following was written in April 2014, as part of a response to the
Campaign for Liberty's 2012 survey questionnaire for candidates
running for federal office.
Will you oppose so-called “Cap and Trade” legislation?
I will oppose all proposed federal “Cap and Trade” legislation.
will oppose all federal legislation to regulate carbon emissions and
carbon offset exchanges – and the environment in general – in the
United States (outside of the District of Columbia and the overseas
territories) without a constitutional amendment authorizing such
federal government cannot afford the $100 to $200 billion in annual
spending which such a nationwide scheme would entail, nor to risk
corruption through the personal and business favors which would
inevitably be involved in such an expensive undertaking.
I believe that climate change is an imminent threat to civilization,
and I agree with the narrow majority of Americans who believe that
the environment is more important than employment and the economy.
This majority has communicated signals on the marketplace for
environmental goods and services and policy that fossil fuel use is
not an ordinary “market good” because it is a “market bad”
which must be discouraged; legislators must heed these signals.
will encourage state and local governments to discourage pollution
through enacting their own Cap and Trade type legislation, while
fully taxing the unimproved value of land. This will empower
governments to punish those who pollute and cause the blighting of
landed property, and allow it to fall into disrepair (resulting in a
loss of value) and moreover could eventually allow states to
eliminate taxes on income and sales while fully funding government.
will support legislation providing for the regulation of carbon
emissions only in areas over which the federal government has
constitutionally authorized exclusive jurisdiction. I will also urge
all governments of the world to achieve zero carbon emissions (which
are not offset) within fifteen years, and I will urge U.S. states to
become unilateral signatories to the United Nations Kyoto Protocol on
more entries on environment and climate change, please