Thursday, May 8, 2014

Federal Spending

The following was written in November 2013 as a response to the questionnaire for federal candidates seeking an endorsement from the Liberty Caucus of the Republican Conference (i.e., the Republican Party).

Here is the link to the original questionnaire:

This is my answer to Question #6.

6. B
   (From the current level, federal government spending should decrease, returning any surpluses to the private sector through debt repayments and/or tax decreases rather than increase or be set at some undetermined level)
   Federal government spending should (B) decrease, returning any surpluses to the private sector through debt repayments and/or tax decreases. I would not favor (A and C) increasing spending because I believe that we can and should reduce spending and eventually reduce taxes without ceasing federal involvement in any programs which cannot be administered without the assistance of the federal government.
   I would not favor (D) setting spending at whatever level is necessary to fund worthwhile government programs, because I feel that this attitude reflects a lack of principles about the proper role, size, and scope of government, and that it is a slippery slope to lack of fiscal restraint, deficits, and unfunded liabilities.
   As such, I would support efforts to pass a balanced budget amendment, and I would enthusiastically consider – but be cautious to approve – any proposed Cut-Cap-and-Balance-type legislation.

For more entries on budgets, finance, debt, and the bailouts, please visit:

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