Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Letter to Former Principal Kathleen o'Hara Regarding Discipline and Child Sexual Abuse


     I wrote the following text as four e-mails to Kathleen "Kathy" o'Hara (known as "Ms. O."). Those e-mails were sent on May 23rd, 2020.

     Kathleen o'Hara served as the principal of Lake Bluff Middle School while I attended, leaving in 2005. I attended L.B.M.S. from 1998 to 2001.
     Kathleen o'Hara later became the mayor of Lake Bluff, Illinois, in 2013, and (as of July 2020) remains the mayor and president of Lake Bluff.
     I grew up in Lake Bluff, living there with my family from the age of five until the age of 18 (1992 to 2005).

     The only things that have changed about the original e-mails, are: 1) the additions of periods at the ends of some sentences which lacked them, 2) the correction of a typographical error; and 3) several notes in brackets which were put there to add detail, including to protect the name of an innocent son of a child sex criminal in my area.

First E-Mail

     Hi Miss O'Hara. You probably remember me, this is Joe Kopsick. You have probably met my father Richard as well, he was a member of the District 65 School Board starting in 1995.
     That was the year my father started molesting me regularly, after a first incident in 1992. I went to the Lake Bluff Police about it on New Year's Eve 2019. I was molested as many as 20 times.
     I'm very sorry that I was often argumentative, and disobedient, and did things to call negative attention to myself when I was a child in your school.
     But I hope that you understand that the only reason I called negative attention to myself, was because nothing I did at home was greeted with positivity by my father.
     I could never go to him to talk about my problems. He would ask me quote what is your problem?" and I would say "you are my problem." and he would pretend like he didn't understand.
     He suffocated me so badly during the abuse that I didn't remember it years later, so for 14 years I had blacked out his molestation, and I didn't even know what he had done to me as a child. He actually had me convinced at one point that I hated him for no reason.
     I got addicted to drugs, and ran away to the West Coast, and went homeless, and have struggled with depression and suicidality. And everyone thinks I'm just "like that".
     I worry that my father has been on a subtle mission to make people think that I'm crazy, while out loud he talks openly about what a nice person I am and how interesting I am. But to my face he tells me that I'm crazy and that I hate him. I always deny it, despite what he did to me.
     I just wanted to let you know that you sat next to this person [while] he was molesting his child and you didn't figure it out.
     I pissed myself in front of my gym class in first grade. I had a nose bleed in front of my class in third grade. I got bullied all the time by other kid because my father trained me to never fight back. I barked like a dog at one of my teachers in high school.
     You and other teachers probably noticed this "attention seeking bad behavior". I'm just trying to figure it out: how is it that none of you ever thought to ask whether it was a problem at home?
     Did you refrain from asking this question, because you see yourself as being on the same side of the teachers and parents, simply because you were part of the same generation, or because you were not children? I hope you understand that children and adults are not supposed to be pitted against each other.
     I have been my father's unknowing rape slave for 20 years because you teachers and principals thought that I was just "acting bad". You never thought to ask that maybe it was my father's fault. Even after [Diane Ross, the mother of two of my classmates] turned out to be a child pornographer. [Note: Ross received child pornography; if she created any, I am not aware of it.]
     Despite that, you still treated the kids like common criminals, like those kids at Columbine.
     You screamed at me, at the top of your lungs, when I tried to get a seven-year-old who was smoking marijuana in trouble. You screamed at me for using the word "pot" even though that kid's parents were letting him get high.
     What the fuck is wrong with you? Nazi

Second E-Mail

     Is that what you do? You scream at the top of your lungs at small children until they are too terrified to trust their teachers or their principal to tell them that their parents have been abusing them?
     We were afraid to go to you [with our problems] because we knew you would scream at us. You screaming at me made me never trust any teacher or authority figure.
     And then you take a cut, and get the money from the parents, so you can buy yourself the world's smallest cell phone?
     You're a common pimp, Kathy O.
     You need to set this right and publicly apologize for terrorizing all of us.
     If you had never screamed at me, I probably would have told one of my teachers that my dad had been molesting me.
     You turned that school into a prison.

Third E-Mail

     You didn't even alert the other parents when Diane Ross got arrested for child pornography, did you?

Fourth E-Mail
     You created an environment in which it was impossible to report teachers, principals, or authority figures including parents, for abuse. Because every kid had to live in fear of being screamed at. By you. For not obeying all authority figures to a T.
     You all had no problem with teaching kids to obey authority. But you never thought to ask whether some kids' experience of authority at home, was submitting to child molestation.
     That was my experience. You taught me not to question authority figures, the same way your Catholic school teachers taught you to have faith in God instead of seeking answers in science.
     Did you really teach us to think for ourselves more than your teachers did?
     Now our answers come not from God, nor a science textbook, but from the child raping and trafficking lawyers and judges who are running this country
     And that includes you. A public school principal is a pimp and a trafficker and brainwasher of children.
     And with my father in the school board, you taught me all the propaganda he wanted me to learn. So that I would keep trusting authority figures and keep getting molested as part of obeying my dad.
     Maybe you'd like to give him a call. To congratulate him for getting away with it. Or to pick up your cut.

For More Information

Read about Diane Ross's child pornography bust, at the following links:

Read my statement to Lake Bluff police regarding the child sexual abuse I experienced at the hands of my father, at the following link:

Watch my video about a Lake County prosecutor declining to file charges against my father:
Read about the allegations against Dave Miller, at the following link:

Read my message to Lake Bluff and Lake Forest parents regarding child molesters in their area, at the following link:

Read the description of a Facebook group I created to facilitate discussion of child sex crimes in Lake County:

Read this article about an image I created for a child molestation discussion group:

Composed on May 23rd, 2020
Formatted for Publishing, and Published, on July 2nd, 2020
Introduction Written on July 2nd, 2020

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