Friday, July 30, 2021

Nutrition Advice: Boosting Your Resistance to Covid-19 by Eliminating Acids, Fungus, and Feces from Your Diet (Incomplete)

Table of Contents

1. First Introduction
2. Second Introduction
3. Artificial Sweeteners, Feces, Cheese, Antibiotics, Coffee, Alcohol, and Cancer
     3a. Artificial Sweeteners, Shit, and Cheese
     3b. Shit, Probiotics, and Alcohol
     3c. Antibiotics and Bacteria, vs. Antivirals and Viruses
     3d. More on Artificial Sweeteners
     3e. pH Levels, Sugar, and Cancer
     3f. Salty and Spicy Foods
4. Animal Products and Pets
5. Vitamin C and D, and Molds and Fungi [to be added at a later date]
6. Doping Up the Patient [to be added at a later date]


1. First Introduction

     The following is my health- and nutrition- related advice that I would give in regard to how to boost your natural immunity against Covid-19 and other coronaviruses.
     This article is an explanation of why I believe that reducing your intake of harmful foods and drinks (such as acidic drinks, sugars, alcohols, breads, fungi, animal products, and what I call "gastronomically acceptable forms of edible feces") will lead to a lower risk of cancer, and make it easier for your body’s immune system to fight-off viral and bacterial infections.

     This article should be considered an endorsement of low-carbohydrate diets, and of “keto” diets. Keto diets aim to reduce intake of carbohydrates, putting the body on a path to achieving ketosis (a situation the body burns fat for fuel instead of burning carbohydrates).

2. Second Introduction

      Lately – in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic – the C.D.C. (Centers for Disease Control) and the N.I.H. (National Institutes for Health) have cornered the market on issuing health advice.
     The chilling effect on free speech, which this state of affairs has created, has gotten so bad that Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson recently found it necessary to criticize those agencies for disregarding the age-old practice of “getting a second opinion” on your health before making a potentially life-saving or deadly decision.

     Luckily, however, these agencies have occasionally used their monopoly on health advice for good.
     The government has admitted that vitamins are good for you, by admitting that people should take Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc to protect against Covid. And the government has admitted that immunity boosting exists, in regard to the immunity boosting potential of vaccines.
     But the government has thus far shied away from admitting the clear connection between vitamins and immunity boosting potential. We are told, “Just wear the mask” and “Just take the vaccine” without being given much advice about our nutrition. We are being told to “take vitamins” without being told why.
     We are being pressured to take vaccines that have not been approved by the F.D.A.. We are being told what to do, not allowed to ask questions, and kept in the dark.

     Personally, I find it appalling that our government has failed to place emphasis on public education regarding nutrition, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Not just in proportion to vaccines and masks, but at all. Given this failure, it is practically a miracle that vitamins have even been discussed. But that does not mean we should be thankful.
     Such a small amount of education could go such a long way. And there is no time more important than the present, to impart this knowledge, as right now, in our air and water and food and drinks and consumer products, there are some 800 toxic chemicals lingering about. The average adult human has 500 or 600 toxic chemicals in their system, and the average baby is born with over 200 different toxic substances.
     These toxic substances are weakening our immune systems, increasing our susceptibility to Covid-19 and other diseases.
     Few people want to talk about it, though; in part, because some of these toxic substances make it cheaper to produce certain other products, and because one of these toxic substances is E.T.O. (ethylene oxide), a chemical that helps us because it sterilizes medical equipment, but hurts us because it emits sterilizing chemicals into our air and water.

     Throughout this article, I will give the reader an idea of just how much shit we are putting into our bodies. And I mean "shit" literally.
     Here are just a few examples of some of the toxic substances that are waiting in our food, drinks, and other common products that many of us use every day.


3. Artificial Sweeteners, Feces, Cheese, Antibiotics, Coffee, Alcohol, and Cancer

3a. Artificial Sweeteners, Shit, and Cheese

     Aspartame is found in artificial sweeteners like Equal and NutraSweet and some sodas.
     Aspartame is made from genetically modified e. coli bacteria. E. coli is the bacterium which is found in human feces.
     E. coli bacteria excrete sugar. Bacterial excretion is the equivalent of taking a shit.
     So basically, an E. coli bacterium (which is found in shit, and essentially is shit), takes a shit (when it excretes sugar), and we are putting that sugar into our drinks as artificial sweetener.
    Some shit took a shit and you decided to drink it. You're drinking the shit of shit.

     Have you ever looked at the list of ingredients in the cheese that you eat? We all know cheese is mostly made of milk. But did you ever wonder what the “enzymes” in cheese are? It’s shit. The enzyme is rennet. Rennet comes from colostrum, which is extracted from young cows' intestines. This requires the death of the calf. Cheese contains rennet, which comes from tortured animals; therefore, cheese is not vegetarian or vegan. Vegans should not be eating cheese. It contains milk mixed with edible shit. Cheese is a brick of shit-milk.
     You're eating shit.

3b. Shit, Probiotics, and Alcohol

     Sure, this shit - like cheese, products containing aspartame, and the types of probiotics found in yogurts and Kombuchas, such as lactobacillus - is edible.
     And it’s not always bad to eat bacterial excretions, as long as your body can handle it. There are good bacteria and bad bacteria.

     Just remember that taking too much alcohol with probiotics, and/or taking alcohol too soon after taking probiotics, will kill both the good bacteria and the bad bacteria in your system. Also, remember that any probiotics you take while on antibiotic medications might be rendered ineffective.
     You’re eating shit. But we tell ourselves it’s OK to eat a little shit. It is, only as long as we don’t mess with our immune systems.

     Alcohol is bad for you because the liver breaks most ethanol down into alcohol dehydrogenase (A.D.H.), which later becomes acetaldehyde, which is a toxic carcinogen.
     [Note: It was previously reported here, inaccurately, that "alcohol breaks down into sugar and acidizes your blood"; however, alcohol does not break down into sugar, and does not have a noticeable effect on the pH level of the blood.]
     Also, alcohol is a deadly neurotoxin that can cause shutdown of the medulla oblongatta (the control center of the heart and lungs), leading to respiratory collapse and death.
     You're killing yourself with alcohol.

     But on the other hand, alcohol does have a legitimate medical use - i.e., dulling pain - and other benefits.
     Alcohol, marijuana high in cannabidiol (C.B.D.), and even opioids (including heroin) have legitimate medical uses; i.e., dulling pain (for example, during painful medical procedures such as surgery). That is why the F.D.A. should consider none of these substances to be Class I in the drug schedules under the Controlled Substances Act; because Class I is supposed to be reserved for drugs that have no medical uses.
     So while alcohol has negative health effects, it can dull pain. The fact that beers have been fermented, makes them great alternatives to water, when the local water supply is tainted (something that Europeans in the 1300s discovered in response to the Black Death from the plague outbreak).
     Alcohol also kills bacteria. And the chemical resveratrol - a polyphenol that protects the lining of the heart - is in some wines. The wines that have the highest concentration of resveratrol are Malbec, Petite Sirah, St. Laurent, and Pinot Noir.
     If you want resveratrol, but don't want to drink alcohol in order to get it, then you can buy capsules of resveratrol at the pharmacy without a prescription. Just make sure that the pills don't contain gelatin, if you're a vegan and seek to avoid animal products. Gelatin comes from the boiled connective tissue (such as cartilage, fats, and bone) of animals.

3c. Antibiotics and Bacteria, vs. Antivirals and Viruses

     Remember that antibiotics are only effective against bacteria; not against viruses. That’s because bacteria are living organisms; while viruses are more like zombies.
     Viruses are not exactly dead, because they’re made of genetic and biological material, but they're not alive either because they can’t reproduce without a host. Any hand sanitizer or handi-wipes container that you see plastered with “kills viruses” is scientifically inaccurate, because viruses cannot be killed, only neutralized. They were never alive to begin with.
     Additionally, those sanitizers may be "effective against" viruses, but that's most viruses. It usually says "99.9% or "99.999"%" effective. The repeated application of 99.9% effective hand sanitizers, leaves one bacterium alive out of every thousand or ten thousand, which can result in mutation of those strongest bacteria in a way that causes them to become stronger and more deadly.
     Antiviral drugs combat viruses; while antibacterials and antibiotics combat bacteria. Antibiotics are not effective against colds and flus, because the cold and flu are caused by viruses, not bacteria; while bacteria replicate differently from viruses and have different structures.
     Taking antibiotics, instead of antiviral drugs, when you have a viral infection – and don’t need antibiotics – can cause you to have increased resistance to antibiotics (meaning you could develop bacterial infections more easily).
     It's possible that the overuse of antibacterial hand soap and sanitized wipes, for the purpose of disinfecting surfaces of possible cold and flu viruses (when those things are for bacteria, not viruses) - and the overuse of antibiotics against viral infections of the lung and throat (which can cause additional bacterial infections) - have given many of us antibiotic resistance.
     Many lives could be saved if cheap antivirals are more widely available, and their instructions made clearly understandable on the packaging.
     You’re messing with your immune system.

3d. More on Artificial Sweeteners

     Returning to the topic of artificial sweeteners:
     Another common artificial sweetener is dextrose, which is commonly found in candies. Dextrose is chemically identical to glucose, and therefore can lead to dangerously high blood sugar.
     Nutritionists debate whether diabetes is caused by high sugar intake or high fat intake, but it seems fair to conclude that both are contributing factors, since refusal to reduce sugar intake will prevent the body from burning fat for fuel instead of continuing to burn sugar (and carbohydrates, which break down into glucose).
     You’re giving yourself diabetes.

     Another common artificial sugar is sucralose, which is found in the sweetener Splenda. Sucralose contains three chlorine atoms; it is a chlorinated sweetener that is 600 times sweeter than sucrose.
     Consuming sucralose can lead to leaky gut, I.B.S. (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), or Crohn’s disease.
     You’re drinking chlorine.

     Drinking too much juice, instead of eating the fruit that it comes from, can lead to your blood having too high a concentration of sugar. This can cause fatty liver disease, in the same way that alcohol can cause the same disease.
     Taking in large amounts of alcohol and sugar puts a strain on your liver, the poison processing organ.
     You’re giving yourself fatty liver disease.

     Drinking too much juice, alcohol, and coffee (even if the coffee is loaded with milk) can also make your stomach acid and your blood too acidic.
     Those with acid reflux should be cautious about drinking too much acidic (low-pH) drinks. Those who have acid reflux should use antacid tablets (for example, Tums) in order to avoid throwing their stomach acid's pH level too low.

     The pH level runs from 0 (the most acidic) to 14 (the most basic or alkalinic). The pH level of water is about 7. The pH of human blood is about 7.35 to 7.45 (slightly basic).
     Drinking milk (6 - 6.9), coffee (4.85 to 5.1), and juice (3.3 to 4.2) can throw your body into a state of acidosis.

     In Southern Italy, it is customary to serve a glass of water in between two cups of coffee. This is probably not as necessary in Northern Italy because it is not as hot there, and thus there is less of a need in Northern Italy for relief from the dehydration which salty, hot coffee tends to bring in the warmer climate of the Mediterranean Sea.
     If you drink coffee, remember that diluting it with milk – and/or having a glass of water afterwards – will help reduce the degree to which the coffee acidizes your blood.
     In fact, adding a teaspoon of baking soda - fresh baking soda, not baking soda from the back of the refrigerator – will instantly neutralize the acidity of your coffee.
     When it comes to coffee, don’t worry too much about the pH of your stomach acid, though, as that’s supposed to be between 1.5 and 3.5. Juices like orange juice (3 to 4 on the pH scale) – and acidic alcohols (beers are around 4 while others range from 2.5 to 10) - are the only common drinks that are acidic enough to worry about (that is, unless you have a sensitive system or are worried about ulcers).
     [Note: Not all acidic foods and drinks have an acidizing effect on the blood, but most do. A notable exception is the lemon, an acidic food that has an alkalinizing effect on the pH level of the blood. However, diet doesn't significantly affect the pH level of the blood.]
     You’re giving yourself acidosis. (This refers to a blood pH level less than 7.35).

3e. pH Levels, Sugar, and Cancer

     pH level measures the amount of hydrogen ions in a solution. "pH" stands for "potential hydrogen".
     The scale runs from 0 to 14, with acidic liquids near 0, water in the middle at 7, and alkalines at 14.
     The ideal pH scales for your stomach acid, your blood, and your skin, differ depending on your gender. The ideal pH of human blood is between 6.8 and 7.8. The ideal pH of the stomach acid is between 1.5 and 3.5. The ideal pH of the skin is around 5.5.
     The ideal pH level of the reproductive system depends on gender. The pH of the inside of the vagina can be higher than 4.5 after a woman becomes menopausal.
     The research of Otto Warburg suggests that a diet rich in foods and drinks which have an alkalinizing effect on the body could reduce the risk of cancer cells surviving.

     In 1931, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was won by Otto Henrich Warburg. Warburg studied cellular respiration, and observed that cancer cells “live in hypoxic, very low oxygen, and acidic conditions…”.
     Warburg continued by adding that cancer cells “derive energy from sugars by fermenting them the way yeast does”.
     Warburg became well-known for showing that cancer thrives in high-acid environments.
     Although there is no evidence that giving cancer more sugar decreases the cancer, having a lot of sugar in your system makes it available to be used to supply energy (from blood glucose) to the cancer cells. Additionally, sugar has been linked to esophageal cancer.
     You’re giving yourself cancer.

     Eating a lot of sugar will make your mouth a more acidic environment than normal. This probably increases susceptibility to diseases transmitted by mouth, because acids wear away at the lining of the digestive tract (which includes the inside of the mouth).
     High blood sugar levels, and the weakened immune system which results from them, can increase your susceptibility to developing oral thrush. Leukemia, H.I.V., and taking antibiotics can also increase your risk of developing thrush (which can affect the tongue, and appears as white lesions).
     [Note: Oral thrush is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus candida albicans, small amounts of which can live in the mouth without harm; but which can also develop into worse infections, especially if a person has cancer or an immune deficiency.]
     You’re giving yourself oral thrush. Go brush your tongue.

3f. Salty and Spicy Foods

     It’s not just sugars, juices, and alcohols that are acidic. Salty and spicy foods are acidic too. So are most animal products (although the pH level of meats can range between 6 and 12).
     If you want to reduce your risk of developing oral thrush, cancer, and bacterial and viral infections, then by all means, limit your intake of salty, spicy, and sweet foods that erode at the lining of your tongue and mouth.

     Sour, sweet, and spicy foods tend to be acidic. Bitter foods tend to be alkalinic.
     That covers four of the five types of tastes; the fifth is savory (or umami), like the primary taste characteristic of meat.
     Which brings us to animal products.

4. Animal Products and Pets

     Some soaps contain animal fats, as sodium tallowate is found in tallow soaps.
     Sodium tallowate a fatty acid salt. It is created through the mixing of animal fat with lye (sodium hydroxide).
     Have you ever stopped to think about what using animal fat containing soaps could be doing to your complexion? Think about it: You are trying to get rid of the excess bacteria, grease, and lipids (fats) off of your face, to make your skin clean. And you do this by smearing your skin with animal fat!? How could this do anything but make your skin more susceptible to bacterial infection?
     Some soap is even made of lard, or rendered beef fat.
     In 1918, during the Spanish Flu pandemic, the Indian company Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. (GCPL) became the first company to make soap from vegetable oil instead of animal fat.
     Vegans and vegetarians should not be using soaps that contain animal tallow. If you want your skin to smell nice, and clean your skin, then I have no idea why you’d turn to animal fat instead of flowers. There are companies that make soap from coconut oil, the oil extracted from rose petals, and other plants and flowers.
     Just make sure that the soap doesn’t contain ascorbic acid that’s derived from the black mold Aspergillus niger.
     You’re smearing your skin with animal fat.

     Additionally, Aspergillus niger - or black mold - has been known to cause schizophrenia.

     Remember in early 2020, when a lot of us thought that Covid-19 became a disease that human beings could get, because it had supposedly jumped the species barrier from bats to humans (or from bats, to snakes, to humans)?
     Well, it turned out that a video watched by millions – of a woman eating a bat – was not from China, but was from Palau, and was filmed several years prior to the outbreak. Moreover, if the virus did not originate from a laboratory, then it’s more likely that it jumped the species barrier through snakes instead of directly from bats to humans. That’s because there are more people who eat snake (which eat bats) than there are people who eat bats.
     Even though it’s looking, now, more like Covid-19 came from Wuhan Virology Institute, rather than a sketchy fish market in China, we can still learn something from this.
     That lesson is that the more types of animal you eat, the higher your chance of contracting a food-borne pathogen that could cross the species barrier over to humans.
     Remember how the commonly accepted explanation of the origin of H.I.V. (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, the virus that causes A.I.D.S.) in humans? Scientists theorized that someone cut his hand while chopping up an infected monkey for sale in illicit African monkey meat markets. Proximity to animal meat, with an open wound, is said to have allowed the transmission of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (S.I.V.) to humans.
     All of this goes to show that vegan and vegetarian diets - and reducing your consumption of, and proximity to, animal meats - while avoiding cross-contamination, can help reduce the risks of food-borne illnesses.
     You’re shoveling too many different types of animals down your throat.

     This seems like as good a time as any to mention that pastoral cultures, medieval living conditions in Europe, and households with several pets, but people in close proximity to animals. Remember that even if you’re not eating animals, you can still get diseases from living with them.
     The bacteria Toxoplasmosis gondii dwells in cat urine. If enough cat urine is present in your house, then you should be worried about this bacterium infecting your bloodstream. This problem has become so prevalent that some people have even expressed concern that this bacterium could be re-wiring the brain of the host (i.e., the cat owner or “parent”) to be a subservient slave of the cat.
     Don’t forget that cats will eat your dead body after you die. Dogs will wait longer, after you’re dead, to eat your corpse, but they will still do it.
     Have you ever let a dog lick your wrist, and then after that, you noticed that your wrist itches? I have. Maybe I’m sensitive to dogs, but the allergy test I took when I was eight years old didn’t detect that.
     My explanation? Dogs’ saliva contains enzymes that help them digest food. Dogs are tasting us; probably so they’ll know what we taste like after we’re dead.
     You’re letting your cat make you into a slave, and you’re letting your dog eat you before you’re even dead.

     On the other hand, eating animal products can be good for you.
     If you’re experiencing a sugar crash – or trying to prevent or delay a sugar crash or sugar spike in your bloodstream – then eating meat can help.
     Having meat in your system causes fats to be present, which your body will burn for fuel (especially when there is little to no sugar around to be burned for that purpose).
     Since the lowest-pH meats tend to be the sweetest and most acidic, alkalinic meats would probably be the most helpful to prevent a sugar spike. The most alkalinic prepared meats are smoked kielbasa, followed by regular kielbasa, followed by sausages and hot dogs.
     [A note on sugar: It couldn’t hurt to drink a glass of water when experiencing a sugar spike. It will help dilute the sugar in your bloodstream, and bring the pH level back up towards 7. Take a glass of water after eating candies (especially hard candies and powdered candies) as well.]
     Also, cutting meat out of your diet means that you will need to find another source of B-12. If you don’t get some form of animal-product-based protein (at least one egg per week), then you need alternative sources of Vitamin B-12 (also called cobolamin). Animal product sources of B-12 include eggs, milk, cheese, and yogurt.
     You can get B-12 without using animal products; from foods that have been fortified with it, such as cereals, grains, and granola. But be warned that fortified foods can cause decreased absorption of micronutrients in people who are taking prescription medications for heart and thyroid problems.
     You’re depriving yourself of B-12.

     More information can be accessed in the 2005 film Earthlings, produced by Joaquin Phoenix. The film explains why veganism - or, at least, reducing our meat consumption - is an important path to living longer.

[The remainder of this article will appear here at a later date.]

5. Vitamin C and D, and Molds and Fungi [to be added at a later date]
6. Doping Up the Patient [to be added at a later date]

Written, and published incomplete,
on July 30th, 2021

Edited and expanded on
September 24th and 28th, 2021

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Links to Infographics and Other Resources Regarding the C.D.C.'s Vaccination and Immunization Schedule

     What follows below is a list of links to resources regarding the vaccination and immunization schedules which are recommended by the Ce...