Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Birthday Message and Update

     The following post was published to Facebook on the evening of February 24th, 2021, to commemorate my 34th birthday. 

     Hi everyone, and thanks so much for all the birthday wishes!

     As you all know, it's been a difficult year, for personal, economic, and health reasons. I just wanted to wish you all well, especially those of you who lost family members in the last year, as did I.

     I also wanted to let you know what I'll be up to in the coming year.

     I've now made 640 posts on my blog the Aquarian Agrarian, and the number of posts about child abuse and government child trafficking conspiracy theories has now reached 140. I will be creating a new blog called "PizzaFake or PizzaFact" with those articles, as a way to try to sort out, once and for all, which theories are real and which ones are bullshit.

     I will also be running for U.S. House and/or Illinois State Assembly in 2022.

     Additionally, soon I will come out with an article about nutrition, summarizing the research I collected in the last year, about coronavirus-related health and nutrition tips, plus other tips about why plant-based diets are beneficial. Spoiler alert: We might be eating a lot more actual shit, and bugs, and pus, than we think we are.

     Remember to drink Kombucha if you suspect you could develop cancer. Drink more water than anything else. Eat at least some green vegetables every day. Also, quinine (found in tonic water) breaks down into hydroxychloroquine. That is not the same thing as hydroxychloroquine sulfate (the Covid-19 medication), but it couldn't hurt to have some HCQ in your system. It reduces the chances of you getting malaria, anyway (until you develop a tolerance, that is).

     One last thought: The federal government has no authority to regulate health, aside from enforcing patents on medications and invented medical technologies (but not for as long as they're currently enforcing them). The discussion around coronavirus needs to expand beyond just "masks and vaccines". We need to be talking about:

     1) why the states with the highest infection rates also have the highest population density, and what can be done to reduce population density in those places;

     2) whether physical distancing in public might actually be more important than wearing masks;

     3) the fact that complying with a public mask mandate, effectively makes a "private" business no longer public;

     and 4) whether people who have already had Covid-19 should take the vaccine, and why or why not.

     We cannot go on thinking that what is private and what is public can be blurred together all the time - on health matters, on security matters, on civil rights matters - and think that we will be able to come up with a solution, and still talk to each other. We will not even be using the same words to refer to the same things!

     We cannot go on thinking that the federal government will swoop in and solve this problem, when the federal government doesn't have the authority to do most of the things it's talking about doing. Anthony Fauci's position, for example, is unconstitutional; he's basically a "czar", who should be regarded as having no real power, but we have declined to abolish his position. What the federal government is doing can easily be invalidated, overturned, ruled unconstitutional, made ineffective in certain states, etc.. So whether you like what it's doing or not, its authority is phony and/or temporary, and that's not good strategy.

     Also the federal government and the cities and the Democratic Party are all working in the interest of the most densely populated areas, so they're not likely to actually do anything about this problem. They work for the masses, and they therefore have no incentive to disperse the masses peacefully. That would require letting people own their own homes and work from home, which would fuck with zoning laws. But people know that is the direction we have to go.

     Leave each other in peace, in our own homes. For freedom and health.


     My YouTube channel JoeKopsick4Congress has been deleted, either for exposing President Biden's pedophilia, or for informing the public about Covid-19.
     I have archived the videos. They will be available at future date which is to be determined.
     I am working on a website called I will announce on this blog when that website, and my Pizzagate blog, are finished.

Written, and First Published (to Facebook), on February 24th, 2021

Published to the Aquarian Agrarian on February 25th, 2021

Post-Script Written on February 27th, 2021

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Links to Infographics and Other Resources Regarding the C.D.C.'s Vaccination and Immunization Schedule

     What follows below is a list of links to resources regarding the vaccination and immunization schedules which are recommended by the Ce...