Thursday, February 4, 2021

Twenty-One Politicians and Celebrities Who May Be Indian R.S.S. Agents

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Nine Politicians
III. A Political Filmmaker
IV. Nine People in Hollywood
V. Two Businessmen
VI. Conclusion
VII. Post-Script


I. Introduction

     The R.S.S. is an Indian nationalist group that is loyal to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has been criticized as a racist. R.S.S. stands for Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh, which translates to "national volunteer organization".
     The R.S.S. has been described as a paramilitary group. Its membership is limited to males only. These facts should be extremely concerning to anyone who is aware of the threat posed to women and girls in the country; in terms of human trafficking for purposes of sex and forced labor.
     For the R.S.S., and Modi's regime, to retain power, potentially means continued loss of freedom for women and girls seeking to protect themselves from rape and forced marriage.

      The following is an explanation of why I believe that eight American politicians, one political filmmaker, nine people in Hollywood, and two businessmen, may be working for the R.S.S..

     I apologize if any of this seems accusatory, unfair, or racist. I am not positive that every single one of the people mentioned in this article are spies for India or working for the R.S.S..
     I only mean to say that, if the R.S.S. and Modi's regime are as racist and dangerous as some seem to think they are, then it is certainly worth investigating whether Indian or R.S.S. spies are active in the U.S., and here are the reasons why we should be concerned.
     I certainly do not mean to suggest that all Indians are Indian supremacists, Indian ultranationalists, Hindu nationalists, nor sympathetic to the oppression of women. I do not wish to offend people of Indian-American origin with the contents of this article; if I have, I apologize. I assure my readers that I am not just placing every Indian-American I've ever heard of, onto a list. If this article feels like a terror watch list, that is not my intention. This list will certainly not be expanded in order to include every Indian-American in the country. I will not be adding anyone to it, in fact. I will write an entirely new article if it becomes necessary to do so.
     I readily admit that probably not every one of these people are working for the R.S.S. or Indian supremacists. I have admitted all of the possibilities that I could be wrong, in every instance. I believe it is worth the cost of offending some people, even if only a few of these 21 people are actually working for the R.S.S.. It is necessary to explain why I suspect all of these people, in order to explain the full set of avenues which Indian nationalist elements might be pursuing in order to infiltrate the United States government (if that is indeed what is happening).

     Some background on this topic is necessary, to understand why it would be possible and likely, in the first place, for Indian infiltration of Congress and Hollywood to have been occurring for the last several years.
     First off, it is necessary to note several things about India:

     1) it still has a caste system, which Modi wants to keep in place;

     2) India has been characterized as the nation that is the least accepting of outsiders, with about 70% of Indians being wary of foreigners;

     3) there is a growing Nazi subculture in art and fashion in India (which is perhaps partially explained by public interest in Mahatma Gandhi's 1940 letter to Adolf Hitler);

     4) there is a shared anti-Islamic sentiment in both Modi's India and the U.S.; and

     5) this anti-Islamic sentiment is shared with the State of Israel, and could explain why ties between the U.S., Israel, and India are strengthening.

     It may be confusing that I am expressing concern about India's interest in both Nazism and friendship with Israel. But the fascist character of the occupation of Palestine, and the Israeli draft, show that the Israelis didn't fail to learn from the Nazis.

     I am criticizing both Israeli and Indian infiltration of the U.S. Congress, just as I would criticize the possibility of U.S. infiltration of Israeli or Indian government if presented with facts suggesting that is what is going on.

     The preceding facts may be especially helpful in explaining why Tulsi Gabbard may be working for both the R.S.S. and the State of Israel. You can read more about that in the section about Gabbard below.

     Here is the list of twenty people in America who may be spies for the Indian R.S.S.:

     1. Tulsi Gabbard
     2. Mike Gabbard
     3. Kamala Harris
     4. Ro Khanna
     5. Raj Krishnamoorthi
     6. Valerie Ramirez-Mukherjee
     7. Barack Obama
     8. Neera Tanden
     9. Vanita Gupta
   10. Dinesh d'Souza
   11. Kal Penn
   12. M.I.A. (Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam)
   13. Aziz Ansari
   14. Hasan Minhaj
   15. Jay Chandrasekhar
   16. Danny Pudi
   17. Kunal Nayyar
   18. Mindy Kaling
   19. Shah Rukh Khan
   20. Sundar Pichai
   21. Niraj Shah

II. Nine Politicians


     1 & 2. Tulsi Gabbard and Mike Gabbard

     Tulsi Gabbard served as the U.S. Representative from Hawai'i's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. She was elected as a Democrat, but she received some negative attention when former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke tweeted in support of Gabbard's anti-war views.
     Gabbard has been widely criticized for having had homophobic views in the past. In 2019, the Huffington Post reported that "at least twice", Gabbard called supporters of same-sex marriage "homosexual extremists". In January 2019, Splinter News reported that Gabbard worked for her father's PAC Alliance for Traditional Marriage in her youth. The same month, CNN's Andrew Kaczynski reported that the Alliance for Traditional Marriage "mobilized to pass a measure against same-sex marriage in Hawaii and promoted controversial conversion therapy".

     Tulsi Gabbard's father is named Mike Gabbard. He was born in American Samoa, and served in the Hawai'i State Senate. Aside from the Alliance of Traditional Marriage and Values (the full name of the organization), Mike Gabbard also founded organizations called "Stop Promoting Homosexuality Hawaii" (later named "Stop Promoting Homosexuality International"), and "Stop Promoting Homosexuality America".

     It's also important to keep in mind that Tulsi Gabbard represents Hawai'i's 2nd congressional district, which contains the southern part of the island of Oahu, including Honolulu, and Pearl Harbor. The fact that Gabbard represents America's largest Navy base in the Pacific Ocean should not be swept aside as trivial. Hawai'i is a strongly Democratic state, but that fact alone does not make the state "liberal" nor "leftist". Nor does Hawai'i's having been the first state in the nation to have a state supreme court case signaling the future legality of same-sex marriage (Baehr v. Miike, 1993). And the fact that Hawai'i legalized gay marriage, certainly does not make every politician from Hawai'i a pro-gay politician.
     About ten years ago, I coined the term "blue police state" to describe corrupt and overly centralized Democratic Party -run states such as New York and Illinois. Hawai'i is one of such states, in my book. It's also important to keep in mind that former president Barack Obama was born in Hawai'i (according to his long-form and short-form birth certificate).

     In 2019, I discovered a clip of Tulsi Gabbard speaking to C.U.F.I. (Christians United for Israel) in 2015. C.U.F.I. is the largest pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States, and has more donors than A.I.P.A.C. (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee).
     I published the following two videos in order to show that Tulsi Gabbard is more critical of the Muslim world, and less critical of the State of Israel, than she would have us believe:

     "Tulsi Gabbard Shills for Israel Lobby at 2015 Speech to CUFI"

     "Does Tulsi Gabbard Want U.S., Israel, India, Assad to Work Together Against Moderate Muslims?"

    Gabbard has stated that she no longer holds the anti-gay sentiments that she held in her youth. But she may not be telling the truth. Her father's homophobia, and his belief in Hinduism - together with concerns that Gabbard's anti-war rhetoric is not sincere - should prompt us to wonder whether he holds any pro-Indian nationalist sentiments.
     We should be wondering if Tulsi holds the same views, in case she is still listening to her father.

     The following links show more possible troubling connections between Tulsi Gabbard and Hindu nationalist groups, including the B.J.P. (Bharatiya Janata Party, founded by Narendra Modi):

     In Gabbard's defense, she decided not to attend the September 2018 meeting of the World Hindu Congress in Chicago, calling it a partisan political event. Congressman Raj Krishnamoorthi attended the event, however. Gabbard decided not to attend the event after initially agreeing to attend.

     It should be noted that the R.S.S. does not allow women to be members. However, it's possible that a female politician in the U.S. could be aligned with the interests of the R.S.S., without being an actual member.

     Mike Gabbard should also be considered a possible R.S.S. agent.

     3. Kamala Harris

     Kamala Harris served as a prosecutor, and then the Attorney General of the State of California, before serving as a U.S. Senator from 2017 to 2021. She is now serving as the 49th Vice President of the United States under newly inaugurated President Joseph R. Biden Jr..

     Kamala Harris's mother was named Shyamala Gopalan Harris. She was born in India, and died in 2009. The fact that Harris's mother was a Hindu from India, is, of course, not enough information to conclude that Kamala Harris has Indian nationalist sympathies. But it is certainly a cause for investigation; it's not as though there is zero correlation between Indian heritage and Indian nationalist sympathies.
     A fair and thorough investigation and consideration, with both sides being heard, is always what's needed, in cases which aren't clear.

     Harris has, in fact, been described as a critic of Indian nationalism, and of Modi's regime, by Somanjana Chatterjee, Dev Karlekar, Ram Sastry, Nisha Sharma, and Plaban Gupta, the author of an article that was published on in October 2020. That article is titled "Even As Indian-Americans Cheer Kamala Harris Selection, Why Some Are Not Planning to Vote for Her", and can be viewed at the following link:
     People named in that article have said that Kamala Harris has no reputation among the Indian-American and Hindu community, and have even suggested that she might be trying to hide her Indian heritage.

     The following article, published in This Week in Asia, reports that women are not allowed to belong to the R.S.S., but also that there are women in India who support Kamala Harris.

     The article below discusses Harris's stance on Kashmir, and also explains that the R.S.S.'s 1925 founding drew inspiration from the Nazis:

     The following links lead to other articles about Harris's relationship to India, and to her mother:

     The criticism of Harris as practically anti-Hindu or anti-Indian notwithstanding, we should consider the possibility that Kamala Harris is purposely downplaying or hiding sympathy with India in order to confuse people. If this is what's happening, then she might be planning to betray the Kashmiris and/or the Pakistanis on the Kashmir issue.
     It's entirely possible that Harris simply doesn't identify with the Hindu and Indian cultures. But the possibility that she is ashamed of it, is pretty unlikely, given the fact that it's her mother's identity. That - and the history of betrayals on foreign policy, which neoliberals like Harris, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama have perpetrated against the American people, using the Democratic Party logo like a sheepskin for a wolf - ought to be enough to suggest that we should not brush off the possibility that Kamala Harris is working in the interests of the R.S.S. so easily.

     If it turns out that Kamala Harris is really a genuine critic and opponent of the R.S.S., and Hindu nationalism - and wants to help the Muslims, women, and Kashmiris who are being oppressed by Modi's regime - then the people who have criticized her on this issue (Somanjana Chatterjee, Dev Karlekar, Ram Sastry, Nisha Sharma, and Plaban Gupta) should be investigated as possible R.S.S. agents instead.

     Harris is also a bigger supporter of the State of Israel than she cares to admit to voters. The Times of Israel reported that Israel "is definitely not" one of the issues on which Harris "outflanks" Joe Biden, adding that "she may be even more hawkish than Biden". Contributor Jacob Magid wrote in late 2020, "the stances she has taken in her three years as Senator place her rather squarely in the traditional pro-Israel camp of her party."
     If Harris is working for Israeli interests, that does not necessarily preclude her from working for Indian interests at the same time.

     4. Ro Khanna

     Ro Khanna has represented California's 17th congressional district since 2017. His full first name is Rohit, and he is a Hindu-American whose parents were both born in India.

     On August 29th, 2019, Khanna tweeted, "It's the duty of every American politician of Hindu faith to stand for pluralism, reject Hindutva, and speak for equal rights for Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhist & Christians. That is the vision of India my grandfather, Amarnath Vidyalankar fought for." Some Indian-Americans urged Khanna to remove the tweet, but he refused.

     Learn more about that story here:

     It should be noted that there is a debate over whether Hindutva is a nationalistic ideology. American courts have ruled that Hindutva is a way of life, and not a religion, nor a single ideology. However, Hindutva is anti-secular, and seems to have strongly influenced Indian nationalism. It is also likely motivating anti-Islamic sentiment, and possibly also anti-Jewish sentiment, in the country.

     Khanna's criticism of Hindutva certainly seems sincere and steadfast. However, it's possible that what's going on with Kamala Harris, could be what's going on with Khanna. Ro Khanna might be just another neo-liberal Democrat who tweets in condemnation of nationalist groups, but doesn't do anything about them.
    It's not as if there is no reason to suspect that Khanna is another neo-liberal traitor. Progressive podcast host and comedian Jimmy Dore interviewed Khanna, and criticized him for supporting the CARES Act (because Dore considered the act to have given poor people "crumbs", and correctly observed that the majority of the funds were transferred to the already wealthy). Dore seems to have soured on Khanna in general, and to have written him off as a neo-liberal.
     One Trump supporter who follows Dore made a video criticizing Khanna as giving Dore "non-answers". This is in spite of the fact that Khanna has stated on Dore's show in the past that politicians shouldn't expect journalists to act like their friends and avoid asking them the tough questions.

     Ro Khanna, Tulsi Gabbard, and others may be good critics of America's disastrous foreign policy with regard to the Muslim world. But we must not forget what Barack Obama sounded like in 2008. He promised to end the War in Iraq, and close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. He made it sound like he was going to try to repeal the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act. He did none of those things.
     Obama laid the blueprint (at least in the post-9/11 era) for Democrats to say one thing and do another. Obama taught future Democratic politicians how to lie through their teeth and be hypocrites. You can learn how to do it just by watching them closely.
     Moreover, India is not immune to the problem of foreign nations lobbying for American military and domestic support (lobbying which, when it is done without legal permission, is called spying). So it would be naive to assume that there is nobody in Congress who might pretend to oppose Indian nationalist interests, while actually carrying water for Indian nationalist groups. I don't mean to suggest that denial makes you guilty, but if Khanna does represent the R.S.S., then he certainly wouldn't go around telling everyone how much he loves India.

     I do not intend to suggest that every Indian-American politician is working for the R.S.S.; I am only saying that if there are R.S.S. agents in Congress, then politicians with Indian heritage should be considered the prime suspects.
     And it's not as though neo-liberals don't hold any nationalist sentiments. The Democratic lawmakers who cowered in the House chamber on January 6th, 2021, were every bit as nationalist as the Trump supporters who stormed the same room; they just express their undying devotion to their country and its laws in slightly different ways. I say slightly different because - to borrow a phrase from Donald Trump - "there was violence on both sides" that day.

     5. Raj Krishnamoorthi

     Raj Krishnamoorthi has represented Illinois's 8th congressional district since 2017. He is a Democrat, whose full name is Subaramian Raja Krishnamoorthi. He was born in New Delhi.

     The following articles and videos detail the reasons why Raj Krishnamoorthi is a suspected supporter of the R.S.S. and Hindutva. They include information on the Chicago meeting of the World Hindu Congress, which was attended by Krishnamoorthi and B.J.P. politician Vijay Jolly.

     Raja Krishnamoorthi has portrayed himself as a protector of children, as a leader on issues such as curbing youth smoking, and cracking down on toxic levels of metals in baby foods. But many Democrats have portrayed themselves as protectors of children, in order to provide cover and credit, so they can get away with crafting and supporting insidious legislation behind the scenes.
     It's hard to tell whether Krishnamoorthi is genuine, and what his motivations are.
     But the fact that there has been so much criticism of Krishnamoorthi's appearance at that meeting, should serve as a strong indication that there needs to be an investigation into whether Krishnamoorthi and other members of Congress may be working for the R.S.S., whether directly or indirectly.
     If Krishnamoorthi is an R.S.S. agent, then it's likely that other congressmen are as well.

     6. Valerie Ramirez-Mukherjee

     Valerie Ramirez-Mukherjee received the Republican nomination for U.S. Representative from Illinois's 10th congressional district in 2020, but did not win the election. I, Joseph W. Kopsick, personally ran against her in that election.

     Ramirez-Mukherjee, who is Latina-American, bills herself as a Republican, and as a conservative. However, the details end there. I struggled to find material, when I did opposition research against her.
     The longest amount of time for which I could find any record of her speaking, was a forty-minute video, in which she spent more time talking about her family, and listening patiently to the interviewer drone on and on without asking any meaningful questions, than actually mentioning any issue of substance. She did not mention a single law by name in that interview. The debate between Ramirez-Mukherjee and her opponent Brad Schneider was nearly as substance-free as that interview.
     I can conclude, from personally running against Valerie Ramirez-Mukherjee, that she is another politician who - like Ro Khanna - gives "non-answers" to questions. She never messaged me back throughout the entire campaign, despite my several messages to her which indicated that I wanted to compete against her amicably while teaching her things about the law that she might not know. Mukherjee appears to have no interest in either divulging her actual views, nor even engaging with citizens whom are genuinely interested in discussing fixing the country's problems.
     This should be cause to suspect that Ramirez-Mukherjee is hiding her true views from the public. If she is hiding her true views from the public, then that could owe to the possibility that her husband has Indian nationalist sympathies.

     Valerie Ramirez married S. Brian Mukherjee, who is of Indian heritage. Not much information is publicly available about S. Brian Mukherjee, other than that he is the Vice President of Contract Management Solutions at the company Selectica Contract Lifecycle Management (Selectica CLM). He is also the C.E.O. of RhythmOne, a San Francisco -based company that develops corporate vision.
     There is a rumor going around, in the Pakistani-American medical community in the 10th district in Illinois, that Mukherjee served in the R.S.S. before immigrating to the United States, and that a doctor who was in the R.S.S. donated to one of S. Brian Mukherjee's enterprises. If that rumor is true, then it's likely that S. Brian Mukherjee and his wife have pro-Hindu-nationalist interests.
     If S. Brian Mukherjee is an R.S.S. agent, then his work at Selectica CLM and RhyhmOne may be a sort of disguise, indicating that he is a "sleeper agent" (someone who works in normal jobs and keeps a low profile, until they are "activated" and begin spying).

     If that is really the case, then it seems that Valerie is the political arm, while Brian the business arm, of the pro-R.S.S. Ramirez-Mukherjee family.

     8. Barack Obama

     Former president Obama is regarded, by many of his Republican opponents, as basically a Muslim communist who hates Israel. However, that could not be further from the truth.
     It should be obvious, from the fact that Obama did nothing to help repeal the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, that his words during the 2008 election were just that - only words - which were intended to placate the Muslim community (which, as a reminder, includes black Muslims).
     It should also be obvious, from Obama's choice of Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff, that Obama is more of a friend of Israel than he would like his progressive supporters to believe. Emanuel's father Benjamin is a physician who served in the Jewish paramilitary group Irgun before the State of Israel declared independence. Irgun was a terrorist group, and Benjamin Emanuel blew up buses in British Mandate Palestine. Rahm Emanuel, himself, served in the Gulf War in 1991. According to CNN, Rahm Emanuel was a dual citizen of the U.S. and Israel until he was 18 years old.

     If Obama is a friend of Israel and does not care for Muslims, and he is hiding it - which is how things look - then it's probable that his true sympathies lie with American and Israeli nationalism, and with American Zionism. And if he is aligned with America and Israel, then he would probably agree to become aligned with India, in the event that America and Israel decide that an alliance with India is the best way to contain the spread of Islamic fundamentalism (or Islam in general).

     We should also ask whether Obama's heritage influences his views on Israel. There has been a lot of debate over the true identity of Barack Obama's father. Five names have been suggested: 1) Frank Marshall Davis; 2) Barack Obama, Sr.; 3) Lolo Soetoro; 4) Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo; and 5) Malcolm X.
     I am personally of the opinion that Sumohadiwidjojo looks the most like Barack Obama, and is in fact his real father. I believe that because I have followed Jerome Corsi's work on the subject. In his book Where's the Birth Certificate?, Corsi followed the Soetoro and Soebarkah branches of the Obama family. Obama's adoptive father Lolo Soetoro married Obama's mother Stanley Anne Dunham.
     After Corsi published that book, his additional research uncovered an Indonesian cult leader named Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, who looked suspiciously like Barack Obama. Sumohadiwidjojo was called "Bapak", meaning "leader" or "father", and reportedly wanted to syncretize Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism into a single religion.
     The ramifications of that should not be diminished. If Bapak had been successful in his grand vision - to unite those three religions - then he could have potentially led a religious community that had two or three billion followers. It's unknown whether this is Barack Obama's true goal, just as it's unknown whether Bapak is his real father.
     If Obama is both pro-R.S.S. and believes what Bapak believed, then that would make sense only if Obama wants Hinduism to dominate Islam in their alliance against Judeo-Christianity. I know that these are huge "ifs", but I am one of the few people to whom it would ever occur to ask these questions, so I am asking them.
     I am from the Chicago area, and I'll never understand how Barack Obama went from a little-known state senator, to the U.S. Senate, to the presidency, in less than ten years. Part of the answer is certainly that his speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention was the defining moment that signaled his destiny on the national government stage.

     This article from B.B.C. shows Obama's prowess at making meaningless statements of condemnation that actually mean the opposite of the way they sound:
     Obama stated that "In all countries, upholding this [religious] freedom is the responsibility of the government and each person. Religion has been used to tap into the dark side of man...".
     If taken out of context, the phrase "upholding this freedom is the responsibility of the government", could potentially be construed or used to suggest that it is the job of the government of India to teach its people what is, and what is not, religious freedom. That could potentially excuse Indian government domination over moral affairs, and make intrusions into religious freedom more acceptable, based on the premise that they would be legal.
     One of Obama's critics once described him as having learned, in college, how to "twist words until they no longer mean anything." Obama would have to be stupid not to know that B.J.P. could and would take that quote out of context. Not that it would necessarily be Obama's fault. But Obama also should have considered the possibility that a very small mistranslation could make it difficult for Indians to understand what he meant, considering that to them the speech occurred in the context of cooperation between governments. Any time the president speaks on foreign affairs, it is in the context of mutual recognition of the sovereign governments represented (unless the president is specifically condemning or questioning the legitimacy of the country he is talking about). And it would be difficult to argue that his statement is not confusing. What kind of person says it's important to protect religious freedom, and in the very next sentence, says religion "has been used to tap into the dark side of man"? It's obvious that the full quote should be consulted. That part could mean that religion causes man's dark side, but it's also possible that Obama went on to say that religion has been used as a tool by people who exploit religion to do evil, although religion is sometimes is used for good.
     Examining Obama's full remarks shows that he also said India will not be successful if it is "splintered" along religious lines, if it wishes to be successful. This statement could be taken to condemn the Indian government for trying to be successful by splintering people along religious lines, or conversely it could be taken - by the possibly racist minds in the B.J.P. - to praise the government for encroaching on the religious freedoms of non-Hindus.
     Think about it: Obama may not be able to help it if people in the B.J.P. take his words to mean what they want them to mean, but Obama is also intelligent enough to know that the B.J.P. might want Hinduism to become the official state religion of India, and take Obama's statement that "upholding this freedom is the responsibility of the government and the people" to mean that the government is supposed to take a leading role in establishing a religion, with the people following (simply because Obama put the word "government" before the word "people"). This may seem like a stretch, but the phrase "reserved to the states and to the people" in the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, has been distorted to be more about "states' rights" than it is about populism. It is about both.

     It's possible that Obama knew that his statements could and would be misconstrued to justify Narendra Modi's regime. It's also possible that he doesn't care. Obama might be a Christian like he says he is, or he might be a Muslim like Republicans suspect he is. Or he could have learned the Eastern religions from Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo (whose cult, by the way, I suspect was C.I.A.-sponsored), and found Hinduism to be the best.
    Or he might just be an atheist, who wants to placate people of all religions and races while secretly pitting them against each other, in order to enrich and empower himself, while also accomplishing the goals of the C.I.A., the pro-Israel lobby, and the Federal Reserve, as every president must do in order to stay alive while president.
     [Note: As far as I'm concerned, the fact that the Secret Service used to be composed of former Treasury agents, suggests that the president is, at all times, legally kidnapped and controllable by agents acting at the direction of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and probably also, the Federal Reserve. Additionally, whichever foreign governments, billionaires, and terrorist groups are holding American foreign debts that the president may not be at privilege to speak about publicly.]
     As for whether Obama is working in favor of the R.S.S., we'll probably never know. The man is so rhetorically ambivalent, double-dealing, and sycophantic to all parties, that he is like a chameleon. Explicitly condemning India's regime for religious freedom violations should probably invite a stronger condemnation than any sentiment which is evident from Obama's statements on the issue.
     Hail meaninglessness, I guess.

     It's additionally worth noting what Barack Obama failed to do about India.
     During several of his campaigns for president, Congressman Ron Paul expressed concern about the fact that U.S. troops were guarding the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Paul sometimes followed this statement by saying that the troops should guard the U.S.-Mexico border instead, while other times he mentioned that if there is an international border that U.S. troops should be guarding, it would be the border between India and Pakistan.
     Barack Obama failed to do this. He failed to commit U.S. troops to the eastern border of Pakistan - where there is much more religious hatred, and where Kashmir is located - instead of its western border. Since India is the more populous country with greater military power, failing to guard that border has put Pakistan at a disadvantage.
     Obama's inaction on guarding Pakistan's eastern border may have been the constitutional thing to do (since Pakistan didn't formally ask for American help), but if the issue had been brought up publicly, there could have been a congressional declaration of war that would have formally authorized such a thing. But Obama failed to even consider it. And that lines up with what Indian nationalists, such as the R.S.S., would want him to do on that issue.
     That's why former president Barack Obama should be investigated for possibly working for the R.S.S., or for the Modi regime, or in their interest.

     Finally, many critics of Obama and Joe Biden believe them to be selling America out to China. I want to note that if this is true, that does not necessarily preclude them from working for Indian interests (at least some of the time). I personally suspect that Obama and Biden are trying to play India and China against each other, in order to prevent both countries from growing their economies and standards of living to the point where they would rival the United States.

8. Neera Tanden

     Neera Tanden was born in Massachusetts in 1970, to immigrant parents from India.
     President Joe Biden recently nominated Tanden for director of the Office of Management and Budget, a cabinet-level position which is arguably an unconstitutional "czar" sort of position. That position would give Tanden a great deal of vague power, as the topics of management and budget affect nearly every other political issue.
     Neera Tanden currently serves as the president of the Center for American Progress. The first president, and C.E.O., of that liberal think tank, was John Podesta. Podesta famously served as Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in 2016.

     Podesta was also accused of pedophilia during that campaign. Podesta has never denied that the Wikileaks e-mails released in 2016 were his, and he has even contended that he was the victim of improper access to his e-mail account. Thus, he has never denied that the e-mail which Hillary Clinton aide Tamera Stanton Luzzatto sent Podesta and others on October 8th, 2015, was real.
     In that e-mail, Luzzatto informed Podesta that she would have a "heated pool" available, with her granddaughters Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve there "for entertainment". Luzzatto was also found, by researchers, to have operated a blog called "Evie's Crib", which she may have used to facilitate "camgirl" interactions between readers of the blog and her granddaughters. The description of the blog contained references to the girls having "the power of life or death over you" when they grow up.
     The blog was archived at the link below, but not all posts are visible, except to people whom Luzzatto has invited.

     It's possible that Neera Tanden knew about the accusations against Podesta. Whether she has read the e-mail from October 8th, 2015, is uncertain. But it's possible that she at least helped John Podesta do some cover-up of the shady dealings in which he engaged in the past, and used his Podesta Group and the Center for American Progress to facilitate. Through those two groups, the Podesta brothers have lobbied on behalf of Wal-Mart, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin.
     Learn more about John Podesta's corruption here:

     This might not be worth mentioning, if it were not for the fact that there is another example of Neera Tanden possibly covering for sexual assault.
     In April 2018, Tanden was criticized, after profusely apologizing for "accidentally" revealing the first name of an alleged sexual harassment victim.
     It's possible that Tanden's apology was genuine, and it's possible that she intends to address the problem of outing victims, as she says she does. But it's also possible that she intentionally outed the victim, and did so in order to intimidate people who might have made sexual harassment accusations against other people in Tanden's company (the Center for American Progress). Remember, we're talking about a think tank that employs people who recently worked alongside John Podesta. We have every reason to be curious.

     Tanden's intimidation of potential accusers might have been accidental, as she claims. But she would have every motive to intimidate sexual harassment accusers who might negatively affect her life or her positions.
     If that's what's really going on, then it's possible that Tanden is aligned with insidious elements in India who may wish to intimidate women into submitting to the all-male R.S.S., and to Narendra Modi's regime. Only a full investigation will determine that.
     But for now, we can consider the following 2014 tweet from Tanden, in which she described it as an "honor" to meet Prime Minister Modi:

Click, and open in new tab or window,
or download, to see in full resolution

9. Vanita Gupta

     Vanita Gupta was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1974. Her parents immigrated from India.
     Joe Biden recently nominated Gupta to the position of Associate Attorney General.

     Gupta was criticized by podcast host Jimmy Dore for attending a meeting with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in November 2019, which Dore characterized as a meeting to coordinate censorship about election news on social media, by government and Facebook.
     Start watching the following link around 4 minutes in:

     Gupta may have a reputable record on civil rights, but her position on censorship is certainly concerning. The mere fact that she has been nominated by Joe Biden suggests that she is probably more of a neo-liberal than a progressive, if Neera Tanden's nomination - and Biden's and Obama's records - serve as any indication of their views.
     Whether any of this means she is affiliated with, or sympathetic towards, the R.S.S., or Narendra Modi's regime, is unknown.

     Learn more about Gupta by visiting the links below:

III. A Political Filmmaker

   10. Dinesh d'Souza

     Dinesh Joseph D'Souza was born in 1961 in Bombay, India. He was raised in a Roman Catholic family from Goa, in Western India. D'Souza became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1991, after working as a policy advisor for Ronald Reagan.

     D'Souza has come to be known as a provocateur and so-called "conspiracy theorist". He has criticized Islam, but also criticized others for Islamophobia. He has also criticized feminism, and was accused of having an affair in 2012.
     In 2014, D'Souza was convicted of one count of making an illegal campaign contribution in another person's name. He was on probation from late 2014, until early 2018, when Donald Trump pardoned him.

     It's possible that D'Souza, with his anti-feminist and other right-wing views, could sympathize with Narendra Modi's regime, and/or with the R.S.S.. They would certainly have a lot in common in terms of their views on fiscal issues and the treatment of women.

IV. Nine People in Hollywood

   11. Kal Penn

     Kal Penn is the actor who played Kumar Patel in the 2004 stoner comedy Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Given the fact that Kal Penn was in a stoner comedy, nobody would ever suspect that he served as Principal Associate Director, and liaison with the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community, in Barack Obama's White House Office of Public Engagement. He served in that position from 2009 to 2011.
     Kal Penn was born Kalpen Suresh Modi in New Jersey in 1977, to Indian immigrant parents. The fact that Kal Penn's real surname is Modi, probably has nothing to do with the fact that India's Prime Minister is Narendra Modi, as Modi is a common surname in western India. But the possibility that they are related should be investigated nonetheless, because Kal Penn's family and Narendra Modi's family both come from the Indian state of Gujarati.
     Still, Gujarati has a population of 55 million; but on the other hand, Gujarati is its own language. It would be difficult to imagine that Kal Penn's parents were not pleased to learn that a Gujarati politician had become prime minister of their home country. [Note: Hindi is the language that is most widely spoken in India, but on a map, the country resembles a patchwork, in which the dominance of Hindi is barely noticeable.]

    Kal Penn's service to the Obama Administration should be suspicious, given Penn's ancestry, Obama's corruption, and the fact that most Harold and Kumar fans never knew that "Kumar" worked for Obama. But several other facts make Penn's service in the Obama Administration suspicious.

     For one, the office of Principal Associate Director for the White House Office of Public Engagement was... get ready for it... created specifically for Kal Penn. Or at least, the office did not exist before Kal Penn joined the White House team. Kal Penn was the first person to serve in that position. Do you know who the second person was? Omarosa from Donald Trump's The Apprentice.
     When I first learned, about eight or ten years ago, that Kal Penn had served in that position, I read that he was serving as some sort of liaison for the Asian-American community. I assumed that there were other liaisons for other ethnic communities. But I have no idea whether that is the case. The fact that an African-American woman, Omarosa Manigault Newman (formerly Omarosa Manigault Stallworth), succeeded Kal Penn in that position, confuses me so much that I almost don't know what else to say on the matter.
     If the office of Principal Associate Director for the White House Office of Public Engagement was not created specifically for Kal Penn, and was not created specifically for engagement with the public based on ethnicity, then it is probably safe to assume - from Omarosa's succession to the position - that the office was created specifically for a celebrity liaison with Hollywood. Perhaps even with corrupt elements therein. An entire documentary - Hollywood, D.C. - has been made on that subject. In fact, Kal Penn also served as the liaison with certain arts groups, while in that position.

     The possibility that Kal Penn is not an R.S.S. agent, or at least sympathetic to the R.S.S.'s interests, should seem pretty remote by now. But hang on! We're not done yet.
     In 2011, Kal Penn left the office of Principal Associate Director for the Office of Public Engagement, to join the cast of the C.B.S. show How I Met Your Mother.
     How I Met Your Mother may seem like more of a show for couples, than any kind of show trying to push a political agenda. But the show mentioned the Israeli form of martial arts Krav Maga, which you can see by watching the clip at the following link:
     This may not seem suspicious by itself, but several other American television shows, including The Simpsons - and several American movies - have mentioned Krav Maga as well. The Simpsons featured a Krav Maga fight sequence, between Bart and an Israeli girl, in the episode featuring Sacha Baron Cohen.
     The show also did an episode about dual citizenship:
     It's also worth noting that the show's lead character is Ted Mosby, who is "half-Jewish". Mosby is portrayed by actor Josh Radnor, a Jewish-American whom has been to Israel. Colbie Smulders's character is named "Robin Scherbatsky", which sounds Polish or Jewish-Polish. Her character is Jewish-Canadian, like Edgar Bronfman Jr. (mentioned in the next section of this article).
     How I Met Your Mother is not a romantic comedy show. It is a propaganda show, designed to casually expose American viewers to Jewish-American and Jewish-Canadian characters, in order to get them interested in - or at least familiar with - Krav Maga. From there, it's an easy sell to get viewers to support the State of Israel.
     So basically I watched four or five seasons of a shitty show with my ex-girlfriend, for a final episode about some dumb blue French horn that nobody ever noticed, just to discover that the show was subtly pushing Israeli militarism.

     I guess we know, now, why appearing in How I Met Your Mother was more important to Kal Penn than continuing to serve in the White House Office of Public Engagement, that he left after just two years. Penn could have had an extra two to six years of job security!
     Did I mention that the post was vacant for six years (from 2011 to 2017)? I guess being engaged with the public wasn't very important to the Obama Administration, let alone Kal Penn.

    Kal Penn's involvement in a show that subtly promoted the American-Israeli alliance - along with Penn's Gujarati heritage, and suspiciously short service in the Obama Administration - should cause us to question whether Penn is part of an emerging American-Israeli-Indian alliance.

     Finally, a lot of speculation has been made, at the fact that Kal Penn was robbed of his wallet in DuPont circle in Washington, D.C. in 2010. This attack occurred at gunpoint, around 1:30 A.M. on the morning of April 20th, 2010.
     Some internet researchers remarked at the time that DuPont Circle is a notoriously homosexual neighborhood of D.C., and have speculated that Penn is gay. Penn is "not dating anyone" according to, and there is no information on the internet which would seem to indicate that he is either married, or dating anyone, or indeed ever has dated anyone.
    The website reports that "This aspect of his private life has been very well guarded over the years which has resulted in several speculations about the Hollywood star. On several occassions [sic], Penn has been romantically linked to some of his acting costars but they have been nothing more than perfect on-screen chemistry. Owing to Kal Penn's closely-guarded private life, there have been several conjectures regarding his sexuality[,] many of which suggest that he is gay. These opinions, nonetheless, remain unconfirmed as the Hollywood actor has never made any pronouncements to that effect."

     Kal Penn might not be gay at all. And if he is, it probably has nothing to do with his possible involvement with the R.S.S.. But if you ask me, more interesting than the fact that Penn was robbed in a gay neighborhood, is the fact that he was robbed in a neighborhood that has to do with the duPont family (i.e., DuPont Circle).
     DuPont Circle is the home of numerous embassies and think tanks. It makes sense that Penn would be there, considering that he served in the White House Office of Public Engagement. But let's not forget several crucially important facts about the duPont family: 1) they own one of the world's largest chemical companies; 2) duPont merged with Dow; and 3) the Dow in Dow Jones stands for Dow, and effectively, duPont. The Dow Jones Industrial Average might as well be called the DuPont-Jones Industrial Average. Additionally, Dow Jones is owned by NewsCorp, which owns the Fox media conglomerate.
     Next, let's review another piece of information about the ties between the duPont family and the Obama-Biden White House in which Kal Penn served. Joe Biden's son Beau was the attorney general of Delaware when he defended Delaware Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden, who allowed Robert H. Richards IV get off with a short sentence after raping his toddler daughter and molesting his infant son. Robert H. Richards IV is an heir to the duPont fortune.
     It may also be worth noting that duPont family heir John duPont killed a wrestler named Dave Schultz in 1996. Fortunately, he was convicted.

     It is no probably coincidence that Beau Biden praised Judge Jurden's decision to protect this wealthy child rapist. Beau Biden may not have been a pedophile or a child molester, but he must have seen signs of his brother's and father's pedophilia, and at least rationalized it or diminished the seriousness of the harm which it caused young girls in their family.
     For those who haven't been paying attention, in October 2020, Beau's brother Hunter was revealed, through leaked photos, to have "dated" (i.e., raped) a teenage stripper. Additionally, family patriarch - and now, president of the United States - Joe Biden, was broadcast live on C-SPAN pinching a little girl's nipple on January 3rd, 2015.
     Also, a document leaked, back in October 2020, which may be the diary of Joe Biden's daughter Ashley. That diary mentions sexual abuse at the hands of Joe Biden. However, the authenticity of the diary has not yet been confirmed.

     As if it weren't enough to wonder whether Kal Penn is an R.S.S. agent - who is also working for American-Zionist interests in Hollywood - now we have to wonder whether there is some sort of Biden-duPont-pedophilia connection. If there is, then it's likely that Kal Penn, and/or former president Obama, were (or still are) involved.
     Penn's being in duPont Circle could have nothing to do with his sexuality, and nothing to do with the duPont-Biden connection, or it could have everything to do with either or both of those things. We don't know. He could even be a secret pedophile who used his position to traffic teenage boys or even younger boys.
     One thing seems clear: Penn has been as tight-lipped about his "service to his country" as he has been about his sexuality. The American people have every right to ask why that is, and why that might be.

     Why the fuck is Kumar from White Castle an R.S.S. agent!?

     12. M.I.A. (Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam)

     Rapper and singer M.I.A. was born in London, England to a Tamil family, making her "Indian-British" by her parents' national status, or "Tamil-British" by ethnicity. She is a Hindu.
     The Tamil people come from the southern tip of India, and the island of Sri Lanka. The Tamil Tigers are the nationalist group associated with the Tamil people in south India. During his 2008 presidential campaign, Ron Paul exposed the fact that Sri Lanka is the place in the world where the suicide bombing rate is the highest. This is worth noting because of the content of M.I.A.'s hit song.
     M.I.A.'s 2008 hit single "Paper Planes" features the sound of a gun in the chorus. It goes "All I want to do is [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] and [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] and I steal your money." 
     The song arguably promotes violence and theft. It's important to wonder whether "Paper Planes" has ever made people in a club think that someone was opening fire. I don't mean to say we should quell M.I.A.'s free speech, but there have been shootings in American nightclubs, and during times of racial unrest, songs featuring the sounds of gunshots may upset people or even cause confusion or stampedes, if they are not ended or explained quickly.
     It's easy to dismiss this violence as "just part of the hip-hop culture", but a lot of the violence in hip-hop and rap is there because white people put it there. In the early 1990s, white men working in the interests of the police community infiltrated the hip-hop music industry to intentionally promote urban violence to a young audience of African-Americans. The intention of this was to promote violence and crime in the inner cities, in order to grow that problem so large that the American public would call for a crackdown on gang violence by police.
     Whether M.I.A. knew that, or participated in it on purpose, is unknown. But it merits consideration.

     The possibility that M.I.A. is pro-R.S.S., or is serving as some sort of spy, might seem ridiculous, if not for the fact of who her ex-fiancee is. M.I.A. was engaged to Benjamin Zachary Bronfman (also known as Ben Brewer) from 2009 to 2012, and they had one child together.
     Ben Bronfman's father is Edgar Bronfman Jr., the heir to the Bronfman family Seagram's fortune. Edgar Bronfman Jr. was also the C.E.O. of the Warner Music Group. Bronfman's sisters Clare and Sara were recently indicted for their role in providing six-figure amounts to Keith Raniere's Hollywood sex cult NXIVM (pronounced "Nexium"). That cult had orphanages in Mexico, and had ties to the daughter of the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox.
     The Bronfmans are an enormously powerful and wealthy Jewish-Canadian family. Edgar Bronfman Jr.'s wealth is estimated at $2.5 billion USD. The family is in liquor and soda, music production and distribution, and (as we now know) funding a Hollywood sex cult. Think of what it means that M.I.A. was married to Edgar Bronfman Jr.. It means that she was the niece-in-law of Clare Bronfman, and possibly while Clare Bronfman was funding NXIVM. NXIVM was founded in 1998.

     I'm sorry to stray from the topic of India, to talk about possible Israeli and Jewish connections for so long, but this is where it gets interesting. If M.I.A. knew that she was marrying into a family that is all about getting drunk and fucking sex slaves while they listen to pop music (which is what I suspect was going on), then maybe she was actually involved with the cult.
     Follow me on this one: What if M.I.A. was the "bad bitch who came from Sri Lanka" that Nicki Minaj mentioned in her appearance on Kanye West's 2010 song "Monster"? This possibility may seem outright improbable and insane, but it is worth mentioning because of what it has in common with M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes": it arguably promotes violence. This is the song in which guest rapper Jay-Z rapped the line "I rape women and children." Jay-Z is, of course, married to Beyonce Knowles, who sang the Etta James classic "At Last" while Barack and Michelle Obama danced at the first inaugural ball after Obama's inauguration as president on January 20th, 2009.

     If willingness to promote violence in music, and willingness to marry into a wealthy family of alcohol-peddling, sex-cult-funding Zionists, is any indication of M.I.A.'s moral compass, it indicates a lack of a moral compass entirely. She may not have married into the Bronfman family, but she has a child together with Edgar Bronfman Jr.'s son. M.I.A.'s child is a Bronfman.
     M.I.A.'s general worldview certainly seems to reflect sympathy with Western secularism. It's hard not to wonder whether Mathangi Arulpragasam is a tool in an emerging U.S.-Israeli-Indian scheme to infiltrate the entertainment industry and Congress (along with Kal Penn, Raj Krishnamoorthi, and possibly others).

Update (March 30th, 2021):

     M.I.A.'s father was named Arul Pragasam, also known as A. R. Arulpragasam, and the code name Arular. M.I.A. named her 2005 album Arular, as a way to signal that her father should get in touch with her.
     Arular was M.I.A.'s father's code name, for use in relation to his involvement in the Tamil independence movement. Arul Pragasam played a part in the founding of Eelam Revolutionary Organisation of Students (E.R.O.S.) in England 1975. Arul Pragasam died in 2019.
     In 2010, M.I.A. told that her father is not allied with the Tamil Tigers; and that the Sri Lankan government protected him from the Tigers. M.I.A. also condemned the Sri Lankan government for genocide against Tamils.

Update (August 3rd, 2021):

     Additionally, M.I.A. wrote, in her song "10 Dollars":

Dial-a-Bride from Sri Lanka
Found herself a Yorkshire banker
Need a visa?
Got with a geezer
Need some money?
Paid him with a knees-up

     13. Aziz Ansari

     Actor and stand-up comedian Aziz Ansari was born in South Carolina to a Tamil family. He was raised Muslim, but has said he is not religious.
     During one of his comedy specials, Ansari told a story about meeting M.I.A. and speaking Tamil with her. He used the opportunity to compliment the singer's breasts.
     If there is any chance that M.I.A. is working for pro-R.S.S. interests, then it's possible that her affiliation with Aziz Ansari could implicate Ansari in the R.S.S. web as well.

     The story could end here.
     Except for Ansari's friendship with Kanye West, and his appearance in Kanye's music video for the song "Otis". West, as a reminder, released "Monster", which features the lyric "a bad bitch that came from Sri Lanka", which I suspect is a reference to M.I.A.
     And except for Aziz Ansari's involvement with the shows (I) Parks and Recreation (hired a pedophile), (II) Saturday Night Live (pedophiles), (III) Flight of the Conchords (hired a pedophile), (IV) Bob's Burgers (pedophile jokes), and (V) The Venture Bros. (pedophile character and jokes); and (VI) Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee (pedophile host); as well as (VII) the comedy troupe Jash (pedophiles), (VIII) Eric Wareheim (hired a pedophile), (IX) James Franco (pedophile), (X) Dave Chappelle (child pornography), and (XI) Nick Kroll (pedophilic shows).
     I can practically hear you saying "slow down!" Gladly! Bear with me here...

     I. Parks and Recreation is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia, first, because Aziz was on the show (he played a character named Tom Haverford), but additionally, because the show stars Amy Poehler.

     In Mean Girls, Poehler who played a mother who passively excuses teen drinking, as long as it's supervised by adults and occurring in the home. The film was arguably lampooning or mocking mothers like that, but Poe's Law dictates that it is unclear whether something is satire unless it's explicitly stated that it is satire. Poehler and her character have effectively taught a generation of American mothers to enable and ignore drinking, and possibly even sex, that's occurring under their own roofs. This rationalization is based on the premise that teen drinking and sex are inevitable, and would happen somewhere else in a more dangerous scenario, if not for parents hosting those behaviors and turning a blind eye to them.

     Amy Poehler also once appeared as a pre-teen girl at a slumber party, in a Saturday Night Live sketch, who was being mercilessly bullied by the other girls, who were spreading the rumor that she stuck frozen hot dogs up her “nooners”.
     There are numerous examples of Saturday Night Live sketches that poke fun at child molestation, incest, and teens wanting to date "older guys", and their friends' fathers.

     From 2003 until 2015, Amy Poehler was married to Will Arnett, the star of Arrested Development and Cartoon Network's BoJack Horseman. Jason Bateman was Arnett's co-star in Arrested Development. Bateman also appeared in Juno. The film Juno arguably normalizes teen pregnancy, and it also contains a scene in which Bateman's character dances with Ellen Page's character. It is difficult, for an innocent young adult, to immediately notice that the way Bateman's character hit on Juno was completely inappropriate, because the film is sort of shot from a teenager's perspective. The film puts on the guise of an anti- teen-pregnancy - and an anti- adults-hitting-on-teenagers - film, but Bateman's character suffers only minor consequences for his actions (i.e., his wife divorces him). The film is certainly not against teenage boys having sex with teenage girls, nor is it strongly against adults hitting on teenage girls.
     Arnett, who co-starred with Bateman in Arrested Development, is now perhaps best known for his show BoJack Horseman, on Cartoon Network. BoJack is a cartoon about a horse who is basically Bob Saget from Full House, except washed up and trying to have sex with the girl who plays his daughter. That character is named Sarah Lynn, played by Kristen Schaal. Sarah Lynn becomes a Britney Spears -type character, develops sex and drug addictions, and eventually dies of a drug overdose at the age of 31. When she played BoJack's daughter, BoJack's character called Sarah Lynn "my prickly muffin" affectionately, and then, when Sarah Lynn becomes a sexed-up pop star, she releases a song that features her singing about her vagina and calling it "my prickly muffin".
     None of that is creepy if the show's intention is to make people aware that Hollywood is a sick industry. And it clearly is; the show even features a character named "Barry Richardson", a nod to sexual harasser and photographer Terry Richardson. But Will Arnett also appeared in the 2018 film Show Dogs, which critics described as featuring a scene intended to teach children to accept unwanted genital touching. Arnett plays the owner of a dog, voiced by Ludacris, who is touched by a judge, and has to go to his "Zen place" to avoid being bothered by it.
     Given all of these facts, it's hard not to suspect that Will Arnett and Amy Poehler might have been a "Pedowood [Pedo Hollywood] power couple".
     Even if they are not pedophiles, then they are clearly insensitive about child sexual abuse; enough to have considered it a laughing matter multiple times, and to have worked with so many other people in the industry who have played pedophiles and/or been accused of pedophilia themselves.

     But getting back to Parks and Recreation, there's a scene in the show in which the Ron Swanson character has to be talked into telling a little girl doing a civics project for school, that he was wrong to criticize the government. This episode aired while Hillary Clinton was serving as Obama's Secretary of State, around the time that the Clinton Foundation was discovered to be involved in the Laura Silsby-Gayler child trafficking scandal in Haiti. In my opinion, to have done an episode that was basically about why it's wrong to criticize the government in front of kids, at such a time in American politics, was not only recklessly irresponsible; it was probably intentional, given that Parks and Recreation is an N.B.C. show (which is owned by General Electric, which makes components for the military and profits from wars).

     Parks and Recreation, on which Aziz Ansari appeared, is not an entertainment show; it is a propaganda show disguised as an entertainment show. Just like How I Met Your Mother, he show subtly works-in its promotion of the Obama Administration, and Joe Biden, and agencies of government, specifically those that process immigration requests. Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, and John McCain actually appeared on the show.

     Parks and Recreation is an undeniably political show, and the inclusion of the Ron Swanson character – the best-known self-described libertarian on television – makes that fact undeniable. Indoctrinating children into unquestioning belief in what the government says, is the first step in hooking them for life, and getting them to support their government, regardless of what those pesky conservatives and libertarians say about elite child trafficking.

     It's also important to note that Rob Lowe has had a prominent role on Parks and Recreation, playing a character named Chris Traeger. Lowe nearly got kicked out of Hollywood after video leaked of him, at the age of 24, having sex with a 16-year-old girl. Lowe went uncredited for his appearance in Tommy Boy due to this controversy, but soon after the scandal, he hosted an episode of Saturday Night Live that poked fun at it in a sketch featuring Kevin Nealon, Victoria Jackson, and Lorne Michaels. Lowe later called the sex tape "the greatest thing that's ever happened" to himself and his career. Thanks a lot, Lorne!

     II. Saturday Night Live is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia because Ansari hosted the show (becoming the first Indian-American person to do so), and because of the show's history of pedophilic sketches.

     Aside from the example I mentioned above, involving Amy Poehler, there are numerous examples of Saturday Night Live sketches that poke fun at child molestation, incest, teens wanting to date older guys and their friends' fathers. In fact, I have investigated this subject, and I estimate that somewhere between two hundred to three hundred jokes about pedophilia have been made on the show throughout its 46-year history.

     These include the “Spartans Cheerleaders” sketches featuring Will Ferrell and Cheri Oteri, Molly Shannon's over-sexualized Catholic schoolgirl character “Mary Katherine Gallagher”, and the “Uncle Roy” sketches from the late 1970s which starred Buck Henry and were blatantly about a man molesting his two nieces while babysitting them. The "Canteen Boy" sketches featuring Alec Baldwin and Adam Sandler are another example. 

     "Uncle Roy" and "Canteen Boy" are obviously cautionary tales about pedophiles, but the fact that all four of the aforementioned sketches, became recurring sketches, should be concerning. The "Not Ready for Prime-Time Players" seem a little bit too eager to dress up as teenagers and make jokes about masturbating and dating adults.

     There was also a sketch in which Will Forte went trick-or-treating as a man who is legally required to tell you that he is a registered sex offender. Another sketch featured Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson as a mad scientist who entered a child-molesting robot as his entry in a “most evil invention” contest. Lindsay Lohan's and Britney Spears's appearances on the show, in their late teens, did not go without a moment of over-emphasizing their breasts.

     Just a few years ago on the show, Miley Cyrus and Kenan Thompson appeared in diapers, with Lorne Michaels himself (not wearing diapers) in the “comedic” music video for the song “Baby Steps”, on which Miley Cyrus sang about “takin' baby steps” in a relationship. In the music video, the actors actually acknowledge that Lorne Michaels makes the “players” appear in creepy, disturbing, humiliating, or bizarrely sexual sketches, in order to keep their jobs. They ask why, and get no response. That is supposed to be funny.

     Saturday Night Live should be called Age Play Night Live, or Saturnalia Night Live. If you're still not convinced that there is something creepy about this show, watch the first ten minutes of the 1982 episode that Drew Barrymore hosted at the age of seven. In the opening sketch, she acknowledges that she isn't supposed to say bad words during the episode. Then she orders an alcoholic drink. During the monologue, one of the actors asks her who she wants to marry, and she says Steven Spielberg.

     Actor Owen Benjamin suspects Steven Spielberg of having raped young Poltergeist actress Heather o'Rourke to death. There are pictures, from the 1980s, of Drew and Heather both sitting on Spielberg's knees. Finally, in the first sketch after the monologue, the same actor who asked Drew who she wanted to marry, used the phrase “penis breath” in a sketch about the Spielberg-Barrymore joint E.T.. The alien who hides in your closet wearing women's clothes and a wig, and then touches you with his finger, and you can't resist because it's for your health. Totally not creepy at all, right? It's a miracle that Drew got out of there alive. She has pledged not to allow her children into the industry until they are at least teenagers. Drew Barrymore knows exactly what's going on here.

     For Aziz Ansari to have hosted Saturday Night Live - even as its first Indian-American host - is not something of which he should be proud.

     You might be saying, "Hey, it's not like Aziz appeared in any sketches about pedophilia on that S.N.L. episode." Hang on!
On the episode of S.N.L. which Aziz hosted, he appeared in a sketch with Melissa Villasenor. In that sketch, Aziz and Melissa play members of a couple, whom are trying to introduce "age play" -type sex talk into their foreplay. The one big, laughable, memorable moment in the sketch, comes when Villasenor's character awkwardly says "Oh yeah, Dad" to her boyfriend, instead of calling him something (slightly) less creepy such as "daddy".
     Playing the boyfriend of someone who awkwardly calls your character "daddy", does not, alone, make Aziz Ansari a pedophile. But the comfort he appears to have, with making jokes about pedophilia, and working with people accused of pedophilia, should be a cause for concern. This may seem funny, but to people who have been molested or raped, it is insensitive, and may even be re-traumatizing, depending on the person.

   III. Flight of the Conchords is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia because Aziz was on the show (playing the sidewalk fruit vendor Sinjay), and his co-star Kristen Schaal has poked fun at pedophilia several times throughout her career.

     One example is her character Sarah Lynn from Cartoon Network's BoJack Horseman, which I already mentioned.

     Another is her appearance on another Cartoon Network show, The Heart, She Holler!, in which she plays a victim of incest who is sexually attracted to her father. That father is dead, and a ghost, and appearing as a series of video tapes which he recorded before his death, but there is a scene in which she "goes down on him" by giving off-screen oral sex to his image sitting atop of a television stand that has wheels at the bottom of it.
     Don't get me wrong, The Heart, She Holler! is a funny show, precisely because of how fucked up it is. There are references to voodoo dolls, and a guy asks God to have sex with him while he's praying in a bathroom stall. And it's entirely possible that the intention of the show is as it seems to be, which is to create a show like Dynasty, but with a "southern Gothic" -style twist. The twist is that the town has a curse, which is also a secret. It is slowly revealed that Kristen Schaal's character's grandmother, Meemaw, can't die, and also that she is Virginia Dare, the first white child born in North America.
     But again, the show features numerous references to, and jokes about, pedophilia, and about Schaal's "Hurshe" character trying to have sex with her dead father in order to get control of the family, her father's fortune, and the "holler" (i.e., the town). Finally, there is an episode in the second or third season in which it is revealed that nearly every character in town likes to dress up as a little blonde girl and play pretend, except for Meemaw, who, instead, kills a little girl and then steals her voice.

     Another example of Kristen Schaal's pedophilia jokes, is the time she hired a little girl to tell a sexually-tinged joke about having a boy in her basement during one of Schaal's comedy specials.
     See the following link to watch Schaal (in an obviously rehearsed sketch) dare a girl of about ten to "come up here and try this yourself". The girl obliges, and proceeds to tell a joke that alludes to B.D.S.M. (Bondage, Domination, and Slave & Master / Sadomasochism).

     This may not prove that Schaal is a pedophile, but it proves that she is insensitive about child abuse, and probably considers it a laughing matter.
     The value of getting that young actress "exposure" is not worth the potential negative consequences of normalizing children making sex jokes to adult audiences. It feeds the idea that "children are not innocent" and already know about sex, which feeds the notion that "they need to be taught how to do it some time", (and eventually, when they get to high school and college, "someone needs to break them in").
     Evidently Kristen Schaal thinks it is funny when little girls make sex jokes about having little boys in their basement. Could you imagine if a ten or twelve-year-old boy made such a joke about girls? He would be booed off stage, as he would deserve to be.
     But Kristen Schaal is out there making this sort of stuff acceptable. And Aziz Ansari has either noticed none of this, or else has noticed it and doesn't care enough to stop associating with Schaal.

     IV. Bob's Burgers is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia because Aziz played video game enthusiast Darryl on the show, and the show has joked about pedophilia.

     Aziz Ansari's co-stars on Bob's Burgers include... you guessed it... Kristen Schaal. Patton Oswalt also appeared on Bob's Burgers as a food critic. It's also worth noting that Patton Oswalt starred in The Heart, She Holler! alongside Kristen Schaal.
     In the episode featuring Oswalt, Kristen Schaal's character Louise, who is a little girl, comes up with a joke with her older brother Gene, to name one of the signature hamburgers "The Child Molester", because "it comes with candy". Soon thereafter, Bob (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin) notices a guy in the restaurant who "looks like a child molester". That character was an undercover food critic dressed as a rabbi, voiced by Oswalt.

     This is not the only time Bob's Burgers has juxtaposed children and sex for laughs. In one episode, the parents Bob and Linda turned their house into a bed and breakfast, and had to hide from their children the fact that one of the couples that was staying over, was having bondage-style sex.
     The show has also made numerous allusions to Gene's possible transgender or non-binary status, which is arguably fixation on a child's sexuality or sexual identity. Additionally, the older sister character, Tina, is voiced by a man, and she is a "horse girl" who is obsessed with teen boy bands. Her awkwardness, and her sexual fantasies, are frequent sources of humor on the show. There is an episode in which Tina's "erotic friend fiction" gets stolen by one of her classmates, and she responds by writing a new erotic story about her classmates, and reading it out loud in front of a whole cafeteria full of the children.

      One child molestation joke in an entire series is arguably an accident. But something that happens more than once is not an accident, nor a coincidence. Multiple child molestation jokes constitutes a pattern.
     Aziz Ansari and Kristen Schaal, and others, have had plenty of opportunities to avoid making child molestation jokes over and over again on the shows in which they appear - and plenty of opportunities to avoid appearing alongside actors who have made careers out of this type of material - yet it is obvious that Schaal has not taken any of these opportunities.

     [Note: Oswalt has told pedophilia jokes in his act as well. These include his joke (and short song) about "Uncle Touchy's naked puzzle basement", his joke about a girl getting "fucked" by someone wearing a Garfield mask, and a joke about a true crime TV show voice-over saying that children's blood led from a school bus into a church. That fact, and a tweet in which he referred to his daughter Alice as a "little morsel", have been used to suggest that Oswalt is a pedophile. However, that tweet was photoshopped, and some of the same people who allege Oswalt is a pedophile, also claim that he murdered his wife Meredith. Oswalt's wife, Meredith Salenger, was a serial killer hobbyist, and a "true crime" researcher and author. According to Oswalt, when he woke up one morning, his wife was unresponsive. Salenger's research later led to the arrest of Joseph James d'Angelo for the numerous rapes and murders committed by the Golden State Killer. I personally do not believe that Oswalt is a pedophile; I believe that he tells those jokes for shock value. But it's hard to know for sure. Either way, I do not believe that he is a clear and present danger to his daughter.]

     V. The Venture Bros., on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia, because Aziz played the character Martin on the show, and the show has made jokes about pedophilia, and even has a child rapist character.

     There is an episode of The Venture Bros. titled "Self-Medication", in which the Venture boys, Hank and Dean, are guarded by a character named Sergeant Hatred. Sergeant Hatred became a pedophile after developing increased empathy as the side effect of an experimental drug given to him by a secret government agency. Sergeant Hatred was subsequently given a drug called "Nomolestol" to curb his sexual appetite for children, which allowed him to become the Venture brothers' bodyguard without assaulting them.
     This episode could be interpreted as promoting the chemical castration of child sex offenders, in which case it would be completely appropriate. But it might just be another example of poking fun at child molestation.
     There is also a character in The Venture Bros. named Nikki Fictel, voiced by Lisa Hammer, and later, Saturday Night Live's Kate McKinnon. The Nikki Fictel character had sex with Dr. Venture when she was fifteen years old, after telling him that she was twenty. There are numerous references to sex, and statutory rape, that surround the Nikki Fictel character, who appeared in two episodes.

     At first glance, there's nothing that would suggest a direct connection between Aziz Ansari's character Martin, on The Venture Bros..
     But it's perhaps worth mentioning that there is a character on that show, including in Ansari's episode, called The Monarch, who is the main villain. The show also contains numerous references to secret government programs. It's possible that the name of "The Monarch" is a reference to Project Monarch, which was part of MK-ULTRA, according to Cathy o'Brien.
     O'Brien accused George H.W. Bush and others of child sex crimes in the early 1990s. MK-ULTRA and Project Monarch were child brainwashing and sexual torture programs. It's possible that the "monarch" in "Project Monarch" is a symbol for puberty, because butterflies emerge from cocoons after they go into a larval stage as worms. The episode with Aziz Ansari references the Monarch, cocoons, and also "roofies" (a reference to the drug rohypnol, which is used to make people unconscious and then rape them).

     Just another show full of pedophilia and sex jokes of which Ansari could have chosen to steer clear, but didn't.

     VI. Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia because Ansari appeared on the show (as himself), and the host of the show is a pedophile. I'm referring, of course, to Jerry Seinfeld.

      Jerry Seinfeld was thirty-eight years old when he began dating 17-year-old Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss. They met some time in either 1992 or 1993.
     The 48th, 50th, 51st, and 56th episodes of Seinfeld, which were aired around the same time, all featured jokes about either pedophilia, a possible reference to childhood in sex talk, or wanting to have sex with a virgin. The 48th episode is "The Cheever Letters", the 50th episode is “The Virgin”, the 51st is “The Contest”, and the 56th is “The Shoes”.

     In "The Cheever Letters", Jerry's girlfriend Sandra leaves his apartment after Sandra was talking about her panties, and Jerry replied, "You mean the panties your mother laid out for you?" This is revealed during a conversation with George, about Jerry's "dirty talk". Jerry declines to explain to George why he mentioned Sandra's mother during dirty talk. It's possible that the Jerry character was trying to infantilize Sandra, or get her to try "age play". "The Cheever Letters" episode was written by Larry David.

     In “The Virgin”, Frasier's Jane Leeves plays Marla Penny, an adult woman in her late 20s or early 30s who is still a virgin. The sexual frustration which Jerry experiences in the “Virgin” episode, leads to the following episode, “The Contest”, also featuring Leeves. That episode, which is one of the best-known and most popular episode in the show's history, was about the four main characters entering into a betting game to see who can go the longest without having sex. In the series finale, Marla Penny actually testifies in court about how horrified she was when she found out about this game, which Jerry was playing while he was dating her. But focusing on the “Contest” episode: during that episode, there is a scene in which Jerry tries to distract himself from how pent-up (and, presumably, horny) he is. He does so by calling his mother on the phone while watching the children's cartoon show Tiny Toons. While watching the show, Jerry sings along to the song “The Wheels on the Bus (Go 'Round and 'Round)”. This may not be a direct joke at the expense of child sex crime victim, but it is certainly a juxtaposition of children and sex which is intended to get laughs. If it is not pedophilic, then it is at least insensitive, and shows that the writers can't think of anything to distract Jerry that doesn't have to do with child-like things.
     Speaking of child-like things, not only does the real Jerry date teenagers while the fake Jerry dates virgins; the fake Jerry is an immature adult who basically has the mind of a child. He spends all his time making stupid, pointless observations, and talking about nothing, and making jokes all the time. Like a child does. He also eats and talks about cereal all the time, and Superman either appears as a figurine or is mentioned in nearly every single episode. I don't know whether it says anything about real Jerry, but fake Jerry has obviously not grown up yet.

     In “The Shoes”, George stares down the blouse of a teenage girl. George Costanza, played by Jason Alexander, risked losing a job opportunity after television producer Russell Dalrymple (played by Bob Balaban) caught him staring down the blouse of the young girl in his office. That young girl was played by Brooke Shields when she was 21 or 22. It was revealed that the young girl character was not only just 15 years old, but also Dalrymple's daughter.

     All of this means that Seinfeld broadcast four episodes about either pedophilia, reference to childhood in the bedroom, or wanting to have sex with a virgin, within the five-month span of time between late October 1992 and February 1993.

     Think about how pathological that is. Seinfeld had just begun dating a 17-year-old girl, and I'm sure there were probably people who thought it was creepy. If there were, and their opinion got back to Jerry and Larry David, they probably just said “Let's put it in the show! We can make jokes about it!” They were probably trying to “nip things in the bud” by making jokes about having sex with virgins, to get the audience accustomed to laughing about jokes that include both the topic of children or virginity and the topic of sex. The Marla Penny character is visibly in her thirties, and not a teenager, but it's hard to avoid wondering whether the “The Virgin” character, and episode, may have been influenced by the fact that Jerry was dating a teenage girl at the time.

     It's also noteworthy that the character of George Costanza is based on Larry David, the producer of Seinfeld. We might wonder whether George's experience – almost losing a job opportunity for getting caught staring down a female's shirt – could have been based on something that happened to Larry David. Maybe it was even a teenage girl, and/or the daughter of a producer. You know what they say: “Life imitates art, and art imitates life.”
     Maybe Larry David is a pedophile! Let's look at some more facts.
     When Larry David hosted Saturday Night Live, he made a joke about Harvey Weinstein, in which the punch line involved a Jewish rapist trying to get laid in a concentration camp, harassing other Holocaust victims imprisoned there. That was wildly insensitive, but it didn't have to do with children. However, later in the episode, Larry David appeared alongside sitting U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders in yet another sketch about an incident of mass death, the Titanic sinking. In that sketch, Larry David played a Titanic passenger who tried to steal a lifeboat from a boy, which was reserved for women and children only. David's character shouts that the boy is, in fact, a man, and that he could see the boy's “happy trail”, a reference to pubic hair.
     Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David obviously consider the juxtaposition of children and sex to be a laughing matter. None of this information may directly suggest that they are attracted to small children, but it's probable that they are attracted to teenage girls and have no problem joking about it in a very public manner.

     It turns out that Seinfeld isn't about “nothing” after all! For a few years there, I thought it was about food, such as cereals; or perhaps Superman. I guess it's about pedophilia!
     Avoid, Aziz. I'd say "try harder to notice next time", but this is all too much to be a coincidence.

      VII. The Jash comedy troupe is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia because Aziz produced a show for Jash, and several members of Jash have made pedophilic jokes, and even a whole show about teen sexuality. Jash has been described as a “comedy collective” or “comedy community”, and it is also an advertising agency.
     Aziz Ansari, Eric Wareheim (of Cartoon Network's Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!), and director Jason Woliner, have a food and culture show called Food Club, which was produced for Jash.
     The members of Jash are Michael Cera, Sarah Silverman, Reggie Watts, and Tim and Eric (Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim). Daniel Kellison, Doug deLuca, and Mickey Meyer are also involved with the collective. Andy Samberg has also discussed his involvement with Jash, in a red carpet appearance featuring fellow S.N.L. alum Norm MacDonald.
     Andy Samberg formed the band Lonely Island, which became well-known for its hilarious music videos, shown on Saturday Night Live. The other members of the Lonely Island are Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer, both of whom are actor-comedian-writer-directors. All three members of the Lonely Island were given credits as producers of the Hulu show Pen15, which features thirty-year-old women playing themselves as 13-year-olds. In Pen15, teenage girls' sexuality is discussed in excruciating detail.
     I might have let this fact go, had it not been for Samberg's association with the obviously pedophilic S.N.L.. I cannot recall any particular sketch containing Samberg making pedophilic jokes, but I have read that either Akiva Schaffer or Jorma Taccone publicly made a joke about Andy Samberg inserting his “hairless penis” into the vagina of his wife, Joanna Newsom (the cousin of California Governor Gavin Newsom).
     It seems clear that the members of Lonely Island consider pubic hair and teenage sexuality to be laughing matter. And they certainly are. If you're still a teenager.

     Aziz Ansari easily could have avoided becoming so closely involved with people who make pubic hair jokes, make music videos for a pedophilic sketch comedy show, and financed a whole show about women dressing up as teenage girls. Again, Aziz Ansari chose not to.

     VIII. Eric Wareheim is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia because of Wareheim's and Ansari's work with the Lonely Island, which I have detailed above.

     For those who aren't up to date on what's being shown on TV these days, we should keep in mind that Tim and Eric, Bob's Burgers, and The Venture Bros. all air on Adult Swim, which is what's on the children's cartoon channel Cartoon Network. Which means that, if children stay up late and try to watch Cartoon Network, they will see some of the most absurd – and “funny because it's fucked up” shows.
     In the last five years, that list of shows has included Mother, May I Dance with Mary Jane's Fist?, a show called Golan the Insatiable that begins with a monster marching into a courtroom and demanding in front of parents and children that a monument to Satan be erected in the town square, and a show about a dog that is apparently possessed by the Devil but actually helps save a child from evil people.
     Don't get me wrong; it is still the responsibility of adults to keep their children from staying up too late and watching these shows. I am writing this article for adults. But the fact that these shows are on the same channel as “ordinary” children's programming should concern us. Especially considering that that “ordinary” programming still fixates on children's sexual identity (Steven Universe) and makes tons of jokes about body parts and bodily functions (Teen Titans Go!).

     To get to the topic of Tim and Eric directly, I have not noticed anything overtly pedophilic on the show, but I found one appearance by Will Ferrell to be disturbing. That appearance was the sketch “Original Child Clown Outlet”.
     The sketch includes references to Ferrell's character harvesting his ejaculate to create clown babies, clowns and children touching each other, putting children into “cages they can't see through”, and burying children “in the back” as a punishment for misbehavior. All of this happens within the span of eighty-one seconds. These people are throwing pedophile jokes at you so fast that you can't even notice that that's what they're doing.

     Will Ferrell has also appeared as “Craig the Spartans cheerleader” and “Nuni, son of Nuni and Nuni” in S.N.L. sketches that focus on the character's emerging sexuality. In the “Spartans” sketch, his character is in high school, while the “Nuni” character is in his thirties but thinks he is going through puberty. Ferrell also appeared on an episode of The Chris Gethard Show, and performed a Satanic ceremony to promote the show's ratings.  You know, as a joke.

     These people are freaks. Anyone who associates with them are freaks. I'm talking to you, Aziz, and Eric Wareheim, and Tim Heidecker.
     Once when I was in high school, I made a car full of my theater friends angry because I said “all actors are gay”. I should have said “all actors are pedophiles”. If I had done so, it would have made a lot more sense when – nearly twenty years later, in 2020 – our theater director, David Miller, turned out to have been having sexually inappropriate relationships with 17-year-old boys. One time during a talent show, Dave dressed up as a little Dutch girl with blonde hair and went “Bloo-loo-loo! Bloo-loo-loo!” to imitate the sound of Dutch. Some things happen and you go years without thinking about it, and then it turns out that what happened should have been an indication that the person was a pedophile.
     I know a pedophilic freak who wants to be an actor when I see one, and I am telling you that Will Ferrell was not “writing a sketch” when he planned to emerge through a fake womb as part of a performance art piece to pray to the Devil for ratings (and thus commercial success). That sketch was clearly influenced by the “spirit cooking” that was recommended by black magician Aleister Crowley.
     Even if the Devil does not exist, that fact alone cannot stop people who worship the Devil from sacrificing you to him, if they want to do so. “We're just pretending” is not consoling, when you're literally doing a black magick ritual on television. The fact that it's a joke makes it more fucked up, not less.

     Will Ferrell's history of playing characters fixated on their sexuality and sexual development, and the possibility that he is a Satanist (or at least interested in blood magick and black magick), should be concerning.
     It's also worth noting that Will Ferrell appeared at artist Marina Abramovic's Museum of Modern Art banquet, where she and Debbie Harry cut up a giant cake that was shaped like a human laying in a vat of blood. Ferrell appeared alongside his wife, and he was wearing a clean white suit. All guests at the event were required to wear white tops; this was likely an allusion to purity. Wearing white is how they cleanse themselves of the sin of what they do to their victims.

     Aziz Ansari has been in Hollywood for a while. He ought to know better than to associate with a disturbed mind such as that of Will Ferrell, and with Tim and Eric, who allow him to joke on their show about clowns molesting children and then killing them and burying them after they were created in a breeding program.
    "Well, when you put it that way...!"

     IX. James Franco is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia because Aziz Ansari roasted James Franco for Comedy Central, and James Franco had a sex scandal involving underage girls.
     In January 2018, Newsweek and Gawker published articles reporting that a woman from Scotland had accused Franco of trying to hook up with her through Instagram when she was 17. Franco has also been accused, by five actresses, of pressuring his former acting students into doing nude scenes.

     What is Aziz Ansari doing hanging out with someone who has been accused of so much sexually inappropriate behavior towards significantly younger women and teen(s)? The answer is coming shortly.

     X. Dave Chappelle is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia because Aziz performed at the presentation of the 2019 Mark Twain prize to Chappelle, and Chappelle confessed to watching the R. Kelly sex tape on Chappelle's Show.

     With regard to R. Kelly, Dave Chappelle is best remembered for making fun of the man (Robert Sylvester Kelly). He did so in several music videos which he produced for the show. The songs were parodies of R. Kelly's songs, repurposed to be about “peeing on people” and “doodoo butter”.

     Fewer Chappelle fans, however, probably remember that Chappelle's Show once featured a sketch in which Dave appeared in voir dire (jury selection process), defending Michael Jackson and R. Kelly for their alleged sex crimes against children. The version of himself that Chappelle plays in this sketch, justifies vehemently defending Kelly and Jackson for three reasons: 1) the police disproportionately kill African-American suspects; 2) the police lie about that, and frame people, and might be trying to shake down black celebrities; 3) the suspects in question are black. The third reason is revealed when Chappelle says “Oh yeah, Baretta did that shit” when questioned about what he knew about the Robert Blake murder allegations.

     In Chappelle's defense, this was obviously an intentionally subversive sketch, as Chappelle's sketches often are. And Chappelle did end up saying that he would not allow his son to sleep in the same bed with Michael Jackson, after defending him. But the fact remains: the “version of himself” which Chappelle was playing in the juror selection sketch, admitted to viewing the R. Kelly sex tape. The one in which R. Kelly urinates on, and has sex with, a 15-year-old girl.

     Of course, it's possible that Chappelle, himself, did not see the video, and was merely having his “character Dave Chappelle” summarize what he had heard was in the video from second-hand sources. If that's the case, then Dave Chappelle did not admit to watching child pornography on his own show. But if the “character Dave Chappelle” in that sketch was based on his own experiences, then Chappelle admitted to watching child porn. There is also a Chappelle's Show sketch in which Dave travels to “the Internet” - pictured as a giant mall – and gets addicted to the porn store. This includes references to having sex with a goat. I am not about to accuse Dave Chappelle of having sex with a goat, as I do not want to be accused of trying to frame black celebrities; I merely wish to point out that this was probably Chappelle's way of admitting that he has an internet porn addiction. He also made an entire film about how pussy was the only thing important enough to him to make him quit smoking weed (Half Baked). It seems hard to deny the possibility that the real Dave Chappelle downloaded the R. Kelly sex tape on the internet at one point or another, and watched it.

     Chappelle has also said in his stand-up comedy, regarding the Kelly scandal: “How old is fifteen, really?”. Those who have watched The Boondocks's take on the R. Kelly scandal may respond to these facts by reciting the line from that episode: “If I didn't want to get peed on, I'd just get out of the way.” But I will remind you that the character who spoke that line is an eight-year-old child; Riley Freeman. It's a funny line, but Chappelle – and Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder – seem to have made a few excuses for peeing on children.

     Let's not downplay the seriousness of what Aaron McGruder did either. He took a line that means “I know how to avoid getting peed on for sexual purposes”, and put it into the mouth of a child character. He may not have meant to do so, but this just furthers the same twisted idea that Kristen Schaal's little girl comedian jokes furthers. It promotes the idea that children are not innocent about sexual matters. Of course, some kids know what sex is and some kids don't, but the fact that they know a little bit, should not serve as an excuse to tell them a whole lot more, nor should it serve as an excuse to have sex with them, nor to let them tell a thousand adults a joke about having little boys in their basements.

     The fact that you can come up with jokes about a grown man having sex with a teenage girl, does not mean that you should. R. Kelly “had sex with” a fifteen-year-old girl (i.e., took advantage of his older age and his celebrity to rape her), and subjected her to a sexual fetish that is arguably demeaning and humiliating. The fact that he introduced a legal minor – a child – to a sexual fetish, is also disturbing.
     Peepee and doodoo and kaka are funny, Dave Chappelle (and Aaron McGruder). But that doesn't make the rape of minors funny. Maybe Dave should stick to the Diarrhea Song and the cultural observations for a while. And stop talking politics with pedophile Jerry Seinfeld.
     Stay away from Dave Chappelle, Aziz.

   XI. Nick Kroll

     Nick Kroll is a link between Aziz Ansari and pedophilia because Ansari toured with Kroll on Kroll's "Glow in the Dark Comedy Tour", they worked together on "Comedy Bang! Bang", and Ansari appeared on Kroll's The Kroll Show, while Kroll voices a character based on himself, on the show he created, titled Big Mouth.
     Big Mouth - like Pen15, another show on Netflix - has been widely criticized for featuring entirely too much content that hyper-focuses on teenage sexuality. One example is depicting puberty through characters called "hormone monsters".

     The show has also caused numerous other scandals due to its content.

     I'm not saying "Children shouldn't be allowed to see these shows". I'm saying that adults shouldn't watch them either. People should have more respect for themselves than to watch shows about puberty monsters. "Fucked up" does not automatically equal funny.
    The creators of this show - Andrew Goldberg, Nick Kroll, Mark Levin, and Jennifer Flackett - did not need to create a show like this. There does not need to be an entire show about "coming of age", i.e., puberty. Or if there does, it has already been done, and much more tastefully so (The Wonder Years). The creators of this show obviously get off on hyperfocusing on teenage sexuality, which - like the creators of Pen15 - they get ideas for their show from their own experiences.
     If gross-out comedy is automatically funny, then that is only true for children. But this show is obviously not for kids. It is for immature adults. It is for adults who are pedophiles. There is a difference between a child laughing to himself about urine, and Nickelodeon coming up with a whole show (You Can't Do That on Television!) just so it can have an excuse to cover children with slime, and shoving it in kids' faces. You can tell the difference between The Wonder Years and Big Mouth, can't you? Do both of these shows really deserve to be lumped into the same "coming-of-age story" category?

     Advising Aziz Ansari to stay away from people who make these kinds of shows, probably isn't enough at this point. Ansari had too many chances to say no to pedo-Hollywood, and he didn't take any of them.

     Let's review.

     Aziz Ansari has been the co-star of Rob Lowe, who made a porn film with Georgia resident Lena Jan Dunham when she was 16 and he was 24. Two of Ansari's former co-stars dated, or tried to date, seventeen-year-old girls; Jerry Seinfeld and James Franco. He has also worked with Amy Poehler, and the Lonely Island (and Jash), and other people at Saturday Night Live, and Tim and Eric, whom have all made numerous jokes about pedophilia. He worked with Kristen Schaal – and several people whom Schaal has worked with – after Schaal coached a little girl to make a sex joke onstage. Lastly, he worked with Dave Chappelle, and with the creators of The Venture Bros., and Nick Kroll.

     That is eleven or thirteen people with whom Ansari worked closely, whom have perpetrated sex crimes against minors; legally had sex with girls between 16 and 18; or made numerous jokes about pedophilia in their comedy, shows, or movies. Ansari is clearly not even trying to avoid these people. You would think, that out of these eleven or thirteen people, something would have stuck out that seemed odd.

     It's possible that Ansari likes that sort of humor, and maybe even seeks it out on purpose. I'm not aware of any pedophilic jokes that Ansari has told in his act, but the sketch with Melissa Villasenor was his only memorable appearance on the show.

     To be fair to Aziz, those ten or twelve people with whom he co-starred, only covers about one-third or one-fourth of Aziz Ansari's entire lifetime acting and comedy resume. Still, the fact that I can look at his resume, and ten different people jump out at me quickly, should indicate that something fishy might be up with “Randy” (his persona / character who talks about his dick and then blows an airhorn).

     It's interesting to note that Ansari talks about his teenage cousin Darwish in his comedy. If Ansari is not a pedophile, then that's nothing to be concerned about. If he is a pedophile, then he might be doing that in order to curry favor with young teenage fans.

     Ansari also talks about knowing and being friends with Kanye West during his routine about Darwish. So Ansari knows M.I.A. and Kanye West, which is interesting because of the “bad bitch... from Sri Lanka” line in the Kanye / Nicki Minaj (etc.) song “Monster”. That song, if you haven't suspected it yet, is about being a monster, and basically bragging about it.

     The facts that Ansari appears in shows with pedophiles and comedians who joke about pedophilia – and he knows Kanye West and fellow Tamil M.I.A. (whom is possibly secretly referenced in one of Kanye's most successful songs, and married into a billionaire family that funded a sex cult) – should be concerning.

     You might be asking, “Why would you ever suspect that Aziz Ansari would be the type of person who is attracted to children in the first place?” I am not trying to suggest, by any means, that there is any “type” of person who is or becomes attracted to children. But one reason that might explain Aziz's possible pedophilia – if he is a pedophile – could be that he is very short, and therefore cannot easily get a full-sized or adult woman to date him because he looks almost like a child next to the larger among them. Ansari stands 5 feet 6 inches tall.
     If Aziz is having trouble getting a girlfriend because of his height, that might help explain the following sex scandal.
     In January 2018, a 23-year-old woman accused Ansari of attempting to pressure her into sex unsuccessfully, and said that they had oral sex. That oral sex may have occurred under pressure. The woman's identity is unknown. If Ansari was born in 1983, and this incident occurred before 2018, and the woman was 23 when she wrote the article in the first link above, then that means the woman was born around 1995, which makes her up to 10 or 12 years younger than Ansari. They were both legal adults at the time, but the significant age difference should be a cause for concern – as should the fact that the oral sex they had probably occurred under pressure – in case it turns out that the woman is telling the truth.
     If you've looked up at the title of this article recently, you're probably asking, "OK, so Aziz Ansari might be a pedophile. What does this have to do with the R.S.S.?"
     The R.S.S. is a males-only volunteer militia that is subjugating women, in a country that is among the most plagued with child sex trafficking and gang rape. The R.S.S., and Narendra Modi's regime, retaining power in India, foretells widespread sexual subjugation of the women and girls in India. Gandhi, who "tested himself" by sleeping in a bed with young girls, once beat his wife for not cleaning the toilet, saying that everyone had to do it.

     Gandhi may have been right to  point out that it's undignified to clean another human being's shit, but it's also undignified to sleep in a bed with little girls and beat your wife!? What the fuck, dude!? Stop sleeping with little girls and beating your wife, and start writing a very long letter to Hitler, I guess, if that's what it takes to distract you. Maybe you need some weed from Dave Chappelle, or some pussy.
     Not every immigrant is a left-winger or a progressive, just because they are an ethnic minority. Gandhi was a pedophile and a Nazi sympathizer, and excuses for his behavior have almost certainly contributed to the Nazi subculture in India as well as its rape culture.
     If Modi's regime and the R.S.S. retain power in India, and ties between India and Biden's pro-Hollywood Democratic Party administration strengthen, then it will assist the Indian and U.S. governments, and their men, in taking a huge step to render women physically powerless to struggle against rape, and legally powerless to hold their attackers accountable. It will also result in increased trafficking of young girls, both in and outside of India and the United States.

     Aziz Ansari has positioned himself perfectly between India, the Bronfman family sex cult NXIVM, Democratic Zionist elements in Hollywood, the Kanye-Kardashian family, and a dozen possible pedophile celebrities. It's completely possible that Aziz Ansari has never molested or raped a child, or any minor. But to assume that he has not positioned himself there on purpose, in order to gain influence, is almost irrationally naive.
     This is not a joke. Aziz Ansari is a joke. Any idiot can make dick jokes, call himself Randy, and then blow an airhorn. I am funnier than Aziz Ansari! If you ask me, Aziz should say "Ansari" about his affiliation with M.I.A., Kanye, and other shady celebrities.
     You might think a lot of the things I suggested are a stretch, but you know what's also a stretch? The way Aziz has to stand on his tiptoes to kiss women his own age, because he's so short that he has to force women who are a decade younger than he is to give him begrudging blowjobs after they deny him vaginal intercourse.

    All joking aside, Ansari said that the intercourse that they did have, appeared to him to have been completely consensual.
     However, Ansari's accuser, "Grace", has an account of the story which does not sound consensual at all. In 2018, Ansari's accuser told that Ansari repeatedly stuck his fingers down her throat, and repeatedly moved her hand towards his genitals.

     Sadly, not many people who know about Ansari's scandal, know these full details. Which is probably why several columnists have described the petering-out of the Ansari scandal, as "the MeToo movement jumping the shark".

     In the typical Hollywood fashion - the fashion of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew and Rob Lowe's poking fun at his sex tape that would now be considered child pornography - Aziz Ansari has been allowed to resuscitate himself. Here's a link to a Netflix special that he made about the sexual abuse allegations against him.
     I guess when someone makes sexual abuse allegations against you, you can just make a special about it, and do a funny interview of it with fellow Indian-American comedian Hasan Minhaj. Minhaj is the host of Comedy Central's Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj.

13. Hasan Minhaj

     In Minhaj's interview with Ansari about the accusations, Ansari joked that the accusations are actually against Hasan, evidently because they are often mistaken for one another. This seems like an obvious attempt at deflection, but on the other hand, making a whole special about it seems very direct, and so, it looks like Ansari is confronting things head-on. But it's also a comedic interview about rape. Who gets to pressure a decade-younger girl into oral sex, and then riffs about it on late night? Only celebrities. Only Aziz.
     And Rob Lowe, and James Franco.
     Casey Anthony (charged with killing her daughter) is making her own documentary about her supposed innocence as well.
     Even Paul Reubens (best known as Pee Wee Herman) came back to show business. Reubens appeared in the Ben Stiller film Mystery Men, alongside Janeane Garofalo, after everybody forgot that Reubens had been caught with child pornography. The strength of the anti-drug movement in the 1990s, apparently caused the focus to remain on Pee Wee's crack cocaine use, rather than his child porn possession.
     Whether Hasan Minhaj is working for the R.S.S. or not, it looks as though he is helping to resuscitate and redeem Aziz Ansari, whom, at the very least, doesn't deserve any assistance, and can defend himself. Isn't it bad enough that we still have to put up with Rob Lowe, James Franco, and Pee Wee Herman?

     It's possible that Minhaj agreed to interview Aziz Ansari about his sexual abuse allegations out of a possible mutual desire to helping fellow Indian-American actors stay employed, and help fellow Indian-American men get laid (and also get away with dominating women in the process). This might sound complex and unbelievable, but it's no more complex than "Indian bros before Indian hos."
     Minhaj, with his show Patriot Act, seems like he cares about freedom. But consider the shoes Minhaj is filling. Comedy Central's previous "comedy news shows" featured big names like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert as their hosts. Stewart and Colbert made that network (which is owned by Viacom, which owns MTV and Nickelodeon, TV channels for minors).
     Jon Stewart may have attempted to cover-up for Anthony Weiner's sexting teenage girls in 2011, by giving him the same kind of favorable softball interview that Hasan Minhaj gave Aziz Ansari. Stewart has admitted to rooming with Weiner in college. Stewart once laughed when an reporter asked him if he was surprised to learn of the accusations against Weiner. Stewart supports the draft, as does Rahm Emanuel. Tulsi Gabbard also voted for a bill in the mid-2010s that could have been used to require women to begin registering for the draft.
     Stephen Colbert works as a Catholic school teacher, when he isn't shilling for Doritos on his show, the same way Jay Leno did when he sold out and started telling jokes written for old people.
     Former Daily Show contributor, Englishman Jon Oliver, got his own show on H.B.O., whose parent company is TimeWarner, a donor to Hillary Clinton. Also, Wikileaks revealed that the Greg Propper of PropperDaley told associates in a 2015 e-mail that he had made contact with people at Oliver's show during the 2016 presidential election.
     Greg Propper and business partner Mark Daley also organized a star-studded fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, which is detailed in the C.N.N. article below.

     These people all know each other, and it's not a coincidence. They are all Democrats (yet still nationalists) and many of them are pedophiles and sexual predators. These ties between D.C. and Hollywood are real. The Pentagon used to pay news networks to repeat pro-war, pro-military, and pro-police talking points and stories; it was called Operation Mockingbird. That operation continues; the only difference is that now, the reporters get paid after they lie to help the corrupt government.
     Hasan Minhaj could just be another cog in that "mainstream media-government complex" Deep State machine. It is no anti-Semitic conspiracy that just six major media conglomerates dominate all of American entertainment and news. Minhaj may seem "edgy", and above that, but in my opinion he is just following the example of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert (and Keith Olbermann and Barack Obama):
     Be rational and pro-freedom enough to make your audience laugh at the easy-to-spot Republican corruption, but hide the difficult-to-spot Democratic corruption by including enough jokes that subtly reinforce pro-Democrat propaganda, so they never think to question the power of the police unions, or remember for too long that both parties are corrupt.

   15. Jay Chandrasekhar

Chandrasekhar as Lt. Arcot "Thorny" Ramathorn in Super Troopers

     Actor-director Jay Chandrasekhar was born Jayanth Jambulingam Chandrasekhar in Chicago. His parents are from Chennai, India, and like Aziz Ansari and M.I.A., he is Tamil.
     Chandrasekhar's repertoire is disturbing for a number of reasons; namely, his involvement with the film Super Troopers, and the TV series Chuck and Community.

     Take the 2001 film Super Troopers, for example (which Chandrasekhar directed, and co-wrote and co-starred in along with the rest of the Broken Lizard comedy troupe). The film could easily be criticized as depicting police officers as bumbling idiots who like to goof off, but are still friendly and fun and lovable; instead of the lying, wife-abusing, minority murderers that many of them are.
     This would not be worth mentioning, if it were not for the fact that this is not the only example of Chandrasekhar's work which arguably uses humor to aggrandize segments of the police state and make them more likable.
     Chandrasekhar also directed some of the episodes of the TV show Chuck, a comedy about a man who becomes a spy, which aired from 2007 to 2012. The show is loaded with snappy dialogue and quips, probably intended to make working for the C.I.A. and N.S.A. into something cool. The show makes it cool to work for the N.S.A., by having the main character Chuck trick the government into assigning him spy missions. Chuck was portrayed by Zachary Levi.

     Chandrasekhar's involvement with the show Community should also be concerning.
     For one, he appeared as an overtly racist character, a comedian named Gupta Gupti Gupta on the show. Lampooning racism in a tasteful way is one thing, but is that really what's going on here? Why do the neo-liberals who are making Community promoting immigration in some scenes, while they are possibly making fun of Indians at the same time?
     For that matter, how many times do viewers of The Office have to see the clip of Michael Scott asking Mindy Kaling's Indian-American character “Would you like to try some of my googly-googly” before they realize that these actors enjoy mocking people of different ethnic and racial backgrounds? If we would realize that ratings and profits are their true motives, then all of these attempts to seem “woke” would be in vain.
     I am not the first person to notice that these jokes on The Office which supposedly mock racism, are actually racist; actress Kat Ahn called the show out for its treatment of Asian-American women.
     The show's creator, Ricky Gervais, even admitted that the show's mockery of Asian-Americans is "funny because it's racist" in a 2008 appearance on Saturday Night Live which featured Office star Steve Carell.

     It's also appropriate to mention that Community was created by Dan Harmon, one of the creators of Rick and Morty. Harmon deleted his Twitter account in July 2018 after a pilot video he made in 2009 resurfaced. That video was a spoof of the show Dexter, and was about a therapist who molests babies, and mimes rubbing his genitals on a plastic baby doll as the “baby” cried. Harmon subsequently apologized.
     Community also featured a scene in which Alison Brie's character sings to Joel McHale's character a rendition of “Santa Baby”. The Christmas song, popularized by Eartha Kitt, was covered by Madonna. Brie's character tells McHale's that she was trying to sing like Madonna. That cover by Madonna is known for having a distinctive “sexy little girl voice” or “sexy baby voice”. Brie managed to put even more “sexy little girl voice” into her cover of “Santa Baby”.
     Dan Harmon's show Rick and Morty - "woke" though it is - revolves around Rick Sanchez, an alternate-universe-hopping scientist grandpa who is into incest and bestiality. Granted, he wants to have sex with his own grandchildren, and space giraffes, in other dimensions, but if you think about it, why is Rick hopping from one alternate universe to another? Why are other Ricks chasing him all the time? Maybe he is fleeing from one of the alternate universes in which he has had sex with his own grandson, Morty. This is not just speculation on my part; fans of the show have already begun sexualizing Rick's relationship with Morty in fan art.

     Community is not the “woke” show it portrays itself as. Shows like Community, The Office,
and Rick and Morty lure people in, on the premise that the show is "woke" (by which I mean conscious and conscientious), or “far out” or “off the wall” or “so fucked up that it's funny”, only to reveal their amoral intentions through their insensitive sexual jokes, and jokes which desensitize us to making fun of people of different backgrounds.
     It is Democratic Party propaganda targeted at white neo-liberals who have just enough shame to vote Democratic, but not enough self-awareness to understand that they need to look outside of mainstream media – to news and entertainment that is actually produced by non-whites, and by people outside the two-party structure - for news or entertainment.

     Like Aziz Ansari, Chandrasekhar had plenty of opportunities to write and direct television shows and films, without either aggrandizing the police, or turning spying on citizens into a laughing matter, or working with people who make jokes about raping children. But Chandrasekhar chose not to. And that is why we must question his motives.
     Having worked for N.B.C. should have been enough to warrant suspicion. After all, N.B.C. is owned by G.E. (General Electric). More accurately, Comcast and G.E. Merged to form NBCUniversal, LLC. According to, General Electric supplies “integrated systems and technologies” for the U.S. military, including combat aircraft, military transport, helicopters, land vehicles, and U.A.V.s (unmanned aerial vehicles).
     Even the logo of N.B.C. should be considered suspect. It doesn't matter whether you “believe in symbols”, they exert a lot of influence over the way we perceive the world, whether consciously or unconsciously. If there's any chance that N.B.C.'s logo is a reference to something sinister, or that it could have an occult symbology, then it's possible that the N.B.C. peacock represents Melek Taus, the “peacock-angel” worshiped by the Yazidi people of Syria. Melek Taus, and the probably Canaanite god Moloch (mentioned in Leviticus 20:2-5) are probably the same entity.
     I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Even if there is no such thing as a devil, or Satan, that doesn't necessary mean that there is no such thing as people who believe in the Devil, and want to sacrifice you to him. I am not saying there is certainly a God and a Devil; all I am saying is that N.B.C. is positioning itself as a god of war, and as a purveyor of humiliation disguised as consciousness and conscientiousness. It would probably like to monopolize entertainment as well, if it could. The company is certainly eroding at American morality, during a time when human decency and dignity are being challenged and ignored, and need to be protected and defended more than ever before.

     If Chandrasekhar gets his way, we will all be laughing about baby rape and government surveillance, instead of doing something to stop them.
     If Chandrasekhar is doing this for a reason (that is, promoting the police, and working with people who joke about child molestation), then his actions could possibly be explained by an alignment with R.S.S., and/or with Indian nationalists who want to keep women and children in bondage. 

   16. Danny Pudi

     Daniel Mark Pudi was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1979. His mother was from Poland, and his father came from Poduru, India. His father's ethnicity is Telugu.
     Pudi plays Abed Nadir in the show Community, which I have criticized above for its insensitive jokes about race and pedophilia, and for having a general outlook of "Let all the immigrants into the country so we can make fun of all of them."
     Given India's interest in Nazism - and in Mahatma Gandhi's letter to Adolf Hitler, saying he knows India and Germany can work together - it is perhaps interesting to note that Danny Pudi married a German-American woman, Bridget Showalter. [Notes: 1) Showalter does not appear to be related to actor Michael Showalter. 2) Both India and Pakistan have Nazi- and Hitler-inspired subcultures.]

     I have not watched many full episodes of Community, personally, but a friend of mine who is familiar with the show told me that Pudi's character is supposed to be psychotic, but lovable. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what is lovable about displaying psychopathic tendencies. If this fact makes audience members identify with the character, then that is worrisome.
     Pudi may be part of a scheme to erode the morality of the American television viewer. If you can desensitize someone to psychopathy, then you can probably desensitize them to people who are aggressive, and people who want them to submit. For example, the American police state, and the Indian army.

     It's possible that Big Bang Theory actor Kunal Nayyar is up to something similar.

   17. Kunal Nayyar

     Kunal Nayyar, born in London in 1981 to Indian immigrant parents, also appeared on a show that features a "lovable psycho", C.B.S.'s The Big Bang Theory. From 2007 to 2019, British-Indian actor Kunal Nayyar played astrophysicist Rajesh "Raj" Koothrappali.

    Nayyar did not portray that lovable psycho, however; that role was fulfilled by the character of Sheldon Cooper, played by Jim Parsons. I do not mean to conflate autism with psychopathy, but Cooper displays tendencies of both maladies, despite being known more for his character's autistic or Asperger's spectrum -like traits.
     Sheldon Cooper is also a curiously child-like character, something he shares with the Jerry Seinfeld character on Seinfeld. Cooper is overly attached to his mother, and frequently asks his neighbor Penny to sing him the song "Soft Kitty" like his mother did. I don't mean to suggest that this is pedophilic; it could signify that Sheldon was abused as a child, or it could just mean he needed comfort after his father abandoning him. It could mean basically nothing. Also, it's possible that Sheldon's aversion to sex resulted from either pedophilia, child abuse, or both. Or neither.
     But considering how many television writers are geniuses who attended Harvard (Conan o'Brien, other people who wrote for The Simpsons), the Sheldon character might also be part of a plan to desensitize American television viewers to child-like behavior and psychopathic, antisocial, borderline-controlling behavior at the same time.
     The writers might have employed the same technique that Jay Chandrasekhar may have used when he made Super Troopers; make your psychotic characters lovable. Put out enough movies and TV shows with lovable psychos, and make the heroes have a lot of flaws, and before you know it, you have an American audience of 320 million people who have been so saturated with Hollywood propaganda that they can no longer tell right from wrong.

     Note: I do not mean to suggest that all people who display psychopathic tendencies are dangerous people; medication and therapy can ameliorate these risks. I only wish to point out that there is a positive correlation between rates of psychopathy and narcissism among the very rich, powerful, influential, and well-connected, especially people who become attorneys, politicians, and salesmen.

     Nothing about Nayyar's personal life - nor his acting portfolio - seems suspicious, aside from the aforementioned facts, and the problematic nature of the Sheldon Cooper character, however. I should add that I find Nayyar's acting to be both convincing and comical, and I sincerely apologize if I have impugned his integrity if it turns out that he is not working for insidious elements in Hollywood.
     That being said, if anything bad is happening, which involves Nayyar and India, then the worst possible thing we might suspect is that Nayyar is being used as a pawn to promote toleration of people who display psychopathic tendencies. Whether he is being used with or without his consent is a matter which needs to be investigated.

   18. Mindy Kaling

     Mindy Kaling was born in 1979 in Massachusetts. Her father is Tamil (like Aziz Ansari and M.I.A.), and her mother is Bengali. They met in Nigeria. Kaling's full name is Vera Mindy Chokalingam. Kaling was named Vera after what her mother said was an "incarnation of a Hindu goddess".
     Kaling is best known for her show The Mindy Project, and for her work on The Office, which she directed, wrote, and executive-produced. She also played Kelly Kapoor.

     There is a well-know scene in The Office in which Steve Carell's boss character, Michael Scott, is participating in a team-building exercise with his employees. The characters wear notecards with names of groups of people written on them. The Michael Scott character sees on Kapoor's notecard that he is supposed to address Kapoor as Indian, and yells in her face "Would you like to try some of my googly-googly?"
     If you think there is nothing intentionally insensitive about a show using a racial sensitivity meeting as an excuse to say something racist, then you are missing the point. If you think that the show is trying to make fun of bosses who say racist things, then you are wrong.
     The point of the show is to desensitize American viewers to people like Michael Scott, a character who makes fun of people - and generally treats all of his employees like shit, and turns his whole life into a joke - at literally every opportunity he gets. The show, no doubt, personalizes him as well, through its close-up interviews. The point of the show is to make Americans get used to, and laugh off, their racist and sexist bosses.

     As if it weren't enough that this show is arguably racist - and inane - it is creepy as well. The character Dwight Schrute is conniving, distrustful, and may be a psychopath.
     The show once featured a scene in which the character Dwight Schrute, played by Rainn Wilson, accuses Jim and Pam of using Morse code to communicate secretly behind his back; by using their clicking pens, and by blinking.
     Morse code was not created by the military, but by Samuel Morse. However, the U.S. military developed the use of Morse code in order to communicate in battle.
     As my readers may be aware, there is a battle going on, for the soul of Hollywood. The main armies in this fight are the people who want Hollywood to be Hollywood again, and the people who want it to secretly remain "Pedo-wood".
     Rainn Wilson once tweeted the following: "What about human baby meat? RT what should I eat for dinner? I am thinking pasta?!"
     I acknowledge that this is a big leap. But is there a remote possibility that the cast of The Office learned Morse code, and continued using it to communicate with each other after that scene was filmed? Perhaps about pedophilia in Hollywood? The people commenting on the post below, seem to think that the actors did not learn Morse code for the scene.
     I personally did an analysis of the audio of Jim and Pam clicking pens at, but it appears to be nonsensical gibberish. It's still an outside possibility that the actors learned real Morse code for the scene, given that Jim Carrey stuck his tongue out inside of a pyramid made of his fingers while appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live!. What if Hollywood celebrities are using Morse code - and Girl Scout cookies - to communicate about pedophilia in Hollywood secretly? That may sound crazy, until you read the following article and see that none other than Mindy Kaling was one of the people who tweeted about receiving Girl Scout cookies from Chris Rock's daughter at the 2016 Academy Awards (Oscars).
     There were no overt references to pedophilia, but knowing what we know about pedophilia in Hollywood - and Mindy Kaling's co-star Rainn Wilson's jokes about pedophilia - is it really that insane to suggest that "girl scouting" might be some kind of inside joke that a select group of pedophilic and child-abusing celebrities are sharing with each other?

     Why would Mindy Kaling agree to produce this show? Why would she allow a white man to mock her ethnicity to her face, even as a joke? Carell's character is horribly rude and narcissistic, while Dwight Schrute is a psychopath played by a possible pedophile. Why would a self-respecting woman associate with these people and be seen acting alongside such despicable characters?
     Can you guess which network aired The Office? It was N.B.C., the people who brought you Pedophilia Day Night Live and Community (of Pedophiles and Racists).

     Kaling ought not produce any more shows - nor associate with people - that turn racism, pedophilia, and cruelty to employees into things we can laugh about. We must resist the urge to laugh about people who make us miserable. Being able to identify with, or sympathize with, characters who are evil, is not good enough.
     The morality of American television viewers is being degraded. Whether Bollywood, or pro-Democratic and Zionist interests in Hollywood, is the culprit, has yet to be determined.

   19. Shah Rukh Khan

     Shah Rukh Khan was born in 1965 in New Delhi, India. His family is Muslim. Khan has been recognized as one of the most prolific, wealthy, and influential actors in Bollywood (based in Bombay). His net worth is approximately $600 million.

     Khan's father, Meer Taj Mohammed Khan, was from Peshawar, northwest Pakistan, near the border with Afghanistan. He was also an Indian independence activist. He campaigned alongside a Pashtun non-violent resistance movement called the Khudai Khidmatgar. That movement advocated for the creation of a united and independent India, and was led by Abdul Ghaffar Khan. Abdul Ghaffar Khan was known as Badshah Khan, or "the Frontier Gandhi".
     Shah Rukh Khan's heritage, wealth, and achievements in acting are things of which he should be proud. Unless his father's affiliation with the Indian independence movement did not really advocate non-violence as it claims. That matter is yet to be determined.

     Khan's history with women should concern us, though, too.
     In 2019, Khan appeared on David Letterman's Netflix show My Next Guest. On that appearance, Khan admitted that early on, when he was attempting to court a woman named Gauri (who later became his wife), that he basically stalked her. According to Khan, Gauri moved to Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) to get away from Khan, because he was too possessive. In response, Khan got a group of his friends together and went to Mumbai to find Gauri.
     Given the sexual harassment and extortion allegations against David Letterman, it seems that David Letterman might share a trait with Hasan Minhaj; they have both allowed people come on their shows, and let them downplay the seriousness of the sexual harassment allegations against them (Minhaj with Aziz Ansari, and Letterman with Shah Rukh Khan).
     What is up with these Hollywood people going on other sexual harassers' shows to downplay the seriousness of their own sexual harassment?

V. Two Businessmen

   20. Sundar Pichai

     Sundar Pichai was born Pichai Sundararajan in Madurai, India, in 1972. His family is Tamil (like Aziz Ansari, M.I.A., and Mindy Kaling), and his family is Hindu.
     Sundar Pichai is the C.E.O. of Google, by virtue of his position as the C.E.O. of Alphabet, Inc., which owns Google and was created in 2015 as part of Google's restructuring.

     The mere fact that Pichai is the C.E.O. of Google, should arouse suspicion. The N.S.A. (National Security Agency) infiltrates Google, and Google (like Facebook) was funded by the C.I.A. and N.S.A. to help create grow the surveillance state.

     Granted, Google and the Alphabet Workers Union say they want to stop Google from being used as a platform to spread racism and bigotry, and that doesn't align with the R.S.S.'s views.
     But many people who claim to support censorship in order to prevent the spread of racism, are Democratic Party supporters, the most fervent of whom seem to think that it is impossible for them to be racist (because they vote for Democrats, voted for a black guy, etc.).
     I would say it's possible that the Alphabet Workers Union is run by neo-liberals, but it is not affiliated with the N.L.R.A. (National Labor Relations Board), making it an autonomous union. That is not something that neo-liberals typically do. But the management of Google is certainly neo-liberal, a stance which it takes out of the need to do its job for the N.S.A. while still appearing to make significant concessions to Google's probably anti-fascist union.

     The reader should bear in mind that not only was Facebook created and funded with the help of C.I.A. start-up In-Q-Tel, C.E.O. Mark Zuckerberg actually admitted to Congress that the application was also developed to rate women based on how attractive they are.
     So aside from spying on us (by saving, and probably selling, our web search information), apps like Facebook, and possibly Google as well, are helping billionaires masturbate to pictures of our wives, girlfriends, and daughters. Facebook, I might add, has come under fire in the past year for several reasons, among them: 1) unfairly banning people with far-left views; 2) unfairly shutting down groups in which Pizzagate and other elite child sex trafficking scandals were being discussed; and 3) refusing to crack down on groups and photo albums which are obviously intended for the sharing of photographs of children, for purposes of sexual arousal, with other pedophiles.
     Is it wrong to suspect that Google, with its widely mocked motto "Don't be evil", might be doing something as nefarious as Facebook?

     Google was certainly criticized for helping the "deep state" N.S.A. complete its mass surveillance project, before Sundar Pichai became C.E.O. in late 2015. However, it was not criticized so widely that most American voters noticed.
     It's possible that Pichai's service to the company could lead to a new era of sensitivity. But on the other hand, agreeing to become the C.E.O. of a company that basically got hired by the government to unconstitutionally spy on 320 million people, should tell us something about what Pichai is willing to do in order to make money.
     Could Pichai be funneling information to the Indian government and the Narendra Modi regime? Perhaps information that could compromise American security, and be useful to India? Or, alternatively, sensitive information about American citizens? Such information could easily, and subtly, be leveraged, to pressure Americans into accepting more and more Indian-Americans in positions of power (and stardom) until they can no longer easily discern whether such people are becoming public figures for questionable reasons.

     It's hard to say for sure what Pichai's intentions are and where his fidelities lie. But Americans need more education about the harm that companies like Pichai's Google, and Facebook, have done to our privacy.

   21. Niraj Shah

     Niraj Shah was born in Massachusetts in 1973 or 1974, the son of Indian immigrants. He is the C.E.O. of Wayfair, a company that delivers furniture.
     The inclusion of Shah might be enough to cause the reader to dismiss this entire article outright, given that his company Wayfair was accused in 2020 of operating a child sex trafficking ring. And yes, that is what I am going to talk about next. Bear with me, we're almost done!
     Niraj Shah is also one of the directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He began that role in 2017.
     It should concern us that Niraj Shah holds such a high position in the hierarchy of the Federal Reserve System, while also being the C.E.O. of a company that was worth over $9 billion dollars the year before the trafficking scandal.

     In 2020, rumors grew on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, that Wayfair was operating a child trafficking operation, by imprisoning children inside of the bureaus, dressers, and armoires that it was shipping, and delivering them for outrageous prices.
     So the theory went - and this part is true - the company named pieces of furniture with very rare names for human beings. The most famous example of this was a storage cabinet which the company named the Samiyah. Another example was a pillow called the Duplessis.

     Miraculously, mainstream media (such as USA Today) picked up on the story. However, they debunked it, given the fact that Samiyah Mumin (pictured in the image above, on the left) made a publicly shared video saying that she was not missing.

     However... Samiyah Mumin was not the only child suspected to have been missing, in relation to Wayfair. Minors named Samara Duplessis, Anabel Wilson, Kylah Coleman, Ambrose Klingensmith, Yaritza Castro, Cameron Dziedzic, Mary Durett (or Durrett), and Brandon Dalessandro also went missing.

     Dalessandro was found, according to the Daily Mail article depicted above.

     According to the Facebook post below, Klingensmith, Dziedzic, and Durrett have been found (Durett in Texas in 2017); Wilson remained missing; and no information concerning Castro is available. According to this post, two adults were taken into custody for child endangerment in the case of Klingensmith.
     It is possible that the post is incomplete, or even partially made up, however. I will leave it to my readers to investigate this matter further. But there is reason to doubt the veracity of this post because it lists Kylah Coleman as both "missing" and "NOT MISSING".
     The post is correct about Mumin, however.

     Getting back to Samiyah Mumin...
     Mumin wasn't just the only minor suspected of being missing due to the fault of Wayfair and its patrons; she also wasn't the only girl named Samiyah! Girls named Samiyah Bond and Samiyah George also disappeared around the same time.
     You might be thinking "So what? Three girls have the same name, and that's supposed to convince me that they were shipped to some pedophile Wayfair customer in a storage cabinet?"
     Bear with me.

     First off, there is an easy explanation for Wayfair researchers' confusion between several girls named Samiyah. Astonishingly, all three of them are from Ohio.

     Article proving that Samiyah Bond went missing from Ohio in July 2018:

     Article proving that Samiyah Yasmeen Mumin went missing from Columbus, Ohio in May 2019:

     Article proving that Samiyah George went missing from Garfield Heights, Ohio in July 2020:

     When reports came out that Samiyah Mumin was never missing, and Samiyah George had been found, most people who knew about the scandal sighed sighs of relief, and probably reckoned that the conspiracy were crazy.
     It's a shame that they never thought to ask, "Well, where was Samiyah George found!? Was she found in a storage closet?" Where the Hell was she when she was found? If she was found in a storage closet - which we still don't know - then wouldn't that prove that there is something to this conspiracy theory after all?
     She did go missing at the exact same time the Wayfair scandal gained public attention, now, didn't she!?
     The Wayfair child trafficking scandal has not been debunked.

     None of the above might seem suspicious, if not for two other important facts: 1) Wayfair trafficking researchers performed searches for the item numbers, and discovered that they led to pictures of children, some of them in swimsuits or revealing clothing; and 2) Ohio is probably a hub for the trafficking of children.
     The image below explains how researchers found out that searches of Wayfair product item numbers led to disturbing pictures of children. One Twitter user tweeted, "I look up the SKU # [stock-keeping unit number] followed by US SRC [source code] on Yandex and... W T F". Yandex is an internet service company, and "W.T.F." stands for "what the fuck".

     The image below shows an example of a screenshot of the item number, and the image search leading to images of children, side by side.

    Researchers thought the absurdly high prices strange, and reasoned that they are probably not due to a computer glitch.
     Researchers have also noted that "Wayfair" could be a play on words, referring to "waifs" (thin, scrawny women who look like they are malnourished).

     The image above shows that researchers discovered Wayfair deleting items that researchers believed were questionable.

     It's possible that some, or even a lot, of these images could have been "Photoshopped", or edited, but if even some of them show what they are claimed to show by the people who assembled them, then there is cause for concern.
     If the prices are high for a reason - and the absurd prices are not just computer glitches - then it's possible that the high prices could be attributable to Wayfair catering mostly to customers on the wealthy end of the spectrum (i.e., the kind of people who have enough disposable income to spend on furniture).
     If some of these customers are so wealthy that they have become well connected, and entered elite circles and learned how to conduct their affairs discreetly, then there is a chance that Wayfair's high prices reflect their service to the rich.
     Or, at the very least (if something nefarious is afoot), the price might not be the actual amount paid by the customer in the end; the high price might instead serve as a signal that what is going to be delivered is something "much more valuable" than the actual storage closet, or pillow, etc..

     You could say "Maybe it's all Photoshopped". And if you were to ask, "How the Hell did researchers figure out what item numbers led to pictures of children?", then I would have to admit that I'm almost as confused as you are.
     All of this could be brushed off. If not for the fact that this is not the first time that Wayfair has been affiliated with human trafficking. Wayfair provides beds to immigrant detention facilities maintained by I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
     The image below is a meme that was made by a Wayfair researcher in mid-2020. It reads, "So the same wayfair that supplies beds to ICE, who has lost over 2000 kids in their custody, is also possibly selling missing children on their website as $10k+ furniture and pillows........ the math is actually mathing on this one" [meaning that things are "adding up"].

     Astonishingly, the Wayfair trafficking scandal was dismissed and falsely "debunked", after Wayfair employees protested the sale of furniture to detention centers in late June of 2020. News of the scandal went public in June or July.

     Over the last two years, I have made reference, multiple times, to the possibility that human beings are being shipped in containers marked as art, in order to avoid the kind of inspections which would come with the transportation of human beings.
     I have speculated about this, based on: 1) the Israeli spies who posed as movers and art students in the U.S. in 2001, and 2) Marina Abramovic's affiliation with neo-liberal and Zionist elements in Hollywood, in addition to her blending of the distinction between what is a human being and what is a piece of art (as well as using bodily fluids as paint).
     Jeffrey Epstein's connection to the art world, and the transportation and human smuggling in which his submarine-company-owning co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, would certainly fit as a piece in that puzzle. Epstein certainly treated women as objects of art. He certainly treated them like objects (presenting himself as a scout for Victoria's Secret models); I suppose that the artistic aspect of the objectification made the treatment seem less oppressive.

     To wrap this all together:
     Epstein has ties to not only Israel, the art world, and human smuggling (which would fit in line with the idea that Israel could be spying on the U.S. in order to traffic children for various purposes).
     But there is a possible link between Jeffrey Epstein and the Wayfair scandal, which explains a point I mentioned earlier: Samiyah Bond, Samiyah George, and Samiyah Mumin were all from Ohio. That link is Leslie Wexner.
     Leslie Wexner, the C.E.O. of Victoria's Secret who funded Jeffrey Epstein, is one of the most prominent businessmen in Columbus, Ohio. Northern Columbus is home to the Wexner Medical Center and the Wexner Center for the Arts. Alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim Maria Farmer, an artist, told reporter Whitney Webb that Wexner practically owns the city.
     Epstein investigator George Webb has also visited Rickenbacker Airport in Ohio, and explained what Leslie Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein's airplanes had to do with the airport. Webb says that Epstein participated in the Iran-Contra affair in the 1980s, using the airport as a hub or stopping point on a journey to fly nuclear weapons components to Iran.
     [Notes: It's unclear whether George Webb and Whitney Webb are related. Additionally, Webb's reliability could be questioned, because he has admitted to having worked for the Israeli M.O.S.S.A.D. in the past. But he could be a turncoat. Webb's reporting should be taken with that grain of salt. However, his statements about William Barr's father and his association with Jeffrey Epstein, would help explain the connection between Epstein and Donald Trump, and it would also explain why Trump hired William Barr and Elliott Abrams - disgraced figures from the Reagan-era Iran Contra scandal - to serve in his administration, despite their obvious lack of credibility and corrupt natures.]

     Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner might have nothing at all to do with the Wayfair child trafficking scandal. But at least, now, we know why so many children are disappearing from Ohio.
     If Israelis have kidnapped American children, what would stop Leslie Wexner from throwing a couple of teenage African-American girls to investors he might have who come from India?
     Maybe one such person is Niraj Shah himself.

     It may seem wrong to suspect Niraj Shah of involvement in child sex trafficking, just because he leads a company suspected of it, and he's of Indian origin. But that is not what I am saying.
     He is on the board of a Federal Reserve bank. His father worked for General Electric, which owns N.B.C. and makes transportation vehicles for the U.S. military (and is therefore a war profiteer). And he leads a multi-billion-dollar company, which was accused of kidnapping girls who disappeared from one of the most kidnapping-plagued states in the nation.
     You might be saying "The fact that Ohio is plagued with kidnapping completely explains the disappearance of three girls." Really? All of them with the same names, within just a two-year time span?

Leslie Wexner must be investigated, and what he knows about Epstein and sex trafficking in Ohio should be determined. Ghislaine Maxwell should not be let off with probation or a plea deal; she should do hard time in prison because she is a serial child rapist and an enthusiastic accomplice to human trafficking.
     And to what extent Niraj Shah, the Israeli M.O.S.S.A.D., and the R.S.S., may be involved in international human trafficking and child smuggling, should be investigated.

VI. Conclusion

     Well, this has been, frankly, ridiculous.

     I started out reporting on possible spies from India, then cracked the code in Kanye West's "Monster", then I outed half of Hollywood as phony anti-racists and pedophilia trivializers, and then I ended by successfully introducing doubt regarding the alleged debunking of the Wayfair child sex trafficking conspiracy.
     This has been like the most depressing Michael Musto article of all time.

     Before closing - and after discussing the neo-liberal and war-profiteer tendencies of the Democratic Party and N.B.C. - it's only appropriate that we examine some of pedophile President Joe Biden's positions on India.
     Here he is mocking an Indian accent (although he does it for only one second):
     The article below was published by Time Magazine, and features criticism of Joe Biden's affinity towards the regime of Narendra Modi in India.

     Now do you understand why I suspect Biden's vice president Kamala Harris, and Tulsi Gabbard and others, of being aligned with Narendra Modi and his regime (and therefore, with R.S.S.)?
     If Hollywood has as much political power in America as it does, then should it be any surprise if Bollywood has a similar hold on the politics of India (and maybe even America, in a small way, as well)?
     None of these questions are inappropriate. None of these questions are "racist", nor should they offend anyone.
    The fact that Harvey Weinstein hired Israeli spies to follow his victims, and the fact that Epstein and Maxwell were apprehended and charged, indicate that there are almost certainly Israeli spies in the U.S. who wish to silence rape victims.
     It should come as no surprise, therefore, if we learn that agents representing India are doing something similar.
     Who they are, exactly, has yet to be determined. As draconian as it may seem to have created a list of people who should be investigated, it was necessary. Now you understand why.

VII. Post-Script:

     Another person whom readers may wish to look into, as far as possible R.S.S. and Indian nationalist connections, is Courtney Subramanian. Subramanian is the wife of Davey Quinn, son of former Illinois Governor Pat Quinn.

Compiled between late 2020 and April 30th, 2021

Published incomplete under the title
"Fourteen Politicians and Celebrities Who May Be Indian R.S.S. Agents"
on February 4th, 2021

Edited and Expanded on February 4th, 9th, 14th, and 16th, 2021

Completed on February 16th, 2021

Edited on February 18th, 23rd, and 24th, 2021

Edited and Expanded on February 27th, March 30th,
April 8th and 30th, June 23rd, and August 3rd and 4th, 2021

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