Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Explanation of an Image I Created for a Child Sexual Abuse Survivors' Group

     I added this banner to denote three important American works of film or literature, which pertain to either Lake County, Illinois; child abuse; or both.

     The Great Gatsby takes place in Lake Forest, and is about the death of the American dream and how wealth doesn't bring true happiness.
     The Catcher in the Rye is about a teenage boy named Holden Caulfield, who sees himself catching children in order to save them from the adult world. Both John Lennon's assassin Mark David Chapman, and Ronald Reagan's shooter John Hinckley Jr., reportedly had the book on them when they were arrested.
     Ordinary People takes place mostly in Lake Forest. It was directed by Robert Redford, and part of it was filmed at Lake Forest High School. In Ordinary People, Mary Tyler Moore's character is a cold, removed, narcissistic mother, who is struggling to maintain a feeling of normalcy in her family following the death of her son and a suicide attempt of her other son. The film concludes with the mother abandoning her husband and son (perhaps permanently, perhaps temporarily) by driving away in a taxicab.

     Students who attended Lake Forest High School in the first decade of the 21st century read "Gatsby", and were taught it well, and I know because I went to L.F.H.S. at that time. Many of us were also aware of the film "Ordinary People" because it was filmed in our community.
     Unfortunately, we were not taught to focus on The Great Gatsby's theme of the death of the American dream enough; nor did we have sufficient opportunities to discuss what happens when people try to keep-together deeply dysfunctional families, or when they try to "smile through the pain" (the pain of emotional abuse, or traumatic experiences, such as the loss of a son which occurred in the film).
     Nor did we notice that, in Catcher, Holden admits that he was subjected to sexual activity as a child, when he discusses meeting a prostitute. Perhaps the most important lesson which discussion of this book could impart, is that you have to be looking for child sexual abuse and child neglect in order to find them; they're not just going to pop out at you. Lake Forest High School students were not taught this lesson.
     Perhaps the fact that Holden Caulfield was molested as a child, has something to do with why the book is references so heavily in Mel Gibson's film Conspiracy Theory; the main character compulsively buys copies of the book because he was drugged and brainwashed as part of the C.I.A.'s MK-ULTRA program, possibly while he was a child.
     Maybe if the people of Lake Bluff and Lake Forest had talked more about this book, and kidnapping, and Diane Ross's crimes, in the first decade of the 21st century, then they would have been open much earlier to the possibility that the government is involved in the trafficking of children for sexual purposes.

     The residents of Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, and other Lake County towns in which child molesters live, must come together as a community to discuss this problem openly, to ensure that accusations of child sexual abuse and related crimes are never silenced, and that children are protected from abusers as well as properly educated about the topic of child predation.
     Most importantly, Lake Forest students should be made aware of their town's reputation for not only affluence and wealth, suburban charm, and love of trees; but also its problems of child sexual abuse, child neglect, drug and alcohol addiction, and white supremacy.
     The children of Lake Bluff and Lake Forest deserve to grow up knowing the truth about the place they live and how the rest of the country perceives it.

For more information:

Read about Diane Ross's child pornography bust, at the following links: Read my statement to Lake Bluff police regarding the child sexual abuse I experienced at the hands of my father, at the following link:

Watch my video about a Lake County prosecutor declining to file charges against my father:
Read about the allegations against Dave Miller, at the following link:

Read my letter to Kathleen o'Hara, at the following link:

Read my message to Lake Bluff and Lake Forest parents regarding child molesters in their area, at the following link:

Read the description of a Facebook group I created to facilitate discussion of child sex crimes in Lake County:

Image Created on June 29th, 2020

Article Written on June 29th, 2020
Edited and Expanded on July 2nd, 2020

Article and Banner Originally Posted to the
"Lake County C.S.A. Survivors Uncensored" Group on Facebook, on June 29th, 2020

This Article Originally Posted to This Blog on July 2nd, 2020

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