Showing posts with label labor union. Show all posts
Showing posts with label labor union. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Janus Decision Reveals Two-Faced Nature of Collective Bargaining Law

The case of Janus v. A.F.S.C.M.E. Council 31 could not possibly have been named with any more poetic irony than it was. That's because Janus reveals the two-faced nature of federal labor laws, and the two-faced nature of the manner in which Democrats and Republicans talk about those laws.
The Supreme Court ruled 5-to-4 in favor of the plaintiff, Illinois state employee Mark Janus, against the defendant, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31. The court's decision ends compulsory "fair share" fees for public sector workers, meaning that a government employee no longer has to pay dues to the union which is obligated to represent them, if that employee does not wish to be a member of that union.
Critics of the decision argue that it turns the whole set of people on government payroll into an effective "Right to Work" system. Right to Work laws, now enforced in 28 states, prohibit "union shop" and "closed shop" union security agreements; contracts between unions and management which, respectively, require employees to join a union (union shop) or the union (closed shop).
Critics also suggest that Right to Work laws, and the Janus decision, enable "free riders" to take advantage of being represented by unions, without having to pay anything. But what critics of Janus and Right to Work laws miss, however, is that, since the Wagner Act (the National Labor Relations Act of 1935), three quarters of the states have begun to allow public sector unions to engage in collective bargaining, emulating the Wagner Act (which pertains to employees in the private sector).

The Wagner Act required all employees in a private sector workplace (or bargaining unit) to be represented by the union receiving the majority vote in a union election, in all unions affiliated with the National Labor Relations Board (which the Wagner Act created).
So 80-year-old federal labor law - the Wagner Act / N.L.R.A. of 1935, signed into law by F.D.R., a Democrat - is the reason that there are free-riding workers who receive representation but don't pay for what they receive.
Remember, "free riders" are workers whom do not consent to be represented by "their union" (which they don't pay for). Most "free riding" workers don't want to pay for those union benefits; either because they don't feel that those benefits are adequate or otherwise appropriate, or because they don't want to settle for those benefits or settle for the union in charge.
These are people who might even want to form their own union. However, the union in charge, if affiliated with the N.L.R.B., would probably appeal to the N.L.R.B., and sue the smaller union, seeking to put it out of business for "cutting in on their action" by competing against the monopoly wielded by the union which won the legal right to represent workers through winning a union election.
The notion that government is a business - and an ordinary actor that can behave anywhere nearly as fairly as an enterprise that can actually go out of business - is contributing and the misguided idea that public and private sector union policy ought to look more or less the same. It is ironic that - after progressive government entered labor policy in order to counteract the power of monopolies, bust the trusts, and ensure competition - government is now enabling the anti-competitive and monopolistic behavior of unions. But it should not come as unexpected.
The lack of a clear delineation in the law between private property and enterprises offering public accommodations, and the number of forms of public assistance to ostensibly private enterprise, only serve to further complicate this blurring of public sector collective bargaining policy together with private sector policy.

If the Janus decision seems wise, then, in my opinion, it is only because it reveals the hypocrisy of the components of the law which serves as the underlying assumption upon which the foundation of misguided labor law rests.
This is to say that it reveals the hypocrisy of the "majority unionism" (unionism by majority vote) and "compulsory unionism" (extension of union representation through legal decree) through which the Wagner Act created the problem at hand; namely, the free rider problem, which Right to Work laws and the Janus decision aim to solve, but which merely serve as bandages upon the problem.
But to say that Right to Work laws and the Janus decision serve as "bandages" is an insult to bandages; they actually create new problems on top of the old ones, adding insult to injury. Right to Work laws create new problems which weren't there before, by limiting the right of unions and businesses to freely engage in contract, and have their contracts honored by the government. Now, in the aftermath the Janus decision, the Supreme Court has taken credit for taking action, when in reality it has merely refused to redress an already existing problem; that non-consenting private sector employees in most states receive union representation which they don't think benefits them.
And that will continue to be a contentious issue, whether employees represented by a union are paying for those benefits or not.

Written on June 27th and 28th, 2018
Published on June 28th, 2018

Click the following link to read an speech for the 2018 Bughouse Debates,
which was based on this article:

Friday, November 28, 2014

Majority Unionism, Compulsory Unionism, and Compulsory Voting Hurt Workers

     Some on the left speak of Right to Work laws as “right to work for less” laws. While statistically it is true that pay is nominally lower in Right to Work states than in non- Right-to-Work states, the interstate differences in consumer preferences, styles of economizing purchasing, and economic and social values, may account for Red-Staters' desire to live in more conservative economies.
     Also, the value of freedom – meaning liberty from coercion and compulsion, in addition to free choice from among many alternatives – is immeasurable. The freedom to choose a union is as important as the freedom to choose one's employer.
     Additionally, the reputation that Right to Work laws have for being “union-busting laws” is unfounded. Right to Work laws do not eliminate collective bargaining, nor unions entirely. They merely invalidate union shop agreements, which permit the hiring of union members alongside non-members, but with the requirement that non-union workers eventually join the union and pay dues as a condition of getting hired or keeping their jobs.
     Right-to-Work laws would do nothing to reverse the illegality of closed-shop union security agreements (in which only union members in good standing may be hired), which are outlawed by the Taft-Hartley Act.
     Although compromise between labor and capital seems a distant dream, I contend that the solution to compromise on the Right to Work vs. Compulsory Unionism issue is remarkably simple.

     On September 5th, 1989, Reed Larson, the head of the National Right to Work Legal Committee, appeared on The Mike Scinto Show, on WHIO-TV in Ohio, to discuss the merits of Right to Work laws. Wes Wells, a Dayton-area labor leader with the American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations (A.F.L.-C.I.O.), called in to the show.
     Reed Larson defended Right to Work laws, and Wes Wells explained that the A.F.L.-C.I.O. is opposed to the principles of the Right to Work Committee. However, they both agreed that it is due to federal labor law of the 1930s and 1940s (specifically, the majority unionism provision of the 1935 Wagner Act, which created the National Labor Relations Board) that free riders are created and covered.
     Before reading the exchange, it will be necessary to understand the majority unionism provision of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935. According to this act (which is still in effect, and enshrined into law in Section 9 of the U.S. Code), there can be only one exclusive bargaining representative for a unit of employees (that is, the people elected by a majority of the workforce have the right to become the exclusive representatives of workers in collective bargaining with the employer), and employers are compelled to bargain with the representative [singular] of its employees.
     Majority unionism, compulsory unionism, and the compulsory and secretive election procedures required of unions by the N.L.R.B., are all consequences of the Wagner Act, and yet Right to Work laws take the rap for creating free riders.

     The following is a transcript of part of the exchange between Larson and Wells. The video can be viewed at this address:

Scinto: Do you think it's fair that if … I come to work for … Chrysler, or for … General Motors, that if I don't want to belong to a union, that I should have to be represented by that union?

Wells: Well, absolutely. When we take... a look at the average wage rate … of those Right to Work states, and take a look at the wage rates in this … state, for example, and take a look at the tax structure, and who pays the taxes, we don't think that there should be free-riders. If an individual enjoys the same wage and benefits – health, medical, and all those services – then we don't think … that they should be able to free-ride on other members that … pay union dues.

Scinto: Reed?

Larson: Well, I don't think that they should be able to free-ride either, and I don't that you should be required … to represent anybody who doesn't voluntarily join and pay dues to the union. Now just tell us, right on the air, do you want to represent those non-members? Would you support a change in the law that says you support only the people that want to be represented?

Wells: Reed, you know that by federal law, that we are required to represent those free riders.

Scinto: And he's [Larson is] saying he … wants that changed.

Larson: … We've got a bill in … Congress to change that. Would you support it? …

Scinto: Would you support the bill to … eliminate that federal law, Wes?

Wells: I'd have to take a look at the bill. I don't even know what bill he's talking about.

Scinto: OK... Let me... ask you, Wes, if ... we came up with a … theoretical bill or an actual bill that would eliminate the … mandatory support for people who didn't pay their dues and didn't belong to the union, could you at least … be open to the consideration of a Right to Work law?

Wells: Well, I, you know, I think we need to take a look at any legislation, but … you know, to buy a pig in a poke, absolutely not, and the things that Reed and the Right to Work Committee stand for, you know, we are directly opposed to those principles. And Reed is, you know, pretty much aware of that.

Scinto: Alright...

Larson: Just remember this: unions want to represent those non-members, and they fight bitterly for the right and the privilege of doing that, and then they want to tax those people.

     The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation – the 501(c)3 arm of the National Right to Work Committee, a 501(c)4 - primarily defends people who object to being compelled to pay union dues. It has also defended people who wanted to form new, alternative unions. The practices of having more than one union in a workplace are called dual unionism and minority unionism.
     In non-Right-to-Work states (otherwise known as Compulsory Unionism states, which allow closed-shop and union-shop union security agreements), unions compel non-consenting workers to pay union dues, even if they think the union doesn't do anything for them, or even agrees to limit their wages, raises, and benefits in order to keep the union contract with management/owners, and in order to keep the power to monopolize worker representation in the workplace.
     Agreeing to limit workers' wages is especially deleterious to the improvement of workers' living standards, because such contracts between unions and management were often written as long as decades before modern workers are hired. This, of course, means that wages and raises were written before all of the inflation and consumer price index increases that have accumulated since then.

     In addition to the fact that, in Compulsory Unionism states, inadvertent free-riders receive undeserved benefits (which they don't even consider to be actually beneficial to themselves, and therefore don't want, and also don't want to pay for), the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 -also known as the Wagner Act – allows employers to refuse to recognize the union.
     When the employer recognizes the union, the union can become the lone representative of workers in the workplace, provided that the union collect union authorization cards signed by a simple majority of the workers. But when the employer refuses to recognize the union, the union can only be certified through secret-ballot elections conducted by the National Labor Relations Board.
     To reiterate, the majority unionism provision of the Wagner Act requires that if a majority of workers do not authorize the certification of the union as the sole representative of workers in negotiation with management, a secret-ballot election must take place.

     These elections, aside from being secret-ballot (which Lysander Spooner argued are secretive, and remove all traces of voter privity) – are compulsory upon unions (rather than the rules of the elections being left up to the concordance of the workers themselves), and supervised and conducted by the National Labor Relations Board.
     Aside from all this secrecy, compulsion, and tyranny of the simple majority, such elections may be required to take place on a frequent basis. As a consequence of Scott Walker's Act 10 - passed in Wisconsin in 2011 - public sector unions working in education and health are now required to participate in annual votes on whether to keep their union. [Note: although the Wagner Act pertains to (most) private sector unions, it does not apply to public sector unions.]
     Aside from being required to frequently vote in secret ballot elections on whether to renew their unions' certifications, individual union members may be required to vote in union elections, even if they want to stay neutral. When this occurs, it is because the simple majority of the vote is based on a majority of the total number of workers, rather than on the number of workers consenting to participate in the election.

     Compulsory voting in union elections compounds the risk that a union will be required to cease representing workers. This is because when more people are compelled to pay dues against their will, more people will vote against renewing the certification of that union when such a vote occurs. This is especially so when the vote is compulsory on top of the compulsory dues payments, which bred the resentment that led workers to resist conscription into the union in the first place.
     This is the essence of the all-or-nothing system that the N.L.R.A. set up. It is difficult to imagine how many Americans assume that federal law compels employers to negotiate with unions, in an unconditional manner. This is to say that majority status through federally-supervised secret-ballot elections, is the necessary condition to invoke government responsibility to ensure that employers negotiate.
     If federal law required employers to negotiate with anyone engaging in concerted activity with fellow workers (in order to engage in union behavior, or in order to invoke their right not to), then majority unionism and compulsory voting in union elections would be obsolete.

     The interconnected web of aforementioned problems is the reason why I am strongly opposed to compulsory voting, whether in union or political elections. And now that we see the damage which compulsory voting can cause unions, we must understand that compulsory voting has the exact same effect in political elections.
     To any progressive or liberal who argues that voting should be compulsory in political elections - including on the premise that "more people would vote in a progressive or liberal way" - I say “then to be fair, we must also forcibly educate people about all of their options”.
     There should be no compulsory voting without compulsory education about all of the choices. This is why I feel that employers requiring workers to watch anti-union propaganda is an acceptable consequence of all the union compulsion I have described; it is an effort to provide a counter-balance. When such union compulsion ceases to exist, I would oppose all efforts to compulsorily educate workers.
     But compulsory education aside, if the public knows that disaffected progressives and liberals will be required to vote, and that they will be voting in droves, then those who oppose progressives and liberals the most strongly will also show up to the polls (especially since they'd be required to do so) in order to create a counter-balance to the electoral power of their political rivals. We must remember Newton's 3rd Law of Motion - “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” - and apply it to political action.

     In my opinion, all of this demonstrates why putting bargaining rights on the table for sacrifice on the corrupt altar of representative democracy - which could vote those rights away, instead of being required to protect them as natural and inalienable, and protect our right to contract - was the first mistake of the labor movement.
     This is why I believe that on the labor issue, the federal government should do little more than protect each worker's unlimited right to enter into a contract and to negotiate (this right is limited by labor laws and long-standing labor contracts), protect the right of individuals to engage in concerted activity (or not to), and compel employers to bargain with employees (unconditionally, and regardless of the existence of a simple majority's approval).
     These rights should be seen as, and are, corollaries to all other rights in the workplace. As the International Workers of the World say, “an injury to one is an injury to all”. As Karl Marx wrote, “the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all”.
     The needs of individuals and minorities must be protected from the will of the simple majority, which is unstable due to its potential to change instantaneously and change rules for light and transient causes. Majority status should not be anywhere near as meaningful and consequential as simply engaging in concerted activity with other workers for the purpose of prompting negotiation obligations on the part of management.

     On top of that subjugation, some union dues support political purposes, and/or have their funding buttressed by taxpayers. Compulsorily extracted union dues that fund the remainder of unions' pursuit of voluntary contributions, are what is known as soft money, as opposed to the hard money that is raised voluntarily.
     It is this tangled mess of coercive taxation (to bail-out what consumers will not voluntarily pay for), compulsory dues payments, compulsory voting, tyranny of the simple majority, and employer freedom to refuse to recognize unions (if they don't get a simple majority), which render it paradoxical to support unions in Compulsory Unionism states; and which invite all the unlimited and secretive spending by corporations, unions, and political action committees, many of whose goals are questionably constitutional.
     It is violence in the workplace begetting a politically violent response, which - as I explained above - would be entirely called for, if only capitalists did not also collude to force workers to watch anti-union propaganda (on top of limiting and interfering with bargaining, and intimidating and exploiting workers).

     This mess is the fault of the citizens; for allowing the federal government to unconstitutionally legislate on matters of labor in the first place. Federal intervention in labor and commerce were never authorized by the Constitution. The Department of Labor and the Department of Commerce were originally fused together into one, when Theodore Roosevelt's government created them. I suspect that they were separated in order to keep labor's nose out of the corporate welfare books.
     This is why we must be wary that compromise may bring concessions, and that more secrecy may result due to only illusorily separated new powers such as these. Such departments are unconstitutional, and should either work with other cabinet agencies in a manner that provides checks and balances, or they should be constitutionally re-authorized, or else cease existing permanently.

     Big Labor and federal law create half of labor's problems. There is no reason why the labor movement and the limited government movement cannot work together; I assert that there are plenty of federal and state laws – and types of union security agreement practices (some of which are practically laws, because they are complex contracts that have been frequently updated and repeatedly allowed legal standing by the courts) – that can and should be found invalid and unconstitutional.
     As I stated earlier, these contracts and laws interfere with the people's unlimited right to contract. This right cannot and should not be voted away.
     Repealing the entire Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 (then dubbed "the slave labor bill" by labor leaders), amending or abolishing the monopolistic representation provision of the Wagner Act of 1935, and amending or abolishing much of the remainder of the Wagner Act, would be perfect places to start fixing the union bosses' mess. These are antiquated laws, in twenty years the Wagner Act will be a century old, and the Democratic Party can and should do much better.
     Right-to-Work laws must be re-presented in order to appeal to progressives and liberals. Here's how it's done: "Right to Work laws empower state governments to stop the federal government from requiring anti-union workers to derive free benefits - without paying dues - that result from the negotiation of union members who agreed to work for and pay dues to their unions". I could add "and willingly participate in, and vote in", if Right to Work laws could, of themselves, end compulsory and majority unionism. But that could only be done through a National Right to Work Amendment.
     There is no reason why labor should keep obeying the federal government's demands that it continue to work harder to support the free-riders that the government creates, giving more benefits than requested to workers who may despise the dominant union. This only begets more resentment, politicization of the workplace, political divisiveness, and spiteful policy-making.
     Constitutionally limited government, members-only collective bargaining, dual and minority unionism, and some of the goals of Franklin D. Roosevelt's unconstitutional 1933 National Recovery Administration (i.e., promoting boycotts and fostering fair competition) can reverse most of the aforementioned contradictions of organized labor. Right-to-Work laws and/or the abolition of the National Labor Relations Board (to be replaced by more direct negotiation between workers, owners, consumers, and investors) can solve much of the rest.

     In the 1980s, the Supreme Court ruled that workers may be compelled to pay a minimum amount of union dues to cover their fair share of collective bargaining, but they may not be compelled to become full members of a union.
     In my opinion, something close to this precedent should be recognized in Compulsory Unionism states, along with two requirements: (1) workers are given adequate warning – during the job interview, or at least before filing one's employment tax information - that they will have to join a union in order to keep their jobs, and (2) workers may only be compelled to pay union dues that cover those benefits of negotiation, of which individuals cannot help but receive the benefits.
     That is to say, any fair share fee that would be compulsory, would cover only those benefits that substantially improve the physical health and safety conditions of the workplace (the unavoidable consequences of working in a unionized workplace). Wages and benefits, however, would not be covered by fair share fees, but instead be negotiated on an individual basis (or, at least, wages and benefits could be allocated in a manner which is uniform with respect to individuals, but individuals would be free to opt-out of those full benefits).
     There is no good reason why the fair share fees which would normally be paid to the union, should not be paid to management and ownership, in order to cover the costs of the share of the health and safety improvements to the workplace which is incurred by workers not belonging to the majority union.
     Requiring ownership/management to collect fair share fees under these conditions, would eliminate the system of fair share fees as we know it, and allow workers to completely opt-out of paying dues to any union if that is their wish.
     It would also help ensure compliance with Section 19 of the Wagner Act, which provides that people with religious convictions against joining a union are entitled to not associate with or financially support it. Additionally, it would also help ensure that labor and capital each contribute something in regards to improving the physical conditions of the workplace.

     A twenty-year-old with no family to support, who goes to a hiring and staffing agency to find a job pushing a broom, should immediately be informed that “the union can get you fired for not paying dues.”
     “The union will resist any attempts to put non-unionized workers in the workplace, even on a temporary basis [for example, if you're a substitute for a unionized worker who is out recuperating from health problems]. No 'non-union' workers will not work here, not even if they want to form their own union, and especially not if they want to form that union in order to sue the majority union for agreeing to limit your pay and wage increases, in order to secure its contract, and under-bid any union that would have fought to secure higher wages. No job that doesn't require a license or full-time hours will be permitted to exist.”
     Furthermore, such a person should be allowed to earn less than the union would wish him or her to earn. If they go to work pushing a broom at a school, they should not be expected to join the combination teachers' and janitors' unions, and be paid as well as teachers, if they don't want to. In such combination unions, more skilled employees (in this instance, teachers) must stop pretending that allowing less skilled employees (here, janitors) to volunteer to earn less, threatens the skilled employees' bottom line, or their jobs altogether.
     The charade that paying low-skilled workers less, threaten the jobs of higher-wage earners, is a despicable lie that comes from unions, and absurdly threatens the jobs of both sets of workers. These lies may help garner sympathy for labor's cause, but they do not help individual workers whatsoever.

     Big Labor shoots itself in the foot using an enthusiastically registered gun made out of century-old federal laws. It no longer seems absurd to me to suggest that federal labor laws were designed to limit the freedom of several workers to demand negotiation, and the freedom of many unions to flourish, even several per workplace. This is in addition to the freedom to engage in sympathy strikes, which unions have to contend with aside from already needing majority votes and/or the union leader's agreement about whether and when a strike will take place.
     Essentially, I am arguing that union negotiation and its benefits must be treated as club goods; excludable and non-rivalrous. The market for union negotiation must be perfected, and its competition completed. Free riding is an externality which must be internalized in order to preserve the closed club nature of the union. Government created this problem; labor and capital did not.
     Unionists should not assume that a federal labor law benefits workers overall, simply because it is a long-standing labor law supported by Democrats (of eighty years ago, mind you). Liberalism has changed, and conservatism has changed. Labor must be revisited as a national issue, but the working public must be made to understand that our freedom and our power in the workplace are fundamental and inalienable rights, that we do not need permission to exercise them, and that we look to government (which we create and hire) only to protect these natural rights.

     To say what I hope is obvious, the problem is not that unions are inherently bad, it's just that many of them agree to abide by profoundly unjust and exploitative laws, and some are hungry for money, and for control in the workplace and in politics. I, for one, cannot agree to support most unionization in Compulsory Unionism states, because supporting unions would paradoxically lead to the destruction of unions (as I have demonstrated throughout this article). This is why I maintain that the left and the right agree on this issue; they just don't know it yet.
     I believe that there should be a National Right to Work Amendment, that the Supreme Court should invalidate and find unconstitutional the federal and state laws which permit union-shop union security agreements, and that the federal government should intervene in the Compulsory Unionism states (if necessary) in order to protect workers' rights to freely plan to form unions, strike, and demand negotiation. All other federal labor laws should be repealed, except laws requiring employers to negotiate, laws that protect the right of two or more workers to engage in concerted activity with intent to unionize, and laws that directly affect the federal government's own public-sector workers.
     I recommend that laws be passed requiring that no union be allowed to prevent other unions from going into competition with it. It should still be possible for unions to appeal to government to break up unions that use coercion and compulsion. But workers should not be left with no alternatives to an only union; if government destroys workers' only alternative, it should create an alternative, or at least allow any innocent workers to create something new. Either way, concerted activity must be strongly protected, in order for that to remain a possibility.
     To reject Right-to-Work laws, dual and minority unionism, members-only collective bargaining and open-shop union security agreements, is essentially to diminish the importance of federally protected concerted activity between several workers (as opposed to many workers agreeing to exist as a union, existing on majority status, following federal law and obeying the N.L.R.B.).
     Additionally, it is to assert that “unions are good because they help get the worker the full product of his labor, but to be truly excellent, unions should imitate the worst aspects of capitalism" - such as monopoly, coercion/compulsion, majoritarianism, representative democracy, and property ownership [albeit collective ownership in form] – and that unions should imitate the worst aspects of capitalist management and ownership, by having the power to fire people [keep in mind, we're talking about the power to fire people who don't even agree to work for them, and may have no idea that they'll be expected to start working for the union leadership's benefit until weeks after they are hired].

     Whether and how unions may or may not exist or strike, should not be left up to distant bureaucrats in Washington, but the freedom of decision on this matter should be recognized as a fundamental natural right, and protected. So let us not speak of “reining in the unions”; instead, it is time to rein in the powers of majority, monopoly, coercion, compulsion, ownership, politicization, polarization, and firing - which federal and state laws have permitted unions to exercise - so that collective bargaining with capital may be diverse, fair and equal, and both free and freeing.
     Perhaps it is even time to thoroughly end the power of the tyranny of the simple majority to vote away our inalienable individual rights to use our personal property (i.e., our bodies) to have an unlimited right to contract, and engage in concerted activity, and practice our natural, fundamental (albeit extra-constitutional) right to bargain with our employers (and our unions).
     I suggest that we may do that by constitutionally limiting government. This will have several positive effects: (1) the government would not be free to pile on government bureaus and the employee rolls and contracts and public sector unions that come with it. This would help ensure that the costs of government never get so high that it appears that taxes will have to be made compulsory upon everyone. It would additionally allow willing customers to make the choices about which companies and unions win and lose in the marketplace, rather than those choices being made by government bureaucrats and union bosses who have the power to steal the property (i.e., income) of taxpayers and workers.

Edited in December 2014
Thanks to Terry R. Gray for his assistance

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Labor Protectionism

Written on June 16th, 2012
Edited in April 2014

   I'm not saying that the value of labor should be manipulated so that it loses its value here... But absent the manipulation of the value of labor so that the effort of workers gains value (I'm alluding to minimum wage laws), the going rate for entry-level labor feels like it should be about 5 or 6 bucks an hour here in America.

   ...What I am saying - however - is that that shit should be allowed to decline naturally; that is, without artificial government manipulation; that is, government controls should be removed so that the value of labor can find its real free-market rate, and our purchasing power and our balance of trade aren't all out of proportion.

   Remember... We don't have a primarily industrial- / manufacturing-based economy anymore. We're more of a service economy now. What's allegedly "backing our money" is more labor / services than it is goods / products.

   Now... I'd imagine that there are a lot of people who want to keep minimum wage laws in place, and who even desire that the minimum wage increase. I'd also imagine that a lot of those same people oppose the outsourcing of American jobs, prefer unionized to non-unionized labor, oppose Right-to-Work laws, and oppose benefit and pay cuts for government employees providing public services.

   So we're living in a primarily service-based economy where the combined government agencies confiscate 40% of the wealth and employ over 2.2 million people, and most of the debate on labor issues revolves around government jobs.

   Most of the people on the left want the government to artificially raise the value of the efforts of workers - including its own workers - who offer services rather than produce goods. They oppose both non-interventionism in the value of labor and government intervention to lower the value of labor.

   So doesn't the left want what could basically be described as a form of mercantilism or protectionism, except one that focuses on services instead of industry? Isn't this just liberals wanting America to protect the value of its economy and its money by keeping artificially inflated the value of its most valuable assets; its workers and their labor? Aren't these people more "capitalist" (specifically, state-monopoly capitalist) than are we free-marketers?

For more entries on enterprise, business, business alliance, and markets, please visit:

For more entries on free trade, fair trade, the balance of trade, and protectionism, please visit:

For more entries on unions and collective bargaining, please visit:

On the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's Endorsement of Scott Walker in the Recall Election

Written on May 20th, 2012
Edited in April 2014

   The following is my response to a question from Ryan Haack: Are you going to say something about the Milwaukee Journal[-]Sentinel "endorsing" Walker.[?] ..."

   When Walker said he had no plans to make Wisconsin a Right-to-Work state, I wanted it to be an RTW state, but not just out of disagreement with Walker. That made me to the fiscal right of him.

   I changed my position to being against state RTW laws because I feel that they condition and inhibit contractual obligations for too large a geographical area and too many people. Walker came out in the last week or so saying he supported RTW laws, so now I disagree with him again, which makes my overall policy slightly more palatable to the left.

   Generally, I see the need for austerity and for cuts in government services, but I feel that it's more the federal government's fault than it is Walker's. I'm more likely to support austerity when the people decide it's the right time, not when governors have allowed the feds to bankrupt state and local governments.

   Arthur Kohl-Riggs said something to the effect of "any reasonable governor would have accepted that federal high-speed rail money". I disagree, and I commend Walker for rejecting it. High-speed rail that almost exclusively benefits Midwesterners does not promote the general welfare of all Americans, which I feel should be a necessary condition for federal spending.

   Besides, I think the private sector would do a more efficient and responsible job of constructing transportation infrastructure than the government, and there is less of a chance that that money would have been diverted to other spending projects and ending up in the pockets of politicians and lobbyists.

   Some might respond to the above by saying that the money would end up in the hands of CEOs and the like, and we all know how much Walker likes tax breaks for businesses and the wealthy. But Walker and I do not share the same economic or political philosophy.

   Walker is a corporatist technocrat who supports states' rights to some extent. I favor local communities' rights, and - under such conditions - taxation based on the creation of income disparity (but I also support introducing competition in governance, so that people can choose which fair and neutral party arbitrates disputes which they cannot resolve by themselves).

   In my opinion, Walker is not polarizing because he is farther to the right than people are used to. He is polarizing because – as with any politician, especially a governor or a president, under the current monopoly-government system – it’s Walker’s way or the highway. And that’s just the way it will be if Barrett wins.

   Nobody will be satisfied – and the “general (read: ‘universal’) welfare” clause will never be fulfilled – as long as people cannot vote “none of the above” in every election without having to vote again, and as long as people cannot choose to be governed by anyone other than the federal government along with its state and local subsidiary governments.

   The only politician who will not be polarizing is a candidate who lets people refrain from associating politically with people whose ideologies are nearly or completely irreconcilable with their own.

   Polarizing, extremist politicians are in-style in this political season. Scott Walker and Paul Ryan may be polarizing, but they are not extremist. But the most prominent extremists - people like Ron Paul and Gary Johnson – are somehow not polarizing; Paul has in fact been described as “transpartisan”.

   I feel that this shows that what we need is not “compromise, not capitulation” – as Democratic congressional candidate Mark Pocan put it – but “consensus, not compromise”, as independent congressional candidate myself puts it. This premise alone would satisfy the general welfare requirement.

   Fiscal sanity – not Scott-Walker-style soft money and tax breaks for businesses and the wealthy – helps the pocketbooks of all Americans. A humble foreign policy with a strong national defense – not George-W.-Bush-style interventionist military belligerence – makes all Americans safer.

   I am a Republican only in that republicanism is a means to an end. I respect extremists from both ends of the economic spectrum, because they have goals. All that polarizing, non-extremist, “pragmatic” Democrats and Republicans have to offer us is an all-or-nothing, “my-way-or-the-highway” mindset, and a political culture where an average of 49% of the people are dissatisfied and envious of those who are better represented.

   David Koch was the Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential candidate for president in 1980. Libertarians knew he wasn’t one of them then, and they know he isn’t one of them now. Libertarianism is not about corporate tyranny; it's about discovering to what extent any existing corporate tyranny is the fault of the State.The results of a (very in-depth, I must say) political quiz I recently took shows that libertarianism is nowhere near as all-or-nothing as the framed, false Republican-Democrat, "left-vs.-right" dichotomy. The quiz described me as a Libertarian Party sympathizer first, a Green Party sympathizer second, a Republican third, and a Democrat fourth.

   In conclusion, I am not voting in the recall election. I will vote in a Wisconsin gubernatorial election when and only when a candidate makes credible promises to start issuing passports; to advocate for the construction of consular offices with the purposes of establishing diplomacy with the foreign, alien federal government; and to re-assert the state's freedom, independence, and sovereignty, which is referenced in official federal government documents spanning from 1778 to just three years ago.

   Until that day happens, I urge my fellow (automatic, de-facto, default) Wisconsinites to vote "none of the above" if that is an option, and to remember to make as many qualifications as possible when making excuses for a representative of any agency at any level of one of the several governments to which we were presumed to have consented to delegate powers when we decided (without informed consent) to be born within the unnatural borders of a corporate State in proximity to the parent company which calls itself the United States Government.

For more entries on Wisconsin politics, please visit:

Compulsory Unionism vs. Right to Work

Written on March 29th, 2012

   Through the National Labor Relations Act, states can administer Compulsory Unionism laws, which permit a workplace to fire an employee if he or she does not join the union which the employer has given authorization to exclusively represent laborers in negotiations with the employer. These laws also permit such unions to sue competing unions out of existence, whether they are more moderate or more radical in their demands.

   Through the Taft-Hartley Act, states can administer Right-to-Work laws, which prohibit employers and unions from colluding to require employees to join unions and / or pay dues as a condition of hiring or continued employment, and permit alternative unions to compete against well-established unions to represent workers.

   Proponents of Compulsory Unionism are apt to characterize laborers who do not pay dues to unions but continue to work as free-riders. Although the passage of Right-to-Work laws may have a negative effect on the extent of unionized employment, their passage has caused short-term increases in unionized employment.

   Legal recognition of particular unions’ exclusive rights to represent workers in negotiations with management limits the range of acceptable association between workers. It creates impediments to strikes, undermines the influence of small and new unions, and increases artificial scarcity in the labor market through the imposition of wage controls and licensing standards.

   Compulsory Unionism also increases the risk of conspiracies between agencies of government, capital, and labor to extract more taxes, profit, and dues from employees; and the risk that unions will allow free-rider problems to be created in order to improve their bargaining leverage, and cultivate a public reputation as being taken advantage of and as not encouraging parasitism or reward without contribution.

   How can the left claim to desire universal employment where every worker receives the full product of their labor, yet accept government creation of artificial scarcity in the job market by imposing licensing standards, and impose wage controls which prevent low-skilled workers from determining what the product of their labor is worth for their own subjective purposes?

   Why are some in the labor movement willing to tolerate corporate personhood for big business as long as unions and left-wing PACs retain the freedom to contribute inordinate amounts to political campaigns?

   Why are so many self-described anarchists who oppose monopoly and government violence willing to accept the government’s monopoly on legitimate force so long as the government uses preventive intimidation of taxpayers and capital to extend exclusive privileges to unions?

   Isn’t it time to free-up the market for the negotiation on behalf of labor, and allow new unions to compete without being sued by the established union?

For more entries on unions and collective bargaining, please visit:

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...