Thursday, February 18, 2021

Case of Mistaken Identity Prompts Re-Opening of Wayfair Trafficking Scandal

      The following text is an excerpt of a previous article.
     Several sentences from the first few paragraphs of that excerpt, have been omitted from this article, for the sake of presenting this information without any unnecessary introductions.

     That article focused on the possibility that the Indian paramilitary group R.S.S. may be attempting to infiltrate the United States; through Congress, through Hollywood, and through the business world.
     The excerpt below was taken from the section of that article which examines whether Indian-American Wayfair C.E.O. Niraj Shah could be working for the R.S.S..

     The following text originally appeared in my February 2021 article “Twenty-One Politicians and Celebrities Who May Be Indian R.S.S. Agents”. The full article can be read at the link below:

     Niraj Shah was born in Massachusetts in 1973 or 1974, the son of Indian immigrants. He is the C.E.O. of Wayfair, a company that delivers furniture. Wayfair was accused in 2020 of operating a child sex trafficking ring.

     Niraj Shah is also one of the directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He began that role in 2017.
     It should concern us that Niraj Shah holds such a high position in the hierarchy of the Federal Reserve System, while also being the C.E.O. of a company that was worth over $9 billion dollars the year before the trafficking scandal.

     In 2020, rumors grew on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, that Wayfair was operating a child trafficking operation, by imprisoning children inside of the bureaus, dressers, and armoires that it was shipping, and delivering them for outrageous prices.
     So the theory went - and this part is true - the company named pieces of furniture with very rare names for human beings. The most famous example of this was a storage cabinet which the company named the Samiyah. Another example was a pillow called the Duplessis.

     Miraculously, mainstream media (such as USA Today) picked up on the story. However, they debunked it, given the fact that Samiyah Mumin (pictured in the image above, on the left) made a publicly shared video saying that she was not missing.

     However... Samiyah Mumin was not the only child suspected to have been missing, in relation to Wayfair. Minors named Samara Duplessis, Anabel Wilson, Kylah Coleman, Ambrose Klingensmith, Yaritza Castro, Cameron Dziedzic, Mary Durett (or Durrett), and Brandon Dalessandro also went missing.

     Dalessandro was found, according to the Daily Mail article depicted above.

     According to the Facebook post below, Klingensmith, Dziedzic, and Durrett have been found (Durett in Texas in 2017); Wilson remained missing; and no information concerning Castro is available. According to this post, two adults were taken into custody for child endangerment in the case of Klingensmith.

     It is possible that the post is incomplete, or even partially made up, however. I will leave it to my readers to investigate this matter further. But there is reason to doubt the veracity of this post because it lists Kylah Coleman as both "missing" and "NOT MISSING".

     The post is correct about Mumin, however.

     Getting back to Samiyah Mumin...

     Mumin wasn't just the only minor suspected of being missing due to the fault of Wayfair and its patrons; she also wasn't the only girl named Samiyah! Girls named Samiyah Bond and Samiyah George also disappeared around the same time.

     You might be thinking "So what? Three girls have the same name, and that's supposed to convince me that they were shipped to some pedophile Wayfair customer in a storage cabinet?"

     Bear with me.

     First off, there is an easy explanation for Wayfair researchers' confusion between several girls named Samiyah. Astonishingly, all three of them are from Ohio.

     Article proving that Samiyah Bond went missing from Ohio in July 2018:

     Article proving that Samiyah Yasmeen Mumin went missing from Columbus, Ohio in May 2019:

     Article proving that Samiyah George went missing from Garfield Heights, Ohio in July 2020:

     When reports came out that Samiyah Mumin was never missing, and Samiyah George had been found, most people who knew about the scandal sighed sighs of relief, and probably reckoned that the conspiracy were crazy.

     It's a shame that they never thought to ask, "Well, where was Samiyah George found!? Was she found in a storage closet?" Where the Hell was she when she was found? If she was found in a storage closet - which we still don't know - then wouldn't that prove that there is something to this conspiracy theory after all?

     She did go missing at the exact same time the Wayfair scandal gained public attention, now, didn't she!?
     The Wayfair child trafficking scandal has not been debunked.

     None of the above might seem suspicious, if not for two other important facts: 1) Wayfair trafficking researchers performed searches for the item numbers, and discovered that they led to pictures of children, some of them in swimsuits or revealing clothing; and 2) Ohio is probably a hub for the trafficking of children.

     The image below explains how researchers found out that searches of Wayfair product item numbers led to disturbing pictures of children. One Twitter user tweeted, "I look up the SKU # [stock-keeping unit number] followed by US SRC [source code] on Yandex and... W T F". Yandex is an internet service company, and "W.T.F." stands for "what the fuck".

     The image below shows an example of a screenshot of the item number, and the image search leading to images of children, side by side.

    Researchers thought the absurdly high prices strange, and reasoned that they are probably not due to a computer glitch.

     Researchers have also noted that "Wayfair" could be a play on words, referring to "waifs" (thin, scrawny women who look like they are malnourished).

     The image above shows that researchers discovered Wayfair deleting items that researchers believed were questionable.

     It's possible that some, or even a lot, of these images could have been "Photoshopped", or edited, but if even some of them show what they are claimed to show by the people who assembled them, then there is cause for concern.

     If the prices are high for a reason - and the absurd prices are not just computer glitches - then it's possible that the high prices could be attributable to Wayfair catering mostly to customers on the wealthy end of the spectrum (i.e., the kind of people who have enough disposable income to spend on furniture).

     If some of these customers are so wealthy that they have become well connected, and entered elite circles and learned how to conduct their affairs discreetly, then there is a chance that Wayfair's high prices reflect their service to the rich.

     Or, at the very least (if something nefarious is afoot), the price might not be the actual amount paid by the customer in the end; the high price might instead serve as a signal that what is going to be delivered is something "much more valuable" than the actual storage closet, or pillow, etc..

     You could say "Maybe it's all Photoshopped". And if you were to ask, "How the Hell did researchers figure out what item numbers led to pictures of children?", then I would have to admit that I'm almost as confused as you are.
     All of this could be brushed off. If not for the fact that this is not the first time that Wayfair has been affiliated with human trafficking. Wayfair provides beds to immigrant detention facilities maintained by I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
     The image below is a meme that was made by a Wayfair researcher in mid-2020. It reads, "So the same wayfair that supplies beds to ICE, who has lost over 2000 kids in their custody, is also possibly selling missing children on their website as $10k+ furniture and pillows........ the math is actually mathing on this one" [meaning that things are "adding up"].

     Astonishingly, the Wayfair trafficking scandal was dismissed and falsely "debunked", after Wayfair employees protested the sale of furniture to detention centers in late June of 2020. News of the scandal went public in June or July.

     Over the last two years, I have made reference, multiple times, to the possibility that human beings are being shipped in containers marked as art, in order to avoid the kind of inspections which would come with the transportation of human beings.

     I have speculated about this, based on: 1) the Israeli spies who posed as movers and art students in the U.S. in 2001, and 2) Marina Abramovic's affiliation with neo-liberal and Zionist elements in Hollywood, in addition to her blending of the distinction between what is a human being and what is a piece of art (as well as using bodily fluids as paint).

     Jeffrey Epstein's connection to the art world, and the transportation and human smuggling in which his submarine-company-owning co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, would certainly fit as a piece in that puzzle. Epstein certainly treated women as objects of art. He certainly treated them like objects (presenting himself as a scout for Victoria's Secret models); I suppose that the artistic aspect of the objectification made the treatment seem less oppressive.

     To wrap this all together:

     Epstein has ties to not only Israel, the art world, and human smuggling (which would fit in line with the idea that Israel could be spying on the U.S. in order to traffic children for various purposes).

     But there is a possible link between Jeffrey Epstein and the Wayfair scandal, which explains a point I mentioned earlier: Samiyah Bond, Samiyah George, and Samiyah Mumin were all from Ohio. That link is Leslie Wexner.

     Leslie Wexner, the C.E.O. of Victoria's Secret who funded Jeffrey Epstein, is one of the most prominent businessmen in Columbus, Ohio. Northern Columbus is home to the Wexner Medical Center and the Wexner Center for the Arts. Alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim Maria Farmer, an artist, told reporter Whitney Webb that Wexner practically owns the city.

     Epstein investigator George Webb has also visited Rickenbacker Airport in Ohio, and explained what Leslie Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein's airplanes had to do with the airport. Webb says that Epstein participated in the Iran-Contra affair in the 1980s, using the airport as a hub or stopping point on a journey to fly nuclear weapons components to Iran.

     [Notes: It's unclear whether George Webb and Whitney Webb are related. Additionally, Webb's reliability could be questioned, because he has admitted to having worked for the Israeli M.O.S.S.A.D. in the past. But he could be a turncoat. Webb's reporting should be taken with that grain of salt. However, his statements about William Barr's father and his association with Jeffrey Epstein, would help explain the connection between Epstein and Donald Trump, and it would also explain why Trump hired William Barr and Elliott Abrams - disgraced figures from the Reagan-era Iran Contra scandal - to serve in his administration, despite their obvious lack of credibility and corrupt natures.]

     Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner might have nothing at all to do with the Wayfair child trafficking scandal. But at least, now, we know why so many children are disappearing from Ohio.
     If Israelis have kidnapped American children, what would stop Leslie Wexner from throwing a couple of teenage African-American girls to investors he might have, who come from India?
     Maybe one such person is Niraj Shah himself.

     It may seem wrong to suspect Niraj Shah of involvement in child sex trafficking, just because he leads a company suspected of it, and he's of Indian origin. But that is not what I am saying.
     He is on the board of a Federal Reserve bank. His father worked for General Electric, which owns N.B.C. and makes transportation vehicles for the U.S. military (and is therefore a war profiteer). And he leads a multi-billion-dollar company, which was accused of kidnapping girls who disappeared from one of the most kidnapping-plagued states in the nation.
     You might be saying "The fact that Ohio is plagued with kidnapping completely explains the disappearance of three girls." Really? All of them with the same names, within just a two-year time span?

Leslie Wexner must be investigated, and what he knows about Epstein and sex trafficking in Ohio should be determined. Ghislaine Maxwell should not be let off with probation or a plea deal; she should do hard time in prison because she is a serial child rapist and an enthusiastic accomplice to human trafficking.
     And to what extent Niraj Shah, the Israeli M.O.S.S.A.D., and the R.S.S., may be involved in international human trafficking and child smuggling, should be investigated.

Original excerpt written on February 16th, 2021

This article first published on February 18th, 2021

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