Showing posts with label Bitcoin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bitcoin. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2024

Sixty-Two Ways to Decrease Your Dependence Upon the U.S. Dollar, Other Currencies, and Moneys in General

     The following is a list of sixty-two things that you can do to wean yourself off your dependence upon the U.S. Dollar (USD) – and currencies and moneys in general – in order to survive.

     Many of these methods would also help achieve easier access to water, food, clothing, medicine, and shelter – i.e., the basic means of survival – and/or would help make it legal (for example, more often legal, or legal in more places) to obtain access to, and/or possession or ownership of, such needs, without requiring the use of currencies.

     Readers should be cautioned that some of these suggestions do not actually achieve the direct nor immediate abolition of currencies; but instead are merely alternatives to moneys, currencies, and/or the Dollar. Many solutions listed below also do not necessarily threaten to abolish the systems of capitalism, exchange, the wage system, market systems, pressured and coerced labor, and perhaps even private property, most or all of which are likely to still prove to remain problematic, even if and after currencies are successfully boycotted (or even, potentially, abolished).
     [Notes: "Anagorism" is a term which refers to a system in which there are no markets. "Anideotism" is a term which refers to a system in which there is no private property.]

     This article is based on my February 2017 article, titled “You Don’t Need Money to Live”, which is based on things I learned from my research associate Tom o’Donnell and his father Tim o’Donnell. That article can be read at the following address:

     #1. Use – and/or work in exchange for – constitutional currencies, such as gold and silver. I refer to gold and silver as “constitutional currencies” because Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution provides that “No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”. This arguably renders fiat currencies, such as the U.S. Dollar, as a currency which is unconstitutional – and therefore illegal and invalid – given that it is not made out of gold and silver, and (since 1971) is not even backed by gold reserves anymore.
     Learn more at:

     #2. Use – and/or work in exchange for – “Gold CDs” and “Silver CDs” (i.e., gold certificates of deposit and silver certificates of deposit).

     #3. Use – and/or work in exchange for – “private currencies”, including independently minted coins made from precious metals. One example was the “American Liberty Dollar” (ALD) which was minted by Bernard von NotHaus, until he was arrested – essentially on a bogus charge of counterfeiting – for doing so.

     Learn more at:

     #4. Use – and/or work in exchange for – other precious metals, aside from gold and silver; such as palladium.

     #5. Use – and/or work in exchange for – interest-free currencies, such as “Greenbacks” (a type of Demand Note or United States Note).
     Learn more at:

     #6. Use – and/or work in exchange for – e-currencies (i.e., electronic currencies) and cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Tether (USDT; a “stablecoin”), and e-currencies which rely on blockchain ledger technology.
     [Note: I do not endorse the use of Bitcoin, nor of Tether, nor stablecoins; I am merely pointing out that they are arguably alternatives to the U.S. Dollar. However, Tether and stablecoins – and other Central Bank Digital Currencies (C.B.D.C.s) – are arguably not alternatives to the Dollar, since their values are pegged / tied / tethered to the value of the Dollar.]
     Learn more at:,bank%20digital%20currencies%20(CBDCs).

     #7. Use – and/or work in exchange for – local currencies - including regional currencies and community currencies - such as Colorado Mountain-Hours. These currencies act as “complementary currencies”, complementing the use of national currencies.
     Learn more at:

     #8. Use – and/or work in exchange for – labor notes (also known as labour cheques, labor vouchers, labor certificates). These are non-transferable vouchers which are earned through individual labor and work. One intention of labor notes is to make it impossible to steal money and currency.
     Labor notes were used at Josiah Warren’s Cincinnati Time Store. Pyotr Kropotkin criticized labor notes as a “new form of wages”.
     Learn more at:

     #9. Use – and/or work in exchange for – “time-based currencies” (such as TimeDollars), or use time-based stores and banks (such as the Cincinnati TimeStore, which used labor notes; and TimeBanks).
     Learn more at:

     #10. Advocate for laws which would result in the abolition of fiat currency, fractional banking, and the “independent” private Federal Reserve System; and which would require full-reserve banking. This would prevent the U.S. Dollar from continuing to lose approximately fifty percent of its value every 20 to 25 years.

     Learn more at:


     #11. Keep your money, currency, dollars, and/or valuables in safety deposit boxes, and/or bury them. This will help you resist the urge to use them, while you think of other things to use in exchange for what you want and need. Also, they may appreciate in value – whether for use as a currency, or simply as collectors’ items – provided that they are properly preserved.

     #12. Buy things. That is; exchange the currency that you have, for durable goods, which will help you survive more easily without currency or money. This will help you avoid losing value which you would lose in the course of exchanging your currency (which possesses no store of value) for the things you need (which do possess store of value).

     #13. Pay your taxes one last time (using U.S. Dollars), and then stop using money entirely.

     #14. Use – and/or work in exchange for – non-monetary forms of compensation; i.e., in exchange for your most important survival needs (such as food, clothing, housing, shelter, and/or medicine), or working in exchange for wants that are not essential to your survival.
     This will likely require urging your current employer – and/or future employer(s) – to offer you (and your co-workers) opportunities to be compensated for your labor, by working directly in exchange for the things you need to survive, as opposed to working in exchange for currencies and moneys.
     Types of working in exchange for your needs, include hunting and gathering.

     #15. Engage in hunting and gathering; i.e., hunt and trap in order to kill to obtain the meat of wildlife, fish for marine creatures, and/or forage and gather vegetables. Hunting and gathering are forms of “working” (or recreation, or play, depending on how you want to look at it) in exchange for your needs.

     #16. Reject and boycott the wage system; by refusing to work in exchange for an hourly wage, and by encouraging others to do the same.

     #17. Barter. That is: provide resources to others, which they need and/or want, in exchange for receiving resources that you need or want.
     One example of bartering is “trading-out”.
     Learn more at:

     #18. Trade your possessions and/or labor in exchange for the things you need, without involving money or currency or taxation (i.e., “trading-out”). Trading out is a form of bartering.
     Learn more at:

     #19. Gift / give gifts / give to others without expecting anything in return.

     #20. Share; i.e., allowing others to have, use, and/or borrow your possessions, either temporarily or permanently (while indicating whether and when you want them back).

     #21. Hold goods in common / hold goods in commonwealth; i.e., possess resources in common, in coordination, and in conjunction with others (a form of sharing).

     #22. Make “time-share” agreements, which provide for the coordinated, planned, temporary use and sharing of the same resources (most notably, occupiable spaces such as residences and campgrounds); most importantly, those which do not involve or require the use of either Dollars, currency, nor moneys.

     #23. Participate in Native American “potlatch” ceremonies, and “give-offs”. These are ceremonies in which people use opportunities to display their wealth, by showing how much they can give away to others. Potlatch can also involve the intentional destruction of valuable items, in order to demonstrate such wealth.
     Learn more at:

     #24. Donate your time voluntarily, and/or work for free. Also, persuade others to do the same (but do not pressure them, nor coerce them; only persuade them to work for free if – and to the extent to which - they can afford to do so).

     #25. Shop at “free stores” - for example, the (now-defunct) Diggers’ Free Store in New York City – or work with others to open your own free store. These stores operate on the same principles as the “take a penny, leave a penny” system which is sometimes found in convenience stores, in the form of penny trays. People can voluntarily donate goods to such “free stores”, out of the surplus contained in their own homes; and then whomever needs such goods are free to take them. Of course, such stores can only be sustainable if and when more goods are donated than the amount of goods which are taken out of them.
     A similar concept is the “Nic-at-Nite” system; in national and state forests in the United States, hippies hold “Rainbow Gatherings” in which they camp in the woods, and avoid using money as much as possible, because it may be illegal to use U.S. Dollars in some of the park systems. Here, you can find “Nic-at-Niters”; people who volunteer to collect free donations of tobacco and rolling papers, and walk around offering free cigarettes to people, saying “You want a cigarette!? I got a cigarette! You got a cigarette!? I need a cigarette!”
     Learn more at:

     #26. Use – and participate in - social credit systems which do not require the use of money or currency or the Dollar (some of which do, and some of which don’t).
     Learn more at:

     #27. Use – and/or work in exchange for (and encourage others to begin using) – mutuum checks / mutuum cheques. A mutuum cheque can function as a loan for the purpose of consumption, a contract or proof of legal promise, a check / cheque, a bill of sale or bill of lading, a receipt, a certificate of deposit, a promissory note or I.O.U. (“I owe you”), a currency representing a real store of value, or all of the above.

     #28. Watch the T.L.C. (The Learning Channel) show “Extreme Couponing”, to learn tips on how to find, print, and use coupons, and plan your purchases efficiently in order to save time at the store. You can combine your purchases of expensive items at grocery stores, with coupons which provide significant savings on small, mass-produced, inexpensive items, for which customers often have little need. Many episodes of “Extreme Couponing” show customers buying large amounts of goods, worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars, for free, or in exchange for very small amounts of currency.

     #29. Pay it forward. “Paying it forward” involves giving or paying to an uninvolved, new, third party, as opposed to giving something back to the person who paid or provided something to you. You should only “pay it forward” if the person who gave to you, doesn’t mind you refraining from paying them back.
     Learn more at:

     #30. Use – and donate to - mutual aid networks and mutual aid societies, and “friendly societies” and “benefit societies” (including food aid networks such as “Food Not Bombs”).
     Learn more at:

     #31. Survey your town or city - looking for water fountains, free meals, food pantries, homeless shelters, restrooms, and electronic charging stations, whose owners allow poor and homeless people to access their resources for free – and make a map of where these services are located. Then, print these maps – using your own money – and distribute them to homeless and low-income individuals, without expecting anything in return.
     Learn more at:

     #32. In the event that the U.S. Dollar undergoes serious inflation which renders it nearly worthless, dollar bills can be made into wallpaper, or bundled together into building blocks that children can use for playing. Hyperinflation rendered the currency of Weimar Germany worthless, and so, German citizens resorted to using their currency, in such manners, to make use of what little store of value it actually held.

     #33. Make clothing – including armor – out of currency, in order to make use of it for its actual store of value. U.S. Dollars are made out of cotton and linen and other materials, but dissolve easily in water, so their utility for the purpose of making clothing is limited; however, it can be done, as long as the owner of the clothing is careful with the item, or makes it out of materials which are more physically durable than U.S. Dollar bills.
     Learn more at:

     #34. Use and develop food-based currencies. Unlike fiat currencies, food-based currencies hold a real store of value, because they can be eaten. Food-based currencies include Chinese tea-bricks, which can be eaten, or used to make tea, or hardened so as to operate as construction material. Foods which don’t expire or go bad – or are meant to expire or go bad – are the best food-based currencies. These potentially include honey, beef jerky and other meat jerkies, croutons, and sour cream.
     Learn more at:

     #35. Advocate and lobby for the relaxation of homesteading laws, in a manner which would make it easier to claim that you have homesteaded your residence and the land upon which it sits. This could involve amending homesteading laws, in a manner which would shorten the duration of time over which a person would have to continuously occupy a residence in order to claim it as their own.

     #36. Advocate and lobby for the extension of homesteading tax credits (also known as homestead credits), so that they can be claimed in more states, and so that they can be made to apply to small residences (such as apartments, trailers, and “tiny houses”).
     Learn more at:

     #37. Advocate and lobby for the offering of tax credits, and/or other tax incentives – to landlords and managers, and housing boards – in exchange for allowing homeless and low-income people to sleep and/or reside in whatever units they own which may be going unused or empty.

     #38. Advocate and lobby for the passage of laws which would abolish absentee property ownership (i.e., the legal claiming of ownership of properties which the actual claimed owner plays no part in using, and/or no part in participating in their daily defense).
     Learn more at:

     #39. Advocate and lobby for the offering of tax incentives, to the owners and landlords and managers of apartment buildings – and to housing boards – to allow homeless and low-income people to sleep in whichever of their housing units may be going empty and unused.

     #40. Simply let people go get the things they need. Ensure universal and open access to the basic means of survival; i.e., make it illegal for law enforcement officials to use force and initiatory violence in order to administer and apply laws which prohibit people from collecting resources essential which are to their survival, which were provided to them for free by nature. These include – most notably and obviously – air and land (which people cannot help but use and occupy, except for killing themselves), as well as water (which is abundant, and falls from the sky).

     #41. Advocate for the repeal or relaxation of laws which limit or prohibit people’s freedom to collect rainwater (provided that they are not stealing water from their neighbors, and/or altering the water table in a way that harms local plants or wildlife).
     Learn more at:


     #42. Advocate and lobby for relaxing and/or repealing laws which limit or prohibit people from growing edible plant produce, and raising small livestock (such as bees, rabbits, chickens, ducks, and goats) on or outside their homes.
     Learn more at:

     #43. Advocate and lobby for the repeal of laws against vagrancy; for example, laws which allow police officers to arrest travelers, vagrants, and homeless people provided they do not have enough money to stay in a hotel in the pertinent town for the night. One example would be to advocate for the repeal of laws against loitering.
     Learn more at:,some%20jurisdictions%20criminalized%20loitering%20separately.

     #44. Advocate and lobby for the relaxation and/or repeal of laws against sleeping (sometimes referred to as “camping”) and of squatting; especially on town and city and other municipal property, and other public lands.

     #45. Advocate and lobby for the relaxation of local building and construction codes, in a manner which would allow for a wider range of experimentation in architecture. One way would be to amend the law to allow homes to be made from recyclable and reusable materials. Components of these homes – called “Earth Ships” – often include dirt packed into tires, aluminum cans wrapped together with pieces of twine, and colored glass bottles stacked together in mosaic patterns. These homes are usually built with windows facing the sun, and have been known to retain heat and cold well, which makes it extremely cheap (or even free) to regulate their temperature, allowing such homes to go entirely without modern H.V.A.C. (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning).
     Architect Mike Reynolds successfully lobbied the government of the State of New Mexico to do this, and then he travelled to Indonesia to teach locals how to gather recyclable materials, and build houses from them, after the 2004 tsunami in Banda Aceh.
     Learn more at:

     #46. Advocate and lobby for the repeal of laws which hinder people from – and/or punish people for – donating foods, clothing, and other goods, to the homeless. One example would be to take down signs which advise people not to give to panhandlers, and to instead donate to homeless shelters and other homeless services. Raise awareness that voluntary giving is not a crime.

     #47. Urge your local homeless shelters to set up free laundry services for the people who use said shelters. Such services could be funded through additional donations from the public, and/or by whatever funds those shelters may already have available.

     #48. Advocate and lobby for the repeal or relaxation of laws against public nudity, and of other legally binding dress codes which apply to the public (provided that such repeal would not result in the legalization of indecent exposure). This would help reduce the annual cost of clothing which is incurred by the poor.

     #49. Lobby governments to stop sending public taxpayer money – and other forms of public assistance – to food companies, especially “Big Ag” (big agriculture) companies which make billions of dollars each year and would likely thrive without public assistance.
     Examples of such public assistance include bailout funds, government contracts, monopoly privileges (such as patents), bankruptcy assistance, corporate subsidies, trade promotions and trade protections (such as finance and insurance from the Export-Import Bank), easy credit and low interest rates (from the Federal Reserve System), discounts on public utilities (such as roads and electricity), small business loans (such as P.P.P. loans), and favorable zoning laws and professional regulations, among others.


     #50. Advocate and lobby for the offering of tax incentives, to grocery stores and supermarkets, to donate food (especially excess / surplus foods, and foods that will spoil and go bad if they are not soon used) to the homeless and needy. Also, advocate and lobby for requiring such stores to donate unsold foods to the homeless and needy; or for revoking the charters of businesses which do not do so.
     Learn more at:

     #51. Raise awareness about gleaning, the gathering of plant produce which is going unused, sitting in fields, because it is not suitable for sale. Such food is often perfectly edible.
     A related task could be to advocate for the repeal of laws which prohibit “dumpster diving” (i.e., “diving” into dumpsters in order to find food that could still be eaten).
     Learn more at:

     #52. Instead of using mass-produced, specialized, processed foods (which are often unhealthful and expensive), buy generic foods, and engage in bulk purchasing. This is easy to do, if you shop at wholesale food distribution stores (such as CostCo and WinCo), and food cooperatives / grocery cooperatives. Generic foods are often sold in bulk, but it is only efficient to buy bulk foods if you live in a housing cooperative, and/or routinely share meals with other people.

     #53. Advocate and lobby for the repeal or relaxation of laws which require local food and health inspectors, and/or the F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration) to inspect any and all foods offered for potential purchase by the buying “public”. Foods which may be subject to such inspection include farm-to-fork meals (meals which go directly from farm to the dinner table), homemade baked goods offered for school bake sales, and children’s lemonade stands. [The freedom to start a lemonade stand is referred to as “Lemonade Liberty”.] The laws could be amended so as to prohibit the destruction of such foods (including with bleach) simply because they were offered for sale before or without inspection.
     Learn more at:


     #54. Agree to work, washing dishes or cleaning, in exchange for food, provided that the owners of the restaurant are okay with you doing so, and that you are not planning on doing it solely in the event that you get caught attempting to “dine and dash” (i.e., eat, and then run out of the restaurant without paying).
     Musician Jon Bon Jovi opened a restaurant, called "JBJ Soul Kitchen", which advertises no prices for meals, and which is funded largely on donations and volunteering.
     Learn more at:

     #55. Advocate and lobby for the reduction of patent terms on foods. This will allow generic versions of patented foods to enter the market sooner, rather than later, usually in a manner which allows such a food to be purchased more cheaply.

     #56. Advocate and lobby for the reduction of patent terms (sometimes called patent “lifespans”) on medications. This will allow generic versions of patented medications to enter the market sooner, rather than later, usually in a manner which allows such a food to be purchased more cheaply.
     I have proposed a law called “E.M.P.A.T.H.I.C.” which would do just this. “E.M.P.A.T.H.I.C.” stands for “Eliminating Medical Patents to Achieve Technology for Immortality Cheaply”. I like to say that we should make medical patent “lifespans” shorter in order to help make human lifespans last longer.

     #57. Advocate and lobby for the passage of a new law which would offer doctors and nurses opportunities to voluntarily submit to legally enforcement of the provision of the Hippocratic Oath which prohibits them from declining to treat people due to inability to pay. The same oath also requires doctors to share medical knowledge for free, and even to give their own money to patients who are in need. Such enforcement could potentially provide for the revoking of medical licenses for any and all health care workers who promise to provide free care, but then renege on their promises.
     The Hippocratic Oath reads, in part: “…when he is in need of money to share mine with him… to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction…”.
     Such a law, if widely adopted, would drastically reduce not only the costs of health care, but a
lso the costs of medical education.

     Learn more at:

     #58. Raise awareness that architect Buckminster Fuller said that "one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest." This would imply that it would only require the volunteer labor of about 800,000 people in order to support the current human population of eight billion.

     #59. Increase awareness that scarcity is a myth, because it is an illusion, and artificial, and manufactured, for the purposes of making us think that shortages are natural and normal and occur frequently. Additionally, raise awareness that scarcity, shortages, fixedness, finitude / finity, and limitation / limitedness, are not the same thing; and that schools of economics are trying to lead us to think that they are the same thing.
     For more information, please read my May 2023 article, titled “Economics Uses a False Definition of Scarcity (and Ignores Abundance)”, which can be read at the following address:

     #60. Read articles about – and/or watch video interviews with – Daniel Suelo, “the man who quit money”, in order to get more ideas about how to live without using moneys and currencies.
     Learn more at:

     #61. Start a campaign which involves urging and encouraging others to boycott the U.S. Dollar, and/or to quit currency and/or money entirely, using the other tips which are listed, above and below, in this article. Remind people that you don’t die if you stop needing money, and that money is not one of our basic means of survival; rather, air, water, food, clothing, shelter, and medicine are. Show this article to anybody you know, who claims that “you need money to live” or that “you need money in order to survive”.
     Learn more at:

     #62. Stop associating with people who use money and currencies and the U.S. Dollar. This will only be practical and practicable on a mass scale, if, after, and when more people begin to attempt to boycott currencies, and are able to share this knowledge with others, and recover from their addiction to currencies, successfully.

Written, and originally published incomplete,
on June 21st, 2024.

Originally published under the title
"Fifty-Seven Ways to Decrease Your Dependence
Upon the U.S. Dollar, Other Currencies, and Moneys in General"

Edited, expanded, and completed
on June 22nd, 2024.

Based on my February 2017 article
"You Don't Need Money to Live",
which was written on February 17th, 2017,
edited on February 18th through 20th, and 25th,
March 19th and 23rd, and April 4th, 2017,
and August 16th, 2019.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Understanding Connections Between Jeffrey Epstein, Cryptocurrency, and Brock Pierce (and Disney, Bill Gates, Clinton, and Trump)

     Brock Pierce, a former child actor, ran for president of the United States as an independent in 2020, achieving ballot access as a write-in candidate in one state. As a child, Pierce had appeared in Mighty Ducks 2, and a film called First Kid, in which he played the son of the president. Both films were distributed by Disney.
     When he was a teenager, Pierce got caught up with D.E.N. (Digital Entertainment Network) and its founders Marc Collins-Rector and Chad Shackley. Collins-Rector was accused of sexual abuse of a minor. Subsequently fled to Britain, tried to marry an 18-year-old boy, and then fled again to France and then to Belgium and changed his name.
     Pierce is now a Bitcoin investor and a cryptocurrency promoter, who says he regrets being involved in the Collins-Rector fiasco. Pierce insists that he never witnessed any abuse. Pierce reportedly told Collins-Rector to settle the lawsuit against him out of court.

     The informational graphic below was created to help those researching Brock Pierce - and reading the articles listed in the sources at the bottom of this article - to understand the connections between Pierce, Disney, Jeffrey Epstein, cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin), Bill Gates, the Clintons and Donald Trump, and other people and things.

Click, and open in new tab or window,
and/or download, to see in full resolution


     1. “The Strange Saga of Jeffrey Epstein’s Link to a Child Star Turned Cryptocurrency Mogul”, Hollywood Reporter, 9-18-19

     2. “Brock Pierce: The Hippie King of Cryptocurrency”, Rolling Stone, 7-26-18

     3. “Found: The Elusive Man at the Heart of the Hollywood Sex Abuse Scandal”, Buzzfeed News

     4. “A Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Arbitrary Blockchain Content on Bitcoin”, by Matzutt, etc

     For more information, please watch my July 2021 video “Was John McAfee Tracked Down Through His Cryptocurrency Activity?” at the following link:

Created Between July 12th and 23rd, 2021

Written and Published on July 23rd, 2021

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Thirteen Virtues of Sound Money

1. Ability to serve as a medium of exchange (which includes fungibility; that units of it can be substituted for one another, and are interchangeable with one another)

2. Portable (and thus, also, light-weight, because currency being light-weight helps it be portable)

3. Physically durable (i.e., made out of a material which is difficult to destroy)

4. Ease of ability to serve as a unit of accounting (This includes ease of divisibility. Ideally, the currency should be easily divisible, both in a physical sense, and in the sense of doing mental math while using it. For example, Spanish pieces of eight were easily physically divisible, while U.S. Dollars are rarely if ever accepted when they are torn in half)

5. Difficulty to counterfeit, duplicate, or imitate

6. That creating the currency took considerable effort and labor

7. Rarity, and being in limited supply

8. Acceptability (ability to be widely or universally used and accepted as currency)

9. Having stable value (and, ideally, rising value, also also having a high purchasing power), especially as compared to other currencies

10. Potential to have transactions using it, tracked and traced, in a manner which is transparent and open and verifiable to its users (as in Blockchain)

11. Ability to represent a real store of value

12. Redeemability in real assets (ideally the currency would represent real assets because it represents value in a full-reserve banking system, as opposed to a fractional-reserve system)

13. Ability to not only represent a real store of value, but also to serve as a real item of value which has a real use (rendering representation unnecessary, and rendering redeemability somewhat less necessary)

     I have noticed that there are potential conflicts between several sets of these virtues of sound money. Those potential conflicts lie between Virtues #3 and #4; Virtues #7 and #8; Virtues #11, #12, and #13.

     Regarding #3 (durable and difficult to destroy) and #4 (easily divisible): The potential conflict lies in finding a material which is both difficult to destroy and easy to divide. This is easy to reconcile, however, given the number of durable materials (such as precious metals) which are used as currency.

     Regarding #7 (rarity, and being in limited supply) and #8 (acceptability, and universal or wide acceptation): The potential conflict lies in finding a currency which can be accessed and possessed by nearly everyone, while the supply of it must also not be too high so that the currency loses value because everyone would have so much of it (and thus it would be in low demand, leading to decreases in the valuation of the currency).

     Regarding #11 (representation of a real store of value), #12 (redeemability in real assets), and #13 (ability to serve as a real item of value with a real use): The potential conflict lies between deciding whether we want to have real money that is something of value, or a whether we want a currency that represents something of value. As long as a currency can be redeemed for real physical assets, then there is no conflict. But the bank doing that redeeming, must be transparent about their bookkeeping, and practice full-reserve banking, for redeemability to be reliable.

Based on notes taken in spring 2018

Written on November 3rd, 2019
Published on November 3rd, 2019

Monday, August 14, 2017

Currency Wars: How to Game the System

            The Pharaohs were right again, there is a war coming!
            That’s right, a war is brewing – in a pyramid-shaped brewery, no less – between currencies. This is not a mere battle between coins and paper, but one between very currencies and moneys themselves!

            This being anything other than a game of rock-paper-scissors, the John Nashes among us can return from our C.I.A.-backed drawing boards (or, rather, conspiracy webs). I mean, let’s not kid ourselves, we have a faith-based currency. Fiat currency is literally backed by say-so.
            Thus, it is not socio-cultural convention that dictates the value of the USD; it is power. From time immemorial, currencies have always been backed by power, from the labor conditions that accompanied the mining of currencies’ materials, to the conditions which brought about the widespread acceptance (“accept” being the operative word) of the currency.
Nobody begs for currency (except when they do; really, except when they need to). It was always power that gave value to these worthless little unpossessed trinkets (unpossessed in both senses of the word) in our pockets. That’s why ours must be a monetary theory predicated upon the veracity of the Power Theory of Value.
            Most of us view currencies and moneys as having a distinction and/or a difference, but the waxing crescent will soon reveal where our real values lie. This is why our masterless masters tell us; money is a real store of value, while currency is a representation. Currency is a symbol, a spectre, a spook, a phantasm, a dybbuk; it has no real value in and of itself. And just like a dybbuk or a vampire, or Jesus or God, it cannot come in – cannot receive your value, your credit, your belief – unless you invite it in.
That is, unless the currency you use is living.

            This is why how much money you get for your work, and what you spend your money on, are less valuable than what your choice of money (or currency) is in the first place.
I mean, if you conduct all of your transactions in wampum, you’re not going to be very successful unless you only trade with the Seneca and the Onondaga, or you want to move a lot of quahog shells in general. Or beaver pelts, for that matter; both make excellent currencies. All I’m saying is that resource-backed currencies are making a comeback, I’m not trying to make any value judgments.
Now it’s time to make some value judgments.
The truly best way to game the system is to make it your 40-hours-a-week business to decide how much each currency is worth relative to the others. That’s how European banking dynasties have always kept it in the black. And they’re Knights Exemplars of business ethics, for fuck’s sake.
The lessons of Hephaestus (the god of metals) are thus clear: understand the price of money, and buy and sell money. Buy money with money, it’s solid investment advice!

As you may remember from the last time (or the last piece; really, the last timepiece, the real Holder of Value, the real Keeper of Records, the real Signifier of Honor), it is a most pressing issue in today’s economy as to whether moneys and currencies derive their value from nature or from nurture.
Answering this question will be the key to discovery as to which forms of currency and money are based on power, violence, and intimidation.
I believe that a lunar currency will ultimately prove a more durable store of value, but that’s beside the point. This is not Sinfowars, neither is it No-Spin-Zone-Fo-Wars; this is pure competitive currency, the realm of numismatic pataphilosophy to which we must all eventually surrender.
But surrender we must to the subconscious realm of pure speculation. For ours is an economy based on faith, speculation, game, grime, gift, grift, and gank. That is, especially, speculation in land; this is why Geonomics must be synthesized with Geomancy.

Putting stock in your beliefs means investing in your beliefs.
If (for example) a hob-goblin who practices hoodoo tells you-doo that two-two is gonna win you the craps game, don’t think of it in terms of a cost-benefit analysis, or as a matter of wise or unwise investments. It’s all in the risk.
Use the hob-goblin as an avatar of Mammon, and use numerology to deconstruct the number 22 into its relevant values and meanings. If the angels are in the cards, play the goblin. If not, justify things according to your caprice; just let it ride.
The fundamental theorems of welfare economics tell us that one of the conditions for totally free markets (that is, perfect competition and fully interconnected markets) entails total freedom to bet on future states of affairs, as long as the bets are backed up 100% by existing assets.
So an economy based on gambling (in addition to game) is still potentially in the cards.

As Emperor Ryan taught us, “Don’t bet the house, be the house.”
Lord Petyr, too, taught that you must be willing to risk everything you have for everything you want. This is why we must gamble our lives away, for a chance at money, a chance at fame, a chance at immortality, a chance at our 15 minutes in the bacon grease. There Are No Masters Through Meyers.
And Greg, may he rest in peace, imparted that, essentially: bubbles, and volatility in markets and of currencies, affect only those who invest in them. This is why booze, strippers, and craps make for promising short-term fiduciary stratagema.
In the long term, invest in death. For an underdog, long-shot, or short-sell, buy immortality.
But this eclipses the wider point: Why use USD – a national currency covered in stripper sweat, trace amounts of feces and human skin, and toxic chemicals – when you could use a currency made of human skin? I’m not talking about soylent leather-cheques, those are so last recession season. I’m talkin’ about good old Uncle Charlie Manskin, you Prudent investors.
Hookers and blow, too, are recession-proof (and certainly depression-proof). This is what Greg has taught us, Put a Bird Upon Him (pbuh). That’s why you should hedge your bets with bush. Additionally, spending other people’s money counts as short selling.
But yea, you can vote yourself richer; by voting with your wallet, while you vote with your feet, as long as you pull yourself up by your bootstraps, hold on to your immigration papers, and bereave in yourself!
George said the only thing that makes him not a Pope is that billions of people don’t think he is. Likewise, David taught that the Pope could walk into a casino, call the wrong number at craps, and still walk away with billions of dollars, claiming infallibility.
This much we know to be true. But where do we go from here, knowing that money is the root of all evil, and that it’s impossible to serve two gods?

We must demand either a lunar-time-backed currency, or else at least a lunar calendar, as a compromise with the lunatic proles fringe.
I mean, literally (and I mean the word “literally” literally) billions of people know that time and money have a certain level of equivalence with one another. Almost as many believe, rightly, that there are 383 ½ days, divided into 13 months, in a year.
But few understand that – while the solar system is a clock that works off of a 64-multiplying-fractal-/-cyclical-linear historiological-astrological-symbolic repetition pattern, going backward from the Singularity point in the morning of December 21st, 2012, at the cusp of the Piscean and Aquarian Ages – the Moon plays a demiurgic role in calibrating the ticking-and-talking of the Universe. And this is not just McKenna’s clockwork gnomes talking, this is some straight-up Anaxagoras shit.
How do you make money? Four words: “Distrust but independently verify”. But the question remains: how do you (the reader) gamble in a casino that doesn’t accept moon-based currencies, communion wafers, tokens that aren’t completely useless as fetishes, or Manskin? There’s no use beating around the hedge fund, I’ll spare you the buckskin euphemism.
The Cosmic Clock Theory allows us to foresee the mass use of TimeIsMoney @s a currency. The Cincinnati Time Store, and “labor-hour” currencies (such as MountainHours), all demonstrate that time is a source of value which can viably back currency. This is especially so when we consider the Holographic Universe Theory’s notion that black holes may store information.
That’s why keeping up on your historiological astrological symbolism will help make sure you’ll be In The Mooney®, and stay there.

The monetary policy on which we have set a course is one anchored in a solid foundation of hoodoo microeconomics, voodoo macroeconomics, and Moonie world trade theory. It is a sound, freeing, open-source theory, backed by standardized units of human bread.
As Rosa suggested: no bread, no man, no work. If we do not eat (“eat”, not “work”, nor “spend”), we die. Work is but an opportunistic middleman, for Hannah also said that work is distinct from action and labor. We work to earn money that we would otherwise not have to spend, if we did not “need” all the things that those who work us require of us.
Remember, need is distinct from want. Satisfaction of base needs is necessary to sustain the adequate bodily health needed to support hard work, and no employer ever compensated a new hire to the tune of the value of all the things he had to buy in order to get his shit together well enough to go about applying for a job.
A monetary policy that takes none of this into consideration will rightly suffer from a battery of attacks, and wither and die. This is why our currency must be alive.
That is what is meant by Human Bread. It is the Doe that brings us back to Dough.

You must choose a currency (or a money, or none); I cannot choose it for you. But I recommend that you choose a currency that is current; its circulation must flow freely. Volatility is a quality of water; it is not solely a state of turmoil. That’s what the spend-o-crats at Fox Business won’t tell you (F=6 O=60 X=600). You know sometimes words have two meanings.
So, you see, finance is all about water. What makes up 70% of our bodies? Water. We’re literally made of money! And what controls the tides? The Moon. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!
Stay away from currencies that won’t give you the time of day. If your currency doesn’t keep current, you’re gonna have such a bad time that you won’t even know what time it is. But using a living currency helps prevent your choice in currency from going stale.
Read your handprints and follow the Economicon: Worship no dead moneys. Use not currencies of the past; currencies that do not keep current know no lunar calendar, know no compromise.
It then follows that human time – especially time expending effort and work (and especially especially effort and work watching and moonitoring the Moon) – is a source of time-money-Moon-value. It is this theory of (e)valuation which alone may knock the Power Theory of Value off its orbit and into relative retrograde.

Don’t be fooled, Moon Money Israel. Talk of objective and intrinsic value balks - Fairuza balks - saunters into a crevice, and yields at the majesty of the Will of each splendid Unique. Your Jewels are the most precious to you, they cannot be reduced to mere numbers.
The Neoliberals who endorse this foodoo (false hoodoo) would not bear the thorns of haggling in terms of pieces of silver, or communion wafers (or, for that matter, Nilla Wafers, as long as they’re properly ordained). I mean, does Andy Warhol have no say in this whatsoever?
If the Body of Christ could be traded around like that 2,000 years ago, then why can’t today’s money-changers get in on such a fortuitous investment opportunity? Corporate welfare whores, get in on this action. Act now: kill the Church, and scrap it for parts to sell! Go dig your graves, then fill your mouth with all the money you will save!

So, then, what is meant by a truly living currency of Human Manna (i.e., Humana)? Should we suffer anything less than a currency whose value is inversely proportionate to the human suffering which caused it, expressed in easily divisible economic units as quantities of blood, sweat, and tears?
            Do we own ourselves, and our toil? What is the value of a pound of flesh, expressed in GBP? Most importantly, are the medical professionals who conduct our pre-employment piss-tests making money selling our urine, hair, cheek swabs, and other pieces of us that harbor DNA?
            Take solace, for questions are meant to be answered.

Written on August 14th, 2017

Edited on September 14th, 2017,
and January 17th and May 11th, 2018

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...