Friday, July 3, 2020

Set of Q.R. Codes for Joe Kopsick's 2020 Campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives

     Using an app such as "QR & Barcode Scanner" or "Bar-Code", or "QR Code Reader", scan the following QR codes (Quick Response codes) to see important links about Joe Kopsick's 2020 campaign for U.S. Representative from Illinois's 10th congressional district.
     The QR codes that lead to links where you can sign the petition to get Kopsick on the ballot, are codes #10 through #14. These will allow you to find out if you're registered to vote, find out if you live in Illinois's 10th district, sign the petition, and send invitation to others to do the same!

1. List of most important campaign links

(on the Aquarian Agrarian blog)

2. Questionnaire which allows the reader
to score themselves according to
how much they agree with the candidate

(on the Aquarian Agrarian blog)

3. Joe Kopsick for Congress /
Mutualist Party of Illinois

(Facebook group)

4. Mutualist Party of Illinois

(Facebook page)

5. Kopsick's statement about the foundation
of the Mutualist Party of Illinois

(on the Aquarian Agrarian blog)

6. Detailed 2020 platform

(on the Aquarian Agrarian blog)

7. June 2020 press release

(on the Aquarian Agrarian blog)

8. Campaign video on Ukrainegate
and Brad Schneider


9. Kopsick's infographic about police killings

(on the Aquarian Agrarian blog)

10. Find out if you're registered to vote,
and make sure your "Congressional (Federal)" district
is the 10th district

(government website)

11. Find out if you're eligible to sign
the petition to get Joe Kopsick on the ballot

(on the Aquarian Agrarian blog)

12. e-Petition to get Joe Kopsick on the ballot

(click "Sign Document",
open an internet explorer,
click "Sign In with Mobile Browser",
click "Get Started",
click "Start" at the top-right,
and fill in the form,
beginning with "Signature Field")

(if this doesn't work, try the one below)

13. e-Petition to get Joe Kopsick on the ballot

(click "Sign Document",
open an internet explorer,
click "Sign In with Mobile Browser",
click "Get Started",
click "Start" at the top-right,
and fill in the form,
beginning with "Signature Field")

(if this doesn't work, try the one above)

14. Link to send to people to invite them to sign the e-petition

(click "Sign Document",
open an internet explorer,
click "Sign In with Mobile Browser",
click "Get Started",
click "Start" at the top-right,
and fill in the form,
beginning with "Signature Field")

15. First e-mail update, for volunteers

(on the Aquarian Agrarian blog)

16. QR code leading to this page you're viewing now

(on the Aquarian Agrarian blog)

Create your own QR code for free at

Written and Published on July 3rd, 2020

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