Showing posts with label Gnostic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gnostic. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2019

Eighty-Four Religious Texts Not Included in the King James Version of the Bible (Incomplete)

     I have compiled this list of antilegomena, Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, so as to include:

     1) texts which were omitted from the King James Bible (i.e., the "normal books" of the Bible, or homologoumena, or anagignoskomena),
     2) texts which pertain to hermetic Christian and Jewish religious tradition but were never considered for inclusion in that Bible,
     3) other hermetic texts which could, just as well, have been included in the Bible, if the texts in #2 had been included, and
     4) books which are accepted as parts of the Bible by certain sects of Christianity, but not by others.

     The term pseudepigrapha refers to texts which are not formally considered to be considered part of accepted scripture; and/or to texts, the genuineness of whose origin, is doubtful. The term Apocrypha refers to probably falsely attributed texts composed by Christian patriarchs around the year 200 C.E.. The Roman Catholic Church calls the Apocrypha "Deuterocanonical Books".

     Due to my limited knowledge on this subject, I cannot include any more information than I include below. If I knew more, I would at least make a note as to whether these texts exist in the first place. Some do, and some don't; while (I would suspect) others exist in part, and there are disputes about others.
     I have organized this list as close to chronological order as I am aware. I'm positive that it's not correct, because I have not looked at any specific information estimating how long ago these texts originated.

     What follows is a list of hermetic Jewish and Christian texts, which would have been in the Old and New Testaments had they been included in the Bible. I have also included a short list of books which are likely to have much more information on these subjects.
     If I accidentally included a text that is in the K.J.V., then (at least I hope) it is probably a text that is still worth inclusion here, because it is not in all Bibles (and is accepted as part of the Bible by some Christian traditions or sects, but not by others).
     I would like to have included texts from Islam, and from non-Abrahamic religions and traditions (as well as texts regarding the Babylonian Talmud and Jerusalem Talmud), but those topics will have to lie beyond the scope of this article.

     You can find out more about hermetic religious topics by visiting the following link:

     And watch these videos to learn some background on pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha:

     Please feel free to comment below, or email me at, if you have any comments or questions on these subjects; or any suggestions as to how to correct the chronological order of the texts. I would appreciate it if readers would share any links to reliable information about the origin of scriptural texts, whether included in the K.J.V. (King James Version) or not.

Old Testament Era

1. The Dead Sea Scrolls
      (including the Damascus Document / Cairo Damascus document / Damascus Rule;

2. The texts of the Nag Hammadi Library
     (Note: These include:
          - "The Thunder, Perfect Mind", edited by George McRae;
          - "The Gospel of Truth" (which tells of Jesus as not a created being);
          - "The Gospel of Philip")

3. The Story of Lilith
     (Note: This is a sort of prologue to the Book of Genesis, which is included in some Jewish Bibles)

4. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Books of Enoch

5. The Book of Knowledge / The Key of Enoch

6. "The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses"

7. Kaballah
     (Note: Kaballah is not a single book, but a set of texts which includes The Zohar, and texts regarding the Hebrew gematria.)

8. The Book of Lamech

9. Twelve Patriarchs

10. Prayer of Joseph

11. Eldad and Modad

12. Testament of Moses

13. Assumption of Moses

14. Psalms of Solomon / Song of Solomon / Book of Wisdom

15. Apocalypse of Elijah

16. Ascension of Elijah

17. Apocalypse of Zephaniah

18. Apocalypse of Zechariah

19. Apocalyptic Ezra

20. 1st and 2nd Books of Esdras

21. The Songs of the Three Holy Children

22. The History of Susana

23. "Bel and the Dragon"

24. The Prayer for Manasses

25. The Book of Ezekiel

26. The Book of Proverbs

Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical Books
     (Between the Old and New Testament eras; included in the Septuagint)

27. The Book of Tobit

28. The Book of Judith

29. The Book of Baruch / "Baruch, with the Epistle Jeremy"

30. The Wisdom of Solomon / The Book of Wisdom

31. Sirach / Wisdom of Sirach / The Book of Sirach / the Book of Ecclesiasticus
     (The Book of the All-Virtuous Wisdom of Yeshua ben Sira

32. 1st and 2nd Books of Maccabees

33. The Book of Daniel

34. The Book of Esther
     (remnants exist, one reason for exclusion is that it doesn't use the name of G-d)

New Testament Era

35. The Book of Jude (includes quotes from the Book of Enoch)

36. The Gospel of the Hebrews / The Gospel of the Nazarenes (might not exist)

37. The Gospel According to Jesus

38. The Gospel of Judas

39. The Gospel of Thomas / The Gospel of Thomas Didymus (or Didymos, or Didymos Judas)
     (Note: There may be more than one books of Thomas. Also, the Gospel of Thomas could not possibly have been written by Thomas.)

40. Gospel of Thomas, Son of Jesus

41. Rumored gospels of Christ, consisting of testimony by any of the "brothers" of Jesus named in the Book of Mark and the Book of Matthew.
     (Note: In those gospels, the brothers of Jesus - whether this means metaphorical brothers or actual blood siblings - include James, Joses/Joseph, Judas, Simon, and several unnamed sisters.)

42. Rumored gospels supposedly written by a twin brother of Jesus.
     (Note: Such a text, if it exists, may or may not be the same as one or more of the texts described in #39 and #41, above. Also, texts supposedly exist which further claim that a brother of Jesus - maybe even an identical twin brother - took Jesus's place on the cross, while the real Jesus went to Asia and learned about Eastern religions, including Buddhism, and maybe even martial arts.

43. Rumored texts alleging that Jesus turned water to wine by swallowing grapes and water, and using his own vomit to ferment the grapes and water into wine.
     (Note: I was told that the book The Bible As History discusses this possibility.)

44. Rumored texts alleging that Jesus killed another child when they were both young boys.

45. The Gospel of Mary, Mother of Jesus
     (Note: A text called the Gospel of Mary may be the testimony of the mother of Jesus or Mary Magdalene. Also, if gospels of Mary Mother of Jesus exist, there may be more than one of them.)

46. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
     (Note: if the Gospel of Mary is the testimony of Jesus's mother, then it is less likely that the Gospel of Mary Magdalene exists, but still not impossible that a separate Gospel of Mary Magdalene exists, nonetheless.)

47. The Gospel of Peter
     (which tells of Jesus's mother Mary as remaining a virgin throughout her life)

48. I and II Peter / The First and Second Books of Peter / The 1st and 2nd Epistles of Peter
     (the author of the second book is almost certainly not Peter, however)

49. The Apocalypse of Peter

50-55. The Galasian Decree, incl.
     50. Acts of Peter
     51. Acts of Philip
     52. Gospel of Matthias
     53. Gospel According to Barnabas (no texts may exist, but Epistle of Barnabas is a relevant text)

     54. Gospel of Peter the Apostle
     55. Gospel of James the Less (which is probably the same thing as The Protoevangelium of James / The Infancy Gospel of James)

56. The History of James

     (Note: may or may not be the same as #41 &/or #55.)

57. The Didache

58. The Itinerary and Teaching of the Apostles

59. The Epistle of Barnabas

60. Acts of Paul

61. Apocalypse of Paul

62. Didascalia of Clement / Teachings of Clement / Ordinances of the Holy Apostles Through Clement / The Apostolic Constitutions

63. Didascalia of Ignatius / Teachings of Ignatius

64. Didascalia of Polycarp / Teachings of Polycarp

After New Testament Era, incl. 1st-4th Centuries and Renaissance Era

65. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs

66. The Apocryphon of John / The Secret Book of John

67. The Book of Revelation / The Revelation to John / The Apocalypse of John / The Revelation of Jesus Christ

68. The First, Second, and Third Epistles of John

69. The Book of Jubilees

70. The Pseudo-Clementine Pieces (incl. Paul's Letters)

71. The Hermetica / The Corpus Hermeticum
     (Note: These texts are Egyptian-Greek texts from the 2nd century C.E., are attributed to Hermes Trimegistus ("Thrice-Great Hermes"), and include 18 chapters. Among these are the Emerald Tablet (also known as the Emerald Tablet of Thoth, the Smaragdine Tablet, and Tabula Smaragdina), and The Discourses of Isis to Horus.
     There is also a book called The Kybalion, claimed to be written under influence of Hermes Trimegistus, which was published in 1908:

72-74. The Three Rosicrucian Manifestos, incl.
          72. Fama Fraternatis (Rosae Crucis [oder Die Bruderschaft des Ordens der Rosenkreuzer])
          73. The Confessio (Fraternatis) / Confessio oder Bekenntnis der Societat und Bruderschaft                     Rosenkreuz)
          74. The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz

75. The Book of Mormon
     (book of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)

Alternative Bibles, and Modern Books, Containing Sets of Scriptural Texts
Which are Significantly Different from the King James Version of the Bible

76. "The Jefferson Bible" (The Moral Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth by Thomas Jefferson)

77. The Aitken Bible (early American Bible)

78. The Bible As History

79. The Pre-Nicene New Testament: Fifty-Four Formative Texts

80. "The List of Sixty" (books; from the 7th century C.E.)

81. The Coptic Bible (which contains 109 or 111 books, including the Pistis Sophia, and The Gospel of Truth)

82. The Ethiopian Bible

83. The Catholic Bible

84. The Orthodox Bible

     This is only a partial list. Please see the following links to learn more.

Compiled in 2018 and early 2019

Published on March 22nd, 2019

Edited and Expanded on April 18th and 30th, 2019,
and January 17th, 2021

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sixty-Seven Topics in Esoteric and Hermetic Spiritual Thought

1. Secret Societies (esp. Freemasonry and the Bavarian Illuminati, and their roles in the founding of the United States)

2. Bohemian Grove and the Cremation of Care ceremony

3. Skull and Bones (secret society at Yale)

4. The Twelve Apostles as Symbols for the Zodiac, and Christian Sun Worship (esp. as explained by Thomas Paine); and also the twelve cranial nerves as symbols for the twelve apostles (esp. as explained by Santos Bonacci)

5. Pagan Origins of Christmas and Easter

6. Caesar and Venus Worship

7. Luciferianism (incl. Lucifer vs. Satan, Lucifer vs. Jesus, and Iblis in Islam)

8. The Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.)

9. Lost Gospels, Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha
     (for more information on #9 and #10, see the following link:

10. The Books of Enoch (I, II, and III), Angelology, and the Nephilim

11. The Annunaki

12. Ezekiel, Ezekiel's Description of G-d's Chariot, and Merkabah Mysticism

13. The Last Scion (and relationship to the Divine Right of Kings and the idea of a Holy Empire)

14. The Rosicrucians (incl. the A.M.O.R.C.)

15. "Royal Blood, Holy Grail" & "Holy Blood, Holy Grail"

16. Alchemy and Christian Rosenkreutz

17. The Planets as Symbols for Elements (esp. Mercury)

18. The Music of the Spheres

19. Fertility Cults and Nature Religions

20. Ancestor Worship, Santeria, and "Saint Worship"

21. Pan, Pantheism, Animism, and Panentheism

22. Entheogens (incl. Genesis 1:29)

23. Sex Magick

24. Krampus and Black Peter

25. Alistair Crowley and Thelema

26. Geomancy

27. Life Energy (incl. Chi and Orgone Energy)

28. Planet and Star Worship

29. Saturn, Satan, and Set Worship (incl. the Hexagon on Saturn)

30. The Devil as the "Lord of the Flies" (Ba'al and Pazuzu)

31. Books of the Dead (incl. Egyptian, Tibetan, Necronomicon)

32. Necromancy

33. The Spiritual Meaning of the Number 6 and the Star of David (or "Israel star") (including "Star Numbers")

34. The Star of David as a sum of its components (i.e., the Chevron and Chalice, and the letters of the Aleph-Bet)

35. The religious symbolism of the Black Cube (which has to do with Saturn worship)

36. The Qa'Ba (or Ka'ba; in Mecca, Saudi Arabia; Muslims circumambulate around it in mimicry of the rings of Saturn)

37. Tefillin (black boxes containing Jewish prayer scrolls, worn by some Jews during prayer)

38. The Kabbalah (and the Babylonian Talmud)

40. Theosis and Christosis

41. Christian Cabalism, and Coptic and Gnostic Christian Thought

42. Sacred Geometry (incl. the Golden Ratio / Golden Mean)

43. The occurrence of the number 29 in the mathematics of physics and planetary relationships, including:
     - the latitude of the Great Pyramid of Giza, expressed in degrees;
     - the speed of light, expressed in meters per second squared;
     - the number of Earth days in a lunar month; and
     - the length of the Saturnian year, expressed in Earth years. And also:
     - the number of times the phrase "Lamb of God" is mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

44. Greek Isopsephy, Pythagorean Numerology, and Chaldean Numerology

45. Gematria (incl.:
     - Hebrew Gematria / Alephbet;
     - the "English Simple Gematria" [and the relationship of this phrase to the number 74];
     - Greek "gematria" / Greek isopsephy / Pythagorean numerology;
     - Masonic numerology)

46. The Number 666 (and its relevance to the book of Revelation, and also the 66.6-degree tilt of the Earth from spinning on its side)

47. The Number 23 (the "Chaos Number"; incl. Eris, Discordianism, and the Principia Discordia)

48. Chaos Magick (incl. sigil magick, scrying, casting lots, etc.)

49. The Sefirot

50. Trees of Life (incl. the Sefer Yetzirah in Judaism, and Yggdrasil in Norse religion)

51. Hermes, Hermeticism, the Corpus Hermeticum, and the prisca theologica

52. "Corpus Mysticum"

53. Avatars and Emanations (incl. of the Buddha. Also, the Holy Spirit and how it pertains to the meaning of the root "phan" in "hierophant", "phantom", and "epiphany")

54. The Theotokos

55. Tzevakot (the full meaning of the many names of G-d; and also, its gematric value, 1165, which is 233 [the gematric value of the Tree of Life] plus 972 [the gematric value of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil])

56. Theosophy (see also: Madame Helena Blavatsky, and Rudolf Steiner)

57. The Dead Sea Scrolls (incl. The Thunder, Perfect Mind, The Gospel of Truth, and the Gospel of Philip)

58. The Torah Codes / Hebrew Codes (incl. Equidistant Letter Sequences [E.L.S.s] and the use of Jewish cryptanalysts to help the Allies win WWII)

59. Oracles (including the Tarot, the Oracle at Delphi, Elsie Wheeler's Sabian Symbols, and the Ouija board)

60. Meaning of Abracadabra, esp. in ancient languages (see also: meaning and origin of the phrase "Avada Kedavra" in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter)

61. The Eye of Horus (and the Pineal Gland ["Third Eye"])

62. Moloch, Melek Taus, the Yazidi religion, and the Spiritual Symbolism of Peacock Feathers (esp. the Eye of the Peacock Feather)

63. The Malocchio, the Cuckold, and the Winged Phallus

64. Axis Mundi (and the Foundation Stone / Pierced Stone in the Dome of the Rock, in Jerusalem; see also "T&O maps" which had Jerusalem at the center of a circular world)

65. The Number 33 (years in Jesus's life, degrees in Masonry, and vertebra in the human spine)

66. Jacob's Ladder (and its relationship to Axis Mundi, and symbolism as it pertains to human anatomy)

67. Flat Earth Theory (esp. as defended in the context of Biblical texts supporting Flat Earth Theory), and also Hollow Earth Cosmogony (incl. its endorsement by the Nazis). (Esp. see Santos Bonacci's explanation of torus, hyperbole, and Hyperborea; and the relationship of the torus to electromagnetism, Biblical symbolism, and Jacob's Ladder).

Compiled in 2018
Originally Published on March 20th, 2019
Edited and Expanded on March 21st, 22nd, 26th, and 27th, and April 18th, 2019

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...