Thursday, May 8, 2014

U.S. Military Service Under United Nations Command

The following was written in April 2014, as part of a response to the Campaign for Liberty's 2012 survey questionnaire for candidates running for federal office.

5. Will you support legislation that forbids U.S. troops from serving under United Nations command?

     Yes, I will support legislation that forbids U.S. troops from serving under United Nations command. The United Nations is just one of many frameworks for multilateral coordination of military efforts among nations. I will support legislation to scale back and eliminate all U.S. military coordination with the United Nations, and service of U.S. troops under the U.N..
     We cannot allow the five nations of the U.N. Security Council to send nuclear-powered aircraft carriers to the Eastern Mediterranean without the permission and awareness of the taxpaying people within those nations. Nor can we continue to tolerate an overly militarized United Nations that functions as little more than a joint tyranny wielded by five nuclear-powered nations over the developing, impoverished, and less sufficiently armed nations of the world.
     The United States can and should continue to co-exist with the United Nations, on the conditions that U.S. troops do not serve under the command of the U.N., that the organization remains an optional framework for international law and multilateral diplomacy and military coordination, and that the organization become demilitarized.

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