Friday, July 30, 2021

Message to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Criticizing the State of Israel's Occupation of Palestine

      The following is a short message that I wrote to the Joe Biden / Kamala Harris White House on May 16th, 2021, as part of an effort to dissuade the administration from continuing to staunchly support Zionism and the illegal occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

     I request that the President and Vice President direct the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, and the New York Police Department, to cease cooperation with, training of, and supply of armaments to, the apartheid regime of the State of Israel.


     Article I, Section 8, Clause 12 requires that appropriations for the army must be limited to two years at a time, so why do Israel and its military benefit from a ten-year aid package? This must be unconstitutional. $3.8 billion in taxpayer funds goes to Israel each year, and it needs to stop; private trade to Israel exceeds this amount and could easily replace those funds.


     I request that the Biden Administration direct the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, and the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, to review and respect the pertinent United Nations resolutions regarding the need to respect human rights, including the prohibitions against siege warfare, and against targeting journalists and public infrastructure.


     U.S.-made weapons are falling on the heads of Palestinian children, and it needs to stop.


     Please read this article I wrote about how the rights of Jews and Arabs can be respected in the Holy Land, with either a two-state solution, or a stateless solution based on communal autonomy and individual rights.




Original message written and delivered on May 16th, 2021

Introduction written on July 30th, 2021

Published on July 30th, 2021

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