarters - which was then located at 118 North Genesee Street - is no longer in operation, as of November 3rd, 2023; and Lake County's Democratic Party headquarters has moved to a different location.


     The person whom Cunningham shoved to the ground was named Ethan August Winnett.
     Ethan did not want me to disclose his identity when I originally wrote and posted this article, because he was afraid of being arrested (for example, for trespassing). But I am revealing his name now, because he passed away on October 19th, 2023; one week prior to the writing, publication, and addition of this update.
     I am also revealing his name now, because I recently discovered that Sam Cunningham is running for Mayor of Waukegan again, for the election to be held in 2025. And he must not be allowed to win it.

Ethan August Winnett

(January 31st, 1985 - October 19th, 2023)


     You can find proof that Joe Biden is a child molester by clicking any of the links below:



Originally written on July 18th, 2021
(the day after the attack).

Edited and expanded on July 25th, 2021;
and October 26th and November 3rd, 2023.

Originally published
(without the Post-Script / three of four Updates)
[now the first, third, and fourth updates]
on July 25th, 2021.

Post-Script / three of four Updates
[now the first, third, and fourth updates]
added on October 26th, 2023;

and edited and expanded on November 3rd, 2023.

Photos of Ethan Winnett added on November 3rd, 2023.

Fourth Update to be posted
[which now appears as the second Update]
was written and added on November 3rd, 2023.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Barack Obama Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom to Eleven Suspected Pedophiles

 Barack Obama presented eleven possible pedophiles with the Presidential Medal of Freedom:

1. Ted Kennedy

2. George H. W. Bush

3. Bill Clinton

4. Oprah Winfrey

5. Meryl Streep

6. Steven Spielberg

7. Tom Hanks

8. Ellen deGeneres

9. Lorne Michaels

10. Bill Gates

11. Joe Biden

     1. Ted Kennedy is said to have been attracted to 15-year-old girls, saying "I don't care" that a girl was 15, when told that fact during a meeting with Pierre and Maggie Trudeau in the 1980s. It may have been Ted Gunderson who made that claim.
     This article from asserts that Kennedy was an avid defender of the pedophile lobby, and opposed the Child Safety Act.

     2. George H. W. Bush was accused of child rape by survivor Arizona Wilder, and is believed to have been the most sexually promiscuous of his Skull & Bones class.

     3. Bill Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express somewhere between 4 and 26 times.

     4. Oprah Winfrey made a name for herself criticizing child rape and molestation, but then promoted the child sex cult run by a man who called himself John of God.

     5. Meryl Streep stood up and clapped for child rapist Roman Polanski at the 2003 Academy Awards (Oscars).
     Polanski fled to France after he was arrested and charged with drugged and raped a 13-year-old model named Samantha Geimer in early 1977. Another victim, Marianne Barnard, recently came out and said that she was 10 years old when Polanski violated her after her mother left him alone with her during a photo session on a beach in 1975.

     6. Steven Spielberg is suspected of having anally raped 12-year-old actress Heather o'Rourke to death while she was on set.
     If Spielberg is not responsible for o'Rourke's death, then top suspects include Henry Winkler (who once co-starred with o'Rourke on Happy Days), and
other directors and producers of Poltergeist 2Researchers have also speculated that Henry Winkler may be responsible because he claimed o'Rourke killed herself, a claim for which there is no evidence. The fact that Winkler uttered this obvious lie suggests that he is covering for himself or someone else.
     O'Rourke's coroner was named "Dr. Frank Sinatra", and he said the girl died of Crohn's disease, despite the fact that Crohn's is a congenital condition and the girl's mother swore she was not born with the disease.
     Crohn's was probably chosen as an explanation for the girl's death, because Crohn's is a condition involving inflammation of the digestive tract. Anal rape can also cause symptoms which resemble inflammation of the digestive tract; namely septic shock, and damage to the inside of the anal cavity. Some researchers believe that o'Rourke was anally raped to death, and that Crohn's was given as the explanation, due to the similarity in symptoms. 
     Researchers have also pointed to the appearance of a knockout drug possibly used to commit rape, which appears in Spielberg's first film Amblin, and researchers have noted that his films E.T. and A.I. may be pedophile grooming films.

     7 & 8. Tom Hanks and Ellen deGeneres are suspected pedophiles because deGeneres has been spotted with an ankle bracelet, and has made strange videos depicting a red face on her sweater that may be a reference to one of Hanks's films.

     Researchers have speculated that Ellen is a pedophile, and is using the face to communicate secretly about Hollywood pedophile affairs. Researchers believe that:

     - Ellen is secretly under house arrest, and/or is wearing an ankle bracelet

     - parts of her set may be references to Jeffrey Epstein's temple

     - the red face logo is on a sweatshirt sold by Jay-Z

     - the red face may be a reference to either the alleged Hillary Clinton / Human Abedin "Frazzledrip" pedophilic lesbian sex tape

     - the red face is a reference to Wilson the Volleyball in the Tom Hanks film "Castaway"

     Researchers have noted Tom Hanks's suspicious behavior after getting diagnosed with Covid-19. Some researchers believe that he and his wife Rita Wilson are exploiting, or even faking, their "first celebrities to get coronavirus" status, and that it does not make sense that they got the vaccine after they had already gotten the virus. Some critics of Hanks also criticize his urging people to get vaccinated on these bases.
     Some also believe that Tom Hanks's film Big (directed by Penny Marshall and produced by James L. Brooks) may be a pedophile grooming film, or at least express an inappropriate level of interest in the idea of children growing up quickly.
     Another thing Tom Hanks did, which aroused public suspicion about possible pedophilia, was a sketch he did on Jimmy Kimmel Live!. That sketch poked fun at Toddlers and Tiaras -type shows, and child beauty pageants. The sketch could either be making fun of pageant contestants' parents who expose their children to being sexualized, or it could be making it into a laughing matter, depending how you look at it. That sketch is linked below. It's also interesting to note that Lady Gaga appeared on Saturday Night Live and did a sketch about a fourth grade talent show, which was essentially the exact same gag as Tom Hanks's sketch.

     It should also be noted that Ellen deGeneres is the sister of Vance deGeneres, a former contributor to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Stewart is a former roommate of Anthony Weiner (who sent sexually explicit photos to teenage girls). Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign was outed, by Wikileaks, as having received money from Hollywood fundraising organization Propper Daley, which had contact with John Oliver, another former Daily Show contributor.
     Additionally, Ellen is known for her psychopathic behavior, and her mistreatment of guests (such as Taylor Swift and Dakota Johnson) and employees. Ellen has also invited countless child stars onto her show, effectively luring them into pedophile Hollywood.

     Whether Ellen deGeneres is a pedophile or not, her problematic behavior - and/or those sexual feelings - could possibly be explained by the fact that she was molested by her stepfather when she was a teenager.
     It would be unfair to accuse deGeneres of pedophilia, if it turned out that she was actually a victim of childhood sexual abuse. But it is also true that the fact that she was molested as a teen does not preclude her from being attracted to children.

     9. Lorne Michaels's show "Saturday Night Live" is littered with pedophilic sketches and jokes; among them the Spartan cheerleaders, Uncle Roy, Mary Katherine Gallagher, and numerous sketches involving cast members dressing up as children or teens and discussing flirting with or dating adults. One Miley Cyrus music video for SNL - "Baby Steps" - showed Kenan Thompson asking out loud why the cast is being expected to demean themselves for Lorne's amusement by dressing as babies and wearing diapers.
     Read the article linked below for more examples:

     10. Bill Gates has been photographed with Jeffrey Epstein, and funded the research of people working at MIT Media Lab, who had connections to Epstein.

     11. Joe Biden has been broadcast live on C-SPAN pinching a little girl's nipple; this occurred on January 3rd, 2015. The girl's uncle is Montana Senator Steve Daines. Joe Biden's son Hunter has also been photographed behind a nearly naked woman or girl who appeared to be just a teenager.

     Why is Obama giving Presidential Medals of Freedom to so many pedophiles? Did he set a record number of medal gifts - 123 - in order to more easily get away with giving 11 of them to pedophiles?

Written and Published on February 21st, 2021

Expanded on February 23rd and 27th, 2021
and July 4th, 2021

Inspired by independent research done by
Pizzagate and pedogate researchers in 2019 and 2020

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...