Sunday, January 3, 2021

What is the Congress Allowed to Do, and What is it Not Allowed to Do (Without an Amendment)?


Click on, and open in new tab or window, or download,
to view in full detail


The infographic above is intended to be only a
basic overview of what libertarian, conservative,
"constitutionalist", and/or "original intent"
interpretations of the Constitution
seem to allow the Congress to do.

It does not include all policy topics.

Policy topics not listed in the above image include
(for example) bankruptcy, antitrust and monopolies,
the census, the military draft, consumer labeling, 
child protection, monitoring elections, and setting wages and
overseeing union negotiations and collecting labor statistics.

The topics above are listed in order according to
how easily it would be to justify federal legislation
on the manner - according to the Constitution and
what has traditionally been allowed for most of the
country's history - from the easiest (bankruptcy). to
the most difficult (the activities of the Department of Labor).

Click on the following link to see the previous article on this topic:

Created and published on January 3rd, 2021

Edited on January 4th, 2021

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