Sunday, January 5, 2014

The War on Drugs

Written in January 2012
Originally published 1-18-2012

The inhumane repression and prosecution of the peaceful, safe, responsible, and voluntary use of controlled substances is an immoral threat to our civil liberties and our personal freedoms, and represents an unnecessary financial burden on taxpayers.

If elected to the 113th Congress, I would vote to repeal all federal anti-drug legislation (as well as pursue the abolition of the Drug Enforcement Administration [DEA]); end the funding of foreign governments to combat the non-violent cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, sale, purchase, and consumption of drugs; and urge the president to pardon some 40,000 imprisoned non-violent federal drug offenders. To end the War on Drugs would eliminate 10,000 federal bureaucrats, and could save the federal government as much as $28 billion annually.

While I would vote to prevent the federal government from intervening in the illicit drug policies of the states (unless constitutional amendments against the prohibition of marijuana and other drugs were to appear as realistic and necessary prospects), I would urge the governors of the states to pardon some 200,000 imprisoned non-violent drug offenders, and to work with their legislatures to legalize the cultivation and manufacture of drugs (including hemp and drug precursors), as well as the medicinal and recreational use of illicit drugs. To end the War on Drugs could save the state and local governments as much as $16 billion annually.

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