Sunday, August 1, 2021

Numerous Connections Between Jeffrey Epstein and Comet Ping Pong Owner James Alefantis Suggest Pizzagate Could Be True After All

      I have created the informational graphic below, to show why I believe there is a high probability that the "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory is true (or at least parts of it), due to the fact that so many social, business, and political connections exist between Jeffrey Epstein and James Alefantis.
     I have created this social network map for readers who can admit that Jeffrey Epstein probably provided prostitutes and/or child sex slaves for high-profile politicians, but still do not think that any part of the "Pizzagate" theory could be possible.

     For the record, I do not believe that Hillary Clinton is personally involved in the sex trafficking or torture of children in the basement of Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Washington, D.C. (owned by James Alefantis).
     But I do believe it's possible that Alefantis was selling child pornography on the encrypted section of his restaurant's website, and also that James Alefantis and John Podesta may be involved in sex crimes against children. It's also possible that Alefantis and Podesta may be involved in cannibalism, Satanism, and/or torture (or, at the very least, pig butchering and the illicit art trade).

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Created and published on August 1st, 2021

Expanded and Updated on August 2nd and 3rd, 2021

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