Big Bill Heywood and Milton Friedman, Karl Marx understood that all
value created upon Land is created through the combination of labor,
capital, and myth.
why Marx was apt to cite principles of Christian liberation theology
in order to defend his profoundly theoskeptic ideas. The irony of
this ought not escape the reader of Marxian thought, as elsewhere in
his writing, Marx explained that religion can only be understood in
the context of what social and economic purpose it serves.
how true that is! I mean, if you're going to say that religion
controls people, and claim that it replaces our ideals with its own
ideals, and instills upon society a false reality and impossible
expectations, then you might want to start with a nice hearty “I
love Jesus”. I mean, Give Yourself Some CreditTM!
Lend yourself A Little B-Leaf (ALB).
is etched into the Rock of Ages, “If you don't have anything gneiss
to say, then don't carve any graven images on Tuesdays.” But why
wait Til Tuesday to get The Rock you deserve? The Wailing Wall is the
hardest part. Don't get caught between the Dome of Iraq and a hard
place! Buy this Book; it says you qualify! Get right with God to make
Him mollified!
of this is to say, of course, that an economy which respects and
reveres a
mutual alchemy of ideas and a free exchange thereof, will not arise
until The Phoenix does. The rebirth of The Phoenix is the rebirth of
the ancient monetary system: the backing of currency by full
reserves, natural resources, and/or a set of resources that can be
consumed in an emergency.
So do God a Solid; use solid currency before you get sol(i)d
For the Sun of God is like the gold in Fort Knox: When you stick Him
in the Vault, He disappears in three days or less. For the Source of
His Value is backed by both His annihilation and His reification (1 →
0 and 0 → 1). This is the meaning of “Deus Vault”.
This “Missing God” – this wandering, disappearing
trickster-magician-deity – is Our God. Our lack of Him –
Our want of Him, Our longing for Him – is what keeps both Us and
God coming back for more Turns and more Turnings.
Just like the three days between the Crucifixion and the
Resurrection – when darkness washed over the land, and the people
hung their heads in confusion and shame at the thought of what they
might have done – so too have economists stood at the precipices of
their economics books. Gazing at the abyssal-plain-meaning of the
wor(l)ds assembled before them into a tidal pool of significance,
they have pondered for centuries whether and when this
Schrodinger's-Cat-like Christ will emerge; with His Thorny Crown of
Doom, and His currency backed by the worry of human hands, with His
map bearing directions to the golden treasure buried in the human
heart, hidden in a Geraldoan vault full of empty (or perhaps just
invisible) promises. It's all here in this pamphlet.
Just like some of us enjoy smoking, some of us enjoy our god
poisoned and our rock stars dead. We all like our God cooked a little
differently, and we all like to sit in different spots while we enjoy
Him. And so, we lift a chalice: To each his zone! The cup is raised,
the toast is made... yet again. Tomb rhymes with womb.
if you seal the tomb too tightly, God will not be able to breathe.
But if you don't seal the tomb – and The Mummy's wrappings –
tightly enough,
then the Celestial Accountant won't know that the parcel was supposed
to remain intact. Instead, the Accountant will scrap
the parcel into its constituent parts, and, like coins given to a
bank instead of loaned, give them out to the people upon request.
If faith is a form of credit, then a priest is a spiritual banker,
and a banker is a secular (or non-shamanized) priest.
Nowhere is this clearer than in the practices of the Juju priests of
West Africa, who sacrifice animals and perform incantations in order
to seal contracts. A woman who becomes a prostitute in order to pay
off her debts might recruit one of these priests to bless their
I.O.U., through offering up underwear, fingernail clippings, pubic
hair, and menstrual blood (which otherwise would have been sent to a
America for use in a feminist art project, or an Illuminati sacrifice
at MoMA). To bind the woman to her covenant, the priest then binds
the offerings into a bundle, blesses the bundle, and places it at a
shrine, never to be moved. Just like the Gold In Fort Knox®, YHVH
the Earth and “Universe” themselves, a currency is a work of Art,
and as such, should appreciate,
itself being
(dissolving the subject-object dichotomy). All Value and Meaning flow
through these Celestial Accountant banker-priests; and WeTM
should give them Indulgences. Remember: You Are Dog Shit®,
and until you pay tribute to the Dead God of Dead Money (Mammon), you
cannot have your debts forgiven. It is impossible to serve two
masters; therefore if thou cannot wholly, holey, and solely serve
Mammon, then thou must serve only Meyers.
seems wrong, but oddly enough, He hath commanded
us to eat Him; God hath given us a cent. So don't throw the Cat out
with the bath water; Garfield doesn't like Moon-days
either. The Cat (Sphinx; immortality) will rise when The Phoenix
(solid currency; God) rises, so sayeth the Book of Judie.
the Sun of God is a betting man (and I wager She is), then She must
have known how that tomb worked. You pay your money and you takes
your choice. He knew how to wake Lazarus
inside! As the lead undertaker of existence, Jesus must have
some effort in hedging His bets; must have made a Bushian “Deal
With God”, as psychopompous as that Might sound. Maybe all He had
to do was wiggle His big 2.
Christ up in the chrysalis like a womb-tomb-room. Butterfly saviors
got they broom and they go zoom-boom.
That is what the Kingdom of God is like.
therein lies the logic of economics: that there be no
words and numbers have been revealed as nothing – as ever-changing,
mutable social constructs that blend into, up in, and out of one
another – then their value is not only diluted, but also deluded.
So too are their values confused, through the fact that words are
numbers, which those of us familiar with gematria
and numerology will comprehend.
without alchemy and numerology, it is impossible for humans to
overcome the conflicts between divisibility, duplicability, and
rarity, which arise in attempting to ascertain which type of currency
is likely to achieve the optimal balance of the characteristics which
we desire a currency to have. And the duplicability paradox cannot be
overcome while the currency continues to be backed by blood.
Essentially, cloned
money is counterfeit money.
You are You; nothing can ¢hange
that. You hear that? None of that Thomas Didymus, Jesus-had-a-twin
is to say that to adopt a subjective
system of assigning value to goods and services, is to adopt
the orphan Christ, and thus, it is to play the role of Joseph and God
at once. For, though the Branches of His “family” (his adoptive
father's lineage) be cursed, the Root of His claim to the Thrown
remains embedded firmly in the zenith of the cupola of the Orb of the
Firmament, held up by the Vault of the Heavens. So His claim is
anchored in the Sky.
And so, sayeth the Christ-carrying Black Sheep, “Oh, thank you,
little roots! Please stay strong.” It is like a Root growing out of
dry ground, after seeds have been scattered by the wayside. The body
(of Works) mattereth not; for the Will-Into-Existence of the Spirit
makes the Flesh less weak. That's the difference between a spirit and
a ghost; the ghost stays dead. Or so we have been led to B-leave.
perhaps Christ, up on His Cross like a scarecrow erected to frighten
demons away, is more like a bee
than a flower which Osho would caution us not to pluck. You can pick
a peck of Princes of Heaven and put 'em in your pocket, but some poor
Sap on a yellow brick road might lose his Way because he's been
robbed of his handy, heavenly anointed weather-vane.
don't need a whether-man to know which way the wind blows, but like
Moses said, one man's staff is another man's weather. If, through His
Cross, Christ is tethered to the Earth, then how is He to ascend to
Heaven? This is why God sends the storms; to kick up the dust, to
whip the soil and the water together into speechifying whirlwinds of
cotton-candy-like Good IntentionsTM
trying to use your ego to dissolve
ego is all fun and games until somebody loses an I. As the main
recipient of the tribute and credit paid by a society, the divine
figure at the helm is the most economically powerful member of
society. But just as when a despot or tribal leader dies, his country
becomes unstable; when that god dies,
the currency
unstable, and the economy usually has to be totally restructured.
a highly superstitious society, that could mean almost anything: the
introduction of totally novel rituals, the introduction of ritual
sacrifice, the resumption
sacrifices, the introduction of new gods, the syncretistic
reconciliation of the religion of the conqueror with the religion of
the conquered, the introduction of new moneys and currencies made
from materials that were previously inaccessible, the cancellation of
large-scale building projects (such as palaces, fortifications, and
burial grounds or mounds), et
most importantly of all, the economy will be restructured around the
of large-scale building projects. Take churches and temples as
another example. You see how long it's taking to build La
Sagrada Familia?
That's no accident, that's quite literally by design.
if your church is the
whole Earth...
well, you see what I'm gettin' at.
Just as Proudhon said private property cannot survive without the
assistance of the state; neither can an economy which is based on
private property survive without the state. Similarly, in the absence
of government force, God, myth, and superstition would be the
only things powerful enough to hold an economy together. Simple
changes in beliefs and values can go a long, long way towards
changing our lives and changing the change in our pockets.
This is why
the article “The Business Secrets of the Pharaohs: How the Kings of
Ancient Egypt Can Help You Manage Your Team, Your Time, and Your
'Pyramids' More Effectively” by banker Mark Corrigan has been so
instrumental in aiding the author's understanding of the pyramid
scheme (which novices naïvely call “the economy”). Namely, that
the era in which the Pharaohs lived “was so completely different
from our own that almost all cultural, political and, particularly,
business parallels we draw between the two eras [the Pharaonic era
modern times] are bound, by their very nature, to be wrong.”
is to say that a
subjective theory of economic value precludes
the possibility of the evaluation schema of two or more people – or
societies, for that matter – to be compared to one another in any
real or objective way. Forget the vast differences between societies
across time; we haven't even figured the sunspot
cycle into
our agricultural planning yet! This is chaos; The End is built into
The Beginning. God is the only Constant; without God no Number has
Value. God is coagulum;
a Euclidean glue that holds all Value together.
But, not yet knowing whether the Messiah Will Be singular or
collective, individuals cannot be rightfully excluded from the deity
market, because, simply, any one of them might be God. And if God's
body is for sale, You Better You Bet He should be allowed to make a
bid. As long as He doesn't try to collude to set prices on Himself,
God remains free to buy Himself back from the flames at any Time.
What do you think God's first bid on His own Corpse (corpus;
body of work; the Holy Word; the Bible) would be?
how much silver
a “piece” of silver anyway? How much Time does silver take to
Mine? How can it B
when it Leaves
our hearts are as good as gold, and the day is as precious as silver,
than wood
not twenty-nine
and a half
pieces of silver have sufficed as a ransom for this god; this Ransom
To End All RansomsTM?
This is the Value of the silvery Moon in the velvet sky if we count
the days and count the ways, is it knot?
is this star-studded night-cloth anyway, which is toss'd over our a
planet like a dream-cover o'er a Birdcage? What, ho, more,
even, is this cloud-covered dayscape
(or Day's Cape), enveloping our heads in sunlight? Be
ye not deceived!
The Heavens are merely the eyelids of God. Would that they never
drop, never reveal that Wizard behind the Curtain, lest our sins be
in full sight of God, and bring Him dishonor. In a See of sin, we are
drowning, and there is no island, because there is no eyelid.
That's right; the Heavens exist because of shame. What did Adam and
Steve (which may or may not be short for Stephanie) cover their
Genesis-Penises with? Leaves (ALB). Heaven. The Blood of
Christ. Eyelids. The foreskin that covered the Eye, but which is now
used as a wedding ring. Like Brother Lopez said, “It's the same
For we are all created in the image of God, and frankly, God can't
stand the sight of Himself in The Mirror anymore. This is the source
of His fractured identity, referred to by theologians as “trinity”,
but by mental health professionals as “Dissociative Identity
Disorder” (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder).
So if God doesn't even know how many people He is worth, then
how can We know the Value of our Bread, the Value of our dear,
deer Dough?
As Nietzsche recommended, if God does exist, it is necessary to kill
Him. And so, we have.
It was a community decision, and nobody took blame nor credit; it
was just something that We all decided that We had to do in order to
move forward. Just like that Ken McElroy guy. And what could oppose
Our Will? Nothing, only God.
How do you make a work of art (that is, Creation) more
valuable, when no copies of it exist? You kill the artist, which, in
this case, is God.
how do you dispose of the evidence that you've killed God, when the
entire face of
the Earth is
the Face of God? There's only one way: let everyone weigh-in on what
God's Face is worth, and let them buy up little chunks of It,
privatize It, and hide It away from everyone. Which, as You'll
recall, is the best way to ensure its lasting value. I repeat: Is
there anything more priceless and precious than something that has
been destroyed? You don't know what you've got until you lose it.
so, if you love God, then you must go it aloan. Just as you must not
look for homies to back you
but rather you must back yourself
up, just as a resource backs a currency.
is, your investments must be commensurate with, and backed by, the
savings which you have stored up in your personal Heaven, your inner
You must have faith in yourself, and give yourself credit, in order
to back up Your Value, so that you have something to fall back on.
basically the same kind of “trust fall” you'd do as a
team-building exercise at a company retreat, except it's backwards
off a cliff. They call this the Leap of Faith. And you must redeem
yourself (for cash) before you go about lending yourself out to help
others. Mortal
investments must be backed by faith,
but unlimited
faith allows unlimited investment.
Although it seems counter-intuitive, to the experienced
alchemist-economist, this should come as second nature. As easily as
the ideas that human beings have no objective intrinsic worth, that
making more of them dilutes their value, and that getting rid of them
makes their value increase. It's a simple matter of $upply and
Dem@nD. Human value is not objective, and therefore it is
inestimable, except in a comparative context.
where the field of comparative labor necronomics come in. So bee
there or B2!
it's getting interest-sting!
all know, as has been foretold by the ancient prophecies – as well
as having been “back-tell'd”
in the more recent
in which the prediction comes after
the miracle – that humans only acquire Value through watching the
beings' praise for one-another?
All Is Vanity!(R)
This praise provides no real appraisal
of value. As the Moon is Our Witch, the Moon is Our Watch. She alone
bewitches and Watches us, and She aloan grants and lends worthiness
to mortal men. For our worth is measured
our worthiness. This is how superstition imbues value into an
now, if you can't read between the chicken bones, so to speak, then
you probably never Will. To see this Truth is to walk; to moon
another man to mock his sins. But to fully value the Moon, you must
see the Many-Moon.
By witch I mean that you must see the Mini-Moon
(Asteroid 2016 HO3), a little and little-known satellite of Earth.
For this is the
full meaning of my Name;
“God Wills it that the value of even the most insignificant
hundredth of a cent shall be increased.”
is how you enhance the value of the objects which inhabit and run
this ol' celestial Skee-Ball game.
As I have blown a hole in the idea that There Can Be Only One Moon,
and holes in our currency and in the reader's mind – and as the
Earth and the Moon shall be pierced like a Fabergé
egg, and then have their contents ejected, and then eventually crack
– so too must we blow a hole in the Mini-Moon.
just as the currency-hole was created by interest (and inflation), so
too did my interest in the subject help pry that zound open a little
wider. To paraphrase Rabbi Kohan: “The egg has
to crack;
that's how the God gets in.” And in-flat-ion
is what results when you pierce an object, deflate
it, and flatten
it. It's as natural as it is flatural.
As God has redeemed us, so too must we redeem God for all He is
worth. Take Him for all he's worth – just like in the Divorce –
as if the Face of God were free real estate. Just don't take Him at
His Word. Take my god, please!
To make the Longest Story Ever Told short, the only way for God to
ascend, is for us to free Him from the mortal coil which is His
anchor and tether to human concerns, instead of His anchor to the
Heavens which stakes His claim as their King. But, like a bag of sand
taking the place of a golden idol, a sacrifice must be made in God's
before, ye have believed that the time of sacrifices were over, God
demands yet
another sacrifice
(surprise), and an equal
sacrifice in His place! But for the lack of another god, this problem
would be easily remedied. :( That is why, to see what is equal to
God, we must look to the planets. For they are the original
gods; those wandering stars wondered about by starry-eyed ones who
wander at Will as their starry eyes well as well.
that is why we must handcuff the pierced Earth, Moon, and Mini-Moon
to one another; into a holey cosmic matrimony. We must bind all
the gods
– our deities, our planets, our coins, and ourselves
– to one another, in a sort of spiritual
choker-necklace-turned-human-centipede. It is only through piercing
the Moon that we may prevent the next Blood Supermoon – and
the next Blood Super-Mini-Moon
– lest it grow red with blood-mooney. Preventing these Blood
Supersatellites will help keep Our Treasure Earth-Bound.
Basically, the ethereal Christmas tree needs a string of popcorn,
donuts, and blood cells, in order to “lighten up”, and help God
lighten up. For the Holy Word of God was scrawled upon the blood
platelets of the Son even before His Holey Berth, and the Word is
Light. If being the Light makes you light, then Jesus was probably
pretty easy to tie down. Unfortunately, that doesn't help explain one
bit why He never found a wife.
Anyway, we must Brobdingnagianly tie these planet-gods down, onto
the Tree of Life – which is the True Cross, and also the Ethereal
Insect Corpse Sample Collection Tray – and entymologically
pin-down their Meanings, and the Value of their Word.
the Word is also
Ludwig von Mises was, of course, wrong to assert that economics
should not be left to “esoteric circles”. As I have previously
explained, esoteric circles run our universe. And which circles are
more esoteric than the orbits of the gods?
The Great Cosmic Arcade Game cannot continue to function so long as
our coins, our planets, our gods, and ourselves do not have the same
shape. Until then, they cannot be described as fully interchangeable
with one another. And as has been elaborated, interchangeability is
next to godliness; it's as close to God as you can get. It's As
God As it Gets starring Jack Nickels-Sin.
this, and more, is why God is a nickel. He stands alone, on a side
that you always knew inside that He had but often forget, and
proclaims three faces to the world; two Sides and an Edge. Just like
the West African god Eleggua does with his hat – black on one side
and red on the other - He presents two façades
to the world, causing men on opposite sides to fight. All the while,
He keeps His True Face hidden, never showing Himself for what He is;
the only Face that any of Us are fighting over. And that is why God
is the edgiest motherfucker of all time.
This is why the Catholics, to this Long Day, eat a nickel of grain
to commemorate the death of the God That We Miss. That is why the
Pierced Beef-Nickel (PBN on the stalker market) is the holyest
currency of all, in part because most cows are raised on
grain. Therefore PBN, as the sole Eucharist capable of forgiving sin
and conferring spiritual value, is likely to become a durable and
dominant worldwide currency wherever it is used (except in vegan
communes, or the subcontinent of India).
This is why if you are not a jewel, then you can still be a coin.
A god that is not mass-manufactured cannot circulate. There's simply
not enough god to go around! The only thing that can be easily
mass-manufactured is murder, and murder not only keeps the blood
flowing (like liquid, volatile current-sea), it raises the Worth of
each person not murdered! So hold onto your head (caput) for
Dear LifeTM, or else find something for people to exchange
which is not murder, and witch has forborne the carnal Knowledge of
As George Carlin explained, when human population was lower,
“everybody had his own angel”, but also that, with population
increase, the angel-to-human ratio has, sadly, plummeted. Ironically,
one would think that religion, being designed for mass consumption by
huge populations (just like capitalism), would have some way to get
around this problem. That's where icon worship enters the mix. But
unfortunately, the presses just can't print communion wafers quickly
enough to satisfy demand. People need those things every darn Weak!
a while, this icon-worship of an edible currency made of Christ's
flesh was a good enough way to re-present
the original god who backed the currency with His Life. But
eventually, speculation that He did not actually exist in tangible
fully-backed assets led to volatility in the deity market, and caused
the value of the stock we put in our beliefs to plummet.
to the coroner's report, this was also caused by injections of
questioning, apprehension, and dying physical matter by a central
board that lacked legitimate authority. Onto this central board was
mounted another
board, affixed to it perpendicularly with several nails.
And We all know what happened next. Or do We?
God is right there in your heart, and right there in your pocket!
Are you gonna pretend you don't know how He got there!?
your god
is your
He can only become yours by taking
Him back into your Own (hands).
If you don't fight back when people claim that your property is
worthless, then the theoskeptics win. And
that is why you must never fight back,
but Give 2 Those Who Ask You®.
Even if they ask for the coordinates of your god, your greatest
must guard the physical
body of God (i.e.,
our money), but also reveal Truths about Him to whomever asks. Even
though He repeatedly warned us not to tell a living soul about Him;
this was only a test. Had there been a real deity shortage, you would
have been informed as to where to take shelter behind an occult veil
of secrecy in your area. And just as A Mighty Fortress is Our God,
there is no better shelter and cover than the Lord's loving arms.
Except to be covered by His delicious, nutritious blood.
For the Blood that pours out of the Grand Skee-Ball Game – which,
as the Clock of the Universe, and the Clock of the Heart, makes the
planets run on time – is the Blood from the Hand which God got
caught in the Eternal Vending Machine of Immortality. Rumor has it,
He was trying to Fish coins out of the machine, as if His Hand were
the Claus in a claw game, and Rob all the Worth out of the Arcade to
give to the mortals. Like a Robbin' Hood thing.
A complete exegesis of biblical scripture (and Kevin Smith films)
will reveal that God frequently gets lost in arcades, from not being
able to differentiate any particular game from the ones that humans
are playing with each other all the time. For those who have not yet
had their fill of the Tree of Knowledge, the Cosmic Coin Counter runs
the Eternal Pinball Game, which runs the Cosmic Clock of the Solar
System. All of this takes place within the Ancient Arcane Arcade,
which we are foolish enough to call “the Universe”.
For some literally obscure reason, “mortals” (dubious) wish to
play a game with our gods, and pit them against the Lion and against
Nature. But Life is not a game. And so, we must refrain from
playing The GameTM to begin with, by playing The
GameTM, while releasing ourselves from the secondary
Game of trying to hold onto our value. That's because we must be
Willing to depart with that Value in order to assist this
debilitated, trapped God, to do His Will byproxy, like some sort of
Divine Last Will and Testament.
This is to say that we must rescue God from the Cosmic Arcade; the
Bank Vault of the Heavens, the Crypt full of change in the Vending
Machine of Immortality.
We must sacrifice one of our own coins to, quite literally,
get God out of the machine (deus ex machina). For a God
that needs to be repeatedly rescued and re-rescued and re-skewed and
re-schism'd, is of utmost Value; it is as pretty as a Peach. If you
love your coin, let it go; if the machine returns it, you'll know it
was meant to Be. Mamma mia!
before we can get God
of the machine, we must first get our heads
of the machine, get our heads out of the gutter, and get our heads
out of the oven (same thing). This is why – whether it's Fitcoin or
Sweatcoin, Shitcoin, Shitecoin, We Are Precious In His Sight-Coin, or
– currencies that touch blood will never suffice as
cryptocurrencies; for the simple reason that they've
never even been inside a crypt.
as meat mustn't be taken from an animal while it is still alive,
neither may blood, nor value, unless the animal gives assent (a
cent). Just as the value of a sigil-currency often lies in its
non-possession, the value of cryptocurrencies that touch blood (like
Shitcoin) always
lies in its non-possession.
Jesus has been
inside a crypt. And Milton Friedman, being the only one who has
successfully peered through the camel-eye-plank-hole in our currency,
that yes, indeed, He does
an exit strategy, and did the whole time. Like Churchill said, “If
you find yourself going through Hell, keep going.” The only way out
is through.
...Through the treasure room.
the true
treasure lies in your
chest, your own
That is to say, the only way out is through the Sacred Heart, which
acts as the womb-tomb in which the Dead God grows while dying.
And that is why the Sacred Heart must be pierced; for the sake of
God does not understand money should not surprise us any more than
that the president
does not understand money. Human beings' difficulty understanding
money lies in deciphering God's views through His mad scrawlings,
which is unfortunate, because consulting their pineal glands often
works just as well or better.
simpler the creature, the easier for it to comprehend money. Our
monkey-prostitute ancestors “understood” (stood-under) this, in
the same way that they stood underneath the electrified banana in the
famous ladder experiment. To stand under the banana is to obey
banana. As far as we know, non-human animals do not believe
nor value,
money; but some of them have
resigned themselves to accepting
it as a fact of human life, and as a fact of living around humans.
Just like we have!
what can monkey-prostitutes tell us about the nature of God, and of
mon(k)ey? A better question would be What can't
they tell us? It all depends on whether the monkey-prostitutes in
question can talk. For “God”, as we all know, is an anagram for
“dog”; the words share gematric value (or at least they do in the
anguished language of English). But the map is not the territory. Dog
knows how easily money flows from the Hallowed Ground.
to various reports from early 2018, in Colombia, a black Labrador
retriever dog named Negro has been purchasing cookies for years,
obtaining them from a cafeteria at the Diversified Technical
Education Institute of Monterrey Casanare. How does he do it? He
presents a leaf, usually a green one. Evidently, the dog saw humans
obtaining cookies after they gave up something flat, green, and made
out of an Earth-material. And that's when a good
boy became a great
boi, and also an entrepreneur: “I know where to get tons
dumb animal has single-pawedly shattered everything we know about
money; his simple discovery ought to bring shame to each and every
one of us who didn't think of it first. I mean, if Kendall
can hear “Money doesn't grow on trees” and immediately come back
with “Yes it does, it's paper”, then how is it that the rest of
us have held onto this false Little B-Leaf (ALB) for so long? Of
course money grows on trees; just like a god grows on a cross, which
is made
out of trees. So God grows on trees.
the staff of the cafeteria reacted to Negro's ingenuity – and to
the virtually unlimited supply of leaves to which he has access –
by limiting his purchases to several cookies per
thus ensuring our financial doom. Which begs the questions: Can we
all make
purchases with dog leaves? Most importantly of all, what
happens when
the dog leaves?
we must keep this stupid doG, who can't even fucking talk, alive
forever with a robotic exoskeleton, and give him a Nobel Prize in
Economics. If He dies, we eat Him to gain his purchasing power, just
like God said to do with His
body when He
Investing in this project now will yield plentiful R.O.I. (not to be
confused with rai).
We might also want to take a look at his taxes.
Negro's method of monetary expansion does not earn him the job of
next Chairman of the Federal Reserve, then perhaps it really is
time to look to China for the answer, and adopt as our new currency a
set of live animals trapped inside small plastic bags, fashioned into
keychains. The Chinese say that the sale
these toys has boosted their economy; so imagine how much good it
would do them to adopt this into their basket of official currencies
(which includes the Yuan, the Renminbi, and Hong Kong and Macau
if a populous country like China were to take that first step, it
could inch the animal-bags closer to becoming a world reserve
currency! Then each of us could have a Lamb In A BagTM,
and keep them in little pockets we can sew onto our shoulders, to
trade as we please! We could literally
put live stock
in our beliefs, by wearing
our faith on our sleeves!
The Bible makes it quite clear: The Lamb is the only Source of Worth,
the only Source of Value; but only as long as its Value stays
free-floating near thirty pieces of silver, no ewe-sury allowed.
don't dilute
your currency; delude
your thinking
in order to induce trance states!
buy in (NowTM)
to the delusion that the tides of the waters in our bodies (vessels)
are controlled by Luna and Neptune. That the blood flowing through
your blood vessels renders your body a mass of land Crossed by
rivers. That, being mostly water, the body is permeable to thought,
which is electric. That others' thoughts and unheard words float
through the æther,
and electrocute us, causing our ears to burn. That water or light,
electrocuted by and to a slow vibration, will become as solid as a
currency and as Solid As A Rock. That a single whim can give rise to
a whole life or a whole Arcade (Universe), or that one wandering
thought can poison the mind and pollute the day.
being even more
water than humans are, have their Worth controlled by the Moon even
more. That
the Moon is more valuable when it is full, and so are the many
creatures whose tides it governs. And those creatures – those
animals whom we think below us, simply because they are short –
they know it.
The Moon is a giant dreidel. Which face does it show to you?
Read Jung and the Bhagavad Gita, then ask yourself which anima(l)
you see in the Mirror.
Now we are beginning to ¢
the importance of listening to, having star(t)ing contests with, and,
yes, making love to, our witch's familiars, in order to regain the
carnal (i.e., meaty) understanding of Nature which Men have
Think on the Lilies of the Field (2 B confused with the 1963
Sidney Poitier film of the same name, for a lily by any other name is
the same shit). As we can infer from Matthew 6:26-29, rats don't give
one of their own asses about money, because they don't consider
anything but the four classical elements (Earth, Water, Air, and
Fire) to be currency. That's because those classical elements make up
all food, or else cook it.
Essentially, most of our pets don't use money, or understand money
differently from the way we do, such that, when we feed them, they
think we're paying them. But that doesn't mean that a
cookie-loving black lab or a capuchin prostitute won't pretend
to use currency, or can't be tricked into using currency,
respectively. ...Look it up.
During a backrophcy, it's normal to be unsure what you're seeing,
and even what time frame it's happening in, and what vantage point
you're seeing it from. But Hark Like a Lark!®; Right
before us, we are seeing the birth and the end of the Arcade
at once; the in-holding of the crown-molding of the crowd-funding of
the Unfolding (that is, Revelaymond).
This Anubis-like dog Negro is George Clintonianly chasing the cat
Sphinx, inciting and inviting it to catch the Phoenix. After Nut
nutted into the Nile and birthed all Creation and all Water, Negro's
actions were those which precipitated the rise of all
economaieutic wisdom which cum'd into the Arcade. If you want to
literally “make money”, cum on a video game.
Hey, it's like they always say, if the Phoenixian
partridge-cartridge isn't working, blow on it. If Jesus and Kanye can
both T-pose on a cross while making love to other gay fi$h, then why
should that stop you? It's not like they're immortal or
Or are they? More importantly, have you ever seen them together in
the same room at the same time?
What am I getting at? I'm glad you finally asked. The Shibbolethic
First, the shibboleth.
A shibboleth is a word, slogan, phrase, or catch-phrase, that serves
as a “watch-word”, “test-word”, or “test-phrase”. It can
also refer to a cliché, truism, platitude, manner of speaking,
speech pattern, accent, behavior, or mode of dress. Shibboleth
additionally refers to some quality or characteristic which is viewed
as outdated or outmoded, and empty of meaning. A shibboleth is
perceived, and used, as a test, to distinguish someone, often
according to class, nation, language, profession, or faith.
The Bible alludes to the shibboleth in Judges 12:5-6. Judge Jephthah
and his men of Gilead told a group of Ephraimites, supposedly
refugees, to pronounce the word “shibboleth”. Their inability to
pronounce the “sh” sound correctly gave them away as invading
impostors. The Ephraimites pronounced the word as “sibboleth”
because of their lack of familiarity
with the Hebrew word, which means “ear of grain”. The use of the
word shibboleth for that purpose, led to the word shibboleth being
adopted as the term used to denote the test-phrase.
Aside from serving as a linguistic
distinction between two peoples, the pronunciation difference itself
serves to reveal the speaker's degree of depth of understanding of
the meaning of the greater
concept attached to the
word; and, moreover, the speaker's appreciation
of the value
which that full understanding of the word holds. Essentially, the
shibboleth is the key to assigning Value and Worth to individuals
according to their ability to understand the words that are comin'
outta my mouth.
An etymological analysis of the usages of the word in Scripture
reveals that to the ancient Hebrews, the word shibboleth
carried the meaning of “ear of corn”, “ear of grain”, or
“spike of grain”, in addition to meaning water, flood, stream,
channel, or branch. This volatile (i.e., watery) additional
meaning might seem like a connotation rather than a denotation
to the novice, but it makes perfect sense if you have seen a close-up
image of the vessels in a leaf, next to an aerial view of the
“arteries” of the highway, looping around a city, and if you know
that water and nutrients flow through a seemingly solid branch
We as Americans ought to understand this better than anyone, as our
national anthems and Americana theater are filled to the brim with
songs of “amber waves of grain” and “the waving wheat can sure
smell sweet”. We, with our “sea to shining sea” of wheat and
grain and corn, should sea that the crops, being more Water than We,
are more moved by the tides of Mother Moon than We ®. Which, of
course, is why we eat them to acquire their Value. And we as
Americans ought to know how converting grain to a liquid makes it
easier and cheaper to transport across the land. So get drunk and
fuck with a sigil, Jesus built a distillery in His stomach!
is to say that the Ephraimites' understanding of the word shibboleth
caused them to view food (particularly grain) as something solid,
and as a burden
that must be carried across the land,
while the Hebrews understood that the crops flow
freely from the land like water from a spring.
Food is not something that really needs
to be carefully stored away; I mean, throw some seeds by the wayside,
dump your leftovers on top of it, and see what comes up. I ב
have meals for meal-ennia!
Once we understand that the crops and our food are gifts that spring
from all corners of Creation, rather than a burden which is difficult
and expensive to transport to those who need it, we can, to rephrase
the admonitions of Brother Sam, “put people closer to where the
fucking food is”.
So if you can't lead the horse to water, lead the water to the
Corns are coins. Haven't you ever heard of ear-igation?
The talisman, on the other hand – as anyone familiar with magick
will recall – is a seal, sigil, symbol, logo, figure, character, or
image, used as a good luck charm, such as an amulet, medallion, or
Traditionally, “talisman” refers to a charmed image, carved
under superstitious observance or ritual, which bears representations
of observances of the configurations of the Heavens. Stones and
metals associated with particular planets are often used as
talismans, or as components of talismans, in order to manifest the
most accurate symbolic representation of the heavenly bodies
being conveyed, through manifesting the most accurate visual and
material representation of those objects. This practice is
thought to charge the object with the full force or power which the
heavenly body is thought to possess.
All I'm really getting at is that a talisman can be used as a
sigil as long as the sigil re-presents the talisman
adequately, and that the talisman can be used as a shibboleth if its
use or possession can be utilized to distinguish people. Only by
comprehending this, may we bring the Shibbolethic Talisman to bear as
a Holey Money, representing the unrepresentable; itself. ...In court.
Mark has many meanings, largely determined by zoning. If on the
forehead, palm, or wrist, the Value may be different; the meaning of
the Mark must be inquired of the bearer alone, and no Øne
else. So too might a holey hand, a holey head, a holey wrist, or a
black hole on the center of the Palm, mean something else. But a hand
held aloft – in question, rather than in statement or command –
this is our Shibbolethic Talisman; this is our currency. For, whether
the hand is empty or holey, it is empty enough to communicate the
meaning of the gesture. For, though the hand
be empty, the gesture is not. The meaning of an empty hand is
understood by all.
This fulfills Gandhi's requirement regarding of what purpose the
talisman should serve, namely, that it serve some purpose to the
poorest among us.
For what poor person lacks both hands, and lacks holes
in his hands? He who is without hands, having no hand-water and thus
not touching blood, may be put to work as a rial currency,
for, lacking hands, he cannot throw the first stone, so he may as
well know that he has sinned. And that is why, as Jodorowski made
clear, he without arms will inherit the Kingdom of God.
Grab that vinegar, we just gotta relieve that stigmata!
It is appointed unto men, once and only once, to die. But You, being
of water, are in flux. If your personality dies once, then your oath
is fulfilled, and you are released.
But that puts a Juju priest out of a job.
What is Coming is a Harvest of Men. As prayer is a form of insurance
against the Divine not existing (for it is like a bet that it does),
our sacred vestments are investments. As such, they should be
our most valuable (and, if need be, only) possessions, for
they, in covering us, are like God and his tasty blood.
For Eternal Meaning and Value are the Secrets which we Confess to
the Great Celestial Accountant, whose name is the Angel Gematria,
the Queen B of the jibber-jabber of geometry. Her Guardian Angel
is the Recording Angel MatthewTron (the Artist Formerly Known as
Metatron), Sparrow Fashionista.
Verily I say unto Thou that Her Name – the fullest Value of
each and every one of the many Characters of Her Fullest Name –
means “To Save A Coat”. And, just like someone who's half-insane
and trying to read the Bible backwards and upside-down, I discovered this after looking at the matter from every possible angle.
But in witch gematria? Better break out your gematria
tables, it's gonna be a Long Night.
And that is why, to this Day, Jesus always stays at Double Tree.
That'll be $11.65.
Shut the fuck up.
on May 8th,
and 11th
through 13th,
Edited on May 15th, 2018
Edited on May 15th, 2018