Thursday, February 18, 2021

Kal Penn of "Harold and Kumar" Quietly Served as Public Outreach Director Under Obama

     This article is an excerpt from a previous article. It details Kal Penn's work for the Obama Administration, as well as Penn's connections to Zionist elements in Hollywood.
     Other topics addressed include what ties Penn may have to the duPont family and duPont Circle; and his possible ties to Joe Biden, homosexuality, pedophilia, and the Indian paramilitary group R.S.S..

     The following text originally appeared in my February 2021 article “Twenty-One Politicians and Celebrities Who May Be Indian R.S.S. Agents”. The full article can be read at the link below:

     Kal Penn is the actor who played Kumar Patel in the 2004 stoner comedy Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Given the fact that Kal Penn was in a stoner comedy, nobody would ever suspect that he served as Principal Associate Director, and liaison with the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community, in Barack Obama's White House Office of Public Engagement. He served in that position from 2009 to 2011.

     Kal Penn was born Kalpen Suresh Modi in New Jersey in 1977, to Indian immigrant parents. The fact that Kal Penn's real surname is Modi, probably has nothing to do with the fact that India's Prime Minister is Narendra Modi, as Modi is a common surname in western India. But the possibility that they are related should be investigated nonetheless, because Kal Penn's family and Narendra Modi's family both come from the Indian state of Gujarati.

     Still, Gujarati has a population of 55 million; but on the other hand, Gujarati is its own language. It would be difficult to imagine that Kal Penn's parents were not pleased to learn that a Gujarati politician had become prime minister of their home country. [Note: Hindi is the language that is most widely spoken in India, but on a map, the country resembles a patchwork, in which the dominance of Hindi is barely noticeable.]

    Kal Penn's service to the Obama Administration should be suspicious, given Penn's ancestry, Obama's corruption, and the fact that most Harold and Kumar fans never knew that "Kumar" worked for Obama. But several other facts make Penn's service in the Obama Administration suspicious.

     For one, the office of Principal Associate Director for the White House Office of Public Engagement was... get ready for it... created specifically for Kal Penn. Or at least, the office did not exist before Kal Penn joined the White House team. Kal Penn was the first person to serve in that position. Do you know who the second person was? Omarosa from Donald Trump's The Apprentice.

     When I first learned, about eight or ten years ago, that Kal Penn had served in that position, I read that he was serving as some sort of liaison for the Asian-American community. I assumed that there were other liaisons for other ethnic communities. But I have no idea whether that is the case. The fact that an African-American woman, Omarosa Manigault Newman (formerly Omarosa Manigault Stallworth), succeeded Kal Penn in that position, confuses me so much that I almost don't know what else to say on the matter.

     If the office of Principal Associate Director for the White House Office of Public Engagement was not created specifically for Kal Penn, and was not created specifically for engagement with the public based on ethnicity, then it is probably safe to assume - from Omarosa's succession to the position - that the office was created specifically for a celebrity liaison with Hollywood. Perhaps even with corrupt elements therein. An entire documentary - Hollywood, D.C. - has been made on that subject. In fact, Kal Penn also served as the liaison with certain arts groups, while in that position.

     The possibility that Kal Penn is not an R.S.S. agent, or at least sympathetic to the R.S.S.'s interests, should seem pretty remote by now. But hang on! We're not done yet.

     In 2011, Kal Penn left the office of Principal Associate Director for the Office of Public Engagement, to join the cast of the C.B.S. show How I Met Your Mother.

     How I Met Your Mother may seem like more of a show for couples, than any kind of show trying to push a political agenda. But the show mentioned the Israeli form of martial arts Krav Maga, which you can see by watching the clip at the following link:

     This may not seem suspicious by itself, but several other American television shows, including The Simpsons - and several American movies - have mentioned Krav Maga as well. The Simpsons featured a Krav Maga fight sequence, between Bart and an Israeli girl, in the episode featuring Sacha Baron Cohen.

     The show also did an episode about dual citizenship:

     It's also worth noting that the show's lead character is Ted Mosby, who is "half-Jewish". Mosby is portrayed by actor Josh Radnor, a Jewish-American whom has been to Israel. Colbie Smulders's character is named "Robin Scherbatsky", which sounds Polish or Jewish-Polish. Her character is Jewish-Canadian, like Edgar Bronfman Jr. (mentioned in the next section of this article).

     How I Met Your Mother is not a romantic comedy show. It is a propaganda show, designed to casually expose American viewers to Jewish-American and Jewish-Canadian characters, in order to get them interested in - or at least familiar with - Krav Maga. From there, it's an easy sell to get viewers to support the State of Israel.

     So basically I watched four or five seasons of a shitty show with my ex-girlfriend, for a final episode about some dumb blue French horn that nobody ever noticed, just to discover that the show was subtly pushing Israeli militarism.

     I guess we know, now, why appearing in How I Met Your Mother was more important to Kal Penn than continuing to serve in the White House Office of Public Engagement, that he left after just two years. Penn could have had an extra two to six years of job security!

     Did I mention that the post was vacant for six years (from 2011 to 2017)? I guess being engaged with the public wasn't very important to the Obama Administration, let alone Kal Penn.

    Kal Penn's involvement in a show that subtly promoted the American-Israeli alliance - along with Penn's Gujarati heritage, and suspiciously short service in the Obama Administration - should cause us to question whether Penn is part of an emerging American-Israeli-Indian alliance.

     Finally, a lot of speculation has been made, at the fact that Kal Penn was robbed of his wallet in DuPont circle in Washington, D.C. in 2010. This attack occurred at gunpoint, around 1:30 A.M. on the morning of April 20th, 2010.

     Some internet researchers remarked at the time that DuPont Circle is a notoriously homosexual neighborhood of D.C., and have speculated that Penn is gay. Penn is "not dating anyone" according to, and there is no information on the internet which would seem to indicate that he is either married, or dating anyone, or indeed ever has dated anyone.

    The website reports that "This aspect of his private life has been very well guarded over the years which has resulted in several speculations about the Hollywood star. On several occassions [sic], Penn has been romantically linked to some of his acting costars but they have been nothing more than perfect on-screen chemistry. Owing to Kal Penn's closely-guarded private life, there have been several conjectures regarding his sexuality[,] many of which suggest that he is gay. These opinions, nonetheless, remain unconfirmed as the Hollywood actor has never made any pronouncements to that effect."

     Kal Penn might not be gay at all. And if he is, it probably has nothing to do with his possible involvement with the R.S.S.. But if you ask me, more interesting than the fact that Penn was robbed in a gay neighborhood, is the fact that he was robbed in a neighborhood that has to do with the duPont family (i.e., DuPont Circle).

     DuPont Circle is the home of numerous embassies and think tanks. It makes sense that Penn would be there, considering that he served in the White House Office of Public Engagement. But let's not forget several crucially important facts about the duPont family: 1) they own one of the world's largest chemical companies; 2) duPont merged with Dow; and 3) the Dow in Dow Jones stands for Dow, and effectively, duPont. The Dow Jones Industrial Average might as well be called the DuPont-Jones Industrial Average. Additionally, Dow Jones is owned by NewsCorp, which owns the Fox media conglomerate.

     Next, let's review another piece of information about the ties between the duPont family and the Obama-Biden White House in which Kal Penn served. Joe Biden's son Beau was the attorney general of Delaware when he defended Delaware Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden, who allowed Robert H. Richards IV get off with a short sentence after raping his toddler daughter and molesting his infant son. Robert H. Richards IV is an heir to the duPont fortune.

     It may also be worth noting that duPont family heir John duPont killed a wrestler named Dave Schultz in 1996. Fortunately, he was convicted.

     It is no probably coincidence that Beau Biden praised Judge Jurden's decision to protect this wealthy child rapist. Beau Biden may not have been a pedophile or a child molester, but he must have seen signs of his brother's and father's pedophilia, and at least rationalized it or diminished the seriousness of the harm which it caused young girls in their family.

     For those who haven't been paying attention, in October 2020, Beau's brother Hunter was revealed, through leaked photos, to have "dated" (i.e., raped) a teenage stripper. Additionally, family patriarch - and now, president of the United States - Joe Biden, was broadcast live on C-SPAN pinching a little girl's nipple on January 3rd, 2015.
     Also, a document leaked, back in October 2020, which may be the diary of Joe Biden's daughter Ashley. That diary mentions sexual abuse at the hands of Joe Biden. However, the authenticity of the diary has not yet been confirmed.

     As if it weren't enough to wonder whether Kal Penn is an R.S.S. agent - who is also working for American-Zionist interests in Hollywood - now we have to wonder whether there is some sort of Biden-duPont-pedophilia connection. If there is, then it's likely that Kal Penn, and/or former president Obama, were (or still are) involved.

     Penn's being in duPont Circle could have nothing to do with his sexuality, and nothing to do with the duPont-Biden connection, or it could have everything to do with either or both of those things. We don't know. He could even be a secret pedophile who used his position to traffic teenage boys or even younger boys.

     One thing seems clear: Penn has been as tight-lipped about his "service to his country" as he has been about his sexuality. The American people have every right to ask why that is, and why that might be.

     Why the fuck is Kumar from White Castle an R.S.S. agent!?

Original excerpt written on February 4th and 9th, 2021

This article was first published on February 18th, 2021

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Summary of My Analysis Regarding Who Carried Out the Attacks of September 11th, 2001, and Their Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

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