The following text is based on an e-mail which I wrote to Charles Johnson, an employee of the Sierra Club, in response to his question about what Henry George and Land Value Taxation have to do with environmental policy and the affairs of the Sierra Club.
The original e-mail was roughly 1/3 the length of this text. I have expanded upon that e-mail where necessary to provide more details to the reader about the subjects discussed in that e-mail.
Henry George's Land Value Taxation (abbreviated L.V.T., formerly
known as the Single Tax) has much to do with environmental policy,
since it holds land as the focal point of economic discussion.
Land Value Taxation also holds land as the origin and source of all
value; and, in that, all taxable
value. Additionally, Land Value Taxation regards land as the
foundation upon which all labor and capital are combined, and mixed
together, and made into goods and services which have economic value.
Abraham Lincoln understood that
“labor is prior to, and independent of, capital”, but in addition
to this, Thomas Paine and Henry George understood that land
is prior to, and independent of, both labor and capital.
Liberal economists (such as Thomas
Piketty) and libertarian economists alike, consistently make the
mistakes of lumping-in certain types of land as if they were capital
(such as natural resources, and real estate), and lumping-in certain
types of labor as if
they were capital (such as entrepreneurship, “human capital”, and
slave labor).
But like other classical economists –
and like the Marginalists, and the followers of Proudhon, Paine, etc.
- Georgists are the rare
economists who understand that land, labor, and capital are distinct
factors of production, and that their importance comes in that order.
Without land, there is no labor. Without labor, there is no capital; and there is also no capital without land upon which labor can be undertaken and supported. And labor can't be supported, unless the land it works, is capable of sustaining human life; capable of sustaining the people who work to produce that capital.
Without land, there is no labor. Without labor, there is no capital; and there is also no capital without land upon which labor can be undertaken and supported. And labor can't be supported, unless the land it works, is capable of sustaining human life; capable of sustaining the people who work to produce that capital.
Land Value Taxation focuses on land
ownership, waste and destruction of land, and undeveloped properties.
A Georgist taxation regime would
see taxes levied (or, to use Georgists' own terminology, fees
on the basis of the cost it would take to return the land to its original stage, and/or on the basis of land usage by sheer area of untouched land.
Georgism would involve taxation of the value of land, based on the cost to the community and its markets of refraining from developing the property; not based on the value of the property according to the current model (i.e., land value plus the value of the developments on top of the land).
Land Value Taxation would involve no taxation of any structures built on top of the land, unless they are built or maintained at taxpayer expense. Nor would Land Value Taxation involve any taxation of the earning of income, nor of the buying and selling of goods, which occurs in and around those buildings.
Georgism would involve taxation of the value of land, based on the cost to the community and its markets of refraining from developing the property; not based on the value of the property according to the current model (i.e., land value plus the value of the developments on top of the land).
Land Value Taxation would involve no taxation of any structures built on top of the land, unless they are built or maintained at taxpayer expense. Nor would Land Value Taxation involve any taxation of the earning of income, nor of the buying and selling of goods, which occurs in and around those buildings.
Georgist taxation regime would also see fees levied against the
destruction of land, and against the waste of lands which would
otherwise be developed upon. Taxes would additionally be levied
against undeveloped properties, especially if they are being
maintained or protected at public expense.
the fact that undeveloped properties would be taxed at a high rate,
does not seem to have much to do with the environment at first
glance, it is worth noting that many undeveloped properties (and
developments which have ceased being developed) were abandoned
because of ecological hazards on-site and nearby.
On and near those
sites, these hazards prevent human settlement at adequate standards
of health and safety. In a Georgist paradigm, the owners of
hazardous, undeveloped, and blighted lands, would bear most of the
burden of taxes, in addition to owners of vast expanses of land which
are going to waste and could be used for development.
governments should make it their priority to clean up wasted and
toxic lands (and - if necessary - wasted, undeveloped, and toxic
buildings which rest upon those lands), in order to improve the
material quality of life for the poor who need land to survive (and
also for plants and animals).
currently have a tax code which – whether it intends to or not –
punishes productive activities, by taxing-away their product. These
productive activities include earning income, trading, buying,
selling, etc..
But do these behaviors deserve
to be taxed? What did ordinary earners and consumers do to merit this
punitive taxation; this taxing-away of all the gains they're trying
to obtain through their work and their purchases?
of the government trying to tax the rich, and to tax people on the
basis of how much income they earn or the value of the buildings they
own, and then spend that money cleaning up the environment and
retro-fitting buildings to be more green-friendly, local governments
should tax
environmental destruction, degradation, and waste directly. That's
because those destructive actions are the most important things that
we should be seeking to “punish” using the tax code.
only that; acts of environmental devastation should be treated as
crimes. Our
criminal code should punish only criminal and fraudulent activities,
and so should our tax code. Our tax code should not
look to make criminals of people who only intend to earn money while
doing no damage to valuable lands and waters in the process.
must stop taxing activities simply because they are happening, and we
must stop taxing goods simply because they are there and because they
are being traded, solely to justify spending (often on some
completely unrelated item). “If it moves, tax it” is hardly a
comprehensive-enough outline for how a taxation system ought to work.
taxation cannot help but have a punitive effect, then we must tax
behavior, not productive activities;
and, if possible, we must tax behaviors
and activities, not people. Think
of it as “Love the sinner, hate the sin”, but coming out sounding
more like “tax land, not man” when the concept is applied to
taxation policy.
person's income and home should not be confiscated, nor should they
be priced-out of their neighborhood by the tax code, just because
they happen to live on
top of the
private property of some actual
owner. Especially
not if that owner has not paid his fees to occupy that property, and
especially not if that owner exercises any sort of right to exclude
against the same public whose taxpayer funds keep that owner's
property investments afloat financially.
actual owners include landlords, property developers, local banks,
and foreign banks that hold municipal bonds in our communities. And
if you consider that the government is, ultimately, the true owner of
all land (since
it registers all property claims through the Recorder of Deeds'
offices, and issues or denies permits to access and develop lands),
the set of actual owners of land, which we would want our governments
to tax, include
those very same local governments themselves.
All developments to property,
and improvements upon property, should be untaxed, and should be 100%
the property of the people who built them. They should not
the property of the landlord nor the developer (to take away through
demanding a share of the value of all products grown or hewn on their land), nor the
property of the government (to take as much as it pleases through
taxes, fees, licenses, and permits).
Georgist economists estimate that approximately $7 trillion a year is
available to be taxed in uncollected land value, but the vast
majority of it is not being taxed. That's mostly because Land Value
Taxation would require governments to tax the actual
owners of
the land, rather than the tenants.
the uphill battle which will undoubtedly be involved in actualizing
the struggle for Land Value Taxation, the sheer amount of tax revenue
which will be yielded from taxing unimproved land, is serendipitously
convenient for its proponents. That's because $7 trillion a year,
happens to be (approximately) the same figure as the total spending
of all levels of American government combined (federal, state, and local).
this means is that, not only could Land Value Taxation conceivably
pay for our current level of government; it could potentially even
come to replace
all other taxes
the process of transitioning to a full L.V.T. system (and I believe
that it should).
are several Georgist organizations and publications which are active
throughout the country, such as the Council of Georgist
Organizations, the Henry George School of Social Science in Chicago,
the activist group Common Ground, and the Georgist blog
believe that it would significantly benefit environmental
organizations – including the Sierra Club – to promote Henry
George's ideas, and adopt Land Value Taxation as their preferred
taxation system, when it comes to making headway towards their wider
political and policy goals. For those environmental organizations
which are already working with other pro-environment interest groups,
and for those which are involved in lobbying for changes in
legislative policy, adopting George's ideas will be especially
the political influence could be mustered, if all
activist groups and interest groups
interested in saving the planet from catastrophe and decay, supported
the same common
set of principles
regarding the way we manage the environment; in addition to the
changes to taxation, land management, housing, the welfare system,
and other topics, which the adoption of George's ideas implies and
will necessitate.
organizations which are interested in preventing and punishing
ecological devastation – whether they are directly involved in
these efforts or not – should support Land Value Taxation, and
support its implementation in local governments across the country.
hope that environmentally conscious people come to see George's Land
Value Taxation as not only a necessary and helpful compromise between
socialism and capitalism, and a market-friendly solution to
environmental problems, but also as a set of economic proposals which
is perhaps more focused on land and the environment (and their
preservation) than any other economic system ever proposed.
hope that Georgism will enjoy the resurgence of popularity that it so
badly needs. I also hope that “Georgism” will cease being seen
solely as set of economic proposals or tax proposals, but instead as
a profoundly Earth-centered, land-centered economic system, which
would more appropriately be termed “geonomics”, or “Geoism”
(another alternate name of Georgism).
Those who wish to read my past articles about Georgism may visit the following links: (see pt. 9)
on June 25th, 2019
Published on June 26th,