Showing posts with label Beatles memes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beatles memes. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2020

Explaining the Iran-Contra Scandal with a Beatles Meme

     The purpose of this article, and the below meme, is to explain which U.S. states played which roles in the Iran-Contra scandal. However, the roles which Iran and Nicaragua played in this scandal are outside the scope of this article.

Explanation: General, esp. Alabama

     Basically, Ohio was the "nuclear weapons components" hub of Iran-Contra, New Mexico was the
"nuclear weapons materials hub" (i.e., UF6 gas), Arkansas was the "cocaine hub" or "drug hub", and Alabama was the state from which aid for the Contras was shipped.

     Sources on Alabama:

Explanation: Ohio
     I included "That one friend who's always talking about how he wants to fly away" under Ohio, because the Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus, Ohio, housed the headquarters of Southern Air Transport, and airline that was outed as a front company for the C.I.A..
     Some researchers have alleged that Southern Air Transport has assisted in drug smuggling since the Vietnam War era. Some researchers also claim that the company operated the C-123 Globemaster cargo plane that was shot down in Nicaragua, which was outfitted with cameras by the C.I.A. at Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base. Jack Hood, a spokesman for the D.E.A., told the New York Times in 1986 that the plane was most likely used in the Barry Seal operation. (Source:
     The Rickenbacker International Airport was also used to import clothing from Hong Kong for The Limited Inc., owned by Leslie Wexner, one of Jeffrey Epstein's top two or three financiers.

Explanation: Ohio and New Mexico

     The following text is a copy of a portion of Section 11 from Part Three of my August 2019 article "What Jeffrey Epstein and Alan Dershowitz Have to Do with Israel, 9/11, the Saudis, and Iran". The original article is available at this link:

     Supposedly, Epstein's plane (the Lolita Express) would make flights between his home town of Palm Beach, Florida; Epstein's Zorro Ranch in New Mexico, and northern New Jersey's Teterboro Airport (near his Manhattan residence).
    On August 20th, 2019, CBS News reported that in February 2007, all the names in the flight logs of the Lolita Express (besides the names of pilot David Rodgers and his co-pilots) "dropped off the flight logs". In that report, Chris Maag stated that underage girls probably signed into the flight logs with their full names the first time they flew, but later signed in with their initials.
     Those researchers believe that Epstein's child sex trafficking ring is just the tip of the iceberg, and that international child sex trafficking is used to blackmail people for political support, in order to influence, most importantly, to where the flow of nuclear weapons is directed, as well as whom owns and controls lands which are rich in uranium. On August 15th, The New Republic published a piece enumerating many strange things about the surrounding areas of the Zorro Ranch and about New Mexico in general.
     George Webb and other researchers believe that Epstein's ownership of the Zorro Ranch in New Mexico, and the fact that Bill Richardson - former governor of New Mexico and Secretary of the Interior under Obama - was named by Virginia Giuffre (Epstein's most prominent accuser) as a co-defendant, suggest that New Mexico could be some sort of national nuclear materials trafficking hub, a distinction which it appears that the State of Ohio served in the 1980s as one of the legs of Iran Contra.

     This is a bit of speculation, but it would also make sense if New Mexico turned out to be a sex trafficking hub, in addition to a nuclear materials trafficking hub; first, because of Jeffrey Epstein's and Bill Richardson's activities there; and second, because in recent years, New Mexico (and Albuquerque in particular) been plagued with meth addiction; out-of-control crime rates; and one particularly horrific story of a young girl's drugging, rape, and murder.
     It's additionally possible that nuclear materials trafficking and sex trafficking are related, in regards to their relationships with not only the State of Ohio, but also with Jeffrey Epstein. That's because some researchers believe that Epstein not only trafficked children for sex and taught teenage girls to fly airplanes, but also that Epstein trafficked nuclear materials himself, including centrifuges - as well as UF6 gas (a uranium-based compound) - to Iran, during Iran-Contra.
     Iran-Contra had three "hubs": Ohio, Alabama, and Arkansas. It appears that Arkansas was the "drug hub", while Ohio was the "nuclear hub" in those days. It's not that the "nuclear hub" title has shifted from Ohio to New Mexico, however; New Mexico's Zorro Ranch is allegedly where Epstein flew to in order to add UF6 gas to the shipments of centrifuges which he acquired from the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant outside of Piketon, Ohio.
     Some researchers additionally suspect Epstein of flying nuclear materials to Saudi Arabia, and/or the United Arab Emirates, to be transported to Kish Island (a claim which implicates a relationship between the Epstein / nuclear scandal and the disappearance of former F.B.I. agent Robert Levinson. Levinson was arrested by Iranian authorities under suspicion of being a C.I.A. agent.
     Some researchers believe that Prescott Bush once owned a larger piece of property on which Zorro Ranch now sits.

Links on Arkansas's Role in Iran-Contra

     Arkansas was a "cocaine hub", a "drug hub", and a "drugs-for-weapons trading hub" in the Iran-Contra affair.

Meme Created on May 20th, 2020
Article Written and Published on May 22nd, 2020

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...