Thursday, February 18, 2021

Were Will Arnett and Amy Poehler a Pedowood Power Couple?

    The following text is an excerpt from a previous article. The full excerpt focused on various scandals surrounding the comic actor Aziz Ansari.
     The article below examines the arguably pedophilic jokes made by Will Arnett, his ex-wife Amy Poehler (to whom Arnett was married from 2003 to 2016), and their co-stars.

     The following text originally appeared in my February 2021 article “Twenty-One Politicians and Celebrities Who May Be Indian R.S.S. Agents”. The full article can be read at the link below:

Amy Poehler and now ex-husband Will Arnett

     Parks and Recreation is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia, first, because Aziz was on the show  (he played a character named Tom Haverford), but additionally, because the show stars Amy Poehler.

     In Mean Girls, Poehler who played a mother who passively excuses teen drinking, as long as it's supervised by adults and occurring in the home. The film was arguably lampooning or mocking mothers like that, but Poe's Law dictates that it is unclear whether something is satire unless it's explicitly stated that it is satire. Poehler and her character have effectively taught a generation of American mothers to enable and ignore drinking, and possibly even sex, that's occurring under their own roofs. This rationalization is based on the premise that teen drinking and sex are inevitable, and would happen somewhere else in a more dangerous scenario, if not for parents hosting those behaviors and turning a blind eye to them.

     Amy Poehler also once appeared as a pre-teen girl at a slumber party, in a Saturday Night Live sketch, who was being mercilessly bullied by the other girls, who were spreading the rumor that she stuck frozen hot dogs up her “nooners”.
     There are numerous examples of Saturday Night Live sketches that poke fun at child molestation, incest, and teens wanting to date "older guys", and their friends' fathers.


     From 2003 until 2016, Amy Poehler was married to Will Arnett, the star of Arrested Development and Cartoon Network's BoJack Horseman.
     Jason Bateman was Arnett's co-star in 
Arrested Development. Bateman also appeared in Juno. The film Juno arguably normalizes teen pregnancy, and it also contains a scene in which Bateman's character dances with Ellen Page's character. It is difficult, for an innocent young adult, to immediately notice that the way Bateman's character hit on Juno was completely inappropriate, because the film is sort of shot from a teenager's perspective. The film puts on the guise of an anti- teen-pregnancy - and an anti- adults-hitting-on-teenagers - film, but Bateman's character suffers only minor consequences for his actions (i.e., his wife divorces him). The film is certainly not against teenage boys having sex with teenage girls, nor is it strongly against adults hitting on teenage girls.

     Will Arnett, who co-starred with Bateman in 
Arrested Development, is now perhaps best known for his show BoJack Horseman, on Cartoon Network. BoJack is a cartoon about a horse who is basically Bob Saget from Full House, except washed up and trying to have sex with the girl who plays his daughter. That character is named Sarah Lynn, played by Kristen Schaal. Sarah Lynn becomes a Britney Spears -type character, develops sex and drug addictions, and eventually dies of a drug overdose at the age of 31. When she played BoJack's daughter, BoJack's character called Sarah Lynn "my prickly muffin" affectionately, and then, when Sarah Lynn becomes a sexed-up pop star, she releases a song that features her singing about her vagina and calling it "my prickly muffin".

None of that is creepy if the show's intention is to make people aware that Hollywood is a sick industry. And it clearly is; the show even features a character named "Barry Richardson", a nod to sexual harasser and photographer Terry Richardson.
     But Will Arnett 
also appeared in the 2018 film Show Dogs, which critics described as featuring a scene intended to teach children to accept unwanted genital touching. Arnett plays the owner of a dog, voiced by Ludacris, who is touched by a judge, and has to go to his "Zen place" to avoid being bothered by it.

     Given all of these facts, it's hard not to suspect that Will Arnett and Amy Poehler might have been a "Pedowood [Pedo Hollywood] power couple".
     Even if they are not pedophiles, then they are clearly insensitive about child sexual abuse; enough to have considered it a laughing matter multiple times, and to have worked with so many other people in the industry who have played pedophiles and/or been accused of pedophilia themselves.

     Post-Script, Written on February 18th, 2021:

     The article below reveals that Arnett and Poehler have children together, and also that Poehler dated comic actor Nick Kroll from 2013 to 2015:

     In my previous article about R.S.S. spies, Aziz Ansari, and Ansari's connections to other actors, I explained that Ansari worked with Kroll, and that Kroll produced the show Big Mouth, which features numerous "cringe-worthy" jokes about puberty and child sexuality.

     Why Amy Poehler would divorce one actor who has joked about pedophilia numerous times (and appeared in a grooming movie for kids), in order to date another actor who has joked about child sexuality multiple times (and produced a cartoon about it), has yet to be determined.
     But it certainly doesn't seem absurd to suggest that Poehler has no problem with men who make creepy comedy involving children and sex. If Poehler is not a pedophile, then she at least has no qualms about joking about pedophilia, nor about associating with - and even dating - people who make such jokes.

Original excerpt written on February 4th, 9th, 14th, and 16th, 2021
and Edited on February 18th, 2021

This article was first published on February 18th, 2021

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