Sunday, July 18, 2021

Rep. Brad Schneider's Staff's Racist Treatment of Black Employee Should Remind Us of Lynching, Tuskegee, Ethnic Cleansing

     Three days ago - on July 15th, 2021 - a story about racially disparaging remarks, made by an employee of Democratic Illinois Congressman Brad Schneider named Karyn Davidman, made international headlines, as the DailyMail published an article titled "Black staffer for Democrat Rep. Brad Schneider SUES his office after her white supervisor told her to 'get a rope and put it around her neck' then 'pigeon-holed' her when she complained".
     The article explains that, "According to the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Davidman relayed a story to [former staffer Patrice] Campbell regarding lanyards worn to secure face masks and used to guard against COVID-19 infection."
     It continues, "During the March discussion, Davidman told Campbell, who is the only Black employee in Schneider's office, according to the lawsuit, "You are going to have to get a rope and put it around your neck."

     Presumably, Davidman told Campbell to use that rope as a lanyard, to help secure her face mask onto her face.
     Campbell considered this remark to be racially insensitive, because the comment about a rope reminded her of lynchings of black people.

     I want to whole-heartedly condemn this reprehensible and racially (probably deliberately) insensitive behavior. No employee in the public sector should ever experience discrimination.
     [In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I ran against Brad Schneider, as a write-in candidate, in 2016 and 2020.]
     Throughout mid-2020, when I attended various Black Lives Matter and George Floyd protests, I criticized Congressman Schneider's office for accepting money from what are arguably pro-war and racist sources.

     Once at a B.L.M. event attended by Schneider, I drowned-out Schneider's speech as soon as he begun talking, with a chant of "Brad takes bribes from the Israeli lobby that trains our racist police (clap, clap)".
     I said this because Schneider's campaigns, combined, have accepted half a million dollars from the Israeli lobby, and $23,000 from the top companies servicing the Military-Industrial Complex (Boeing, etc.). This money was accepted at a time when it had recently been revealed that Israeli Defense Forces (I.D.F.) soldiers had been involved in a program to assist in the training of police officers from New York City. Numerous journalists have criticized this training program as racist, claiming that it teaches racial profiling. (Hence my chant)

     The treatment of Patrice Campbell by Karyn Davidman is especially horrifying to me, as a person who has criticized Schneider's office for racism in the past, and as someone who has studied the history of genocide and eugenics in the 20th century.
     I have suspected - since early 2020 - that (while the government underreacted in some areas) when the government overreacted to the Covid-19 outbreak, it sometimes disproportionately impacted racial and ethnic minorities (as well as the poor).

     For example:

     1) In the early days of the pandemic, a rumor spread that African-Americans could not get the disease, or were less likely to get the disease. Soon after, scientific data showed that the opposite was true.

     2) Soon after California shut down, and six-foot physical distancing was ordered, Gavin Newsom was photographed sitting at a table with other members of the political elite, suggesting that being wealthy and powerful exempted them - but not the poor, who are disproportionately people of color - from coronavirus restrictions.

     3. African-Americans may be less likely, in general, to get vaccinated, because many African-Americans remember the Tuskegee Experiments (in which the government allowed men with syphilis to go untreated, after they were being told that they would receive free medical treatment from the government).
     Because Karyn Davidman told Patrice Campbell to use a rope around her neck to secure her face mask into place - supposedly "for her own good" or for the sake of her health - should remind all of us of not only the history of lynching, but also because of the Tuskegee Experiments.

     The Democrats are offering us "free medical care", but only on the condition that the costs of that "free" medicine be passed onto the next generation (instead of reforming taxes and the budget to solve the funding problem). They are also obligating the states and the people to relinquish their rights to regulate medical insurance.
     The Democrats also expect us all to submit to a progressive ideology that supports eugenics to every bit the same extent as the Republican Party ideology. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, the party of conserving the environment so steadfastly (for attention) that they cease caring about humans' rights to live in harmony with nature, and the party of aborting black babies in the womb instead of solving the social and economic problems that lead people to want to get abortions.

     What happened to Patrice Campbell should remind us not only of lynching, the Tuskegee Experiment, and tempting people into tolerating fascism by offering promises of medical care (as the Nazis did when Germany annexed Austria).
     It should also remind us of several other events throughout history:

     1) The spraying of black people with fire hoses under the orders of Birmingham Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor;
     2) The spraying of atheist, socialist, and anarchist women in 1930s Spain, which was done by fascist, Carlist Spanish Catholics, in the name of "cleansing them of sin";
     3) The Bath Riots of 1917 (during the presidency of Democrat Woodrow Wilson), which took place at the Ciudad Juarez / El Paso border crossing. A teenage girl caused a riot after immigrant women - including pregnant women - were exposed to GASOLINE BATHS and ZYKLON-B. American border guards were also raping some of the girls and women. The women were told that they were being exposed to the harsh chemicals in order to "de-louse" them, despite the fact that the Mexican typhus epidemic ended ten years prior to this event. One of the women remarked, "Why do they think we're so dirty?"; and
     4) The Holocaust during World War II, in which the Nazis used the same chemical used by Americans to "de-louse" Mexican immigrants - Zyklon-B - to murder Jews (and people who helped Jews attempt to escape, and other "undesirables") intentionally.

     Nazis ordered Jews to enter shower chambers, and given bars of soap, and told to prepare for showers (which were then filled with poison gas). That shows that those Jews believed that they were being given medical treatment, in the form of a shower. But, of course, it turned out to be poisonous Zyklon-B gas (the vapor of hydrocyanic acid), and it killed them.

     We must not forget that the American use of Zyklon-B predates the Nazi use of it by more than twenty years. We must not forget that people have been lured into fascism - and to their deaths - with the promises of free medical care.
     Such "medical care" could include anything from therapeutic showers to being exposed to dangerous de-lousing chemicals (that either might or will kill you), to getting radiation for cancer therapy, to trying coronavirus drugs that carry high risks of heart disease, to being given Munchhausen's Syndrome, to being drugged with experimental anti-psychotic medications, to being emotionally traumatized through experimental psychotherapy, to being medically neglected, to being euthanized (euthanasia literally meaning "good death").
     The Nazi twin studies, and various grotesque experiments by Dr. Josef Mengele, were done under the guise of "medical research". So were the Tuskegee Experiments, and experiments that humanized mice, and "gain-of-function" research, and so many more.

     It should seem obvious to us, by now, that there is no possible way to read a white superior telling a black employee "get a rope and put it around your neck" to secure a face mask into place - other than a racially disparaging remark.
     This reflects and reveals an underlying racial bias - by the public government - against African-Americans. It is evident in the enforcement of Coronavirus restrictions recently, and in the eugenicist history of progressivism and neo-liberal "democracy" generally and historically.

     Schneider staffer Karyn Davidman did this because she thinks that black people are dirty, or at least more likely to pass coronavirus to her.
     Karyn Davidman said this because she is a racist, and her comment confirms that the Democratic Party is, and has always been and will always be, the party of the Ku Klux Klan (which openly supported the party during the first half of the 20th century).

     If Karyn Davidman wants Patrice Campbell to wear a mask so badly, then I suggest that Karyn Davidman first show herself for who she really is, by getting a hold of a white Klan mask, and securing it firmly over her own head.
     If people like Davidman are going to endorse this kind of treatment of African-Americans, then I suggest they move to Arizona and become Republicans. There, Republicans want to use Zyklon-B - the same chemical used to kill Jews in the Holocaust, and "de-louse" and humiliate Mexicans - as part of execution of death row inmates.

     We must not allow the government to tempt us into submission to fascism and eugenics as the "cost" of "free" medical care.
     We must not allow people to pressure or order us to submit to forcible sterilization; whether that comes in the form of sterilizing Native American woman and Mexican immigrants against their will with poisonous chemicals, or merely pressuring people to use hand sanitizers (some of which contain toxic wood alcohol) and allow others to spray them with Lysol in stores for not wearing masks.
     You are under no obligation to tell anyone whether you have been vaccinated, as the condition of entering private property. For one, you have a right - recognized by the Fifth Amendment - not to incriminate yourself. Second, H.I.P.A.A. laws protect doctor-patient confidentiality.
      [For more information, see the following link:
     "the protections of the Privacy Rule are not set aside during an emergency."]

     We must learn to recognize eugenicist behavior - and ethnic cleansing - when we see it, or we will not learn the full lessons of the Holocaust and the Civil Rights Movement.
     There is no "national body" that can get sick, and we must stop subscribing to the fascist notions (i.e., corpus mysticum, the mystical body of the state; and the "social contagion theory") that there is.

     We can't get each other sick if we stay far away enough from each other. Please stay at least six feet away from me, and if necessary, tell me to stay at least six feet away from you. Aside from that, stop telling me what to do with my body.
     With the government as corrupt and discriminatory as it is, there is no need to further accustom ourselves to obeying whatever orders are given by others (that is, aside from "get away from me").

Written and published on July 18th, 2021
Expanded on July 19th, 2021
Edited and Expanded on July 26th, 2021

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