Written on January 14th, 2011
Jones characterizes Loughner as a leftist-leaning nihilist with some
libertarian / conservative tendencies. Columnist Michael Savage
recently called Loughner's parents "leftists". Loughner's
classmates described him as very liberal. A former roommate described
him as "apolitical" and "neither left nor right".
supporting Loughner's leftism includes his favor of the Communist
Manifesto. Evidence supporting his rightism includes his
anti-government views, praise of the Constitution, bimetallism
(support of gold and silver currency), and his having played
recordings of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in order to annoy his
mother, who may be Jewish. According to the American Free Press,
Loughner considered "Mein Kampf" offensive.
which could be taken either way includes his 9/11-truth beliefs, his
favor of the internet movie Zeitgeist, his skepticism of space
exploration missions, and his vague proposition for a new currency.
shrine made out of a fake human skull with orange peels, found in
Loughner's backyard, was recently taken down by his father. Alex
Jones considers Loughner a voodoo / Satanism practitioner.
mother's ethnic Jewish roots have recently come under question amidst
claims that she and congresswoman Giffords attended the same
synagogue. According to the American Free Press, the synagogue claim
is an unsourced false rumor.
served on the Arizona regional board of the Anti-Defamation League.
Its president, Abe Foxman, was recently in the news for condemning
Sarah Palin's use of the phrase "blood libel" in describing
the way her opponents laid blame on her for espousing the violent
rhetoric which was alleged to have caused the tragedy.
State and Drug Use
marijuana use was well-known. Reports have come out saying that
Loughner smoked salvia divinorum almost daily, and another report
said that one of his ex-girlfriends broke up with him due to concerns
about his use of magic mushrooms as well as his temper.
divinorum is a psychomimetic, meaning that it mimics the effects of
psychotropic drugs, giving the user a falsely induced psychotic
episode. It appears likely that these hallucinogenic drugs merely
accentuated schizophrenia that already existed in Loughner's mind,
rather than serving to create any mental disorder.
was rejected from the U.S. military, either or both because he
revealed that he smoked pot, and / or because of his history of
mental health problems.
Mind Control
Jones maintains that Loughner may be an MK-ULTRA mind-controlled
assassin, which he justifies by the facts that Loughner was obsessed
with mind control (a fact substantiated by classmates who spoke with
him, and by evidence contained in a YouTube video he made, in which
he discussed controlling people's minds - Jones believes that
assassins obsessed with controlling people's minds are often under
mind control themselves), and also because the lawyer Loughner has
hired once represented Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, whom Jones
claims was also an MK-ULTRA LSD-brainwashed operative.
Pelosi Article
of the following article was mistakenly attributed to Loughner
led to false claims that Loughner was married, divorced, and gay;
that he tried to shoot himself in the head; and that he had worked on
one of Giffords's campaigns.
Jones also believes that Loughner may have been romantically obsessed
with Giffords. Loughner's videos show evidence of an obsession with
grammar, and with building a better world through better grammar and
increased literacy. Loughner once asked Giffords in person, "What
is the purpose of government if words have no meaning?"
Evidently, her answer or lack thereof upset him. A standard letter
from her staff thanking him for the letter was found in a safe in
Loughner's home.
Pima Community College classmates reportedly complained about his
erratic behavior in the classroom, which included outbursts,
menacingly listening to his MP3 player during classes, and making
tasteless combination-abortion-and-suicide-bombing jokes following
the emotional reading of a poem about abortion by a female classmate.
reports indicate that Loughner had made death threats to undisclosed
persons in the past
more entries on gun control, the Second Amendment, and arrest, please
more entries on homeland security and terrorism, please