Sunday, February 21, 2021

Barack Obama Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom to Eleven Suspected Pedophiles

 Barack Obama presented eleven possible pedophiles with the Presidential Medal of Freedom:

1. Ted Kennedy

2. George H. W. Bush

3. Bill Clinton

4. Oprah Winfrey

5. Meryl Streep

6. Steven Spielberg

7. Tom Hanks

8. Ellen deGeneres

9. Lorne Michaels

10. Bill Gates

11. Joe Biden

     1. Ted Kennedy is said to have been attracted to 15-year-old girls, saying "I don't care" that a girl was 15, when told that fact during a meeting with Pierre and Maggie Trudeau in the 1980s. It may have been Ted Gunderson who made that claim.
     This article from asserts that Kennedy was an avid defender of the pedophile lobby, and opposed the Child Safety Act.

     2. George H. W. Bush was accused of child rape by survivor Arizona Wilder, and is believed to have been the most sexually promiscuous of his Skull & Bones class.

     3. Bill Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express somewhere between 4 and 26 times.

     4. Oprah Winfrey made a name for herself criticizing child rape and molestation, but then promoted the child sex cult run by a man who called himself John of God.

     5. Meryl Streep stood up and clapped for child rapist Roman Polanski at the 2003 Academy Awards (Oscars).
     Polanski fled to France after he was arrested and charged with drugged and raped a 13-year-old model named Samantha Geimer in early 1977. Another victim, Marianne Barnard, recently came out and said that she was 10 years old when Polanski violated her after her mother left him alone with her during a photo session on a beach in 1975.

     6. Steven Spielberg is suspected of having anally raped 12-year-old actress Heather o'Rourke to death while she was on set.
     If Spielberg is not responsible for o'Rourke's death, then top suspects include Henry Winkler (who once co-starred with o'Rourke on Happy Days), and
other directors and producers of Poltergeist 2Researchers have also speculated that Henry Winkler may be responsible because he claimed o'Rourke killed herself, a claim for which there is no evidence. The fact that Winkler uttered this obvious lie suggests that he is covering for himself or someone else.
     O'Rourke's coroner was named "Dr. Frank Sinatra", and he said the girl died of Crohn's disease, despite the fact that Crohn's is a congenital condition and the girl's mother swore she was not born with the disease.
     Crohn's was probably chosen as an explanation for the girl's death, because Crohn's is a condition involving inflammation of the digestive tract. Anal rape can also cause symptoms which resemble inflammation of the digestive tract; namely septic shock, and damage to the inside of the anal cavity. Some researchers believe that o'Rourke was anally raped to death, and that Crohn's was given as the explanation, due to the similarity in symptoms. 
     Researchers have also pointed to the appearance of a knockout drug possibly used to commit rape, which appears in Spielberg's first film Amblin, and researchers have noted that his films E.T. and A.I. may be pedophile grooming films.

     7 & 8. Tom Hanks and Ellen deGeneres are suspected pedophiles because deGeneres has been spotted with an ankle bracelet, and has made strange videos depicting a red face on her sweater that may be a reference to one of Hanks's films.

     Researchers have speculated that Ellen is a pedophile, and is using the face to communicate secretly about Hollywood pedophile affairs. Researchers believe that:

     - Ellen is secretly under house arrest, and/or is wearing an ankle bracelet

     - parts of her set may be references to Jeffrey Epstein's temple

     - the red face logo is on a sweatshirt sold by Jay-Z

     - the red face may be a reference to either the alleged Hillary Clinton / Human Abedin "Frazzledrip" pedophilic lesbian sex tape

     - the red face is a reference to Wilson the Volleyball in the Tom Hanks film "Castaway"

     Researchers have noted Tom Hanks's suspicious behavior after getting diagnosed with Covid-19. Some researchers believe that he and his wife Rita Wilson are exploiting, or even faking, their "first celebrities to get coronavirus" status, and that it does not make sense that they got the vaccine after they had already gotten the virus. Some critics of Hanks also criticize his urging people to get vaccinated on these bases.
     Some also believe that Tom Hanks's film Big (directed by Penny Marshall and produced by James L. Brooks) may be a pedophile grooming film, or at least express an inappropriate level of interest in the idea of children growing up quickly.
     Another thing Tom Hanks did, which aroused public suspicion about possible pedophilia, was a sketch he did on Jimmy Kimmel Live!. That sketch poked fun at Toddlers and Tiaras -type shows, and child beauty pageants. The sketch could either be making fun of pageant contestants' parents who expose their children to being sexualized, or it could be making it into a laughing matter, depending how you look at it. That sketch is linked below. It's also interesting to note that Lady Gaga appeared on Saturday Night Live and did a sketch about a fourth grade talent show, which was essentially the exact same gag as Tom Hanks's sketch.

     It should also be noted that Ellen deGeneres is the sister of Vance deGeneres, a former contributor to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Stewart is a former roommate of Anthony Weiner (who sent sexually explicit photos to teenage girls). Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign was outed, by Wikileaks, as having received money from Hollywood fundraising organization Propper Daley, which had contact with John Oliver, another former Daily Show contributor.
     Additionally, Ellen is known for her psychopathic behavior, and her mistreatment of guests (such as Taylor Swift and Dakota Johnson) and employees. Ellen has also invited countless child stars onto her show, effectively luring them into pedophile Hollywood.

     Whether Ellen deGeneres is a pedophile or not, her problematic behavior - and/or those sexual feelings - could possibly be explained by the fact that she was molested by her stepfather when she was a teenager.
     It would be unfair to accuse deGeneres of pedophilia, if it turned out that she was actually a victim of childhood sexual abuse. But it is also true that the fact that she was molested as a teen does not preclude her from being attracted to children.

     9. Lorne Michaels's show "Saturday Night Live" is littered with pedophilic sketches and jokes; among them the Spartan cheerleaders, Uncle Roy, Mary Katherine Gallagher, and numerous sketches involving cast members dressing up as children or teens and discussing flirting with or dating adults. One Miley Cyrus music video for SNL - "Baby Steps" - showed Kenan Thompson asking out loud why the cast is being expected to demean themselves for Lorne's amusement by dressing as babies and wearing diapers.
     Read the article linked below for more examples:

     10. Bill Gates has been photographed with Jeffrey Epstein, and funded the research of people working at MIT Media Lab, who had connections to Epstein.

     11. Joe Biden has been broadcast live on C-SPAN pinching a little girl's nipple; this occurred on January 3rd, 2015. The girl's uncle is Montana Senator Steve Daines. Joe Biden's son Hunter has also been photographed behind a nearly naked woman or girl who appeared to be just a teenager.

     Why is Obama giving Presidential Medals of Freedom to so many pedophiles? Did he set a record number of medal gifts - 123 - in order to more easily get away with giving 11 of them to pedophiles?

Written and Published on February 21st, 2021

Expanded on February 23rd and 27th, 2021
and July 4th, 2021

Inspired by independent research done by
Pizzagate and pedogate researchers in 2019 and 2020

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