Showing posts with label corporation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporation. Show all posts

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Supporters of Free Markets Should Oppose Gifts of State Privilege to Property Owners

     Some free marketers don't know capitalism when they see it.
     1) Easy credit from the Federal Reserve,
     2) small business loans from the S.B.A.,
     3) incorporation as an L.L.C. (which confers privilege to be irresponsible of legal and financial liability),
     4) the granting of patents, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property rights,
     5) continued insurance of business accounts by the taxpayers (through the F.D.I.C.),
     6) giving trade promotions and protections,
     7) favorable professional regulation that has the benefit of shutting out established firms' competitors,
     8) sometimes even subsidizing and bailing out, and
     9) protecting physically with state employed police and military, and state licensed "private" security guards:

     These are all ways in which government protects each one of the businesses in this country. Not each business receives all of these, but nearly all receive at least a few.
     The taxpayers - a group which includes poor people, who pay sales taxes, income taxes, and innumerable opportunity costs - foot the bill in each stage of this process. Anyone who supports retaining the state's monopoly on these things, cannot be said to support competition, not free markets, nor true statelessness.
     Leaving aside the issue of whether and where it's legal to fully own property in the first place, anyone who is born without property is coerced into either foraging and homesteading for survival (if possible and legal), or else selling one's labor. Those are the only "legitimate" modes of survival which do not involve either theft or violating minor infractions which arguably criminalize victimless crimes.
     Aside from being coerced into "choosing" from among these, to whom we shall sell our labor, we are additionally coerced into relying upon established sellers for food and other products, because our foraging and homesteading options are limited, and because our ability to go into competition with those producers is limited by an regulations.
     And in a "free market capitalist" system with "minimal" regulations, "minimal" will be excused to justify any or all of the business privileges I have listed, based on the false assumption that capital is the source of wealth (rather than land and labor, which come prior to it).
     That idea, of course, is what leads to the notion that corporate tax credits are socialist. Because only someone so deluded as to think free markets must involve even "minimal" business supports (from the state), would argue that allowing corporations (which the public created) to keep more of the money it has stolen while maintaining its books with taxpayer backup, counts as giving workers collective ownership of those corporations.

For more information, please click the following link to read my previous article on this subject:

Originally Written on August 11
th, 2018
Edited on December 1st, 2018
Published on December 1st, 2018

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Viewing Legislation Through the Economic Lens

Written November 19th, 2010

   We must view all political issues as inherently economic in nature. Besides asking if a bill is constitutional, we must also ask how we will fund it and whether the methods and means by which we fund it are also constitutional. Besides requiring all future bills to cite in them the specific clauses which explicitly grant the congress the authority to pass such laws, I would support a federal balanced-budget amendment, which would prevent deficits and debt increases, requiring the government to either cut spending, raise taxes, borrow more, and / or print more money (the latter only as a last resort, however!).

   In that all political issues are inherently economic in nature, we must view government itself through the lens of economics. Government apparati are little other than contract-enforcement agencies; organizations which provide us security and justice for a fee, obligated to hold up their end of the bargain. The federal government behaves as a corporation that desires to become a monopoly. It sees states, local communities, and private security firms, and offers them legitimacy if only they will consent to take orders from, and become integrated into, the overarching, monolithic centralized power.

   The federal government is not at the top of the power structure. The people are. Just as the states can take back the powers which they have vested in the federal government, the people can take back the powers which they have vested in the state governments, and therefore the people can compel the states and congress to reclaim for they the people the powers which states and the congress have vested in the executive branch and in the president, especially those powers illegitimately and wrongfully appropriated to those who hold such positions.

For more entries on budgets, finance, debt, and the bailouts, please visit:

For more entries on taxation, please visit:

For more entries on theory of government, please visit:

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...