Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My Stance on Theories Regarding "Reptilian" Overlords and Alien- or Reptilian- Human Hybrids

      Some people think that Alex Jones believes that alien-lizard-human hybrids control the world. That is not true. We do not know for sure whether Alex Jones believes in aliens.

     While on comedian Joe Rogan’s podcast, Jones told Rogan that he believes that the Nazis believed themselves to be in communication with aliens, but Jones has not directly stated that he believes in aliens.
     Jones sometimes talks about interdimensional beings, but he may be speaking in regard to spiritual dimensions, rather than about real aliens he may have seen. He stated on Joe Rogan’s podcast that he has never been an aliens type of guy.

     People think that about Alex Jones because he has had David Icke on his show, the sportscaster-turned- “conspiracy theorist” who has talked about reptilians.
     But Icke doesn’t really believe in alien lizard humans either; as it is evident from his 2001 book Children of the Matrix, Icke only writes about reptilians in relation to reptilian animal symbolism in ancient civilizations, anthropology, mysticism, and psychology.
     Icke comments on the so-called "reptilian complex" in the brain; that is, the basal ganglia. In Children of the Matrix, Icke makes reference to Paul D. MacLean's "Triune brain" model of understanding the evolution and the different parts of the brain.

     [Note: More information on the "Triune brain" theory can be found at the following link:
     As the theory behind the Triune brain model goes, the reptilian segments of the brain are the most primal, and control the most important parts of the body that we need to survive; the heart and lungs. These parts of the brain developed before the amphibian and mammalian "brains" (or brain fragments) which developed around, and after, the reptilian brain.
     Icke described the reptilian brain as the most basal, and as the most related to ritual. This is why Icke sees the reptilian brain as integrally connected to the ritual aspects which are extremely common in organized religion.
     That's why it’s possible that Icke subtitled his book “How an Interdimensional Race Has Controlled the World For Years – And Still Does” solely in order to get people interested enough to buy it.

     I personally suspect that – on a subtle or perhaps even subconscious level – Icke’s allusions to an animal aspect to humanity (one that feels bestial or inhuman because it doesn’t seem to recognize
our humanity) could be rooted in a desire to expose British royals for their genocidal crimes under colonialism (as well as their sex crimes), and achieve that task without communicating it so openly that Icke could end up imprisoned by the Queen of England.
     After all, Princess Diana once said of Prince Charles’s family, “They’re not human”. Granted, she meant this figuratively; but every bit as figuratively as any reptilian allusions that Icke may have made towards the British royal family and their cohorts over the years.

     Moreover, David Icke was not the first person to talk about this “reptilian-human hybrid” theory. Israeli author and mystic Drunvalo Melchizedek (born Bernard Perona) was writing about the possibility of gray aliens, gray-human hybrids, and the Anunnaki (Babylonian and Sumerian deities who supposedly visited humans), as early as 2011 (or earlier), long before anyone came to associate David Icke or Alex Jones with “reptilian conspiracy theories”.
     In fact, Drunvalo Melchizedek was not the first to speak of otherworldly beings coming down and interbreeding with human beings.

     The pseudepigraphal three Books of Enoch, which is read by Muslims, tells of the Nephilim, giant human beings traditionally explained by some Judaic texts to have been the spawn of human beings and angels who came down from Heaven.
     The Books of Enoch aside, the Old Testament itself – read by all three major Abrahamic religions and more – speaks of angels visiting humans for procreation purposes. The Nephilim giants (or giant-angels) are mentioned in the books of Genesis (Chapter 6), Numbers (Chapter 13), and Ezekiel (Chapter 32). Additionally, Chapter 19 of the Book of Genesis mentions human beings coming to the home of patriarch Lot, wanting to have sex with the angels who were visiting him.

     All of this is not to say that reptiles, aliens, or angels have interbred with human beings, however. My only points are that Alex Jones and David Icke possibly do not believe in aliens, and that human-alien (or human-angel) hybrid theories are at least as old as the Old Testament, if not older.
     This does not necessarily point to alien-human (or alien-reptile) hybrids existing, however; but it certainly does help explain why so many people nowadays seem to think, suspect, or feel that there is an animal, alien, or otherworldly presence in some of our fellow human beings (especially among the elite).

Author's Note:

     The above text first appeared in my July 2021 article "Questions for Sam Seder on Euthanasia and Health Care, Environment and Immigration, General Welfare, and Law Without the State". That article can be viewed at the following address:

Post-Script (Written October 8th, 2021):

     Readers should be cautioned that apocalyptic cult leaders, such as David Berg (the now deceased leader of the Children of God cult), are wont to cite the biblical mentions of the incestuous offspring of Cain and Lot, in order to claim that there is a biblical or religious justification for incestuous acts including child rape.
     There is no justification whatsoever, for incest, nor child rape, nor the use of religion in order to convert followers (i.e., "Flirty Fishing", which is a distortion of Christ's "I will make fishers of men" quotation).
     It is for this reason - and for the sake of decency regarding how children are raised - that God, Jesus Christ, angels, and cherubs, must never be sexualized, nor confused with one another (whether intentionally or unintentionally).

Original article Written on
July 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, and 14th, 2021

This segment edited on September 21st, 2021

Published on September 21st, 2021

Post-Script Written and Added on
October 8th, 2021

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