Friday, September 24, 2021

Wisconsin Family Resources Use Covid as Cheap Excuse for Denying Families Access, Exacerbating Separation of Families [Incomplete]

The full title of this article is

"Wisconsin Family Resources
Use Covid as Cheap Excuse
for Denying Families Access,
Exacerbating Separation of Families:

Covid Pandemic Exacerbates Social Services Access Hardships
Experienced by Parents of Disabled Children in Wisconsin".

Table of Contents

1. Why Caring About Disabled Families Being Unable to Access Social Services,
     Does Not Make You a "Father's Rights Movement" Fanatic

2. How the Social Security System Makes Families Susceptible to Separation

3. Intent Matters: How Wisconsin's Laws on Child Abuse Define Accidents as Abuse

4. Why Ignoring Intent Creates a Slippery Slope Regarding How Child Abuse is Defined

5. Additional Notes Regarding Standards in Defining Child Abuse

6. Parents Experience Loss of Work, No Compensation for Social Work Visits, Economic Hardship

7. How the Covid Crisis and Family Law Affect Families with Members on the Autism Spectrum

8. The Government Unjustly and Systematically Deprived Disabled People of the Ability to Reliably Access Services; and the Laws and Rights Which Social Services Potentially Violated in the Course of Depriving Access


1. Why Caring About Disabled Families Being Unable to Access Social Services,
     Does Not Make You a "Father's Rights Movement" Fanatic

     [coming soon]

2. How the Social Security System Makes Families Susceptible to Separation

     [coming soon]

3. Intent Matters: How Wisconsin's Laws on Child Abuse Define Accidents as Abuse

     [coming soon]

4. Why Ignoring Intent Creates a Slippery Slope Regarding How Child Abuse is Defined

     [coming soon]

5. Additional Notes Regarding Standards in Defining Child Abuse

     [coming soon]

6. Parents Experience Loss of Work, No Compensation for Social Work Visits, Economic Hardship

     [coming soon]

7. How the Covid Crisis and Family Law Affect Families with Members on the Autism Spectrum

     [coming soon]

8. The Government Unjustly and Systematically Deprived Disabled People of the Ability to Reliably Access Services; and the Laws and Rights Which Social Services Potentially Violated in the Course of Depriving Access

     [coming soon]

Written between June 30th and July 5th, 2021

Published incomplete on September 24th, 2021

Title changed on October 26th, 2021

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