following was written in April 2014, as part of a response to the
Campaign for Liberty's 2012 survey questionnaire for candidates
running for federal office.
Will you support legislation such as the Smith/Amash Amendment to the
NDAA of 2012, which would prevent the indefinite detention of U.S.
Citizens and would ensure full Fifth Amendment rights to due process?
I will support legislation such as the Smith/Amash Amendment to
prevent the U.S. Armed Forces - under Sections 1021 and 1022 of the
National Defense Authorization Act for 2012, and pursuant to a 2001
Authorization of the Use of Military Force – from detaining persons
suspected of terrorism indefinitely and without legal representation.
the president nor the secretary of defense should have the authority
to detain individuals – let alone indefinitely, without trial,
without being allowed to meet with attorneys or family members,
anywhere in the world, and for any reason - regardless of the
N.D.A.A.'s requirement that the secretary of defense must certify to
Congress that such a detention would be in the interest of national
security. Any presidential objection to such detention legislation
will only be likely to come in the form of signing statements
expressing the sentiment that the president already wields this
authority himself.
the aforementioned sections of the 2012 N.D.A.A. are undesirable
altogether because they authorize the indefinite detention of
individuals suspected of directly supporting hostilities against not
just the United States, but its “coalition partners”. If
apprehension of foreign nations' direct enemies must occur in the
U.S., it can and should be done without denying the suspect the right
to a fair trial, and without denying the public the
right to exert meaningful influence on how such a person (if found
guilty) should be punished.
citizen or not - and whether (if guilty) they are the enemy of the
U.S. or of a foreign nation – domestic terror suspects are innocent
until proven guilty. They cannot be denied legal representation, nor
the right to a speedy trial within the jurisdiction wherein some real
crime was committed. I will support any and all efforts to strengthen
the civil liberties enumerated in the 4th,
and 6th Amendments
to the Constitution; and I will sponsor legislation augmenting the
enumerated rights of the accused.
more entries on homeland security and terrorism, please
more entries on high-profile corruption and conspiracy theories,
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