Thursday, February 11, 2021

Three Posts That Show I Was Talking About Government-Supported Child Trafficking Back in 2011

1. My February 2011 infographic "Web of Conspiracy"

     In the infographic linked below, I identified "pedophilia", "child sex trafficking", and "child sex slavery" as connected to DynCorp, forced child labor, the Franklin cover-up, Project Monarch and MK-ULTRA, Hunter S. Thompson and Bohemian Grove.

2. My February 2012 article / campaign speech "On Scott Walker and Government Secrecy"

     In the speech linked below, I wrote the following:

     "What is your registration of birth but a contract signed by your parents to permit the government to repossess you if its deems your parents’ level of parental care to be below some standard set intentionally high so as to excuse your kidnapping by Child Protective Services, which studies have shown to have much higher rates of physical and sexual abuse than does the general public?"

3. My August 2020 video "I Knew About Jeffrey Epstein in 2011 (and Wanted Him Dead)"

     In the video linked below, I explained that I became aware of Jeffrey Epstein - and other Israeli spies - way back in 2011, through reading articles on the website of the British newspaper The Guardian. I show a document, unaltered since 2011, which proves that I had a list of traitors and spies I wanted dead in 2011, which included Epstein.

Compiled and Written on February 11th, 2021

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Links to Infographics and Other Resources Regarding the C.D.C.'s Vaccination and Immunization Schedule

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