Originally Written
on March 17th, 2003
Edited on December
6th, 2015
Edits Shown in [Brackets]
Since the time
of Babylonian leader Hammurabi, fair and proper punishment has been a difficult
and complicated issue. Hammurabi’s code says “an eye for an eye, and a tooth
for a tooth.” This code, commonly misinterpreted as a call for revenge, is in
fact a call for fairness. If a man steals a loaf of bread, he would not have
his hands cut off. The punishment must fit the crime, so he would have something
of equal value taken from him, or he would be made to pay a fine. The code also
states that if a man takes another man’s life, then his life must be taken as
In [the fictional 2003 film] The Life of
David Gale, Kevin Spacey plays a Texan ex-college professor who opposes the
death penalty. He works with the abolitionist organization called “Death
Watch,” which tries to prevent death row inmates from being eliminated. He is
accused of killing the leader of the organization[, Constance Hallaway (played
by Laura Linney)], who is also his colleague. Beginning four days before his
death by lethal injection, News Magazine’s Bitsey Bloom ([played by] Kate
Winslet) conducts three interviews with him.
This film seeks not to entertain (although
it does), but to inform and to explore the issue and reveal the flaws in and wrongs
of the process of what some call “legalized murder,” and also its possible
benefits. Many valid arguments come up in the course of the film, and it is a
must-see for anyone with any opinion at all [about] the death penalty.
A simple and obvious question frequently
asked when discussing this issue is “Is death a reasonable punishment for
murder?” After all, the death penalty attempts to teach murderers that it is
wrong to kill by killing them. Life imprisonment would make them learn the
consequences of their actions, whereas death [would not, but] would offer them release from what
could [arguably] be a harsher, more effective, and more proper punishment.
On the other hand, [death may be a more merciful punishment than life in prison, because] a cancer patient or
someone with serious organ failure may want to end their own life rather than
having to live for months with endless pain. The death penalty complies with
Hammurabi’s code, and it may be fitting to do to the guilty what they have done
to the innocent and prevent them from killing again.
Former Illinois Governor George H. Ryan
commuted the death sentences of all eligible death row inmates to life
imprisonment only days before he was succeeded by Rod Blagojevich. This did not
abolish the death penalty in Illinois, although [some in the State Legislature
are trying to abolish it]. Flaws in [the death penalty] process can cause
innocent people to be killed as punishment for crimes they did not commit. This
sentence cannot be taken back if it is discovered that the accused was innocent
after he is put to death. If a term of natural life in prison is [given as a
sentence], he [may] be removed from jail with no harm done. Ryan stated that
all murder cases are very important matters and must be examined closely, and
that there should not be simply a blanket decision on whether murderers can and
should be killed for their crimes.
Lawyers have
the ability to remove and select jurors for cases, and if they are corrupt or
prejudiced, they can purposely choose jurors who[m they believe are likely to]
find the accused guilty or innocent based on their race[...]. Some say all
murders committed must be treated as the same crime, be they committed by black
or white [people], and [whether] the victims [be] male or female[, b]ut what if
the murderer is mentally disabled or insane?
The debate
about the death penalty is complicated and [there are] many exceptions to the
rules. Every state has the right to choose whether or not convicted violent
criminals will live or be executed, but [it would be difficult to] disagree
that each case must be examined until there is no doubt whatsoever as to the
guilt of the accused.