Sunday, February 21, 2021

Twenty-Three Real Child Sex Abuse and Trafficking Scandals That Indisputably Point to Government Complicity

      Few continued to believe the allegations in the McMartin preschool child sexual abuse case in California in the 1980s, after the evidence seemed to have disappeared, and the cost of investigating the claims spiraled out of control.

     Few Americans believed in 1987 that a "Mr. Gary" Hambright, at the Presidio of San Francisco military base, could have molested numerous children; as the claims that he enjoyed urinating and defecating on them made the claims difficult to believe. Few believed that Colonel Michael Aquino, who dismissed the claims about Hambright, could have been involved as well, and moreover, a Satanist.

     Democratic New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez (no relation to Lyle and Erik Menendez, who confessed to killing their parents after being molested and raped by their father) was accused in 2012 of having sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.
     Those accusations became difficult to believe after it became clear that there was no hard evidence, nor reliable testimony, indicating that Menendez was involved in having sex with, or procuring visas for, women or girls associated with Florida eye doctor Salomon Melgen.
     In 2013, police in the Dominican Republic stated that women had been paid to lie about sex with Menendez. It's possible that these rumors were cooked-up by Menendez's opponent, Republican Senate candidate Bob Hugin.

     In October 2016, after Wikileaks published some of Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta's e-mails, the so-called "Pizzagate" child sexual abuse (and trafficking, and child pornography, and possible cannibalism) scandal broke. Researchers believed that the e-mails to and from Podesta indicated that Podesta was possibly involved in child rape. Some also suspected Alefantis of trafficking children through his restaurant, and some believe that Podesta and/or Alefantis may be cannibals.

    Washington, D.C.-based pizza restaurant owner James Alefantis, and artist Marina Abramovic (who knows Podesta) were implicated as possible pedophiles as well. Some believe that Alefantis kept children in the basement of his restaurant. This notion was dismissed when Alefantis claimed that his restaurant has no basement, but he admitted years prior in a magazine interview that he uses the basement for storing tomatoes and other ingredients. Alefantis also owns 11 other properties in D.C., at least one of which has a basement. Photos of that basement were posted on Alefantis's Instagram account @jimmycomet.

     Podesta has never denied that the leaked e-mails are his; he has maintained that he was "hacked". One e-mail contains an invitation from Clinton aide Tamera Luzzatto that her granddaughters would be in a heated pool for "entertainment". Lady Gaga, other creepy artists, and the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, can also be shown to connect Abramovic and Alefantis to important Democratic Party figures (such as Hillary Clinton, David Brock, and Joe Biden).

     Despite all of the evidence that has come out about Pizzagate, most of the American public still refuses to believe that the Democratic Party could have anything to do with child sexual abuse or trafficking.
     Whether the McMartin family preschool scandal, the Michael Aquino / Presidio scandal, the Robert Menendez scandal, and Pizzagate and Podesta-gate are true or not, it is worth looking into whether any governments, or government officials, have been implicated in sex scandals involving children, which have resulted in any serious criminal penalties, such as fines, or jail or prison time.

     Here are the twenty-two child sexual abuse (i.e., molestation), child sexual assault (i.e., rape), "underage prostitution" (i.e., child rape for profit), and child sex trafficking scandals, for which it seems that the most evidence exists of criminal wrongdoing and/or government complicity.
     Aside from the convictions which resulted from the Marc Dutroux scandal in Belgium, and unknown convictions related to abuse in I.C.E. camps, only ten of the 25 people specifically mentioned below ended up serving in jail or prison thus far: Anthony Weiner, Stephen Gobie, Donald Lukens, Mary Kay LeTourneau, 
Henry Lee Lucas, Dennis Hastert, Jeffrey Epstein, Laura Silsby Gayler, Keith Raniere, and Clare Bronfman. Dutroux and several accomplices served prison time as well.

     The first fourteen items on the list below, pertain to U.S. government scandals that stayed inside the United States. The next three pertain to U.S. government scandals that have to do with international child trafficking. The final five pertain to child sex abuse scandals which involve governments aside from the American government.

     1. The Biden family scandals (Delaware & D.C., U.S; 1970s - present; also possibly involved prostitution in Ukraine, and maybe also illicit business or banking deals involving Cyprus)

     2. Kathy Shelton (Arkansas, U.S; 1970s / 2016)

     3. Dan Crane and Gerry Studds (Illinois and Massachusetts, U.S; 1983)

     4. Lawrence King, Jr. / Franklin cover-up / Boystown scandal (Nebraska, U.S; mid-1980s)

     5. Barney Frank (and Stephen Gobie) (Massachusetts & D.C., U.S; 1982-1990?)

     6. Brock Adams (Washington State, U.S; 1989)

     7. Donald "Buz" Lukens (Ohio, U.S; 1990)

     8. Mel Reynolds (Illinois & D.C., U.S; 1994)

     9. Mary Kay Letourneau (Washington, U.S., 1996-1997)

   10. Henry Lee Lucas (Michigan and Texas, U.S., 1960-1983, 1998)

   11. Mark Foley (Florida & D.C., U.S; 2006)

   12. Dennis Hastert (Illinois & D.C., U.S; 2007)

   13. Alexander Acosta / Jeffrey Epstein (Florida & D.C., U.S; 2007 / 2017)

   14. Terrence Bean (Oregon & D.C., U.S; 2014 / 2019)

   15. Laura Silsby Gayler (involved Haiti and Dominican Republic, 2010 / 2016)

   16. Howard Gutman (2013-2014, involved Belgium)

   17. The I.C.E. rape scandal (involved Mexico and other Central American countries, 2017-2021?)

   18. The Kincora Boys' Home case (U.K. / Northern Ireland, 1980s)

   19. Emanuela Orlandi (Vatican City, 1980s)

   20. Marc Dutroux and accomplices (Belgium, 1985-1989)

   21. Operation Yewtree (U.K., 2012-present)

   22. Ana Cristina Fox's involvement with NXIVM, which involved Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman, and others (1998-present)

     23. Anthony Weiner (2011)

     1. The Biden family scandals (Delaware & D.C., U.S; 1970s - present; also possibly involved prostitution in Ukraine, and maybe also illicit business or banking deals involving Cyprus)

     The entire Biden family is a walking child sexual abuse scandal.

     A. Joe Biden was photographed in the 1970s staring at the chest of a young girl while covering his erection. The girl did not seem to notice.

     B. Joe Biden pinched the nipple of a niece of Montana Senator Steve Daines, live on C-SPAN, on January 3rd, 2015. The girl noticed.

     C. Joe Biden grazed the nipple of a daughter of Colorado Senator Michael Bennet during a congressional swearing-in ceremony in early January 2011. The girl did not seem to notice.

     D. While Beau Biden was Attorney General of Delaware, he defended Judge Jan Jurden for allowing duPont heir Robert H. Richards IV get off with an extremely light sentence after raping his young daughter and molesting his infant son.

     E. In late October 2020, nude photographs taken by Hunter Biden were leaked. Several photos show what seems to be an underage teenage stripper dancing at a stripper pole and having sex with Biden while drugs are on the table next to them.

     F. In October 2020, a diary leaked, detailing sexual abuse and drug abuse, which was supposedly written by Ashley Biden. The author of the diary claims that Joe Biden made Ashley shower with him, and inflicted some form of abuse on her cousin Caroline.

     G. In the mid-1990s, Joe Biden promoted boot camps as a supposedly less abusive alternative to prisons, when it comes to sentencing teenage delinquents and juvenile reprobates.
     A 2019 article from The New York Times explains that Biden advocated boot camps for first-time offenders.

     It's possible that Mitt Romney, and some trash TV show hosts, helped Biden secretly push teen boot camps.
     Sally Jesse Raphael sent delinquent teens to boot camps on her show.
     The organization W.W.A.S.P.S. is a teen boot camp business; its full name is the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools. It has been accused of horrendous physical, emotional, and sexual abuse against its teenage victims, whose relatives are duped into thinking that the harsh treatment is nothing more than "tough love". I first became aware of this organization in 2007, and I have met two people who were detained at W.W.A.S.P.S. facilities. The organization has, or formerly maintained, facilities in Utah, Montana, South Carolina, New York, Baja California, and possibly other locations in and outside of the U.S..

     The C.E.O. of that company, Robert Lichfield, donated money to one of Mitt Romney's campaigns.

     2. Kathy Shelton (Arkansas, U.S; 1970s / 2016)

     Kathy Shelton was raped by two adult men in 1975, at the age of 12. One of the men, Thomas Alfred Taylor, was represented by court-appointed attorney Hillary Rodham, whom we now know as Hillary Clinton.
     Rodham was heard in leaked audio laughing about helping Taylor get off with unlawful fondling of a minor and a short jail sentence. Some believe that Hillary conspired with the prosecution to help make a crucial piece of evidence - a piece of Shelton's underwear - disappear after it was tested.
     Donald Trump invited Kathy Shelton to the second of three presidential debates between himself and Hillary Clinton in late 2016, and referred to her by name while criticizing Clinton.

     3. Dan Crane and Gerry Studds (Illinois and Massachusetts, U.S; 1983)

          In 1983, Republican congressman from Illinois Bob Crane, and Democratic congressman from Massachusetts Gerry Studds, were accused of having sex with 17-year-old congressional pages. Crane's victim was female, and Studds's victim was male.
     Both congressmen admitted to the charges. The House Ethics Committee recommended that both men be reprimanded, but decided that having sex with a page did not represent a serious breach of duties.

     4. Lawrence King, Jr. / Franklin cover-up / Boystown scandal (Nebraska, U.S; mid-1980s)

     In the mid-1980s, an African-American politician named Lawrence "Larry" King, Jr. (not to be confused with talk show host Larry King) was suspected of being connected to government officials and powerful people in Lincoln, Nebraska. The charges included being involved in drug abuse, and in taking underage boys to sex parties where they would be abused by powerful and wealthy people.

     The made-for-TV documentary film 
Conspiracy of Silence details these allegations.

     5. Barney Frank (and Stephen Gobie) (Massachusetts & D.C., U.S; 1982-1990?)

     Between 1986 and 1990, Democratic Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank was suspected of being involved with a male prostitution ring. In 1989, Frank admitted that he had hired a male prostitute as his personal aide. That prostitute was named Stephen Gobie.

     In a congressional memorandum dated April 16th, 1986, it became public record that in April 1982, Gobie was charged with possession of cocaine, possession of sexually explicit photographs of underage females, and other counts.

     Gobie was convicted on all counts, yet the concerns about Rep. Frank's involvement with a male prostitution ring, fizzled out. The issue of why Gobie - who was apparently gay - had nude pictures of girls, evidently never came up. That's why it's quite possible that this "call-boy" ring provided actual boys.

     6. Brock Adams (Washington State, U.S; 1989)

           In 1989, Democratic Washington Senator Brock Adams was accused of "having sex with" (i.e., raping) Kari Tupper, the daughter of one of his friends, when she was underage. It eventually came out that Adams had nine accusers in total. Adams denies the allegations to this day, and has not served criminal punishment for any of his actions.

     7. Donald "Buz" Lukens (Ohio, U.S; 1990)

      In 1989, Ohio Representative Donald Lukens was convicted by an Ohio court for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He served only 30 days in jail after  "having sex with" (i.e., raping) an African-American girl named Rosie Coffman when she was 13 years old.

     8. Mel Reynolds (Illinois & D.C., U.S; 1994)

     In 1994, freshman Representative Mel Reynolds, Democrat from Illinois, was indicted for "having sex with" (i.e., raping) a 16-year-old campaign aide named Beverly Heard. He denied the allegations, but a year later he was convicted for soliciting child pornography and other crimes.

     9. Mary Kay Letourneau (Washington, U.S., 1996-1997)

     Mary Kay Letourneau was a school teacher in Washington State who had a sexual affair with - and eventually married - a student of hers named Vili Fualaau. That "relationship" began when Fualaau was only 12 years old.
     Mary Kay Letourneau was born Mary Kay Schmitz. Her brother Joseph Edward Schmitz has worked at Blackwater, and for the Department of Defense. Her brother John Patrick Schmitz has served as an aide to Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia. Their father John George Schmitz was a Republican legislator from California, and an important member of the anti-communist John Birch Society.

     In 2001, Letourneau's brother Joseph was appointed to act as the Department of Defense's Inspector General.
     It's possible that this promotion was an act of nepotism. That's because George W. Bush might be a brother-in-law of Joseph E. Schmitz, by virtue of their relationship with Jeb Bush's wife Columba. 

     Columba Bush's sister is named Lucila del Carmen Schmitz. She lives in Florida.
     The web pages below show that there are a number of corporations registered to John W. Schmitz, related to a Lucila del Carmen living in Florida. John W. Schmitz is listed as the director, agent, and vice president of Lucila del Carmen, Inc., evidently based in Miami. This John W. Schmitz has apparently been involved with the Lucila del Carmen, Inc. company since 1979.
     It's not clear, however, whether this is the same Lucila del Carmen who is Columba Bush's sister, nor is it clear who exactly is John W. Schmitz (considering that the family patriarch's middle initial was G for George, not W). The pages do, however, show that del Carmen is involved with a Mexican-American citizens' organization.

     It's not clear whether the Bushes and Schmitzes are related, but the families clearly have similar political viewpoints and ambitions. If the two families are indeed related, then it's likely that Mary Kay Letourneau benefited from secret family connections in some way.
     Letourneau served six years in prison - from 1998 to 2004 - but that is only one year for every year of Fualaau's childhood that Letourneau took from him. Even if the Bushes aren't related to the Schmitzes, then George W. Bush was clearly in a position to help Letourneau receive fair treatment, light treatment, or maybe even secret temporary releases.

     Despite the lack of public awareness of Letourneau's possible relation to the Bushes, the American public was largely unconcerned about her transgressions. Comedians such as George Carlin and Lenny Clarke made jokes about the incident, and similar incidents which occurred around the same time, as if the boy involved probably liked it ("Where were these teachers when I was a kid?", said Clarke).
     It's hard to reconcile the fact that Letourneau served six years in prison, with the fact that the American public refused to take her crimes seriously, and turned Fualaau losing his virginity to a much older and more experienced woman into a national laughingstock. That's why it's hard not to suspect that something more complicated was afoot in the Letourneau case.
     If the worst I suspect is true, then it's possible that the Letourneau case might even have been used by Republican politicians to desensitize Americans to child sexual abuse, and/or to desensitize them to child sexual abuse occurring at the hands of public school teachers (whom, I might add, are government employees).

     Mary Kay Letourneau died of colon cancer in 2020.

   10. Henry Lee Lucas (Michigan and Texas, U.S., 1960-1983, 1998)

     While serving as the Governor of Texas, George W. Bush gained a reputation for being staunchly in favor of execution of death row inmates. Reducing the sentence of a murderer seemed like the last thing Bush would ever do, until he reduced the sentence of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.
     Lucas's sentence was reduced from death, to life imprisonment. Although only three of his murders have been confirmed, Lucas was thought to have committed approximately 600 murders. He was not only a serial killer, but also a cannibal. He may have also been a child rapist, and/or a bestialist. His statements about whether he had sex with his victims' corpses have been unclear.
     Why George W. Bush would choose this monster, to pardon, as opposed to someone who was wrongly convicted, is certainly a question we should be asking. It seems that Lucas confessed to so many murders he didn't commit, and to so many murders he did commit - and simply committed so many murders to begin with - that it became difficult to nail him on any one particular murder or count.
     Henry Lee Lucas and his accomplice Otis o'Toole said they belonged to a cult called the Hand of Death, which in turn may have had ties with Jim Jones's suicide cult. The Hand of Death may have had connections to Charles Manson and David Berkowitz as well.
     The dramatized film Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, and several other films, detail many of Lucas's crimes.


   11. Mark Foley (Florida & D.C., U.S; 2006)

     In 2006, former aides for Republican Florida Representative Mark Foley made allegations that he sent them sexually explicit instant messages and photographs when they were underage. He also asked some of them what they were wearing, and expressed interest in having oral sex with them.
     Foley, who had a history of promoting anti-homosexual legislation, resigned suddenly on September 29th, 2006. Two years later, officials in Florida determined that there was insufficient evidence to conclude that Foley had broken Florida state laws. Foley's victims were from multiple states. The age of consent in Florida at the time in question (1995 to 2005) was 18.
     The Mark Foley scandal led to the resignation of Republican Illinois Representative Jim Kolbe, who acted inappropriately around teenage pages. Kirk Fordham may have also attempted to cover-up or downplay the seriousness of Foley's crimes.
     Foley has since disclosed that he was molested by a priest when he was a child.

   12. Dennis Hastert (Illinois & D.C., U.S; 2007)

     In April 2016, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Republican J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois, was sentenced to serve 16 months in prison (after facing up to 5 years) for attempting to extort his sexual abuse victims. Hastert admitted to have molested underage boys while he was a high school wrestling coach.

   13. Alexander Acosta / Jeffrey Epstein (Florida & D.C., U.S; 2007 / 2017)

     In July 2019, Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta resigned in disgrace after it was revealed that in 2007, while serving as a prosecutor in Florida, he met with attorney Jay Lefkowicz to strike a deal to get Jeffrey Epstein off with a light sentence for his conviction related to procuring minors for prostitution.

   14. Terrence Bean (Oregon & D.C., U.S; 2014 / 2019)

     In November 2014, Democratic lobbyist, real estate expert, and gay activist Terry Bean was arrested on charges of sodomy and sexual abuse of a 15-year-old boy. The incident occurred in 2013, a a motel in Eugene, Oregon.
     The case against Bean was dismissed in 2015, and Bean proclaimed his innocence. However, in 2019, he was indicted again, on the same charges.
     In November 2019, 
The Register Guard reported that Bean and his former attorney were indicted for one count of computer crime each. The same article reported that Bean tried to suppress the evidence that he attempted to pay his victim $200,000 to "disappear".
     It's unclear whether the sexual abuse case is ongoing, and whether there has been any progress in that case.

   15. Laura Silsby Gayler (involved Haiti and Dominican Republic, 2010 / 2016)

     On February 4th, 2010, Laura Gayler (maiden name Silsby) was arrested with other members of her Idaho-based baptist ministry New Life Children's Refuge, for the attempted kidnapping of 33 Haitian children. The charges against her were reduced from child abduction and conspiracy, to arranging irregular travel. In May 2010, she was sentenced, but was released because she was given time served. She had spent three months in jail between February and May 2010.
     Gayler's defense was that she was attempting to smuggle Haitian children into the Dominican Republic in order to give them a better life. She supposedly wanted to bring them to a hotel in the Dominican Republic, which she claimed was being transformed into an orphanage.
     The fact that Gayler's attorney Jorge Puello and his wife were also suspected of child trafficking - and the fact that none other than former president Bill Clinton helped negotiate Gayler's release - prompted numerous Americans (Donald Trump included) to question whether the Clintons are more deeply involved than they have admitted.
     There has been speculation that Gayler's N.G.O. (non-governmental organization) New Life Children's Refuge, is a project of the Clinton Foundation, or perhaps one of the other charities, think tanks, and lobbying organizations associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton. Some researchers say Silsby went on to be affiliated with the Amber Alerts system.

   16. Howard Gutman (2013-2014, involved Belgium)

     In 2014, the U.S. State Department cleared Obama's ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, after he was accused of soliciting prostitutes, and soliciting minors for sex, in 2013. A State Department whistleblower alleged that an Inspector General's report implicated Gutman in these crimes.
    Gutman called the charges baseless. The State Department cleared Gutman, and also declared that there was no systemic problem with the State Department's investigations.

      The New York Post article below alleges that Gutman ditched his security staff to have sex with minors, and alleges that a State Department agent investigating Gutman was called off. That could indicate a government conspiracy to cover up Gutman's possible crimes.

     If Gutman did commit the sex crimes which were alleged by the State Department whistleblower, then the fact that Gutman served as the U.S. ambassador to Belgium is an interesting fact. Belgian serial killer Marc Dutroux (#20 in this list) was allegedly connected to an elite pedophile network that included Belgian politicians.

   17. The I.C.E. rape scandal (involves Mexico and other Central American countries, 2017-2021?)

     The following articles detail allegations of rape and sexual abuse which occurred at facilities maintained by I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a division of the Department of Homeland Security), or at the hands of its employees or contractors. Many of these articles detail abuses which were suffered by minors.

   18. The Kincora Boys' Home case (U.K. / Northern Ireland, 1980s)

     In 1980, there was a homosexual child abuse scandal, and allegations of a cover-up by the British government, involving the boys who attended the Kincora Boys' Home in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
     In 2017 - the year after beginning an investigation - the Northern Ireland H.I.A. (Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry) concluded that only three employees of the boys' home had been responsible for the abuse, and that government officials were not responsible. Local police incompetence is the only widely accepted explanation for the mishandling of the case which implicates government fault in any way.
     It is not clear, from reports, whether these three employees were ever punished, nor is it clear of what particular type of abuse they were suspected or accused.
     In 1990, Dublin-based writer Robert Harbinson, also known as Robin Bryans, published an article alleging that the brother of Prince Phillip (who is married to Queen Elizabeth) held "gay orgies" with his "old boy network" on both sides of the U.K.-Ireland border. There has been speculation that "Uncle Dickie" (as Louis Mountbatten was known) was at the head of a sexual blackmail network which included the Kincora Boys' Home. Mountbatten was murdered by an I.R.A. member in 1979, but the first allegations of abuse related to the boys' home date back to 1977, two years before his death.,_1st_Earl_Mountbatten_of_Burma

   19. Emanuela Orlandi (Vatican City, 1980s)

     Emanuela Orlandi was born in 1968. She disappeared in Rome at the age of 15. Researchers have speculated that officials in the Vatican, or perhaps even a cult within the Catholic Church such as Opus Dei or the Masonic lodge P2 (Propaganda Due), are responsible for Orlandi's possible kidnapping. Some believe that Orlandi was kidnapped for "sex parties" with Vatican police.
     Father Gabriele Amorth, and Sabrina Minardi (the former girlfriend of the boss of the Banda della Magliana gang), have both alleged that Orlandi was kidnapped for sex parties and killed. Minardi claimed that Orlandi was kidnapped on the orders of Cardinal Paul Marcinkus. Some suspect Marcinkus, once the head of the Vatican bank, of being involved in the plot to kill Pope John Paul I.
     The case devolved into a search for sets of bones, and a struggle to verify their age. No body was ever found. The Vatican police closed the case in 2019.


   20. Marc Dutroux (Belgium, 1985-1989)

     Marc Dutroux was born in Belgium in 1956. He served in solitary confinement after being convicted of abducting and raping five young girls with his then-wife Michelle Martin. He served only three years in prison, and was released in 1989.
     Dutroux was arrested again in 1996, and tried in 2004. He was convicted of all counts, which included murder, theft, kidnapping, child sexual abuse, and child pornography.

     In 1996, three hundred thousand Belgians participated in a "White March" to protest the mishandling of the Dutroux case. How Dutroux could have gotten off so easily the first time, was evidently one of their major concerns.

     Judge Jean-Marc Connerotte wrote a letter to Belgian King Albert II stating that "mafia" were involved in the blocking of the case from coming to trial.

     Additionally, the headquarters of a Satanic, Egyptian-inspired cult called Abrasax was raided by police, in connection to the Dutroux case, but some reports indicate that nobody in the cult had any contact with Dutroux. However, police found human skulls there, and members of the cult were suspected of starving two girls to death.

     There are too many government officials, and possible leads, in this case, to count. It is possible that the Dutroux case (and probable cover-up) is actually a case of international child smuggling. It may even involve other governments aside from the Belgian government.

   21. Operation Yewtree (U.K., 2012-present)

     Operation Yewtree is an investigation into sexual abuse, which began in the United Kingdom in 2012, as a response to the revelation that music presenter Jimmy Savile had raped children. Savile, the host of Top of the Pops, reportedly raped sick and dying children on their deathbeds.
     The investigation targeted Cliff Richard, Jimmy Tarbuck, and others. Richard and Tarbuck subsequently declared their innocence, although doubt about their innocence remains.

     Why it took Scotland Yard 30 or 35 years to do something about celebrity pedophiles - after most people in the rock and roll recording industry knew about "underage groupies" for so long - probably has to do with rock and roll's glamorization of underage sex.
     That culture began to flourish due to the rise of the Beatniks, the British invasion of the early 60s, and eventually reached its pinnacle during the late 1970s, during the rise of punk music.
     In the clip below, music publicist Max Clifford admits that he lied to downplay the seriousness of rock stars' sex crimes against underage girls and children, but that he considers it merely a white lie.

     Scotland Yard certainly did its best to try to plant drugs on rock stars. If they did so in order to get closer to evidence that they were abusing young girls, then that might be commendable, if it were not illegal and a deprivation of rights.
     The police should have sought-out these so-called "underage groupies" back in the 1960s and 1970s, gotten them to realize that they were teenage runaways who had been taken advantage of, and urged them to file police reports. The age of consent in the United Kingdom was 17 years old during those decades.
     Why they didn't do so, should be a subject of investigation, right alongside the question of which rock stars were statutory rapists.

     Whether the B.B.C. (British Broadcasting Corporation, a statutory corporation created by the British state) was responsible for Savile's or others' crimes, must also be investigated. If the B.B.C. can be implicated, then the British government may be described as at least partially responsible, due to that relationship.

   22. Ana Cristina Fox's involvement with NXIVM, which involved Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman, and others (1998-present)

     Keith Raniere presented himself as more of a business retreat leader, or "self-help guru", than a cult leader when he founded NXIVM (pronounced "nexium"). Raniere's services included "executive success programs" (E.S.P.s) and "large-group awareness training" (L.G.A.T.).
     NXIVM became famous when it was discovered that Hollywood actresses Allison Mack and Kristin Kreuk - and Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman - were involved in recruiting for, and funding, the organization.
     Raniere is currently serving a 120-year prison sentence.

     In 2003, Forbes magazine reported that Raniere's "Executive Success Programs" had been attended by Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Ana Cristina Fox, and others. Ana Cristina Fox is the daughter of Vincente Fox, who served as the president of Mexico from 2000 to 2006.

23. Anthony Weiner's sexting of teenage girls (2011-2018)

     Anthony Weiner, the husband of Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, was imprisoned for 21 months, after police obtained sext messages and Weiner's laptop, and found that Weiner had sent sexually explicit images of himself to a 15-year-old girl.
    This led to questions regarding Weiner's and Abedin's communications with Hillary Clinton, and eventually to "Server-Gate", the scandal wherein it was investigated whether Hillary ever made an attempt to "wipe" her server.

     These facts show why it is of the utmost importance that Ghislaine Maxwell - and anyone and everyone else who can be proven to have been involved in Jeffrey Epstein's trafficking of minors for sex and blackmail (and also people implicated in future sex scandals) - must be charged with as many counts as possible, and must be convicted the first time they are charged.

     There are photographs of Ghislaine Maxwell standing next to children, and a guy dressed in a Donald Duck costume, at a party hosted by Lord and Lady Bath. Whether Maxwell was trafficking children for the Baths, possibly even with the help of people at Disney, needs to be investigated. Maxwell's activities could implicate the American and British governments, and possibly also the governments of Israel, France, and maybe others as well (for example, Saudi Arabia).
     Maxwell's possible involvement in the Madeleine McCann child disappearance case - as well as John Podesta's and Anthony Weiner's possible involvement in that case - should be investigated as well, especially considering that Clement Freud befriended the girl's parents (Gerry and Kate McCann) after she disappeared. Clement Freud was a British member of parliament.

     Maybe the fact that these scandals seem so real (especially #6, #7, #9, #10, #12, #15, #20, and #22, which involved actual jail time), should prompt us to re-investigate the scandals surrounding John Podesta, James Alefantis, Marina Abramovic, Michael Aquino, Gary Hambright, Robert Menendez, and the McMartin family.

     Or maybe there was nothing to Pizzagate, Michael Aquino, Robert Menendez, and McMartin after all.
     Either way, you've got to admit that the twenty-two scandals listed above - and the more than twenty-five people implicated in serious sex crimes which are involved with those scandals - merit serious investigation, and are, at the very least, indications that numerous high-profile politicians conspired to cover-up their own sex crimes.

     Click the link below to view an infographic depicting conclusions which can be drawn from the above facts.

Written on February 21st and 22nd, 2021

Published incomplete on February 21st, 2021

Completed on February 22nd, 2021

Expanded on February 23rd and April 23rd, 2021

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