Showing posts with label agorist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label agorist. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Agorist Louis CK Memes

Created in May 2012

From Louie's bit on banks:

From Louie's bit on money:

From Louie's bit on ponies:

From Louie's bit on phones:



Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Agorist Protection Agencies and Syndicates Thereof

Written in May 2013,
edited in May 2014

     One of the ways [Samuel E.] Konkin [III] wrote that Agorist protection agencies (if all were threatened by invasion by the State) could defend themselves against the State, would be for the counter-economy to form “larger syndicates than the ones they form [if] a local protection company [goes] renegade” – and to “[generate] the syndicates of protection agencies sufficiently large to defend against the remnant of the State” – by means of “policy holders of all the insurance and protection companies… throw[ing] all their combined resources… on defense of the common ground”.

     “Large syndicates of market protection agencies are containing the State by defending those who have signed up for protection-insurance.”

     “…actual physical confrontation with the State’s enforcers must await the market’s generation of protection agency syndicates of sufficient strength; all else is premature.”

     “The most motivated New Libertarians will move into the research and development supply for the budding agorist protection and arbitration agencies and lastly as directors of the protection company syndicates.”

     “The collapse of the State leaves only mopping up operations. Since the insurance and protection companies see no State to defend against, the syndicate of allied protectors collapses into competition and the NLA [New Libertarian Alliance] - its support gone - dissolves. Statists apprehended pay restoration and if they live long enough to discharge their debts, are re-integrated as productive entrepreneurs (Their “training” comes automatically as they work off their debt.)”

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Using Profit Incentive to Promote Protection of the Poor

Written on June 5th, 2012

   In an Agorist, Panarchist, or Polyarchist society, everyone would be expected to submit their disputes to some - not necessarily the same - independent third party arbitrator, so nobody could choose not to be governed, but we'd all have more choices in regards to who governs us, as well as in what respects.

   Given that most people in America today think that the rich should pay more in taxes than the middle-class and poor, I think it is very likely that such an outcome would arise simply through the eventual acceptance of a social / economic custom, whereby people urge one another to only choose who governs them from among a set of governments that tax the rich more than the poor. The governments that don't would be picketed, boycotted, have negative information spread about them. Their managements could be confronted by any combination of their workers, outside protesters, disgruntled former citizens, or potentially even sued for fraud by agencies of fair, neutral, and independent court systems (see "Chaos Theory" by Robert Murphy for a more detailed description of how courts could work absent compulsory government).

   In an Agorist, Panarchist, or Polyarchist society, property protection / insurance would be a function of "governments", and the problem of wealth disparity would be addressed - to the extent to which people with property want to keep it safe from those who would take it (and keep themselves safe from those who would kill them in order to take their property - and so they would be willing to pay more in order to do so. This would be on top of the fact that they would already be paying more to protect their property because they have more of it than most other people, so this system could even function like an accelerating (exponential) progressive tax.

   The wealthy who don't pay to have their property protected / insured would have no reason to expect people not to steal it (this is a proposition which could even be construed to suggest that uninsured property claims are illegitimate). Any "government" protecting the wealthy's property for a reduced premium would - essentially - be doing a charity service, which risks their bottom line, so there would be less of a financial / business incentive to allow for the vast accumulation of wealth in private hands.

For more entries on enterprise, business, business alliance, and markets, please visit:

For more entries on taxation, please visit:

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Two Competing Class Theories

Man is more enslaved by desires than by his needs,
and by his needs more than by his captors,
but by none of these so much as he is enslaved by ideology.

The proper set of ideas allows him to think his captors into or out of existence.
The proper set of captors allow him to seize or liberate that which satisfies his needs.
The proper set of satisfied needs allows him to yearn for or forsake his desires.

The proper set of nourished desires allows him to

dream himself, control himself, need himself,

and even to transcend desire itself.

As such, the revolution must be intellectual, political, biological, and spiritual,
and - if for some reason all of these things cannot be pursued simultaneously -
and in that order of priority, although not without equal importance.

 Click, expand, and download the above image,
and upload it to your Facebook photos to use as a banner.

The above prose and images were inspired
by Wally Conger's "Agorist Class Theory",
as well as by the work of Karl Marx,
Max Stirner and Hannah Arendt.

For more entries on theory of government, please visit:

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...