I created the tri-fold flyer (or pamphlet) below, in order to help explain my E.M.P.A.T.H.I.C. plan, which is the public health portion of my congressional platform. E.M.P.A.T.H.I.C. stands for "Eliminating Medical Patents to Achieve Technologies for Human Immortality Cheaply".
You can read more about my health platform at the links below, in the section titled "Achieve Free Health Care Through Free Markets". That section is Section 23 in the first link, and Section 25 in the second link, below:
Outside of flyer
Inside of flyer
Click on images, and open in new tab or window,
and/or download, in order to see in full resolution.
Sources include:
Created on July 23rd and 24th, 2021
Published on July 24th, 2021
Edited and Expanded on July 25th, 2021
Edited and Expanded on July 25th, 2021