Sunday, February 21, 2021

Marilyn Manson Outed as Sexual Abuser and Torturer: Should His Friendship with Johnny Depp Be Scrutinized?

      "Shock-rocker" Marilyn Manson, who hit fame in the late 1990s, was recently revealed to be a sexual abuser and torturer by actress Evan Rachel Wood.
     Wood began dating Manson (born Brian Hugh Warner) when she was half his age; she was 18 (barely legal) and he was 36.

     Manson - and his ex-wife, model Dita von Teese - have denied the allegations. Wood's allegations, about which she testified to Congress in 2018, include "horrific" abuse, including forcing her to have sex with him in front of his friends, and calling her a "dirty Mexican whore".

     Actress Patricia Arquette made several tweets regarding Manson's abuse of Wood. These tweets show that Manson cut himself 158 times when Wood broke up with him, which Arquette explained was intended to abuse Wood further. He probably did it to make her feel sorry for him and try to win her back.

     Additionally, Manson once tweeted a photograph of a gash he cut in his arm.

    Until 2018, when Wood testified - and especially until early 2021, now that Wood has outed her abuser as Manson, and he and von Teese have denied her claims - Manson's erratic behavior was brushed off.
     Manson's supporters believed that his intentionally transgressive art was just that; transgressive for no purpose other than to spark a controversy and get people talking about him.
     This, unfortunately, is not the case, however; as Manson's "art" appears to have been merely a reflection of his desire to upset people, subject them to forms of sexual humiliation, and even torture them.

     I appreciate that Manson told Michael Moore that he would have listened to the Columbine shooters, because it's likely that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were bullied. Other than that, I have never personally been a fan of Manson, nor of his music. I find his lyrics to be completely uninspired, and totally lacking in poetic value.
     The only reference I have to Manson - aside from his comments on (and possibly having been the shooters' inspiration for) Columbine - is having seen his music videos. Manson is perhaps best known for - as comedian Brian Posehn once put it - "dancing in a graveyard with his wiener tucked between his legs".
     Manson is known for pushing boundaries, through using androgyny, gravestones and other death-related imagery, and other disturbing images and sounds, to create his "art".

     Several articles have been written in past years, detailing the nature of Marilyn Manson's friendship with actor Johnny Depp.
     These articles can be found at the following links:

     The articles above reveal that Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson have matching tattoos, which read "No Reason". Depp has commented that, when asked why he got it, he says "No reason".

     But there is more to scrutinize, regarding the pair's tattoos, as the "no reason" tattoos are not the only tattoo which the two friends share.
    Marilyn Manson told Rolling Stone magazine that he and Depp both have the same tattoo on their back. The tattoo depicts a giant skeleton whose arms turn into what Manson called "flowers of evil". The tattoo is either inspired by Charles Baudelaire, or depicts him in some way, or both.

     The photographs below show that Marilyn Manson has a swastika made of M's on his chest, and that above his "no reason" tattoo, he has a spiral triangle.

The tattoo on Manson's left hand is known as the "Lucifer sigil"

A swastika made of M's
(presumably standing for Marilyn Manson)

The spiral triangle on Manson's left wrist
is directly beneath his "no reason" tattoo.

     This spiral triangle, perhaps coincidentally, is one of the symbols which the British newspaper The Daily Mail reported in April 2016 was a pedophilia code symbol for sexual interest in underage girls.

     The idea that pedophiles use code symbols to communicate with each other, was widely discredited in late 2016 and throughout the Trump presidency. However, the fact that The Daily Mail reported that these symbols existed, a whole six months before the Pizzagate scandal broke (in October 2016) means that this possibility merits further discussion.
     So does the following question. If the U.S. government does not have a list of pedophile code symbols, then why the Hell aren't they doing their jobs properly? The Nazis used code words. The Mafia has phrases like "sleeping with the fishes" and "this guy knows too much". Every government, linguistic group, and criminal syndicate at least uses code words. If pedophiles have code words, then the U.S. government should have picked up on that fact. If the British media knew about code words in April 2016, then the U.S. government should have relayed this information to the public.
     If the government failed to do so, then it is at fault.
     But the fact that American researchers knew about these symbols, suggests that the government was aware of these symbols.

     The author of that Daily Mail article, Mia de Graff, wrote that "Investigators with the FBI's Cyber Division Innocent Images National Initiative first discovered the code in 2007."
     Maybe it's time that Americans, and U.S. government officials, admit that these pedophile code symbols are real. Maybe it's time to subpoena someone from the F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and confirm that the Cyber Division really has an Innocent Images National Initiative, and that it has discovered this code.

     If the F.B.I. confirms that these symbols are real, then that will affirm that the so-called "Pizzagate" researchers - who suspected James Alefantis and John Podesta of being pedophiles - may have been correct about what they were saying.
     Pizzagate researchers noted that James Alefantis's Comet Ping Pong Pizza restaurant had a sign featuring a crescent moon and a star. Those symbols are associated with the evil deity Baphomet, but they are also associated with Islam, and found on the flag of Turkey.
     Still, the association with Baphomet was what had researchers concerned. Observe that the star and crescent moon appear in both the Comet Ping Pong sign and in the depiction of Baphomet.


James Alefantis's Comet Ping Pong pizza restaurant

     Here is another image which may help explain why occultists use the star, moon, and pentagram.

     It is interesting to note that the moon goddess Diana is referenced in the image above, as an explanation as to why the crescent moon is used in occult symbolism.
     If it is used in conjunction with the pentagram, as is claimed by the text in the image above, then this image might even be an explanation for why Princess Diana of Wales - and JonBenet Ramsey (RAM-sey; the ram is related to the goat) - were murdered.
     Read more about that possibility at the following link, which leads to my December 2020 post "Did Ghislaine Maxwell Kill JonBenet and Princess Diana?: An Infographic":

     By now, I've gotten pretty far abreast of the original intention of the article, which was to expose the connections between Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp in regard to pedophilia.
     In case the above information isn't enough, for you, to show that something suspicious is going on in regard to Manson's and Depp's shared spiral triangle tattoo, then let's steer away from the issues of pedophile symbols, Pizzagate, Satanism, and the deaths of Princess Diana and JonBenet Ramsey.

     Leaving all of that aside, Johnny Depp's past relationship with Vanessa Paradis merits examination.

     Vanessa Chantal Paradis was born in 1972, and became famous in 1987 - at the age of just 14 - as a French pop singer. She released "Joe le Taxi" in April 1987.

     The French newspaper Le Parisien reported that the song - which in English means "Joe the Taxi Driver" - is about a lesbian woman who drove a cab. According to Le Parisien, Joe "is a pseudonym of Maria José Leão dos Santos” … “a Portuguese taxi driver and Parisian nightlife figure who fled the Estado Novo authoritarian regime to France in the 1970s due to her homosexuality”.

     Johnny Depp became famous around the same time as Paradis, but they did not get to know each other until later. Depp married Paradis in 1998, when she was 25 and he was 35.

     While Depp did not have sex with Paradis while she was underage, and while it's unlikely that Depp was aware of the lesbian subtext of Paradis's first single, we should still be concerned about why Depp became interested in her.

     This is not intended as a knock at Paradis's singing; she is certainly a talented singer. But considering how profit is valued over women's dignity in our society, would Johnny Depp - or anyone, for that matter - have noticed Paradis's talent, if she had not been a 14-year-old girl singing about a lesbian woman?
     Call that a cynical outlook if you must, but all it takes is a short look at either of the following music videos, to see that this girl's directors and agents were allowing her to be objectified. In the second link, she appears to "make eyes" at the camera.


     While Paradis is not scantily clad in either of the music videos, her extremely young age - and the subject matter of the song - are not the only things about her career that should merit concern.
     Paradis's second album, Variations sur le même t'aime (released in 1990) was written by Serge Gainsbourg.
     Gainsbourg had previously produced a music video for his 1984 song "Lemon Incest", which featured his then 12-year-old daughter Charlotte wearing a blouse and underwear and clutching at her father's leg while they are both on a bed together. The song is indisputably about incest. Charlotte has grown up to be a musician and actress, but she has not yet alleged that any abuse occurred at the hands of her father.
     Gainsbourg also wrote the album Histoire de Melody Nelson. It is a concept album, the entirety of which is about running a teenage girl over with your car and then having a sexual affair with her. Spoiler alert: She dies at the end.

     It's probably appropriate to ask whether Vanessa Paradis - who was 17 years old in 1990, when she recorded the songs Gainsbourg wrote for her - was warned by anyone that Gainsbourg had written these pedophilic songs (and even an entire album) in the years prior.
     I get the distinct feeling that anyone in France who knows about Gainsbourg, also knows that these are his most famous songs. Maybe a large segment of Frenchmen just don't care. Or they sincerely believe that Gainsbourg's music has artistic merit, and that it is only transgressive for a reason. But still, it is hard to argue that Gainsbourg's music does not romanticize incest and statutory rape.

     Gainsbourg's possible pedophilia aside, the point is that Vanessa Paradis's rise to success was largely bolstered by inappropriate male attention in her appearance and her age.
     Johnny Depp, who is more than nine years older than Paradis, was probably aware, when he married her in 1998, that his bride had been viewed as an underage sexpot by half of France, around the same time he became famous.

     Depp has said that the birth of his daughter, Lily-Rose Depp (whose mother is Vanessa Paradis), changed his outlook on life completely.
     Let's hope that means that Johnny Depp is not raping underage or barely-legal fans and actresses and models, the same way his best friend for life Marilyn Manson has been.

Written and Published on February 21st, 2021

Edited and Expanded on February 23rd, 2021

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