Sunday, April 20, 2014

Alliance Against Tripartism

Written on September 10, 2012
Edited in April 2014

   The Alliance Against Tripartism opposes the joint government / organized labor / organized capital interventions in the economy and in the law. 



   This group aims to promote:
   1) the increase of alternatives to the current prevailing institutional civic, societal, and economic establishments and statuses-quo,

   2) the deconstruction of - and secession from the control of - all structures and agreements supported or endorsed by the State which result in the bestowal of monopolistic and oligarchic privileges - and other forms of institutionalized special treatment - upon agencies of both business and labor alike; and

   3) the deconstruction of - and secession from the control of - all structures and agreements supported or endorsed by the State which result in oligarchical determination and enforcement of unfairly collaborative, collusive, and competitive negotiation and compromise between agencies of business and labor, as well as between classes,

   through the development of theory which synthesizes counter-economic, dual-power, gradualist, counter-cultural, counter-civic, and counter-political tactics,

   also integrates elements of Anarchism without Adjectives, other strains of synthesis anarchism, market anarchy, panarchy, the post-Left, insurrectionary anarchism, individualist anarchism, Mutualism, market socialism, neo-institutional economics, the neoclassicism of the Lausanne School, and social-threefolding studies of Rudolf Steiner and others,

   and reconciles expropriative and propertarian anarchism in a context of economically syncretic insurrectionalism.

   We support alliance with all those who oppose monopoly, oligarchy, autocracy, and dictatorship; stratocracy, class-collaboration, Mussolinian corporativism, neo-corporatism, the promotion of public-private-partnerships and social partnerships by so-called "centrist, Third-Way" neoliberal Keynesians; neoconservatism, protectionist mercantilism, and managerial Statism; state-monopoly capitalism, degenerated bureaucratic collectivism, totalitarian communism, national Bolshevism; national syndicalism, volkisch national socialism, ultra-nationalist populism; and feudalist guild-unionism, Third-Alternative, and Third Positionism.

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