Monday, May 26, 2014

Economic Philosophy: Geo-Panarchism, Nonapartism, and Mutualism

I would like to see all anarchists and partisans - whether collectivist, communist, socialist, cooperativist, mutualist, voluntaryist, individualist anarchist, left-wing market-anarchist, or Agorist - support the perfection of competition and the completion of the system of markets, and engage in amicable trade with one another, and with their customers, and in amicable competition to provide better services to their customers; free to buy, sell, gift, trade, barter, and share as they all assent to, and within perfected, completed, and freed markets."

I would like to develop a form of synthesis-anarchism which requires all anarchists to embrace Geo-Panarchism as a condition of a fair market for personal and property protection and social and civil justice and law. That is; all anarchist firms protecting the landed property of people and firms must agree to allow all members of the economic/industrial and civic/legal community (whether territorial or not) to participate in the assessment of the unimproved value of land, as a condition for permission of anarchist landed property protection firms to participate in the market freely.

I am interested in finding common ground between the political and economic philosophies of Henry George, David Ricardo, John Locke, Thomas Paine, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Karl Marx, the Agorists, the Austrians, the neo-classical economists, the New Institutional economists, the Panarchists, and the synthesis-anarchists.

I want to combine the ideas of mixed government and mixed economy under a collaborative participation in governance by many sectors of the economy and of industrial relations, which I call Nonapartism or Unincorporatism (a development upon Tripartism, which I regard as inadequate because the range of agencies it represents lacks diversity).

"all resources [should] be allocated to the people by freely, fairly, and amicably competing anarchist individuals, Agorists, freelancers, entrepreneurs [including social purpose enterprises], mutuals, co-operatives, communes, autonomous unions and guilds, and cooperative corporations [and egalitarian labor-managed and employee-owned firms] which would be encouraged to stay autonomous but join confederations."

"... consumers [should] voluntary cooperate (direct action; boycott; counter-economics; radical redistribution, homesteading, and reclamation) in their purchase habits – pooling their money, productive assets, and force of consumer demand – in order to lower prices on goods through the establishment of price-ceilings (or cartels) on the markets." [this idea comes from my reading of David Ricardo and cooperative wholesale societies]

The contents of the below article have the potential to be used in governmental structure design and/or anarchist organization based on association with economic theories.

As Rudolf Rocker put it, the various anarchist schools of thought are "only different methods of economy".
In the aftermath of Occupy Wall Street and the movement to get away from private multinational banking and privatization, I desire to wake people up to mutualization (the opposite of privatization) and the mutuals all around them;
whether it's mutual and cooperative and credit union banking, consumer-driven health care cooperatives, social-purpose enterprises, employee-owned and labor-managed firms that use customer feedback, consumer-cooperative corporations, freelancers' unions and New Mutualist organizations, or independent horizontally-organized workspaces and meetups.

Now, more than ever, we need new modes of organizing firms, new types of companies to fund political campaigns, bureaucracies, welfare programs, charities, and the distribution of goods, whether for-profit or not.

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