Showing posts with label boycott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boycott. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

Why the Market Isn't Free, and Why Congress Should Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act: New PowerPoint Presentation and Video Available

      On Saturday, May 4th, 2024, I spoke at the free speech forum Chicago College of Complexes, for May Day, and explained why I believe that repealing the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act would result in greater freedoms for both consumers and workers, expanding both market and labor freedoms simultaneously. This presentation puts specific focus on how to expand the right to boycott.

     The video recording of that presentation is available at the following link, which leads to Chicago College of Complexes's YouTube channel, run by Tim Bolger.

     The link below contains the same video, located on my Rumble channel. [Remember to subscribe to my channel if you have a Rumble account if you like the content.]

     [Note: I apologize for the issue at 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 23 seconds; there is a gap in the video there because internet access was temporarily lost at that time.
     What was cut-out was my comment on the Citizens United ruling (regarding campaign finance reform). My full views on that ruling can be found in my March 2024 article, "Response to the Illinois Green Party's State Candidate Questionnaire for the 2024 Election", available at the following address:]

     On May 10th, I added several slides, and more information, to the PowerPoint presentation which I used to present on May 4th. Today, I am making that expanded PowerPoint presentation available for download here. It is a .pptx file.
     Click the following link in order to download my PowerPoint presentation "Why the Market Isn't Free: The Rigged Market / Rigged Economy, and Why Congress Should Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act":

Video of presentation at College of Complexes filmed on May 4th, 2024.

Video of presentation published to Tim Bolger's YouTube channel on May 6th, 2024.

PowerPoint presentation created between late April and May 10th, 2024.

PowerPoint first published to this blog on May 10th, 2024.

This article written on May 10th, 2024.

Expanded on May 16th, 2024.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Forty Legislative Reforms Which I Think Most Minor Parties and Independents Would Support

     1. End the wars and bring the troops home: Dismantle at least 800 overseas U.S. military bases, and drastically reduce the number of countries in which at least one U.S. troop is deployed (which is currently about 160).

     2. Repeal the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, repeal any and all A.U.M.F.s (Authorizations for the Use of Military Force) against Afghanistan and Iraq, and end the national state of emergency over the Korean conflict.

     3. Repeal or amend the War Powers Act, strictly requiring congressional declaration of war before troops can be deployed to a new country.

     4. End torturous “enhanced interrogation” and extraordinary rendition (illegal torture abroad).

     5. End warrantless wiretaps, and stop spying on American civilians and our allies abroad.

     6. End entangling alliances, end all foreign aid, and exit N.A.T.O. (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

     7. Prohibit the use of drone warfare, and the deployment of drones in foreign countries, without a congressional declaration of war (and, if possible, the host nation's permission).

     8. Abolish active registration for the Selective Service (i.e., military draft).
9. Repeal the “Clinton omnibus crime bill” (a/k/a the Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act of 1994) in its entirety.

     10. Ensure equal protection under the law: Stop denying due process and fair trials to terror suspects and suspected undocumented immigrants. If they're not made subject to our protections, then they shouldn't be held subject to our laws.

     11. Amend the 13th Amendment to prohibit involuntary servitude in all cases of punishment for committing victimless crimes.

     12. End police brutality by taking away police officers' rights to kill during unlawful arrest and “have sex with people in their custody” (i.e., raping people).

     13. Protect children by amending child trafficking laws, and making age of consent laws more uniform.

     14. Respect the principle that the just powers of government derive from the consent of the governed, by making participation in all government programs voluntary, and by repealing taxes on all harmless productive economic activities.

     15. Require that constitutional justification for all new bills and departments, must be included within the bill.

     16. Require sunset clauses for all new legislation, strictly adhering to the Constitution's two-year limitation for all military-related expenditures.

     17. Achieve free, fair, and open elections, by improving ballot access for minor parties and independents.

     18. Annually audit, and eventually end, the Federal Reserve System, sending its powers back to Congress. Additionally, ban Fractional Reserve Banking and prosecute it under anti-usury laws.

     19. Balance budgets, achieve fiscal solvency, and produce surplus budgets A.S.A.P. to pay down the debt.

     20. Let states experiment with Universal Basic Income, the Negative Income Tax, and state public banks.

     21. Let states and communities experiment with Land Value Taxation and Community Land Trusts.

     22. De-politicize issues related to science, medicine, the environment, technology, budgets, finance, banking, the judiciary, election fairness, governmental ethics, redistricting, the arts, etc..

     23. Protect the planet and the people over profits by creating a blueprint for ecologically sustainable production.

     24. Shorten medical patents, to allow generics to come onto the market sooner, to reduce medical prices.

     25. Reduce medical prices by eliminating unnecessary taxes on health goods and services.

     26. Legalize alternative medicine and make vaccines optional.

     27. Reduce medical costs by allowing non-profit medical organizations to operate tax-free.

     28. Let non-profits operate tax-free, because they cannot be taxed without being forced to operate at a loss.

     29. Clarify Roe v. Wade: Craft a nationwide amendment on abortion which clarifies the meaning of a “reasonable state restriction to abortion access”.

     30. De-politicize the issue of abortion by ending all involuntary taxpayer funding of abortion services.

     31. Legalize growing cannabis at home; in order to 1) lower marijuana prices, 2) eliminate all excuses for federal intervention in marijuana on interstate commerce grounds, and 3) eliminate the need for state licensing and permits for growing.

     32. Take cannabis / marijuana off of Schedule I, as it is not a drug that lacks legitimate medical uses.

     33. Fight for a free, fair, and open economy by eliminating all unfair subsidies to business, and by prohibiting government from contracting with monopolies.

     34. Increase the use of the federal government's antitrust power to break up monopolies.

     35. Amend the 1935 Wagner Act (N.L.R.A.) to make it easier to form a second union in a workplace or collective bargaining unit.

     36. Restore the full right to boycott, and engage in secondary labor actions, by repealing the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act.

     37. End the trade war, and re-negotiate N.A.F.T.A. so that importers and exporters are not unfairly targeted for taxation.

     38. Fix our nation's crumbling infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels, etc.), as long as areas other than the Bos-Wash corridor on the East Coast receive a fair share of transportation spending.

     39. Make the Postmaster General a cabinet-level position again, and allow the U.S. Postal Service to receive taxpayer funds.

     40. Help the poor, homeless, and refugees, by legalizing mutual aid. Remove barriers to providing humanitarian aid; by legalizing squatting and camping, lowering residency duration requirements in order to claim homesteading rights, etc.. Additionally, prohibit housing subsidies whenever and wherever the number of empty residences exceeds the number of people in need of permanent shelter.

     The set of proposals listed above were developed in connection with the policies I called for in my earlier outline of a platform for a yet-to-be-founded hypothetical Humanitarian Party. That platform can be viewed at the following link:

Written on August 30th and September 1st, 2020

Published on September 1st, 2020

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Letter to Jimmy Dore on Ron Paul and Free Markets

     I'm glad you've complimented Ron Paul for his consistent opposition to military intervention. It's regrettable that he's hired so many racist people to work and write for him, but I'm glad you're still willing to point out when he's right.
     I've heard you talk about interviewing Ron Paul, and supposedly proving him wrong about a free market system being possible and viable. I haven't seen that video. But I wanted to point out the following:
     Ron Paul has said that "we've never had free markets". There have certainly been times when free enterprise ownership and property ownership happened at higher rates, but that doesn't mean we had a fully free-market system.

     For example, on the border issue:
     While Paul may have a softly anti-immigration stance, he has also implied that if government were minimal or did not exist, then private property (and the risks involved in becoming a trespasser) would be the only thing stopping immigrants from coming to the United States.
     This could reasonably be construed to imply that in a free market society, individual property owners living along the border would be free to invite immigrants onto their property, and the government would be able to say little or nothing about it, because it would be fully private property, not the government's jurisdiction. As far as I know, America has never tried a system like that, with all property enforcement occurring voluntary (that is, unless you count vigilante border "protectors").
     It's also worth noting that there have rarely been times when the government both 1) adequately and effectively utilized its antitrust power against monopolies, and 2) declined to tax earned income.

     A real free market system would have no monopolies, no taxation of ordinary people's earnings, no state-controlled professional licensing systems, and most importantly, no government power to steal taxpayer money and then use that money to subsidize businesses and keep them afloat.
     Your point to Dr. Paul that "Markets have never regulated themselves" is perplexing. It's not that markets should be expected to regulate themselves. Consumers and workers are supposed to regulate the markets. By boycotting products they don't like, and companies which they feel are behaving unethically.
     But they're not able to fully boycott those products. First, because the Taft-Hartley Act prohibits secondary labor actions (i.e., coordinated boycotts which take place across multiple industries), and second, because subsidies exist (that is, government steals our money through taxes, and gives the money to its cronies in business).
     So we can try to put a company out of business through refraining from buying its products, but the government can just bail it out in order to save jobs. That may look like "capitalism", but it's not free-market, because it's government intervention in the economy. The fact that the intervention is for the benefit of businesses, should not sway free-market supporters towards capitalism, although regrettably it often does.

     I respect your opinion, but I believe that Ron Paul is right on this one. We have never tried free markets; we have never tried having government without monopolies; and most importantly, we have never tried depriving the government of its ability to bail out companies we don't like, insulate them from legal and financial risk, and deprive us of our freedom to have sustained, coordinated boycotts of private sector institutions which we don't wish to help fund.

Written on June 27th, 2019

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Over 500 Articles Accusing Millennials of Killing More Than 256 Industries and Products

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: Purpose of This Article
2. 7 Articles About Understanding Millennials' Purchasing and Eating Habits
3. 2 Articles Critical of Millennials' Financial Habits
2. 32 Articles Explaining the “Millennials Killing Industries” Phenomenon, and Millennials' Buying Habits
5. 14 Articles Applauding or Defending Millennials for Killing the Things They're Killing (Like Business, Businesses, and the Economy)
6. 9 Articles About Millennials' Brand Loyalty, or Millennials Killing Consumerism
7. 66 Articles About Millennials Killing Restaurants
8. 117 Articles About Millennials Killing Forms of Communication and Types of Social Relationships
9. 13 Articles About Millennials Killing Religious Traditions

10. 37 Articles About Millennials Killing Types of Homes and Household Items
. 83 Articles About Millennials Killing Food Items and Kitchen Accessories
12. 22 Articles About Millennials Killing Beverages and Drinking
13. 46 Articles About Millennials Killing Types of Clothing, and Clothing Brands and Retailers
14. 21 Articles About Millennials Killing Forms of Transportation, Travel, and Tourism
15. 28 Articles About Millennials Killing Forms of Entertainment, Sports, and Fitness

16. 17 Articles About Millennials Killing Forms of Education and Employment
17. 19 Articles About Millennials Killing Things Related to Business, Finance, Credit, and Insurance

18. 17 Articles About Millennials Killing America, the American Dream, Democracy, and Other Political Entities
19. 4 Articles About Millennials Killing Various Other Things
20. Full List of All 256 Things Millennials Have Been Accused of Killing
21. 6 Articles About Industries Millennials Are Saving or Helping


1. Introduction: Purpose of This Article

     I have written this article in an attempt to create the fullest possible list of all of the many items, products, restaurants, social activities, and other activities, which Millennials have been described as "boycotting".

     As far as I'm concerned, any notion that Millennials are "boycotting" anything, should require that they are doing so intentionally. From the perspective of companies involved in sales, and the marketing firms they hire, there is no difference between an intentional boycott, and an unintentional boycott (at least as far as the seller's bottom line is concerned).

     But there is a difference; many of the products listed herein are being boycotted by Millennials by choice, but because they cannot afford many of them. The following articles explain some of the economic woes of Millennials, especially as compared to other generations:
    When we talk of "Millennials killing industries", we should keep in mind Millennials' comparatively lower amount of disposable income.

     We should also keep in mind that many of the industries and brands which Millennials are "destroying" would not have been destroyed had they offered their customers either: 1) better products, without raising prices; 2) cheaper prices, without sacrificing quality, health, or safety; or 3) products of better price and better quality. To allow back-slide in either affordability or quality - especially both - is sure to lose customers.
     This is how price competition is supposed to work; you offer better products, better prices, or both, or you lose your customers. If you don't follow that model, then when all is said and done, you will be neither increasing - nor even maintaining - your level of rewards to your customers. Any firm that behaves like that, deserves to lose business, and lose customers.
     And most of those companies, are being boycotted by Millennials. And for good reason. God knows what other unethical behaviors they are up to, aside from their pricing models and quality controls. Labor exploitation? Animal testing? Toxic products? We deserve to know. Thankfully, there's an app for that, and it's called Buycott.

     I appreciate that this app exists, but I must add that I believe that full boycotts are impossible without doing all three of the following: 1) abolishing all departments of commerce, as well as all state-affiliated businessmen's and producers' associations; 2) abolishing the state's power to tax and then appropriate funds to businesses; and 3) repealing the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act.
     I say #3 because until the Taft-Hartley Act is repealed, boycotts cannot legally operate across multiple industries (nor can strikes). The idea that boycotts and strikes should be limited by the federal government has nothing to do with either socialism, the idea of a limited constitutional republic, nor a free society.
     On the other hand, aside from prosecuting people for tax evasion, there is no way to completely enforce a "boycott", because you can't literally force people to buy certain products, and frequent certain establishments.
     Or can you?

5. 14 Articles Applauding or Defending Millennials for Killing the Things They're Killing (Like Business, Businesses, and the Economy)
6. 9 Articles About Millennials' Brand Loyalty, or Millennials Killing Consumerism and Name Brands

7. 66 Articles About Millennials Killing Restaurants

Fast Food restaurants (including McDonald's, and its Big Mac and McWrap)

The casual dining industry / casual dine-in chain restaurants (incl. Red Robin, Maggiano's Little Italy, and more)

Buffalo Wild Wings

“Breastaurant” chains (incl. Hooters, Twin Peaks)

8. 117 Articles About Millennials Killing Forms of Communication and Types of Social Relationships
Cold calls / answering the phone when you don't know who is calling


“Going out” (incl. paying to gas up, park, get in, drink, and eat while out)
Diamonds and diamond jewelry, and demand for them [incl. DeBeers; see “Tiffany & Co.” under “diamonds” and “marriage” for more information]


Victoria's Secret


Middle children / having three children / three-child families

9. 13 Articles About Millennials Killing Religious Traditions

Churchgoing / churches and synagogues

Believing in God
Celebrating Christmas

Holiday office parties / Christmas office parties

10. 37 Articles About Millennials Killing Types of Homes and Household Items
Home ownership / house ownership (esp. ownership of “McMansions”)
Bar soap

11. 83 Articles About Millennials Killing Food Items and Kitchen Accessories
Cereal (incl. sugary cereals)

Mayonnaise (and other “identity condiments”)

American cheese
Paper napkins


Home-cooked meals and kitchens

Grocery stores / groceries

Meal kit services

Low-quality pet food

Food / the food industry

12. 22 Articles About Millennials Killing Beverages and Drinking

13. 46 Articles About Millennials Killing Types of Clothing, and Clothing Brands and Retailers

Fashion / high fashion and designer labels

“Aspirational designer brands” (Kors, Ralph Lauren, Aeropostale, Tiffany & Co., Calvin Klein, Cartier)

14. 21 Articles About Millennials Killing Forms of Transportation, Travel, and Tourism


Tourism and travel marketing

The car/auto industry (incl. “the American car”, Fiat, the Chevrolet Volt, and the Toyota Scion)

15. 28 Articles About Millennials Killing Forms of Entertainment, Sports, and Fitness

The Apple iPod

16. 17 Articles About Millennials Killing Things Related to Education and Employment

The value of a college degree
What will Millennials boycott next?
Will they wear bathrobes to their college graduations,
and boycott traditional college graduation gowns?
Or will they boycott traditional college experiences altogether,
or even education as we know it?

17. 19 Articles About Millennials Killing Things Related to Business, Finance, Credit, and Insurance

Savings accounts (supposedly)

Life insurance

Health insurance

The stock market

The treasury system


18. 17 Articles About Millennials Killing America, the American Dream, Democracy, and Other Political Entities


19. 6 Articles About Millennials Killing Various Other Things

The "millennial-killing industry"

The "millennials writing 'millennials killing industry' industry"
[Author's note: I saw an article, or maybe it was a random tweet, that said Millennials are destroying the market for articles about the many industries that Millennials are killing. I hope that I have fulfilled this need, and while parts of me hopes that this will be the last word I'll have to say on the subject, I know that there are more products and industries with unethical practices which deserve to be boycotted by Millennials. I just hope that it won't have to occur through Millennials becoming unable to afford even more of the things they want to buy (in addition to the things they don't mind being unable to afford).

20. Full List of All 256 Things Millennials Have Been Accused of Killing

1. Business
2. Businesses
3. Consumerism
4. Brand names
5. Brand loyalty
6. Loyalty programs
7. The economy
8. Unethical companies
9. Fast food restaurants
10. McDonald's
11. McDonald's Big Mac
12. McDonald's McWrap
13. Restaurants
14. Casual dine-in chain restaurants
15. Denny's
16. T.G.I. Friday's
17. Ruby Tuesday's
18. Applebee's
19. Chili's
20. Buffalo Wild Wings
21. Outback Steakhouse
22. Texas Roadhouse
23. Red Robin
24. Maggiano's Little Italy
25. “Breastaurant” chains
26. Hooters
27. Twin Peaks
28. The Cheesecake Factory
29. Houlihan's
30. IHOP
31. Pizza Hut
32. Handshakes
33. Doorbells
34. Serial killers
35. Cold calling marketing tactics
36. Cold calls / answering the phone when you don't know who is calling
37. Radio
38. Amateur radio
39. Ham radio
40. Phone calls
41. Landline phones
42. Call center productivity
43. Manners / class / politeness / decency
44. Face to face interaction
45. Newspapers / the print news industry
46. Professional photography
47. Kodak
48. Twitter
49. Respecting your elders
50. Brunch
51. Lunch
52. Going out
53. Dinner dates
54. Serendipity
55. Dating
56. Relationships
57. Diamonds (and demand for them)
58. Diamond jewelry
59. Traditional weddings
60. Stationary weddings
61. Bridal boutiques
62. David's Bridal
63. Marriage
64. Honeymoons
65. Sex / having sex
66. Breasts
67. Brassieres
68. Victoria's Secret
69. Porn
70. Traditional baby names
71. Having children / childbirth
72. Middle children / three-child families / having three children
73. Children's toys
74. Divorce
75. Divorce rates
76. The divorce industry
77. Themselves (supposedly)
78. Churchgoing
79. Churches
80. Synagogues
81. Believing in God
82. Celebrating Christmas (incl. saying “Merry Christmas”)
83. Holiday office parties / Christmas office parties
84. Exorcism
85. Starter homes
86. The U.S. housing market
87. Home ownership / house ownership
88. Ownership of “McMansions”
89. Home improvement stores
90. Home Depot
91. Lowe's
92. Hardware stores
93. Kenmore
94. Bed, Bath, and Beyond
95. Top sheets
96. Fabric softener
97. Bar soap
98. Razors
99. Cereal
100. Sugary cereals
101. Wheaties
102. Kellogg's cereal
103. General Mills cereal
104. Can openers
105. The canned tuna industry
106. Bread
107. Mayonnaise
108. Yogurt (“spoonable” and “old school”)
109. Light yogurt
110. Yoplait yogurt
111. American cheese
112. The dairy industry
113. Large turkeys
114. Potatoes
115. Fray Bentos canned pies
116. Campbell's soup
117. Newman's Own
118. Raisins / the raisin industry
119. Sun-Maid / American “Big Raisin”
120. Avocadoes
121. Jell-O
122. Chef Boyardee
123. Slim-Fast
124. Marmalade
125. “Identity condiments”
126. Paper napkins
127. Stoves
128. Home-cooked meals
129. Kitchens
130. Grocery stores / groceries
131. Meal kit services
132. Low-quality pet food
133. The food industry
134. Food
135. Soda
136. Coca-Cola
137. Diet Coke
138. Pepsi
139. Diet Pepsi
140. The mass-market beer industry
141. Budweiser
142. Coors
143. Miller
144. Bars / pubs
145. D.U.I.s
146. Drinking
147. Wine
148. Wine corks
149. Fashion / high fashion and designer labels
150. The dress code
151. Traditional “brick and mortar” department stores and retailers
152. The mall (supposedly)
153. “Aspirational designer brands” (of clothing, fashion accessories, and jewelry)
154. Designer handbags
155. Michael Kors
156. Coach
157. Kate Spade
158. Aeropostale
159. Hollister
160. Ralph Lauren
161. Tiffany & Co.
162. Calvin Klein
163. Cartier
164. CostCo
165. Macy's
166. Sears
168. K-Mart
169. J. Crew
170. Abercrombie & Fitch
171. The Gap
172. Nordstrom
173. Kohl's
174. Stilettos
175. Crocs
176. Payless ShoeSource
177. Vacations
178. Tourism
179. The Canadian tourism industry
180. Travel marketing
181. Hotels
182. Hotel loyalty programs
183. The hospitality industry
185. Cruises
186. Transportation
187. The auto industry
187. Cars
189. The American car
190. Fiat
191. The Chevrolet Volt
192. The Toyota Scion
193. Motorcycles
194. Harley-Davidson
195. Road cycling
196. Running / “the running boom”
197. The Apple iPod
198. Cable television
199. “Hangout sitcoms”
200. Friends (TV show)
201. Movie theaters
202. The movie business
203. Golf
204. Country clubs
205. The Olympics
206. Professional football / the N.F.L.
207. College football
208. Sports / watching sports
209. E.S.P.N.
210. Gyms
211. 24-Hour Fitness
212. Snap Fitness
213. New York Sports Club
214. The lottery
215. Casinos
216. Gambling
217. College graduation gowns
218. College textbooks
219. The value of a college degree
220. Education / “education as we know it”
221. The suit
222. The 9-to-5 workday
223. Entry-level wage labor
224. The oil and gas industry (and oil and gas jobs)
225. Not discussing pay
226. Their bosses
227. The workforce
228. Cash
229. Banks (traditional banks with physical locations)
230. The banking industry
231. Savings accounts (supposedly)
232. Credit
233. Credit cards
234. Health insurance
235. Primary care
236. Life insurance
237. The stock market
238. The treasury system
239. Focus groups

240. Crowdfunding
241. Risk-taking
242. The American Dream
243. Saving for retirement and real estate
244. Politics / democracy
245. The Democratic Party
246. The Republican Party
247. America
248. Patriotism
249. Outdoor protests / street activism
250. The European Union
251. Oil / the oil industry
252. The war industry
253. The anti-aging industry
254. Boxes
255. The “millennial-killing industry”
256. The “millennials writing 'millennials killing industries' industry”

Links collected between 2017 and May 15th, 2019,
and compiled between May 13th and 16th, 2019

Published on May 15th, 2019

Introduction written on May 22nd, 2019
Edited, Expanded, and Completed on May 22nd, 2019

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...