Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thirty-Eight Well-Known Companies That Funded, Financed, or Worked With the Nazis

     The following is a list of prominent companies which funded, financed, worked with or for, or provided goods for, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi administration of Germany.
     This is not meant to be an exhaustive and complete list of all the companies which are responsible for aiding in the rise of Hitler. and for contributing capital and resources for the death camps and concentration camps which killed millions of people in the Holocaust. This is merely an attempt to compile several of the best-known companies which were responsible, especially those among them which are still around, and, at that, active in America today.


1. Brown Harriman & Company (later Brown Brothers Harriman; Prescott Bush managed American accounts of Fritz Thyssen, an industrialist who donated millions to Hitler and partnered with Krupp Steel in ThyssenKrupp, now known for its elevators but previously known for making weapons. See also Brown Harriman Company's ties to companies #2 through #5, listed below)

2. Bank voor Handel en Scheepvart N.V. (Dutch bank with ties to Brown Harriman and Company)

3. Hamburg-American Line (ties to Brown Harriman and Company)

4. Holland-American Trading Corporation (ties to Brown Harriman and Company)

5. Seamless Steel Corporation (ties to Brown Harriman and Company)

6. ThyssenKrupp (and Krupp Steel)

7. I.G. Farben (Partly owned by Friedrich Flick, who partnered with Fritz Thyssen on United Steel Works. See links to General Motors, Ford, DuPont, and Exxon [then known as Standard Oil of New Jersey])

8. United Steel Works

9. General Motors and Adam Opel AG (GM's Opel division; produced Blitz truck for the Wehrmacht)

10. Ford Motor Company / Ford-Werke (see use of slave labor by Ford-Werke in Cologne, Henry Ford's The International Jew, and the America First Association)

11. DuPont

12. Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon)

13. Consolidated Silesian Steel Company

14. Silesian Holding Corporation

15. G.E. (General Electric)

16. Dow Chemical (oil and materials)

17. Texaco (oil)

18. Alcoa (aluminum)

19. AEG (Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft)


20. Union Banking Corporation (U.B.C.)

21. Deutsche Bank (German bank active in New York City)

22. JP Morgan Chase (incl. JP Morgan, Chase Bank / Chase Manhattan Bank / CieBank)

23. City National Bank of New York / National City Bank

24. Bank of International Settlements (in Basel, Switzerland)


25. I.T.T. (International Telephone and Telegraph of New York) (see also its subsidiaries Telefunken and Siemens)

26. I.B.M. (International Business Machines) (Founded by Thomas Watson. See Dehomag [Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft]. See also Edwin Black's book IBM and the Holocaust; I.B.M. computers were used to compile information on German citizens in order to get the largest possible number of people with Jewish ancestors, and plan their mass murder.)

Film Studios / Film Companies

27. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

28. Eastman Kodak

29. Warner Brothers

30. Disney Studios

Consumer Products

31. Hugo Boss (made uniforms for Nazis)

32. Coca-Cola and Fanta (see Max Keith)

33. Daimler Benz / Mercedes (Hitler's car of choice)

34. Woolworth (trinkets, Christmas items, see also Adefa Zeichen award)

35. Bayer (aspirin maker)


36. N.A.S.A. (United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration) (see Wernher von Braun, Operation Paperclip, and U.S.-German collaboration on research and development of space-capable rocketry)

37. American Eugenics Society

38. Carnegie Institution (eugenics)


Compiled in Late 2019
Written and Published on February 28th, 2020
Edited on March 5th, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Thirty-Six Topics to Research Regarding Zionist Cooperation with Nazis and Anti-Semites

Table of Contents


I. 1880s-1930s: Jewish Adoption of Zionism and Provocation of Anti-Semitism

II. Early 1930s: Jewish Consideration of Nazism

III. World War II: Deal-Making to Reduce Jewish Deaths and Deport Jews to Palestine

IV. Post- Israeli Independence (Post- 1947/1948): Judeophobic Zionism, Israeli Fascism, and Christian Zionism



     The following list consists of thirty-six topics which one should study if one wishes to learn the history of attempts by Zionists and Jewish people to cooperate, make deals with, or even collaborate with, Nazis and anti-Semites.
     I am publishing this list, not to criticize nor condemn the religion of Judaism, nor to condemn Jewish people. Nor do I wish to dismiss the rights of Jewish people to defend themselves when attacked, and to live where they please without harming others. Nor do I wish to pretend that Zionism and Nazism are the exact same ideology; I am only asserting that there is some overlap between the two ideologies.

    The purpose of this article is to explain that Jewish people have cooperated with Nazis and anti-Semites, but also that that cooperation has typically and primarily been done for the purposes of saving Jewish lives, and reducing harm and suffering experienced by Jewish people. Secondary goals of that cooperation were promoting Jewish emigration to Palestine, and establishing a Jewish national homeland (i.e., a state) there, goals which were thought to result in the primary goals of reducing Jewish deaths and suffering. 
     It is a terrible and unfortunate thing that Jewish Holocaust survivors, and other Jewish people, have thought it necessary to turn other Jews in to the authorities, in order to save their own families and themselves. But needless to say, those Jewish people cooperated with their captors only because they were under coercion and pressure. They did what they did out of desperation; from being forced into "cooperating with authority".
     The fact that they were under duress from their authoritarian government that wanted them dead, means that most "crimes" or "wrongs" that one Jew committed against another during that time, were likely done for the sake of each person's own individual survival, without consideration for the needs of others. It also means that some of them developed Stockholm Syndrome; they began to identify with their captors. Sometimes that is what happens when we are under other people's control; we justify the condition we're in, by taking genuine pity upon ourselves, and in doing so we identify with the pity which our captors have for us (which, unlike our own self-pity, is merciless and fraudulent).

     It is a sad thing that our concerns for other individuals break down when we are pitted against each other for survival; especially when we are forced to work for little reward, and worked to death. These were extenuating circumstances, and the fact that Jewish people were under coercion and slave-like conditions, should be considered a mitigating factor, when considering the actions taken by Holocaust survivors.
     This should go, both during the Holocaust itself, as well as afterwards, because survivors who fled Europe still risked arrest as illegal immigrants when they landed in Palestine.
     The Israeli Defense Forces were cobbled together out of three paramilitary groups, which would otherwise be considered terrorist groups, if not for a legal declaration of independence as a sovereign power by Israel in May 1948. Holocaust survivors who fled to Palestine only became "terrorists" because that's what they had to do in order to resist British attempts to limit immigration of Jewish refugees into what was then British Mandate Palestine.
     To quote comedian George Carlin, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

     To be clear, what I am saying is that very little of what World War II -era Jews did to "cooperate" with the Nazis, should be construed as collaboration (which goes above and beyond cooperation). This is not to say, however, that no Jewish person has ever intentionally cooperated with anti-Semites and Nazis; some have.
     Even when Jewish cooperation with anti-Semites appears to be intentional (rather than accidental), it still may be accidental. Such cooperation has usually been motivated by: 1) a desire to set aside differences with anti-Semites and find some common goal that they can advance together, in order to reduce tensions (for example, anti-miscegenation, and assured deportation to Palestine); and/or 2) a perceived need to adopt anti-Jewishness in a limited manner (that is, to promote selective rejection of Jewish characteristics).
     The latter has usually been done in order to appease the Judeophobes whom are in charge of the political apparatus of the relevant host-nation. For example, some Western Jews, such as the early Zionist Ze'ev Jabotinsky, have practically adopted the European racists' ideas that the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe look "Asiatic" and ugly.

     Sometimes, however, Jews adopt anti-Semitism, in order to increase or exaggerate Jewish suffering, in order to make it more visible. The goal of this is to increase Jewish safety.
     It is easy to tell, from studying the stories of Theodor Herzl and Sarah Marshak, why Jewish people would want the suffering of Jewish people to be more noticeable.
     Herzl (see #3) sought to make this suffering more noticeable, by forging a sort of alliance with anti-Semites, saying "the anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies" and acknowledging that the Zionists' desire to leave Europe coincided with the European Christian anti-Semites' desire to be rid of the Jews.
     I do not say this in order to promote the idea that all exaggeration of Jewish suffering is staged, nor to promote the idea that all Jewish suffering is the result of faked or staged hate crimes. College student Sarah Marshak (#30) was accused of faking a hate crime after she drew swastikas on her own college dorm room door. But she only did this after someone else did it first - after the authorities failed to find the original vandal, and seemed to have given up on Marshak's case - a fact which was overlooked in reports about the vandalism.
     Marshak certainly exaggerated her victimization, and faked a crime and falsified a police report. But she did it because her previous victimization was being ignored; because the police had not yet found the perpetrator; the one who targeted her specifically, and possibly intended to hurt her. Marshak felt that she needed to manufacture another incident, in order to demonstrate to the police that the threat was still ongoing, rather than an isolated incident that they should treat as if it happened in the past.
     There is some similarity between the actions of Sarah Marshak and those of Theodor Herzl; both sought to increase the visibility of Jewish suffering. Herzl could have very well believed that what he was advocating was the course of action most conducive to increasing Jewish safety. But I feel confident in saying that what Sarah Marshak did was probably not as sinister as what Herzl had in mind.
     I wouldn't accuse Herzl of trying to promote anti-Jewish violence, but it's not unreasonable to ask whether Herzl would have considered limited violence against Jewish people (whatever that means) to be something conducive to his goals.

     Jewish collaboration and cooperation with - and appeasement of - Nazis, anti-Semites, and Judeophobes, happens, and has historically happened, for various reasons. What looks to one person like opportunism and betrayal, may look to another like doing what needs to be done to reduce suffering and to live another day.
     To some, the internment of Palestinians in the State of Israel - and Israel's wars with its neighbors - are intolerable, and could not possibly be justified by either the Holocaust nor the need to keep Jews safe in the present.
     But to the staunch defenders of Zionism, the need to protect "Israel" is so important, that the need to keep Jewish people safe, is subjugated to the need to promote the national security interests of the State of Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces. The needs of "Israel", meaning "the people of Israel", has been subverted to the needs of the State of Israel.
     That is why we must study the above explained and below listed topics, and that is why we must ask whether the militarism of the State of Israel is truly in the interests of the safety of Jewish people.
     We must ask whether the I.D.F. is protecting Jewish lives, or instead arming the enemies of Israel in order to provocateur attacks against Jewish people in order to justify increased military budgets and more lashing out disproportionately at Israel's enemies.
     Study of these topics are necessary; not only for preventing continued misguided, aggressive Israeli militarism in the name of "keeping Jews safe", but also for understanding how good people, and even Jewish people, can be tricked into complacency with fascism and anti-Semitism.
     America has been so eager to "protect Americans and American interests", in fact, that it has resorted to funding its enemies - and even arm and train them, and arm several of its enemies against one another - in order to provocateur them into committing attacks against Americans.
     The United States pretends the Iranians are preparing attacks against U.S. military bases, which could not be attacked by Iranians, if only they had never been set up in lands outside U.S. jurisdiction in the first place.
     In 2015, the United States sold weapons to terrorist groups in Syria and Ukraine. Senator Rand Paul voted for that weapons sale, but he apologized four years later, in 2019. Between 2015 and 2019, it was reported that the weapons sold to terrorist groups in Ukraine and Syria, were used to attack Israelis. The State of Israel, too, sold weapons to terrorist groups in Ukraine and Syria around the same time.
     Here is to the hope that the Israelis will stop emulating America in its penchant for selling weapons to enemies, and here is to the hope that Americans will stop emulating Israel's racist and illiberal surveillance and travel security policies.

I. 1880s-1930s: Jewish Adoption of Zionism and Provocation of Anti-Semitism

1. Frankish Jews (and the possible influence of Frankish Jewish ideas upon Adolf Hitler)

2. Racialized Marxism (incl. its possible influence on Hitler)

3. Theodor Herzl (founder of modern political Zionism; esp. on provoking anti-Semitism)

4. Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky, and revisionist Zionism

5. Leo Frank (esp. racialized defenses of Frank which cast him and Jewish people as victims)

II. Early 1930s: Jewish Consideration of Nazism

6Claims that “Nazism” stood for “National Zionism” (esp. by Eustace Mullins)

7. The “Nazi / Zionist coin” which commemorated the journey of the Nazi Baron von Mildenstein to Palestine:

8. Association of German National Jews (and Max Naumann, and Der Nationaldeutsche Jude)

9. German Vanguard (Der deutsche Vortrupp)

10. Joint approval, by Germans and Jews alike, of anti-miscegenation laws in Germany

11. Joseph Goebbels (esp. defense and support of Zionism, and incl. insinuations that Goebbels was Jewish based on his appearance)

12. Claims that Hitler and Alfred Rosenberg were Jewish (possible)

13. Claims that Dietrich Eckhart was Jewish (unlikely)

14. Gregor Strasser (non-Judeophobic left-N.S.D.A.P. leader; esp. views on Jews and Judaism, and relationship with anti-Semitic brother Otto Strasser)
III. World War II: Deal-Making to Reduce Jewish Deaths and Deport Jews to Palestine

Crystal Night by Rita Thalmann and Emmanuel Feinermann (esp. re: pre-Krystallnacht resistance of older Polish Jews towards criticism of the government's internal deportation and forced relocation policies; and also Nazis' gifts of cigarettes and small amounts of money to Jews who were being deported)

16Schindler's List (esp. depiction of deal-making to save Jewish lives in)

17. Nazis' support of deporting Jews to Palestine as something preferable to allowing them to go to other places (such as Poland, and Madagascar after the Madagascar Plan was abandoned)

18. British restrictions and limitations on Jewish emigration to Palestine, and British arrests of Jewish Holocaust survivors who fled to Palestine (see also British appeasement of Nazi Germany)

. Haavara Agreement

20. Zionist Federation of Germany / Zionist Federation of Germany (incl. its head, Max Bodenheimer)

21. Jewish Council(s) of Elders (

22. Judenrat

23. Rabbi Chaim Rumkowski (head of the Jewish Council of Elders of the Lodz Ghetto)

24. Jewish Ghetto Police

25. Use of alcohol and prostitution in concentration camps, by Nazis, to make Jews complacent and encourage cooperation (including forced prostitution of female prisoners to non-Jewish inmates)

26. Nazis permitted Jews to use money while interned in forced labor camps (incl. I.G. Farben's use of "prize-coupons", part of the "piece-work" program)

IV. Post- Israeli Independence (Post- 1947/1948): Judeophobic Zionism, Israeli Fascism, and Christian Zionism

27. Incidences of dissociative amnesia, and especially Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D., formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder), among Jewish Holocaust survivors who experienced P.T.S.D. and had to hide out as non-Jews (especially those among them who were Germans and had to take on false identities as Germans or even Nazi sympathizers in order to survive without being outed as Jewish)

28. Christian Evangelical support for Zionism (including Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro's and comedian Bill Maher's comments on this topic)

29. Cessation of Israeli hunts for Nazi war criminals (before and after Menachem Begin's reign, and after Eichmann's death and other failed attempts to capture Nazis)

30. The Jewish "quarantine strategy" (regarding how to deal with Nazis who want to march in public)

31. The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism by former Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

34. Right-wing political Zionism and Israeli militarism (incl. sale of Israeli weapons to anti-Semitic Syrian and Ukrainian terrorists)

35. Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro's criticism of Jared Kushner over the likelihood that Kushner influenced Donald Trump to suggest in 2019 that Jewish-Americans should be protected under anti-discrimination laws which protect people based on nation of origin (Shapiro believes that this perpetuates the “Judaism is a nationality, not a religion” myth, and also the myth that “Jews are foreign nationals and dual citizens”, which enables anti-Semitism by legitimizing being suspicious of Jewish people's political allegiances).

36. Jews in Germany say wearing kippah is "unsafe", join party accused of supporting neo-Nazism

For more information, read my previous articles on similar topics:

- The Relationship Between Adolf Hitler and Zionism”, written in December 2010 and published in April 2014:

- “Sixty-Three Things That the State of Israel Has Done Wrong”, published in March 2019:
(especially the section “
What Israel Has Done Wrong to its Own People (Jews and Israelis) and to Judaism”)

Compiled, Written, and Published on February 26th, 2020
Edited and Expanded on February 28th, 2020
Links Added on March 13th, 2020

Friday, February 22, 2019

Eighty-Six Links That May Change the Way You Think About World War II

Pre-WWII Treatment of Jews by the U.S., U.S.S.R., and other Countries

S.S. St. Louis the Ship of Jewish Refugees Nobody Wanted”:


"The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies":

F.D.R. Hesitated to Get the U.S. Involved in WWII

Franklin D. Roosevelt “I Hate War” Speech August 14th, 1936”:

“The Almanac Singers – Ballad of October 16th”: (Pete Seeger singing)

F.D.R. Surrounded Himself with Anti-Semites

"Was FDR's Mother Anti-Semitic - and Does it Matter?":

"Did FDR Betray the Jews?":

"FDR Wanted Jews 'Spread Thin' and Kept Out of U.S., Documents Reveal":

"Behind the Headlines[:] The Nefarious Role of Henry Stimson":

"Henry Stimson Approves Passover Furloughs":

Review of "The Conquerors":

"Truman diary reveals scorn 'for cruel Jews'":

"Truman diary reveals anti-Semitism and offer to step down":

"We Can Learn a Lot from Truman the Bigot":

"Harry and Bess: Never in My House":

"No Jews at Potsdam":

German-American "Pride" in 1930s America

"Nazis in New York City: 80 Years Ago Pro-Hitler Americans Staged a Rally at Madison Square Garden":

"Nazi Speech at Madison Square Garden Rally" (February 20th, 1939):

"German-American Bund"

"American Nazis in the 1930s - The German-American Bund":

"The Day the German-American Bund Marched in Grafton":

"How Milwaukee's German-Americans Faced Down Fascism Eighty Years Ago":

American Collaboration with Nazis

Auschwitz: Americans and Germans Built It, the Red Army Liberated It

Why didn't America bomb the railroad tracks into Auschwitz?”:

Soviets liberate Auschwitz”:

Soviet forces liberate Auschwitz”:

U.S. and British Betrayal of Soviets

Churchill delivers Iron Curtain speech”:

'You Are the Un-Americans, and You Ought to be Ashamed of Yourselves': Paul Robeson Appears Before HUAC”:

European Acts of Nazi Appeasement

Europe Signed Pacts with Nazi Germany – But Only the USSR Is Still Accused of 'Colluding' With Hitler”:

7 non-aggression pacts and treaties signed by European countries with Nazi Germany”:

Nazi-Soviet Pact: GCSE/AS level history”:
(watch the part in the middle about European nations' pacts with Germany)

Wallis Simpson's affair with Nazi minister Joachim von Ribbentrop:

Russia Was the Main Protagonist of, and Lost the Most People in, World War II

'Soviet Union could have won WWII alone'":

How the Soviet Union helped save the world from Hitler during World War II”:

Don't forget how the Soviet Union saved the world from Hitler”:

“How Many People Did Stalin Kill?”:
(read for background)

How many Russians were killed during World War II?”:

“How did so many Russian civilians (10 million) perished in the WW2? Were they just in the way or were they targeted?”:
(read the comments)

Why Russians Still Love Stalin

Positive views of Stalin among Russians reach 16-year high, poll shows”:

“Why So Many Russians Still Love Stalin”:

“Why so many Russians like Stalin again”:

Red Army veteran about Stalin / Rokossovsky/Khrushchev/historical facts and myths/etc.”:

“The Big Question: Why is Stalin still popular in Russia, despite the brutality of his regime?”:

Why was Stalin nominated for Nobel Peace Prize when he did so many bad things?”:

“Anthem of the U.S.S.R./Soviet Union by Paul Robeson”:

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Was Not What it Seemed

The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact: The 1939 Agreement Between Hitler and Stalin”:
(read for background)

“Russia's War” documentary:
     “The Night Before Midnight” (Part 2 of 10):
     “The Goths Ride East” (Part 3 of 10):

“Woody Guthrie: I Was in the Revolution”:

U.S. During the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact”:

“5: GCSE History – the Nazi Soviet Pact”:

World War II – Carving up Poland (part 1)”:

“1939 Soviet-Nazi Pact: Putin defends Molotov-Ribbentrop pact which divided East Europe”:

Steven Kotkin and FinnishBolshevik on Stalin

Steven Kotkin: “Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941”:
(watch from 28:07 to 39:03)

Steven Kotkin: “Joseph Stalin: Waiting for Hitler (Part 2)”:

FinnishBolshevik: “Zizek & Kotkin on Stalin”:

FinnishBolshevik: “Thoughts on Stalin”:

FinnishBolshevik: “Was Nazism Socialist? (Response to TIK)”:

Joe Kopsick on Nazis vs. Soviets, Communism and Socialism, Gulags, etc.

Joe Kopsick: “Debunking the Top Six Claims that the Nazis Were Socialists”:

Joe Kopsick: “Reflection on the Use of Forced Labor Camps by Anarchists and Communists”:

Joe Kopsick: “Ben Shapiro's 'Socialism is Theft' Ignores WWII, NATO, Corporate Privilege”:

Joe Kopsick: “What Liberals and Conservatives Both Get Wrong About Socialism and Communism”:

Joe Kopsick: “'Stalin Killed More Than Hitler' Borders on Holocaust Denial”

Joe Kopsick: “The Gulags Were Less Harsh Than American Prisons Are”:

Joe Kopsick: "Stalin Killed Fewer People Than Hitler Did, and How Stalin Tricked Hitler with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact":

Other Links on Stalin

Hitler vs. Stalin: Who killed more?”:

"Einstein, H.G. Wells, and Other Leading Figures Who You Didn't Know Were Pro-Stalin":

Links About the Pacific Theater of WWII

North Korea: Crossing the Line”:

"Japanese Submarine Sunk at Pearl Harbor is Found":
(notice that the first casualty of U.S. involvement in World War II was a Japanese submarine sailor, and that the submarine attack preceded the kamikaze attack)

Additional Links

"Let's Not Leave the Soviet Union Out of Our D-Day History":

"Russia: D-Day not a 'game-changer'; WWII's outcome determined by Red Army victories":

 “The issue of Stalin's legacy and the Soviet Union is an interesting study in how we know what we know”:

“Was Joseph Stalin a Bad Person?”:

“The Holodomor Hoax: Joseph Stalin's Crime That Never Took Place”:

“Let's Be Honest – Stalin Was Less of a Criminal Than Churchill, Truman, and LBJ”:

“Useful Links About Communism”:

Originally published on February 22nd, 2019, under the title
"60 Links That May Change the Way You Think About World War II"

Original set of 60 links collected between August 2018 and February 22nd, 2019
Additional links added on February 26th, March 7th, May 1st, and June 7th, 2019

Monday, February 1, 2016

"All Quiet on the Western Front" Analytical Paper

Written in Early December 2003 as a High School Writing Workshop Piece

Edited on February 1st, 2016

            In All Quiet on the Western Front, author Erich Maria Remarque uses vivid and frightening details in his depiction of war scenes in order to show his reader how terrible, frustrating, confusing, and emotion-filled war is. Although the author often juxtaposes good and bad in order to show how much worse the bad is, he is still able to do so just by showing what goes through narrator and main character Paul Bäumer’s mind during the various bombardments throughout the book. Remarque also tells what war can do to one’s mind, by describing the thoughts and beliefs that Bäumer and the other recruits have while they are not in the trenches. The author explores further, the feelings, and changes of feelings, the recruits have about warfare when they come face-to-face with the enemy. Throughout All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque reveals to his readers that war is a heartless, thoughtless, barbaric reality, and not some romantic notion of the triumph of right over wrong, and that the lives of real people with families and cares and goals can be cut short with as little as one command to fire.
            Sometimes, Remarque illustrates the horrors of war by writing about something simple and beautiful, and then he gives his reader a sudden reminder that death is in the air. But putting good next to bad is an easy way to emphasize the bad, and Remarque’s talent in writing thorough, detailed passages filled with raw emotion, dramatically surpasses his efforts to use juxtaposition of good and bad. This is especially evident in the scene in chapter nine, when Bäumer stabs a French soldier, and then tries to keep him from dying. On pages 218-219, Bäumer says of the soldier, “he gazes at me with a look of utter terror. The body lies still, but in the eyes there is such an extraordinary expression of fright that for a moment I think they have enough power to carry the body off with them” … “All the life is gathered together in” the eyes “for one tremendous effort to flee,” ... “in a dreadful terror of death, of me.” A person in heavy machine gun bombardment, conditioned to think and act on instinct, would never be able to think so quickly, but Remarque does not write the underdeveloped words a World War I soldier would have had; rather, he tells of the deep feelings he would have upon reflection of the war. Bäumer can feel what the wounded enemy feels, and through his guilt and remorse, and desperate need to revive a stranger whom he has no reason to hate, he is able to get inside his body, and know what he is experiencing.
            Remarque asks the inevitable big war question, “what are we fighting for?”, to demonstrate that war does not always have a purpose, and even those who die for their country do not have an answer, and have no conceivable reason to risk their lives. Remarque writes about this lack of sense of direction and purpose at the beginning of chapter nine, as Bäumer, Tjäden, Kropp, Müller, Katzcinsky, and Albert answer each other’s questions about why they think the war began and why it was still going on. On page 203, Kropp says, “We are here to protect our Fatherland. And the French are over there to protect their Fatherland. Now who’s in the right?”. On the next page, Albert answers Tjäden’s question about how the war starts, and Albert replies, “Mostly by one country badly offending the other”, to which Tjäden argues, “I don’t feel myself offended.” They decide that the war is useful to nobody but emperors and generals. This conversation demonstrates that one will fight even if he doesn’t have any personal reason. The men have no anger towards their enemy, don’t feel threatened, and they only fight because of the supposed obligation to serve their country. No one among them can justify declaring war on another group of human beings, and this passage makes “what are we fighting for?” more necessary to ask.
            Again, chapter nine serves as the best forum in which to question the morals and purposes of violence. Remarque has the narrator sum up all the anti-war beliefs at once on page 223, when he speaks to the dead body of the French soldier he was unable to save. He says, “Comrade, I did not want to kill you” … “You were only an idea to me before, and abstraction that lived in my mind and called forth its appropriate response” … “But now, I see you are a man just like me” … “now I see your wife and your face and our fellowship” … “If we threw away these rifles and uniform you could be my brother.” Through this speech, Remarque gives the reader hope that violence and hatred can be ended if one can see up close the agony of suffering caused by the thoughtless mass murder of one people by another. This book by itself hopes to accomplish just that; to show as many as possible what really happens when men are told to kill each other.
            Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front is a well-written, thought-provoking, successful anti-war novel. It shows in graphic detail the atrocities committed by people who don’t know why they do it and are afraid to ask why. The novel tosses aside the idea that if a country is threatened, its soldiers must obey commands and do exactly as told. It instead states that without questioning and doubt and philosophy, man is doomed to an existence filled with violence that will never, and can never, end.

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...