Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Links to All of My Articles and Videos About Child Sexual Abuse in Lake County, Illinois

     The following articles pertain to the sexual abuse which I suffered at the hands of my father between 1992 and 2000, and/or to other incidents of alleged sexual abuse and corruption which have occurred in Lake County, Illinois since I was born.
     Most or all of these articles will be included in my upcoming book Rapists Defending Rapists.

#1-#2: Written by Other People, Read for Background on the Topic of Child Sexual Abuse in Lake County; My Commentary Coming Soon

1. Articles about Diane Ross's 2000 child pornography bust:

2. Article about the allegations against Dave Miller:

#3-#26: Articles Written, and Videos Created, by Joe Kopsick

3. My December 31st, 2019 statement to Lake Bluff police (published to this blog in May 2020) regarding the child sexual abuse I experienced at the hands of my father:

4. My video about a Lake County prosecutor declining to file charges against my father
[no longer available at YouTube, may become available on my new YouTube and/or Rumble channel at a later date]:

5. My July 2020 letter to Kathleen o'Hara:

6. My message to Lake Bluff and Lake Forest parents regarding child molesters in their area, written in July 2020:

7. The description of a Facebook group I created to facilitate discussion of child sex crimes in Lake County, written in July 2020:

8. An image from July 2020, which I created for a child molestation discussion group:

9. My February 2021 article "Tips on Identifying and Recovering from Schizophrenia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, and Sleep Paralysis":

11. My March 4th, 2021 statement to Lake Bluff police, published to this blog on March 6th, 2021, regarding the child sexual abuse I experienced at the hands of my father. Includes descriptions of memories recovered since submitting the first statement. Titled "Second Statement to Police, Regarding the Child Sexual Abuse Which I Endured at the Hands of My Father, Richard Steven Kopsick, Between 1989 and 2000":

12. My March 2021 article "Delinquent and Abused Minors Subjected to Physical and Psychological Abuse Disguised as Therapy: W.W.A.S.P.S. and C.R.T.":

13. My March 2021 article "Abilify and Other "Atypical Antipsychotics" Are Overprescribed, Dangerous, and Increase Some Psychotic Symptoms":

14. My March 2021 article "Yelp Review for My Father's Law Office":

15. My April 2021 article "Message to a Legal Advocate Regarding Acceptable Forms of Evidence in My Molestation Case Against My Father":

16. My April 2021 article "Correcting the Record: How I Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse at the Age of Twenty-Eight":

17. My April 2021 video "I Recovered Memories of Being Molested. They Called Me Crazy and Prescribed Me Sedative Psych Meds" [no longer available, may be available on my new YouTube channel at a later date]:

18. My May 2021 article "Correcting the Record: Regarding Details About Six of Forty-Three Dates on Which Molestation Could Have Occurred":

19. My May 2021 article "Dismantling Five Stereotypes About Child Molesters That Are Helping Them Evade Notice, Capture, and Judgment":

20. My May 2021 article and infographic "Reference Chart Regarding the As Many As Twenty-One Incidents of Sexual Abuse Which I Endured as a Child":

21. My May 2021 article "Establishing a Typology of Potential Child Sexual Predators Based on Whether and Why They Offend":

22. My May 2021 article "Documents from 2002 and 2015 Show That I Experienced Protagonist Syndrome from 2013 to 2015":

23. My May 2021 infographic "Social Network Map of Child Molesting Attorneys, Fraudulent Psychiatrists, and Corrupt Police Officers in Lake County, Illinois":

24. My May 2021 article "Chicago and North Suburbs Plagued with Sex Trafficking, Parental Alienation, Child Rape, and Psychiatric Drugging of Molestation Victims: Thirty-Eight People and Places Which Are Threats to Children's Safety":

25. My June 2021 article "Don't Make Assumptions About What True Sexual Abuse Claims Should Sound Like":

26. My September 2021 article "If You Are Seeing This Image, Then Please Stop Calling Me on the Phone":

Fourteen More Articles Which Are Tangentially Related to My Abuse

The Aquarian Agrarian: Former Waukegan Mayor Sam Cunningham Excused Joe Biden's Child Molestation and Then Physically Assaulted My Friend

The Aquarian Agrarian: Rep. Brad Schneider's Staff's Racist Treatment of Black Employee Should Remind Us of Lynching, Tuskegee, Ethnic Cleansing

The Aquarian Agrarian: My Stance on Theories Regarding "Reptilian" Overlords and Alien- or Reptilian- Human Hybrids

The Aquarian Agrarian: Boycott Pedophile Musicians: Thirty Artists Who Preyed on Children (or Tried to, or Were Accused, etc)

The Aquarian Agrarian: Resist Brainwashing: Fourteen Things to Learn About Government Mind Control Experiments in the 1950s and 1960s

The Aquarian Agrarian: Wisconsin Family Resources Use Covid as Cheap Excuse for Denying Families Access, Exacerbating Separation of Families [Incomplete]

The Aquarian Agrarian: Five Reasons Why I Don't Feel Comfortable Introducing Myself Using Gender Pronouns

The Aquarian Agrarian: Thirty-One Television Shows That May Be Trying to Promote Pedophilia and/or Child Abuse

The Aquarian Agrarian: Communities Should Be More Aware of Threats to Small Children on Halloween

The Aquarian Agrarian: No Means No, So Stop Asking: How Consent, Permission, and Volunteering Actually Work

The Aquarian Agrarian: Did Ghislaine Maxwell Kill JonBenet Ramsey and Princess Diana?: An Infographic

The Aquarian Agrarian: Numerous Connections Between Jeffrey Epstein and Comet Ping Pong Owner James Alefantis Suggest Pizzagate Could Be True After All

The Aquarian Agrarian: Three Most Powerful Democratic Party Governors Are Connected to Epstein, Weinstein, or Both

The Aquarian Agrarian: In 2018, A Child Was 123 Times More Likely to Be Molested or Raped Than Shot in U.S. Public Schools

This information will be developed into a book called Rapists Defending Rapists.

A link will be added here when that book has been completed and is available for purchase.

Original Set of Links Compiled on July 2nd, 2020

This Post Originally Published on July 2nd, 2020

Expanded multiple times between July 13th, 2020 and September 7th, 2021;
and again on April 19th, 2022; and March 8th and 10th, 2023

Two links removed on April 19th, 2022
because they were deleted along with my Instagram account,
were not backed up, and no longer exist

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