is clear, lest we view it through the Lens of the penetrated stone.
Nought is clear, but that the study of rai (also known as raay, fei, the Yap Island
stone coin, and on the international currency market, YIC) is essential to all
future study and understanding of numismetaphysics.
This is why some more study of rai shall be necessary before we
continue to our main subject, cryptocurrency.
In his 1991 paper “The Island of Stone
Money”, Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman (Uncle Milty himself)
discussed the similarity between the practices of marking gold stored in Federal
Reserve vaults to signify a change in ownership, and the practice of marking rai for the same purpose.
In the paper’s conclusion, Friedman
writes how important myth – “unquestioned
belief” –
“in monetary matters”. He continues, “the money we have grown up with… appear[s]
‘real’ and ‘rational’ to us”, while “The money of other countries often seems
to us like paper or worthless metal”, even if its purchasing power is strong.
This ought to demonstrate to any savvy
investor that talk of “the gold price”, “the iron price”, etc.TM, is bull hockey in your pocket. Moreover, that
the value is in the Eye of the (Arthurian) Stone. This is the maieutic source of currency’s value. So,
then, if we are, indeed, destined to play a Game of Stones, we must ask
ourselves whether it should, in particular, be a game of birthstones.
Do not let your Eyes be deceived; after
all, The Book is made of paper (though
it may have gilded edge). And the Almighty Emperor’s Commodity Fetish Records 999-
Economic Unit Note be of paper.
So what, then, distinguishes The Book from gold? The Book from the Note, or the Note from gold? Gold from the Heart?
Only the Beholder of the Light. Only the Truth and Truth of the One who makes
the Promise to pay to the Bearer on demand. The Bearer of Light teaches that
the Word is only as good as the heart it is printed on. Thus, the Word backs
gold and paper alike. The Promise backs their value. This is what I saw through
the flames.
But just as importantly, and to answer the
Question directly, gold is alone among these in one key aspect: it cannot be burned
for heat in an emergency. Aside from Friedman’s probably subconscious allusion
to this phenomenon, that this fact makes gold inferior to the Book, the Note,
and the Heart for use as a currency, has not yet been noted by mainstream
economists. Thus, the Jungian Shadow cast by the spectre of gold has cast a
scintillating Skynet to blind nearly all of the scientists of modern currency. This
is to be remedied, for We know where the real
gold is buried.
So, then, cryptocurrency. Currency
reclaimed from the crypt. Is it a current
currency, or not?
Does the immortality inculcate (charge) a
presence – a life – into the currency,
or does its deadness (however imagined or falsely perceived) subvert its value as a “living document”?
Only the numismancers know for sure. The answer might explain why we still have pyramids on our damn “money”. The
only way to get through the Eye of the Rai,
in a manner of speaking (and, also, quite literally), is by Numismancing the Stone.
We love our money like we love our own
flesh and blood. After all, it’s backed by our own flesh and blood, isn’t it?
Just as sure as the paper you’re printed on, just as sure as your dossier will survive you, if it backs
your currency, then symbolically, it is your
currency. We may say “I like money”
or “I<3$” (now a publicly traded company), but how many of us would be
willing to kill, or even die, for our money, and for its value?
One major determinant in the value of rai is the grandness of the story which
can be told about one rai; what
happened to it on its way to Yap from the distant island on which it was
quarried. Aside from the size of the coin (ranging from 3 inches to 12 feet in
diameter), whether those transporting it survived a storm, or whether a famous
sailor brought the coin to the island, may boost its value.
Most importantly for the purposes of
this discussion, rai may have high
value because many people die bringing them to Yap, or (perplexingly) because nobody dies bringing them to the island.
This is why we must either kill many
people, or else die (and take many others with us), in order to continue to
bogusly inflate the value of our currency. Just as in the balancing act between
relying on ubiquitous use and widespread acceptability vs. scarcity and uniqueness as the driver of currency’s value, it
could not be clearer what we must do for our money, for our “own” flesh and
That is why we must fight this currency
war – and we shall fight them; on the
Banks of every river, in every trench and every Bank vault – if we are to
procure for our posterity a Currency of Blood. It is all for the sake of
STABility. Remember, you’re worth more dead than you are alive, right? Just don’t
go about trying to prove it, though.
I mean (say it with me)… Just You Buy It!(R)
This leads us to our next topic: how to
strike it rich without working.
For example… take me… please! I don’t do shit, I make money. Read The Tao, be The Master, make shit
happen. I mean… I get paid to make money.
I know we’re told that high earnings,
and a lot of money, and rewards, are the inevitable result of hard work. And
that if a man does not work, neither shall he eat. But I’ve eaten without being
required to work for it, and I get paid to sit around and do basically nothing
at my job.
That’s why I attribute all of my success
and earnings to hard work. To do so may go against everything I’ve observed,
but everyone else thinks it’s true, so I don’t object, because it’s all I can
do to keep from shouting from the rooftops that it should be legal to steal
from me. This is the Root of the Hole in the Coin. But back to my financial
Are you starving, freezing, poor,
broken? No, you’re not. You only feel
that way. And for you to project your
feelings onto my rights is unconstitutional. It’s a violation of my
‘Ey, if you’re poor, spend less money.
If you don’t want to pay taxes, then just refuse to pay taxes, or else stop
working. If you can’t find work, get a job. If you’re disabled, work harder! If you can’t afford good
food, eat garbage! If you’ve frozen stiff in your apartment, just walk away from the apartment and the
landlord! I mean, if you’re in chains, break
out! Amirite!?
As I suspect Jesse Ventura (Master of
Mixed Metaphors) must have pontificated at some point, “Ask for work. If you
can’t find work, ask for bread. If they don’t give you bread, steal bread. If you can’t steal bread,
let them eat cake. And if you can’t have your cake and eat it too, then the proof
of the pudding is in the eating of the cake bread pudding.” Man can live on bread alone! But only if we
learn to Leave Breadney Alone.
These are the only paths to stable,
rising financial gains. …Chris Gaines.
You’re welcome.
Oi, fucker, why do you think they needed
to punch holes in Jesus’s hands for the Crucifixion? Well, how else are you going to insert his
employment chip? I mean, Everybody Loves
Revelaymond. Furthermore, is Jesus the type to charge rent for the privilege to
occupy – and use – his holes, for whatever
purpose we may imagine?
This is why I say, to fuck a hole in
your money is to fuck a hole in yourself
(as a reminder, the hole represents built-in debt). This is what it means to be
unable to worship both God and Mammon
After all, the holes in Yap Island stone
coins are not for the insertion of poles as axles,
but only as transportation devices. To repeat, Fred Flintstone was not driving
his moneymobile around Yap, that’s not in the historical records. Again, rai are as small as 3 inches; yet for
some reason the holes are retained even at that size, though their light weight
makes the use of poles unnecessary for transportation.
So, then, why not fill the hole with
something else, such as your hopes and dreams? Your fears? A nice ottoman or a duvet? A sword? Your balls? The Resonating Light? Why not shove a jewel in
there, make it nice and pretty? Remember, there’s more than one way to “charge” your purchase. Do some sacred services and an incantation, turn
it into a portal so its demons can escape. Do a thing.
As Milton Friedman suggested, and as Emperor
Ryan explains, “money is a magic[k] fetish”; an object believed (unquestioned)
to possess a sacred, intrinsic, imminent value, including, often, a spiritual
one. Emperor Ryan continues: “bank magicians use transference to charge paper
into currency”. The money is charged much in the same way in which a sigil is charged.
Hence, voodoo economists are in good company;
although a small but significant faction of them are currently waging a covert
currency war against their fellow voodoo economists, as well as against the
bank magicians, who favor the anthill (ANT) over the “petrodollar-weapondollar
coalition” (USD). For more information, read the works of Jonathan Nitzan.
What all this means is that it is our dedication
to refraining from questioning the value of our money, and the validity of our
government’s public debt, which gives our currency much of its value. It is our
suspension of belief which exalts our money to such heights. But, be assured, dead
moneys cannot reign.
What do the smallest denomination of rai stone, a cross, and the Hand of God have in common? You can
string all of them onto a necklace. But nobody cries when you do it to some rai. Remember: “Don’t cry; scry!”
Thus, the Punched Hand (or wrist) is, by
all indicators, the best form of currency, but also, with its fingerprints, it can
easily suffice as a form of INDENTification. Fingerprinting only makes human
hands a more viable currency, due to its identifiability. A fingerprint is like
a serial number, printed with a communion wafer printing press onto a slab of
human dough; the Bread of Life, Sacred Manna
from Heaven. It’s Time to Make the Donuts.
Even without
fingerprinting, the early 2000s government of Afghanistan managed to run
successful elections. They did this by taking the fingers of people who had
already voted, and dyeing them with ink, and making sure nobody votes who
already has ink on their hands. How nice it would be if we could use this idea
to ban people with blood on their
hands from participating in the democratic process!
So there you have it: The Hol(e)y Human
Hand – the Hand of God – is like a bagel in its completeness, its roundness. It
is a perfect currency; the Hand does not even have to be transported in order
to serve as a useful currency, nor does it need to be separated from the body
for the same purpose, nor must it be moved (and removed) in order to denote that its ownership has changed.
Remember, idle hands are the Devil’s playground.
But to see the Light through the Lens of
the Eternal Bagel – and to understand the artistic concept of negative space –
will teach us that without the (w)hole, we are hollow and incomplete, yet
complete in our incompletion. Can we be whole without the hole? Only by holding
together our Hands, and our Money (which are one and the same), may we answer
these questions. After all, without holes in our hands, how are we to be bound
together? How are we to be strung up?
This currency – the Hand (or even the
Finger) – is the Sigil which we must charge. It is the sigil which we must read
in order to fully understand (that is, stand-under) the charges.
In 1948, Mahatma Gandhi wrote, “I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are
in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test.
Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and
ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him.
Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to a control over his own life
and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj (freedom) for the hungry and spiritually starving millions?
Then you will find your doubts and your self melt away.” This is the test we
must apply when choosing a currency.
To be required to work in exchange for
our needs, eludes the truth; that in order to work comfortably, our needs must
first be satisfied. The hole in our hands is the key; just like the Afghan
election, to get what we need, all we should have to do is show our hand. Why,
nearly all of us recognize the
meaning – the value – of a Hand, or a
Fist, held high. So, too, the Finger. It says “I AM A MAN”. …Or “Fuck you”.
Same thing.
This is the Shibbolethic Talisman which was
foretold in the ancient scriptures (i.e.,
articles 1 through 4). As I’ve explained, currency is, necessarily, a
talisman, or fetish (magickal object). For a currency to additionally serve as
a shibboleth is to use that currency, and to set the
societal rules of the marketplace around it, in such a way as to cause its
usage to create and cast a distinction between those who know the Hand not, and
still worship dead money, versus
those who recognize the Hand, and its meaning; its monetary and spiritual
I’ll take Gandhi’s advice.
Years ago in Nashville, I met a man who
was selling newspapers about homelessness. He asked me for a donation, in order
to, in his words, “relieve the stigmata
of homelessness”. He meant to say “stigma”, but his choice of words reveals
The big questions in all of this are:
With what will you fill such an
outstretched, truly empty, punched
hand? Will you be as a Doubting Thomas, and insert a pole, in order to
transport and trade the unit of currency?
Most importantly: What do we have to
offer one another, if all any of us has is our own outstretched empty hand?
have no gift to bring, pa-rum-pa-pum-pum…
Written and Published on October 15th,